BusinessExcellence Weekly ISSUE No. 76 |
first quantum minerals: trident project
A sustainable
future for Zambia Its landmark Sentinel copper mine moves ever closer to commissioning and start up
atlas copco:
anglo american:
BIG IDEA Opportunities for mineral exploration in Ontario abound. Powered by global leaders in innovation and safety standards, our mining practices are among the safest and most sustainable in the world. With business costs lower here than in most G7 countries, Ontario suppliers are more competitive – so you can depend on quality goods and services, delivered on time, on spec and on budget. Innovation is at our core. Make Ontario your next big idea.
in non-metallic minerals, including diamonds, was produced in Ontario in 2012
$2.6B in gold
$1.5B in copper
$1.4B in nickel
in other metals such as platinum and silver
Paid for by the Government of Ontario.
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Business Excellence brings you content from leading business influencers and strategic thinkers providing inspiration and guidance to help you and your business grow. We showcase some of the best examples of successful organisations from around the world giving you a unique insight into how they operate.
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Infinity Business Media Ltd
The content of this magazine is copyright of Infinity Business Media Ltd. Redistribution or reproduction of any content is prohibited. Š Copyright 2014 Infinity Business Media Ltd.
BE Weekly
issue No.76
6 6 supplychain
fifteen minutes of fame
How to create a future-focused relationship between supplier and customer, and build strong relationships across key job functions in each of them.
12 technology
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How the cloud is helping companies beat cybercrime
Don’t be afraid of the cloud: your information is as safe there as in your own server - in many ways much safer.
16 First Quantum Minerals Ltd – Trident project
A sustainable future for Zambia
16 4 | BE Weekly
As its landmark Sentinel copper mine moves ever closer to commissioning and start up, First Quantum Minerals Ltd is also ramping up its efforts to deliver a long lasting sustainable legacy to the people of Zambia.
28 atlas copco Tanzania First in mind and choice for Tanzania
A big name with a big global reach: here we look at the mining equipment and associated support, maintenance and ancillary services it offers in Tanzania and throughout East Africa.
38 Anglo American: Los Bronces Champions of Chile’s copper
The Los Bronces mine in the Chilean Andes is continuing along a path to becoming the fifth largest copper mine in the world and one with several decades of productivity still ahead of it.
48 Collahuasi mine
High altitude mining with broad vision
Extracting minerals in the rarefied atmosphere of the high Andes is just one challenge for the world’s fourth largest copper mine: Collahuasi aims to be not only the largest but also the most socially effective mining operation in Chile.
58 ATS Group
Mining marches on its stomach A niche facility management company that has identified and grown into its market.
BE Directory 68 African Reptiles & Venom saving lives
70 Bonec Lubrication Equipment earthmoving wearparts
BE Weekly
Fifteen Minutes of Fame How to create a future-focused relationship between supplier and customer, and build strong relationships across key job functions in each of them Words by
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George F. Brown, Jr.
Supply chain
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ne of my clients was recently honored as the “Supplier of the Year” by one of their major customers, a relationship that was barely four years old. In discussing this achievement, a senior executive from the supplier organization cited famed artist Andy Warhol’s observation that “In the future, everyone will be world famous for fifteen minutes”. This executive’s comments were insightful along several dimensions: “Of course, we were delighted. We had a celebration, and made sure that the account team working with [customer] knew how pleased we were to receive this award, and we extended that praise to others throughout our company that were key to making it happen. “But I also told them that our ‘fifteen minutes of fame’ was over, and that we had to start anew to make sure we were doing all the right things in the year that was now underway. It’s just like the day after the Super Bowl or the World Series. Along with the recaps, there are articles forecasting who are the teams most likely to win the following year. “That got me thinking. One of the things that struck me was the citation
“I told them that our ‘fifteen minutes of fame’ was over, and that we had to start anew to make sure we were doing all the right things in the year that was now underway” 8 |
BE Weekly
that went along with our award. It mentioned, for example, our ‘consistently high quality’ and our ‘track record of meeting delivery commitments’. These are things that around here, we describe as ‘basic blocking and tackling’ and as the ‘table stakes’ for a successful strategic relationship. While I never thought of it, had I done so, I think I would have expected that a Supplier of the Year Award would have been based upon some version of a ‘grand slam home run in the ninth inning’ rather than on having successfully met the ‘table stakes’ criteria. “And the second thing that I was thinking about was that we have never had a strategy in place as to how we were going to win a Supplier of the Year Award. I keep finding examples of how we are reactive in our key customer relationships, rather than being proactive. This is another one of those examples in my mind.” His observations prompted me to do some follow-up. While what follows is far from a statistically-valid survey, I talked with ten executives responsible for supply chain relationships, all in Fortune 1000 manufacturing companies. I would put each of these companies in the top quartiles in terms of their supplier programs, ones designed to attract the best suppliers and motivate their best performance. My guess is that what I would hear from a truly random sample of companies would involve far fewer supplier success stories than what I heard from these ten manufacturers. My first question to the supply chain executives was “Can you give me an example of a situation in which a
Supply chain
supplier became ‘famous’ throughout your company, and the circumstances in which their identity and action because so widely known and discussed?” Out of the ten responses, five involved a “supplier horror story”, three involved some version of a “grand slam home run in the ninth inning”, and two executives said they really didn’t have a good example that responded to my question. I reflect that the larger number of horror stories than success stories parallels everyday news reports on various fifteen minutes of fame situations. For every Captain Sullenberger than successfully lands a stricken airliner in the Hudson River, it seems there are many more reports that fall into the horror story category. My second question asked for information on that company’s most recent “Supplier of the Year Award” and on the accomplishments that yielded that award. Most of the executives provided me a copy or link to the actual award citation. What I found was that seven of the awards were quite similar to the one given the client whose case study I provided above, in that solid performance on quality, delivery, and relationship were the factors emphasized in the wording of the award. The other three awards did in fact cite a specific contribution that was in the “grand slam home run in the ninth inning” category, including all three of the suppliers who were described in the responses to the first question. I draw a couple of conclusions from this informal research, ones that seem to me to be relevant to decisions as to the management of key customer relationships by suppliers. The concept
“The concept ‘First, do no harm’ must be the first priority of a supplier” “First, do no harm” must be the first priority of a supplier. The fact that the instances in which suppliers became “customer company famous” most frequently involved failures in terms of quality, delivery, service, or other elements of the relationship is quite striking, as is the fact that so many “Supplier of the Year Awards” were based upon achieving perfect results in terms of “basic blocking and tackling” and “table stakes performance”. Giving this anything but the highest priority is a prescription for failure. The firms with which I’ve worked that perform well along this dimension have carefully-constructed dashboards, ones that have been vetted with their customers and that are reviewed on a high-frequency basis, both internally by senior management and in collaboration with their customers. In these topperforming firms, the organization as a whole, not just the account team, knows that achieving targeted performance levels on the metrics included in these dashboards matters, and that it is an imperative to get ahead of problems before they impact on customer relationships and perceptions. A third characteristic of these topperforming teams is that there are no “gatekeeper” positions that thwart supplier-customer interactions. While the account teams have significant
