The new rulers of the world john pilger

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88 Roger Normand, ‘Sanctions against Iraq: New Weapon of Mass Destruction’ , Covert Action Quarterly, spring 1998. 89 Arthur Miller, ‘Why I W rote The Crucible: an Artist’s Answer to Politics’ , New Yorker, October 21—28, 1996, pp. 1 6 3 -4 . 90 Paying the Price (see n. 4). 91 Interview with the author, December 3, 1999. 92 New Statesman, January 15, 2001. 93 Marc Bossuyt, The Adverse Consequences o f Economic Sanctions on the Enjoyment o f Human Rights, Working Paper, UN Economic and Social Council Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, June 21, 2000. 94 New Statesman, January 22, 2001, following correspondence with the author. 95 Interview' with the author, Baghdad, October 24, 1999. THE GR EA T G A M E

1 Independent on Sunday, February 10, 1991. 2 Press Association, November 2, 2001. 3 BBC News, November 19, 2001. 4 Independent, November 19, 2001. 5 The Guardian, November 29, 2 0 0 1 . 6 Independent, September 19, 2001; Financial Times, September 20, 2001; Daily Telegraph, O ctober 3 and 4 , 2001; The Times, October 8, 2001. 7 Human Rights Watch, New York, October 6, 2001. 8 ‘The worst is yet to come’, Socialist Review, November 2002. 9 Sydney Morning Herald, February 11, 2002. 10 The Guardian, November 15, 2001. 1 1 BBC World Service, September 18 and 22, 2001.

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