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responsibilities, others in various job functions know and frequently interact with their counterparts in the customer organization. My second insight relates to the opportunity to hit “grand slam home runs in the ninth inning” and the desire of the executive quoted earlier to transform the relationship to a more proactive state. Along with reflecting on the examples provided in my informal survey, I looked at the supplier success stories that I’ve heard over the years in various interviews with customers about their suppliers. Admittedly, it has been hard to find patterns. My examples are more like a mixture of “grand slam home runs in the ninth inning”, “100 yard kickoff returns as time runs out”, and “buzzer beater shot from half court in the NCAA finals” – all heroic, but not exactly peas in a pod. Nevertheless, there were three findings that occurred often enough to warrant mentioning. The first was that many of these heroic contributions involved something that was “new” for the customer or for the relationship – new product, new technology, new market, new competition, new regulation, etc. In the case studies that involved such “new” challenges, it was clear that future-focused discussions between the supplier and the customer were key to success. Asking questions like “What’s keeping you awake at night?” and “What are the new challenges in your strategic plan?” and “What changes in our contributions are going to make a difference to you over the next year?” must be part of the dialogue if the supplier is to have a good chance at
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“Many heroic contributions involved something that was ‘new’ for the customer or for the relationship” successfully contributing to meeting the “new” challenges facing their customers. The second observation is that many of these heroic contributions originated in discussions between functional experts in the two companies, not as a result of ongoing supplier account team interactions with the customer’s supply chain team. This is again a reinforcement of the importance of building strong relationships across the key job functions in the two organizations. In the examples I’ve reviewed, the underlying elements of the opportunity for the contribution were complex and technical, not the types of topics that are usually on the agenda of account team meetings with the supply chain team. A few examples involved problems being faced by the customer that were barely connected to the supplier’s products, but happened to be ones on which the supplier’s technical experts had insights from working with customers in other industries. Not only must these interactions take place, but the supplier team members involved in them must learn to ask the same questions that were described above as elements of a strong future-focused relationship. The third observation is that the suppliers that were involved in these heroic contributions were proactive in sharing their own experiences with their
Supply chain
customers. As even the executive who was quoted above observed about his company, it is quite easy to be reactive, to respond to information and requests provided by the customer. It is much harder to be proactive, and to share ideas with the customer that might spark an idea and provide the foundation for collaboration. Some suppliers even avoid doing so out of fear of leaks to competitors or that the customer will turn around and include the concept in some future request for proposals. The need to manage such possibilities is real, but the opportunity to elevate the relationship with a customer through such sharing of information and insights is also quite real, often enough the foundation for a real supplier success story that a firm wishing to be proactive needs to figure out how to battle through the problems and make it happen. Achieving a positive “fifteen minutes of fame” with key customers is a most worthy goal, one that should be part of the plan for 2014 and beyond. The lessons that have emerged from the discussions cited above emphasize two actions that must be part of the program. First is taking all the steps necessary to ensure that “basic blocking and tackling” is a reality
“Achieving a positive ‘fifteen minutes of fame’ with key customers is a most worthy goal” throughout the corporation, that senior management and customers alike know of the targets and of the commitment to achieve them, and that the resources and problem-solving skills are in place to ensure perfect performance. It seems that this alone can go quite a way in terms of allowing a supplier to achieve a positive “fifteen minutes of fame” with their customers. The second element of the program involves taking proactive steps through which opportunities can be identified for game-changing contributions to key customers. Doing so is clearly as much an art as it is a science. Creating a future-focused relationship that spotlights “new” challenges, ensuring broadly-based interactions across key job functions in the two firms, and bringing insights from within the supplier’s firm to its customers are among the steps that can help in this regard.
About the author George F. Brown, Jr. consults with industrial firms on growth strategy through his firm B-to-B Advisors, Inc. He is the coauthor of CoDestiny: Overcome Your Growth Challenges by Helping Your Customers Overcome Theirs and the cofounder of and a Senior Advisor to Blue Canyon Partners, Inc., which he served as CEO for fifteen years. George has published frequently on topics relating to strategy in business markets, including articles in Industry Week, Industrial Distribution, Chief Executive, Business Excellence, Employment Relations Today, iP Frontline, Industrial Engineer, Industry Today, and many others.
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How the cloud is helping companies beat cybercrime Don’t be afraid of the cloud: your information is as safe there as in your own server in many ways much safer Words by
David Sturges
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ccording to a recent study by security firm McAfee and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIC), The Economic Impact of Cyber Crime and Cyber Espionage the USA, the world’s largest economy, loses about £65 billion from cybercrimes every year including loss of key business data and intellectual property. The report also states that cybercrime costs the global economy $500 billion annually and is a main contributor for dragging down economic growth across the world. Recent research published in the UK by Ernst & Young, stated that cyberattacks are the number one threat for UK businesses. The company surveyed 1,900 senior executives and revealed 96 percent of UK businesses fear their security functions are not strong enough. Furthermore, 66 percent of senior executives feel there has been an increase this year in security incidents and only four percent of UK businesses feel they are fully equipped to deal with cyber threats. Businesses around the world are
struggling to cope with the threat of cybercrime, due to limited IT and financial resources and lack of effective security strategies. Indeed the Ernst & Young survey highlighted that 69 percent of businesses say they face budget constraints and lack skilled resources to deal effectively with cybercrime. Whilst it is impossible to prevent cybercrime, there are ways to minimise the risks. One solution being adopted by many companies is ‘cloud computing’. Moving into the cloud and using a reputable provider can help address security fears and ensure that a business is afforded greater protection than if they continue with their server based in-house technology. With cloud computing the user’s physical device - whether it is a desktop PC, laptop, tablet or smart phone - loses its importance. Data can’t be stored on any device, so if it becomes corrupted in any way, it can be completely erased and reinstalled in minutes without any data being lost. Equally, software and other applications cannot be installed by users without permission as the system is locked down. This prevents anyone from
“96% of UK businesses fear their security functions are not strong enough. Furthermore, 66% of senior executives feel there has been an increase this year in security incidents and only 4% of UK businesses feel they are fully equipped to deal with cyber threats” 14 |
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erroneously downloading destructive software or installing applications which could lead to information being leaked. It also minimises the risks of data loss if there are disgruntled employees or incidences of cyber leaks that can occur with insider knowledge. When a company adopts cloud computing, its data and IT is managed by professional cloud computing providers who will secure it in a reputable UK data centre behind corporate grade firewalls. They will ensure audit trails are provided and perform regular data and security backups using the latest anti-virus and spam filters – all measures that will help to protect the businesses from attacks. There are other benefits too, including cost savings, reduced administrative and personnel overheads and a more efficient setup. Opting for a managed cloud computing service completely removes the need for a business to perform any software installation and updates, which can lead to downtime, as this is all taken care of by the cloud computing provider. However, outsourcing confidential data to a third party is perceived to be a big step, particularly when IT has always been managed in house. Perhaps you can never truly be sure that you can prevent a cyber-attack however, putting your IT into the hands of trusted professionals who manage it and keep it safe can reduce the risks.
About the author David Sturges is Chief Commercial Operator at WorkPlaceLive.
5 tips when moving to the cloud 1. Work with an accredited and trusted cloud computing service provider with a good reputation. Check they have relevant accreditations such as ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 and can provide references. Accreditations are important as it shows the provider can demonstrate the highest levels of security. 2. O pt for a privately managed cloud computing service, such as a Desktop as a Service (DaaS), where all data is professionally managed and stored in a secure UK datacentre behind corporate grade firewalls. 3. Make sure you differentiate between public cloud services like Gmail, Icloud and Dropbox, and privately managed services. While such public cloud services are popular with many users, some customers may require more from their cloud service provider, such as knowing where exactly their data is actually stored. 4. Companies using public cloud services often won’t know where their data is held and so will be moving from their secure desktop environment to a potentially less secure one. The Information Commissioner’s Office stresses that companies are responsible for where their data are held, even when using third party vendors. Organisations must know where their data are held and to take responsibility for its security. 5. Fully understand how cloud computing works and the value it could bring to your business so you can weigh up the benefits and costs.
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A sustainable future for Zambia 16 | be weekly
First Quantum Minerals: Trident project
As its landmark Sentinel copper mine moves ever closer to commissioning and start up, First Quantum Minerals Ltd is also ramping up its efforts to deliver a long lasting sustainable legacy to the people of Zambia
written by: Will Daynes research by: Richard Halfhide be weekly | 17
s is typical of First Quantum, the project is doing very well and is progressing on-time and to budget.” Those were the words of John Gladston, Trident Resource Optimisation Manager, when we spoke during the summer of last year. The project he was referring to was of course the Trident project, the largest single project investment in Zambian history. Now with 2014 well under way I find myself receiving an update on the project from Deputy General Manager, Tristan Pascall, and the message is very much the same. “The dry season that runs from March to around November in Zambia presented us with a major opportunity to leap ahead with our activities,” he says. “Come the end of December the project was at approximately 74 percent completion and that matches up with our schedule and our budget very well.” Located almost 150 kilometres west of Solwezi in north-west Zambia and containing five mining licences over some 950 square kilometres, the Trident project encompasses both the Sentinel low grade copper mine and the Enterprise nickel mine. The Sentinel processing facility of the former will have a target throughput rate of approximately 55 million tonnes per annum of ore at an average grade of 0.5 percent copper. It is estimated that the mine will ultimately provide an annual production rate of around 280,000 up to 300,000 tonnes of copper, with its mine life estimated to be in excess of 15 years, and with possibilities to increase with future successful brownfield exploration. A strong year of productivity in 2013 has
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The Sentinel process plant will produce 280,000 to 300,000 tonnes of copper per annum at full capacity
First Quantum Minerals: Trident project
$6,335 Sentinel’s approximate capital cost per installed annual tonne of copper production
First Quantum has been working with the Zambian Ministry of Health to combat malaria in the communities around the Trident project
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seen the company reach a point where it has now placed some 96,500 cubic metres of concrete and put up around 9,100 tonnes of steel across the project site. At the end of December more than 13.4 million man-hours had been completed on the project, against a lost time incident (LTI) rate of 0.06. The mining fleet at Sentinel has come along leaps and bounds in the last six to twelve months with the first truck, a 250 tonne capacity 860E Komatsu vehicle, receiving its first payload. The first 330 tonne 960E Komatsu truck was recently rolled into the completed fleet maintenance shed as well. Similarly a Komatsu PC5500 unit, the first of three units, has been released for work and the first of three CAT/Bucyrus 7495 is close to commissioning. A number of other important parts of the fleet have and continue to be delivered on a daily base from First Quantum’s contractors and suppliers. Meanwhile, from a construction perspective, work on Sentinel’s second two trains of 40 foot diameter by 26 foot length (28MW) SAG and 28 foot diameter by 44 foot length (22MW) ball mills continue to gather pace with the Gearless Motor Drive windings recently installed within SAG mill 2, whilst rubber lining of ball mill 1 is now underway.
First Quantum Minerals: Trident project
Minimal numbers of contractors are used at Sentinel, rather First Quantum employs skilled overseas artisans who train local staff on the job
The company has also commissioned the site’s four one megawatt power gen sets, which are now providing site reticulation of construction power. The units will also provide the permanent back up power facility for the site when Sentinel is connected to the state-owned power company ZESCO. Foundations for the first 19 towers for the 68 kilometre power line to connect Sentinel with
the main ZESCO grid at the Lumwana mine have been installed, and the line is expected to be commissioned by June 2014. In the housing area all 600 concrete slabs have been completed for employee housing, which will be offered to local staff for purchase under an affordable mortgage scheme. More than 60 of these houses are now occupied. In addition the team has completed roofing
“Come the end of December the project was at approximately 74 percent completion and that matches up with our schedule and our budget very well” be weekly | 21
“First Quantum is one of the biggest contributors to corporate social responsibility initiatives in the country” works on all 84 senior houses, and more than 30 houses and 40 singles quarters have been released for occupation “Another major step forward for the project in the last year has been the receipt of full environmental approvals for all works outstanding at the main Sentinel project,”
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Pascall states. “In particular these approvals cover the sites’ process water dam, tailing dam and various resettlement areas. This is an important step forward for the project and means we can now set our sights on achieving the same approval for the Enterprise mine.” As Business Excellence has covered
First Quantum Minerals: Trident project
The 14km pipeline to the Chisola Dam will supply process water to the plant
previously in some detail, First Quantum has fast-established itself as a hugely important contributor to the upward social development of Zambia and one that endeavours to highlight its own commitment to sustainability through actions as well as words. “Today 4,700 people are employed at Sentinel, 82 percent of whom are Zambian,” Pascall continues. “Of these 3,800 local staff, roughly 1,700 come from the country’s North Western Province, with around 750 from the villages that lie on our doorstep. This underlines the impact the construction of the mine has had on local employment, while on a country-wide scale we remain one
of the biggest tax payers, paying out more than $2 billion to the Zambian government in the time that we have been here.” In addition to tax and revenue generation First Quantum is also one of the biggest contributors to corporate social responsibility initiatives in the country, investing in excess of $20 million on various entitlement and community upliftment programmes across the area surrounding the mine. “These programmes include the rebuilding of four rural health centres, the construction of a police station for the local force, two new schools and the renovation of the District General Hospital,” Pascall says. “We
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“We feel we have the right people in place and they will continue to be supported by a fantastic Zambian workforce�
The crushed ore stockpile at Sentinel has 80,000 tonnes of live capacity and is roughly the size of Lusaka football stadium
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First Quantum Minerals: Trident project also continue to promote conservation farming and this work has seen local farmers successfully increasing their yields by up to 250 percent through better management and access to inputs such as lime and fertiliser.” It was also during 2013, April to be exact, that First Quantum formally submitted its application for the area under construction around the mine site to be classed as a Multi-Facility Economic Zone. “In the time since then we have received some good initial The Sentinel workforce have been employed from across the country feedback from government,” including more than 1,750 from North Western Province Pascall enthuses. “While such an initiative doesn’t benefit the mine launched with the local community to directly as such, what we want it to do is protect neighbouring forests and the valuable encourage people to come in and invest in ecosystems they support. Once we begin to this region, so it is really about promoting create revenue from Sentinel we anticipate local procurement and local business that such programmes will expand further.” development. This application continues to For all of the company’s achievements in move forward and we excitedly await the 2013, 2014 is poised to be an equally, if not government’s next move.” more, momentous year for First Quantum This all plays into First Quantum’s desire to and the Trident project as the operation leave behind a long-lasting positive legacy in moves towards commissioning and start-up. the region that far exceeds its own presence Upon start up the company expects to have and that of the mine site. “Our work here the required power available from the is far from over and we have several other single circuit 330kV power line to Lumwana programmes that we are hopeful of getting which is adequate to run one of its two under way in the near future, as well as milling trains. Full power is then expected some that are in their infancy,” Pascall to be in place by the end of the year from enthuses. “Such projects include a Joint Forest a longer twin circuit 330kV power line via Management initiative that we have recently Mumbwa and that in itself will be a massive
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A view over the flotation area of the plant towards the copper concentrate building and storage shed
First Quantum Minerals: Trident project milestone for the project. The timing for full commercial production during 2015 will depend on the ramp up at Sentinel and that of the new smelter being built in Solwezi also by First Quantum. “We are very happy with the progress we continue to make on the project,” Pascall says. “At a forecast capital cost of $1.9 billion, Sentinel’s capital cost per installed annual tonne of copper production is approximately $6,335 and that is worldleading compared to other projects under development in the industry.” The market has indeed responded well to the developments being made by First Quantum, particularly now that much of its key operations staff are in place, including the Mine Manager, the Engineering Manager and the Training Superintendent for the incoming mining fleet operators. “We have assembled a quality team ready to take the project into commissioning and into its first years of operations,” Pascall concludes. “We feel we have the right people in place and they of course will continue to be supported by a fantastic Zambian workforce who have consistently shown themselves to be extremely productive, motivated and a great example to the rest of the country about what can be achieved here. We will now look to utilise this workforce as we move into a new phase of operations, one that I believe will highlight how well placed we are for the future.” For more information about First Quantum Minerals: Trident project visit:
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Atlas Copco Tanzania
First in mind and choice for Tanzania Atlas Copco is a big name with a big global reach: here we look at the mining equipment and associated support, maintenance and ancillary services it offers in Tanzania and throughout East Africa
written by: John O’Hanlon research by: Candice Nice
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Atlas Copco Tanzania
f all the economies in Africa that are waking up to the resources they are blessed with, Tanzania stands out for several reasons. Not least among these must be its stability. Though it has never been a rich country, since independence in 1962 it has hardly ever been in the news. Turbulent decades have attracted the wrong type of attention to every one of Tanzania’s neighbours: cross-border conflict, inter-ethnic tension and population displacement have too frequently characterised the post colonial era. Julius Nyerere’s African Socialism may be considered a bit passé these days but there’s no denying that it spared Tanzania from problems of this sort, and that makes it one of the most attractive places in Africa to do business today. But what are the factors that make Tanzania an attractive place for Atlas Copco to do business? The group has made a longterm commitment to this dynamic East African market. Specialising in industrial productivity equipment, Atlas Copco established a full subsidiary in Tanzania in 2007 to focus on the mining sector. The stability we have spoken about is certainly one reason for this, says Henry Ngugi, Regional General Manager for East Africa, but there are others. “Tanzania has a welldefined mining legislation, something other countries in the region are still working on. It also has the most developed mining sector in the region, in terms of production and exploration and received the largest share of investment capital in this area: all this makes it an excellent market for our range of mining
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“Tanzania has a well-defined mining legislation, something other countries in the region are still working on” and exploration equipment, tools and after sales support.” Atlas Copco Tanzania has signed equipment maintenance and spare parts supply contracts with many of the major players in Tanzania’s
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mining sector, including Africa Barrick Gold and Capital Drilling the drilling contractor for AngloGold Ashanti’s Geita Mine. Indeed most of the exploration companies in Tanzania are using Atlas Copco equipment
Atlas Copco Tanzania
and consumables. Gold mining always seems to hold its place as the most sexy sector, nevertheless with prices currently well below $1,250 and showing no immediate sign of rallying this is an industry under pressure, if not yet in crisis. But Henry Ngugi is undismayed: “Our activities in Tanzania are today focused on supporting gold mining players. Of course our customers are under pressure to operate and produce at a lower cost in order to stay in business; so our strategy has been to help them to reduce their operating costs. Several new projects have
been put on hold, so we have had to focus on keeping our existing client base satisfied, and tried to grow the consumables, spare parts and skilled labour segments of our business.” It is one of the advantages of being part of a group that has international clout and deep pockets – Atlas Copco is always prepared to invest in locations and segments that position it to serve its customers in the best way possible, he says. Of course mining in Tanzania is not all about gold. It involves a rich mix of minerals, and that is one of the sector’s strengths. If the
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Atlas Copco Tanzania most important commodities in the African context can be said to comprise platinum group metals, coal, gold, iron ore, diamond, copper, manganese ore and mineral sands, Tanzania has them all and can add its diamonds, tanzanite and other precious stones, rare earths, potash and a number of niche minerals. “In the short and mid term I think the greatest opportunities within Tanzania itself will be in gold, copper, coal, nickel, iron ore, titanium and vanadium, but definitely not limited to these! If I can extend my comments to Eastern Africa, we also see promising development in coal, copper, nickel, potash mining in emerging mining markets such as Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan and Kenya.” he adds. “In a broader sense Oil & Gas is a new segment in the region, particularly in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.” High enthusiasm for Tanzania, where he is now based, is palpable. Henry Ngugi has amassed unrivalled experience since he joined the company in Kenya 20 years ago. That subsidiary was established as long ago as 1938, to service Kenya’s more advanced industrial sector but though its presence in Tanzania dates back only to 2003, with full local incorporation in 2007, the fact that he has led regional mining operations from his office in Dar es Salaam for the last five years reflects Tanzania’s rapid growth to its current
status as East Africa’s mining ‘tiger’. “Tanzania is already the largest mining economy in the region and the situation is changing all the time. Early development of the sector was mainly in the Lake Victoria region which is why we placed our warehouse facility and maintenance workshops in Mwanza to service the mines around Kahama, Mwanza, Geita, and the Mara region near the Kenyan border. But now we see mine companies opening up in the south near Songea, Mbeya and towards the Malawi and Zambia borders.” Tanzania has resources in every district, but the biggest challenge to developing them remains very poor road, rail and communications networks, not to mention unreliable or nonexistent electricity supplies to some of the areas. Mining companies can
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Atlas Copco Tanzania overcome the last two of these with satellite connectivity and diesel power, but the need to get equipment in and ore out can only be served by good infrastructure, and the investment for this is lagging. Nevertheless, Atlas Copco is 140 years old, and a pioneer in development of mining equipment, with access to very technically skilled people of different nationalities and it is used to supporting its clients wherever they are. “We believe we are a customer focused organisation,” says Henry Ngugi. “Since mining companies are becoming more focused on productivity and more cost conscious, we need to focus on increasing our customers’ long term productivity. All our actions are geared in this direction and it resonate well with them. Within our global organisation we have a culture that has evolved over the years and now unites us, and enables us to work towards a common aim: ‘To be first in mind and first in choice, for our customers, by delivering sustainable productivity in whatever we do’.” The company’s 120 employees are well grounded in this philosophy, which embraces the concept of continuous improvement, he concludes. “We believe that there is always a better way of doing things. We believe every single employee has the capability to contribute to the growth of their business unit by continually improving the processes for which they are responsible.” For more information about Atlas Copco Tanzania visit:
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Anglo American: Los Bronces
Champions of Chile’s copper The Los Bronces mine in the Chilean Andes is continuing along a path to becoming the fifth largest copper mine in the world and one with several decades of productivity still ahead of it
written by: Will Daynes research by: Candice Nice & Robert Hodgson
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pproximately 65 kilometres away from Santiago, in the Metropolitan Region, and 3,500 metres above sea level, one will find the Los Bronces division of Anglo American. Managed by a team of executives, the head of which is General Manager, Christian Thiele, the Los Bronces division boasts a workforce of more than 1,700 people, including company employees and operation and project contractors. Collectively they are responsible for implementing the Los Bronces Development Project, the objective of which is to boost the mine’s production capacity. An open-cut copper and molybdenum mine, Los Bronces produced 221,762 tonnes of fine copper in 2011, including high-purity cathodes and copper concentrate, as well as 948 tonnes of molybdenum concentrate. The ore extracted from the mine is crushed and transported down a 56 kilometre long ore slurry pipeline to the Las Tórtolas flotation plant, where copper and molybdenum concentrates are produced. In November 2007 the board approved an expansion plan aimed at increasing the mine’s annual copper output by some 278,000 tonnes in its first three years and by around 200,000 in the first ten years. Construction of the project started up in 2007 and includes the introduction of new grinding facilities in the Confluencia sector, a flotation plant at Las Tórtolas in Colina, and new piping and pumping stations. Molybdenum output is expected to rise to some 5,400 tonnes annually. With a total start up capex of $2.8 billion, the project produced its first concentrate in November 2011.
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Confluencia from above
Anglo American: Los Bronces
Anglo American: Los Bronces An environmental impact Production at Los Bronces study for the project, carried is fairly traditional, being as out in 2006, was also given it is an open-pit mine where formal approval by Chile’s ore is transported by truck National Environmental to a bank of two crushers Agency (CONAMA) in 2007. and later by conveyer to The study itself considered grinding facilities, for a the use of areas intervened total processing capacity of to date and will therefore not 148,000 tonnes per day. The affect other environmental mine’s SAG mill uses modern assets. Most of the additional gearless drive technology, water will come from Inspecting the copper sheets where the axis of the mill greater recirculation from is mounted with induction the Las Tórtolas tailings dam to the mine. windings and becomes the motor drive rotor, The quantity of fresh water used per tonne while the grinders bristle with sensors and of copper produced will therefore drop by circuits to control speed, flow and lubrication. around 40 percent. At its peak of output, Los Bronces will
ENAEX Working as a Team With a history of 92 years operating in the market and more than 25 years supplying and providing services to Anglo American, Enaex is the leader of integral rock fragmentation services and ammonium nitrate production in Chile. The company is also present in more than 40 countries, supplying explosives and ammonium nitrate. Thanks to the teamwork between Anglo American and Enaex, various successful initiatives have been carried out in the Los Bronces division, such as Hidrex®, a variable density product that is specially designed to be used in controlled blasting, and wall control. The Milodón®, explosives mixer truck will also soon start operating in the same company division. This truck is the largest of its
kind in the world, with capacity for 30 tons in situ. Milodón® represents significant benefits in terms of both productivity and safety. On the other hand, the Air Blast Monitoring service implemented in the El Soldado division also stands out, as it allows Anglo American to measure the impact that air blasts caused during mining operations may have in the community, and then search for mitigation strategies. In terms of innovation and new products, Energex® high-power explosive should be highlighted, with its fragmentation power that lowers the ore “work index” aiming to reduce electricity consumption in crushing and grinding, improving the processing capacity of the crusher.
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become the fifth largest copper mine in the world. Based on the latest expansions, despite having mined there for the best part of 150 years, Anglo American estimates the mine will be productive for roughly a further 30 years whether or not further deposits are discovered. Los Bronces is just one of five operations Anglo American operates in four regions of the country with shareholding in a sixth, all managed from a head office in Santiago. In fact, Anglo American is one of the most important copper producers in Chile. Being such an important part of the Chilean economy, it should come as little surprise that Anglo American recognises and honours its social responsibilities. In addition to their individual corporate initiatives each division of the group is responsible for implementing their
Anglo American: Los Bronces
Routine cleandown of the exploration access tunnel
own community engagement plans, which are based on Anglo American’s Good Citizenship Principles and the results of its socio-economic assessment toolbox (SEAT) process. In the case of the Los Bronces division its community engagement plans are focused on four work areas, these being education, health, the environment and social development, with the districts directly benefiting from its work being Colina, Lo Barnechea and Til-Til
and the town of Riecillos in the district of Los Andes. In 2009 alone, more than $2.3 million was allocated towards these community engagement projects, 85 percent of which was directed specifically towards education and academic infrastructure programmes. In addition to the contributions made to these programmes, the division donated $32,516 to hold local celebrations and processes and support the work of the fire department.
“Los Bronces produced 221,762 tonnes of fine copper in 2011, including high-purity cathodes and copper concentrate� be weekly | 45
General view of the open pit at Los Bronces
Anglo American: Los Bronces
1,700+ Size of Anglo American’s Los Bronces workforce In the year ahead Anglo American will also be utilising and leveraging the knowledge and experience gained at Los Bronces to develop a significant high quality copper prospect at Los Sulfatos, six kilometres south of its current activities. Based on 22,000 metres of drilling, the current Inferred Mineral Resources are estimated at 1.2 billion tonnes at 1.46 percent copper and 0.02 percent molybdenum, containing an estimated 17.5 million tonnes of copper. The deposit is open in various directions and in terms of overall potential for the Los Sulfatos exploration target, the tonnage is expected to be between four and five billion tonnes at grades of between 0.8 percent and 1.0 percent copper. Located within and under high mountain ridges at altitudes between 4,000 and 4,500 metres, the Los Sulfatos prospect poses unique environmental challenges, however, considering Anglo American’s track record within Chile and similar sensitive geographic regions the smart money is on Los Sulfatos emerging into a development of equal importance to that of Los Bronces. For more information about Anglo American: Los Bronces visit:
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High altitu
Extracting minerals in t of the high Andes is jus world’s fourth lar
written by: J research by: Candice Ni
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Collahuasi Mine
ude mining
the rarefied atmosphere st one challenge for the rgest copper mine
John O’Hanlon ice and Robert Hodgson
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Collahuasi Mine
oña Inés de Collahuasi, a Chilean mining company, operates the world’s fourth largest copper mine. The operation comprises two principal porphyry copper deposits, Ujina and Rosario, as well as a smaller deposit called Huinquintipa that contains only sulphide mineralisation and copper oxides. It is a joint venture owned by two mining majors, Swiss-based Xstrata and London-based Anglo American, with 44 percent of the shares apiece. The remaining equity is in the hands of a group of Japanese interests led by Mitsui & Co Ltd, one of Japan’s largest trading companies that has under its umbrella both Nippon Mining & Metals and Mitsui Mining & Smelting. Not surprisingly, then, Japan is an important taker for the mine’s products, mainly copper concentrate of which 245,288 tonnes were produced in 2012, with a smaller amount of copper in the form of 99.99 percent pure copper cathode, of which 36,808 tonnes were sold. The mine is located in the Andean plateau 4,400 metres above sea level in the Tarapacá Region, a region in the north of Chile that is close to the border with Bolivia. It is a poor but fertile region, with some of the most significant vineyards in Chile and a very long history of mineral extraction, best known in the past for its production of saltpetre. Copper has been exploited since 1880 when the Tarapacá systems of high-grade copper and silver veins began e attracting interest. Fast forward to 1991, when a combination of satellite, aerial photography and onsite studies, along with drilling activities, resulted in the discovery of the Ujina deposit. From the
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Collahuasi Mine concentrator plant in Ujina, a 203 kilometre slurry pipeline leads down to the filter plant and loading facilities in Punta Patache, 65 kilometres south of Iquique, Tarapacá’s capital. The molybdenum plant is also located here as well as the port terminal from which processed products are shipped to markets around the world. In all Anglo American produced 282,096 tonnes of copper in 2012, accounting for 5.1 percent of Chile’s total output over that year. These figures were down on the previous year’s production, as reported in the article we published in 2013,
however Anglo American announced last October that in the third-quarter of 2013 copper production went up by nearly a third compared to the same period in 2012, reaching a quarterly record mainly thanks to improved performance at the Collahuasi mine. Production of copper, the second-most important contributor to Anglo’s balance sheet after iron ore, rose 32 percent to 207,300 tonnes in the three months to September, beating analysts’ expectations – and Collahuasi more than doubled output to 63,600 tonnes in those three months. However Anglo American’s plans for the future of the
ICV ICV, Ingeniería Civil Vicente S.A., is present in the most important mining projects in Chile. ICV, a leader in the civil engineering, construction and mining sectors, has based its strength on adding value for its clients, employees and the communities where it has operations. With its headquarters in Santiago and many offices in the rest of the country, it is able to respond successfully to the impressive expansion of large-scale mining in Chile. With a track record that goes back 50 years, ICV has established a consolidated position as an important player in the mining industry, providing integral services for large-scale mining companies and, particularly, Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi where it hopes to
contribute - with its modern fleet of machinery to the initiative to reach an output of more than one million tonnes of fine copper by 2017. ICV is present in the most important mining projects in Chile thanks to its policy of constantly renewing equipment and machinery with annual investments of over US$70 million, transforming it into the company with the most modern and competitive mechanized fleet in its field. The key factor in the consolidation of the company’s prestige has, however, undoubtedly been its constant focus on recruiting and retaining the best human team.
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Strategy Consulting and sustainability management of hydric resources, Collahuasi mine
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Collahuasi Mine mine are far more ambitious. An ongoing pre-feasibility ARCADIS Chile’s service strategy based model intends to study for the company’s establish a close relationship with our corporate clients, proposed $6.5 million Phase giving them access to our full complement of engineering III expansion project will pave and consulting solutions at the lowest possible costs. the way towards a total copper A single ARCADIS Chile representative helps our production target of more clients become acquainted with, evaluate, and develop comprehensive solutions placed at their disposal by than a million tonnes per ARCADIS Chile. annum (tpa) by 2017, which Based on this model, our Business Managers — organized would make it the biggest by economic sectors — collect information regarding our mining project in Chile. corporate clients’ specific contexts, needs, expectations, The Chilean, Japanese and and priorities of every project. Then, ARCADIS Chile’s Chinese markets together Project Managers design, propose, and implement account for around 80 percent appropriate integral solutions and guarantee the clients’ satisfaction through the benefits of our committed service. of Collahuasi’s exports of copper concentrate, while over 70 percent of its copper cathodes go to the Chinese market. In the case of the molybdenum, a by-product of which 1,953 tonnes were produced in 2011, 99 percent is sold within Chile and the remaining one percent exported to Thailand. In 2012 China accounted for 31 percent of Collahuasi’s copper concentrate sales, Japanese and Chilean offtakers for 24 percent each, India for 18 percent, while three percent went to South Korea. Sustainable development is a crucial pillar of Collahuasi’s business strategy, guiding its approach to its production process and
4,400 metres Altitude of the Collahuasi mine
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relations with its surroundings. In 2012, the company implemented important measures related to sustainability. A key initiative was the creation of a Vice-Presidency for Sustainability to bring together all the areas of the company’s activities that are related to sustainable development and to represent a common corporate vision of the concept of sustainability, taking into account aspects related to the exploitation of natural resources, the cultural and social diversity of the area where the company has its operations and economic aspects of its operations. 2012 was also a crucial year as regards community relations. In this context, the inclusion of environmental performance under the new Vice-Presidency for Sustainability enabled the company to establish even closer relations with communities, particularly as regards providing information, understanding their concerns and achieving reciprocal benefits. This approach, the company believes, has empowered local communities and boosted their engagement in the activities of the mine and the logistics corridor used by vehicles related to its operations. The communities which it has identified as coming under direct influence are Cáñamo, Chanavayita, Caramucho, Huatacondo, Pica and Matilla. In 2012, the company’s total social investment
reached $15.2 million, up by around ten percent on the previous year. Most of this amount was devoted to education, the environment and community social development. Education is the way out of the cycle of deprivation in these communities. In its relations with the Tarapacá Region, and as part of its promise to contribute to educational
“Education is the way out of the cycle of deprivation in these communities” 56 | be weekly
Collahuasi Mine
improvement, the company continues to work through the Collahuasi Educational Foundation. In 2012, for the fourth consecutive year, the Foundation implemented its Educational Improvement Programme involving 18 state primary schools in seven municipal districts over a period of four years. In June 2013, in order to ensure the Programme’s ongoing development, the company signed a new agreement with the municipal governments of Iquique, Alto Hospicio, Pica, Huara, Camiña and Pozo Almonte for the period 20132016 under which educational practices of excellence will be implemented and systematic work will take place with the communities of the schools in the Programme.
Healthcare is another area in which Collahuasi is involved, particularly in the case of the more vulnerable members of the community. Currently the company is participating in the improvement of the infrastructure of Tarapacá’s health centres. To this end, it signed an agreement with the Regional Government to provide financial support for the design phase of state-funded projects in the Iquique and Alto Hospicio Hospitals and primary and family health centres around the region. For more information about Collahuasi Mine visit:
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ATS Group
Mining marches on its stomach Allterrain Services (ATS) Group is a facility management company but that statement tells only half the story, if that: this is a company that fills its niche as a hand fills a glove – it has grown into its market and is identified with it
written by: John O’Hanlon research by: Richard Halfhide
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ATS Group
TS started life in 1996 by plugging a hole in the market. A Canadian minerals company working in Ghana and other African countries found it impossible to get the support it needed at its remote sites – like an army, an exploration company marches on its stomach. It hired an experienced facilities manager Jez Simms to meet its immediate needs, with such success that the unit quickly grew into an entity in its own right, taking its first outside contract in 1997. Next came a merger with Oasis Management also founded in 1997 as a hospitality company by Sanjay Narain and Martin Ryan which resulted in ATS Group being spun out as an independent company in 1998 under the management of its founders who are all still actively involved in the company. Sanjay Narain is the CEO of the group and his vision has driven every stage of its development to a point where it has a presence in 14 African countries and more than 4,000 employees. “It has been a story of steady growth,” he says. “We have partnered with most of the big names as well as with junior mining companies on their projects, and in the last three years we have made significant inroads into the oil and gas sector.” Wherever there is a company that needs to outsource its non-core business ATS is ready to step in. Mineral production and exploration are highly specialised: so is feeding the workforce. ATS started as a foodservice organisation but quickly grew to provide other equally important facilities from accommodation management to leisure facilities management - even swimming pools. Non-food activities
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now account for 40 percent of its turnover. Every project starts with a small camp for a short term drilling campaign, but as we have frequently seen this can end up five or ten years later with a mine in production – employing many people and with a lot of infrastructure needed to support it. At one end ATS offers a simple deal whereby it supplies catering and perhaps staff for specific jobs like gardening or housekeeping. Year later it provides a complete service, operating the entire camp, maintaining buildings and infrastructure and effectively outsourcing all non-core activities for the customer. This approach is at the heart of ATS’s Customers for Life approach. It has contracts today that date back to 1999 and has a client list that looks like a directory of Africa’s mining and O&G players. Majors such as AngloGold Ashanti, Barrick, First Quantum, Newmont; O&G sector specialists like Tullow Oil, ENI, Baker Hughes and British Gas; growing companies like Shanta Gold, Endeavour Mining and Newcrest; and service providers such as Lycopodium, Schlumberger, DRA and Geodrill: all these and many more place their trust in ATS for the very good reason that it allows them to outsource essential but noncore aspects of their business. Global facilities management companies are waking up to the opportunities that Africa presents, Narain admits, but their origins are
in New York or London, a far cry from the untouched parts of Africa. “A few years ago there were only a couple of people tendering on jobs now it can be nine or ten,” says Narain. “But we welcome this because it confirms that our market is becoming established.” His USP is the way ATS understands the challenges, having operated in DRC, Côte d’Ivoire and other countries through troubled times. It understands how to work at a distance from urban centres: its longest current supply route is in Liberia, a 15-hour journey from
“We have partnered with most of the big names as well as with junior mining companies” 62 | be weekly
ATS Group
Dining mess ready for service
Monrovia! “When a project Takoradi. “Our market is subSaharan Africa,” he says. starts we are among the first people to get to the site, In 2014 he would like to see the work he does in East well before any construction starts, so we will normally be Africa expanding. Kenya, ATS employees in Africa on site with the security crew, where the company opened working out of tents without last year, has many openings, and Tanzania is poised to hit any facilities in place.” Mining is the client base ATS really the big time in both minerals and offshore understands, and there’s plenty of room for gas, and ATS is already working with Shanta growth within that sector, confirms Narain, Gold and, with British Gas, at the southern oil though its skills are applicable in many other port of Mtwara. It has also just commenced its sectors. The company is putting a lot of first significant contract in Mozambique. “We effort into developing O&G clients, whether are also looking forward to getting back into the work onshore or in the waters off West Nigeria,” he says. The government there has and East Africa: in these cases it handles the focused all its attention on oil and neglected operational bases of the companies working the mineral wealth in this huge country, but at sea – for example at Ghana’s oil port that will change over the coming five years.
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“Every time we involve a local business in food distribution it creates three or four jobs” With a new partner in place, he hopes to set up a subsidiary in the course of 2014. ATS’s modus operandi is to select a strong and engaged local partner in any country it enters, retaining a significant shareholding up to 50 percent. The model of partnership is at the heart of the ethos of this business, and that is why it places a huge emphasis on its community engagement. Social responsibility runs in ATS’s veins – it depends on local suppliers and needs them to succeed. That is why it looks on them as
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a part of its own business. “CSR is one of the mining industry’s highest priorities, and we can be right at the centre of the client’s strategy,” declares Sanjay Narain. ATS has a policy of local sourcing, and it uses a lot of food, 22 percent of which is bought from the community around the site – a spend it estimates at $6 million a year. That in itself creates jobs, and as 90 percent of its direct employees come from the same community, the positive impact is huge. Whereas an NGO might fund a tomato
ATS Group
Community development
growing programme, ATS provides a market on the grower’s doorstep, and compels him to meet the highest food production standards – this is a challenge at first but in the end creates a sustainable business that can go on to sell its products in other local and even international markets. “Every time we involve a local business in food distribution it creates three or four jobs,” Narain points out. A good example is Nana Bra’s mushroom farm close to Gold Fields’ Damang mine in Ghana. This business is the sole supplier of mushrooms to ATS in Ghana, with production of more than 2,000 bags per season. “We have community engagement officers looking for partners that have the entrepreneurial spark! We provide the market, training in best practice, financial advice and
the like. Some of these projects start with a turnover of a few hundred dollars but grow into $150,000 businesses over time.” This is happening across Africa wherever ATS is present. In Zambia, for example, James Bright Mubanga started out by supplying 2,000 doughnuts a week from his premises, a thatched hut. Now with ATS support his business is in a modern building with the capacity to produce and supply 10,000 doughnuts to ATS per week. Not only was Mr. Mubanga able to employ twelve young people from surrounding communities, who earn their livelihood from this business, but he’s now planning to extend production to other bakery products. Last year Barrick awarded ATS a worldwide award for its community
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Electrical maintenance
ATS Group projects in Zambia where ATS Zambia is contracted at its Lumwana mine to provide industrial catering, events coordination, housekeeping, landscaping, accommodation management and facilities maintenance. Of 438 employees in Zambia 95 percent are Zambian nationals, says Narain. Many of these will be new to the food industry, unfamiliar with sophisticated kitchen equipment let alone international standards of health, safety and hygiene. ATS is accredited to ISO 22000:2005 standard and was the first African catering company to gain ISO 22000:2005 certification, which ensures traceability in the foodchain. In 2013, ATS achieved OHSAS 18001 certification for its maintenace operations in Ghana. ATS was the first Catering company in East, Central and West Africa to gain HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) certification in 2008. To reach and maintain these standards involves a great deal of training not only of ATS staff but of vendors as well. When it sets up a new project, of any scale, the company will hire or build a facility and set up a training school. “We have a whole range of training programmes, using the latest interactive video and DVD materials.” Sanjay Narain says. This is managed through the Group’s long term subsidiary Oasis Management, which specialises in training and compliance. For more information about ATS Group visit:
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saving lives It was Mike Perry’s fascination with snakes, and his unfortunate mishaps with several of their venomous species, that ultimately led to the founding of African Reptiles & Venom
aving had an early childhood encounter with a Ringkals while hunting for snakes, it was his near fatal brush with a puff adder in August 1971 that led him to start what would become a lifelong study of snakebite treatment. In 1999 Mike started the company to supply snake venom for antivenom manufacture. The company is an accredited supplier of snake venom to SA Vaccine Producers (Pty) Ltd, the manufacturer of the South African (SAIMR) polyvalent snakebite antivenom and monovalent Boomslang antivenom. These antivenoms are
“ Approximately 5500 people have been trained by Mike - with nobody being bitten in 12 years” 68 | be directory
suitable for treatment of snakebite in Sub-Sahara Africa. Today, Mike maintains and extracts the venom of 500 snakes per month during the summer months for venom supply. The Snake Id & Snakebite Treatment course was the eventual result of Mike’s lifelong study. The course covers the recognition of dangerous snakes, the different venoms & symptoms of snakebite, the correct first aid treatment, the medical treatment and finally the recognition of allergies and their treatment. A Venomous snake handling course is offered as well as black mamba handling and Snake Awareness. So a wide scope is covered from people that just need a general knowledge to people that may be called upon to treat snakebites and capture dangerous snakes in situations where the snake would pose a danger to the work force. Snake handling equipment is also supplied. Some of the companies that have
African Reptiles & Venom
received training from Mike include: Anglo Coal, Anglo Platinum, Anglo Gold Ashanti, Anvil Mining, Africa Copper, Barrick Mining, BHP Billiton, Croc World, Exxaro, Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Tourism & Conservation, Kamoto Copper Company, Kumba Iron Ore, Mondi Paper, Sasol Mining, Sasol Secunda, Pretoria Zoo, Johannesburg Zoo, Eskom, Resolute Mining, Murray & Roberts, Rapid Care Paramedics, Rio Tinto, Vale & Damelin College to name but a few. Approximately 5500 people have been trained by Mike, with nobody being bitten by a snake during 12 years of courses. The courses are FGASA (Field
Guides Association of Southern Africa) accredited as specialist snake courses. Those that pass will receive a certificate with the FGASA emblem on it. The snakebite treatment course is also accredited with the WITSHEALTH CPD Office. Doctors can receive five CPD points when they do the course.
African Reptiles & Venom P.O. Box 70564, Bryanston, 2021, Gauteng, South Africa T +27 83 448 8854 E
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earthmoving wearparts
Modern lifestyles expect us to satisfy our customer expectations. Through innovation, our aim is to continuously achieve this
t Bonec, we specialise in lubrication equipment, and the supplying and installing of the equipment is our business. Our specialised services also include, grease accessories, absorbent and fast fill systems, automotive manufacturing, pulp and paper mills, industrial pumping equipment and accessories, earthmoving wear parts, grease pumps and fittings, the design of lubrication systems, and providing specialised support and training.
“ We place all of our experience and knowledge on the table to share it with the fellow workers, and customers� 70 | be directory
Bonec are expert suppliers of specialized greases, gear lubricants, hydraulic fluids, metal working fluids, automotive lubricants, environmental control products as well as lubrication systems for various applications in all industries. Bonec are proud suppliers of Carl BECHEM Grease, Sasol Oil products, Rocktech Earthmoving Wearparts, Flosolve Products, Graco Products, SKF Lubrication Systems and Orlaco Products. Our core business is extending the life time of bearings and bushes on heavy mining equipment and plant areas. Our aim is to work together with all our customers with the main focus being to deliver on a pro-active maintenance mind-set. Our key consultants work closely with the owner of our business, and together have been pursuing this business direction since 1997. Our key
Bonec Lubrication Equipment
consultants have operated in this field since 1978 and today our investment is in the future of our field. We place all of our experience and knowledge on the table to share it with the fellow workers, and customers. Back-up modern technology and communication with our suppliers and consultants is available on demand. Customer satisfaction is very important to us and therefore we supply GET’S and specialized lube products where there is a need for it. With a wide range of products and
our drive for customer satisfaction and after installation support services we can be your solution to any crisis. Bonec Lubrication Equipment Dikbas str no 1 Shop no 1 Onverwacht Ellisras T +27 (014) 763 4448
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ONLY GOING TO ONE MINING INVESTMENT SHOW THIS YEAR? MAKE IT PDAC. March 2 – 5, 2014 International Convention, Trade Show & Investors Exchange Metro Toronto Convention Centre Toronto, Canada
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