A Message from the CEO Thanks to you, 2016 was another successful year at BCFL!
In October, we proudly celebrated our 60th anniversary. Since our founding, we have worked tirelessly to provide the Bucks County community with safe and welcoming places for you to gather, explore new interests and connect with one another. As we look forward to the next 60 years (and beyond), we are committed to providing you with excellent, innovative services and resources to enrich your lives. Today, in addition to traditional services like book lending, Bucks County Free Library offers an extensive catalog of materials and resources, both online and at our seven branches. Whether you seek technical support for your electronic devices, a new passport or the most recent season of Game of Thrones, Bucks County Free Library is your go-to destination. Over the past year, we continued to update and improve our branches, including large-scale renovations at the Quakertown and Langhorne branches. In July, we opened Penn’s Little Village (p.3) a new interactive play space for young children to great fanfare. Our 2016 Summer Reading Challenge (p.4) broke records and participants logged more than 3 million minutes of reading – the most ever! We also rolled out our new Help Desk program (p.4) and the response has been overwhelming. From our Legends at the Library storytelling series to our weekly chair yoga program to our Retirement & Estate Planning Forum, there were so many opportunities to learn at the library in 2016. We are hard at work making 2017 another great year. Our 2017 Summer Reading Challenge launches in June and, like last year, we invite participants of all ages to help us accomplish our reading goal. We have plans to improve our branches, both inside and outside. And, we have launched our One Button Studio at the Yardley-Makefield Branch, which allows you to produce and record video quickly and easily. We could not do what we do without your support. Your investment in BCFL makes an immediate, direct impact on our community. At BCFL, we believe that learning is a lifelong pursuit and that innovation is the key to success. Stop by your local branch or visit our website at to learn more about our services and programs. There’s always something new to try at BCFL!
Martina Kominiarek, CEO
Executive Staff, Board & Bucks County Commissioners Bucks County Commissioners
Charles H. Martin, Commissioner Chairman Robert G. Loughery, Commissioner Vice Chairman Diane M. Ellis-Marseglia, Comissioner
Bucks County Free Library Administration
Martina Kominiarek, Chief Executive Officer Joe Thompson, Acting Chief Operating Officer John Doran, Chief Financial Officer Michelle Wexler, Development Director
Bucks County Free Library Board of Directors
Roberta Foerst, President Constance Moore, Vice President Gerald D. Balchis, Secretary Richard D. Rogers, Treasurer William P. Draper Daniel Johansson Lawrence D. Jones
Bensalem 3700 Hulmeville Road Bensalem, PA 19020 (215) 638-2030
Levittown 7311 New Falls Road Levittown, PA 19055 (215) 949-2324
Quakertown 401 W. Mill Street Quakertown, PA 18951 (215) 536-3306
Doylestown 150 S. Pine Street Doylestown, PA 18901 (215) 348-9081
Perkasie 491 Arthur Avenue Perkasie, PA 18944 (215) 257-9718
Yardley-Makefield 1080 Edgewood Road Yardley, PA 19067 (215) 493-9020
Langhorne 301 S. Pine Street Langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 757-2510
Penn’s Little Village
In July 2016, the Langhorne Branch of the Bucks County Free Library proudly reopened its doors to reveal a newly-renovated facility, as well as a brand new, unique and interactive play space called Penn’s Little Village. Penn’s Little Village is an innovative learning space designed for young children from six months to six years. Through seven interactive stations, including Penny’s Market and The Friendly School, Penn’s Little Village provides children with the opportunity to explore, role-play and problem solve. Penn’s Little Village encourages children to build early literacy and math skills, develop fine motor skills, enhance social skills, learn about their community and have fun alongside parents, caregivers and other children. Since the branch reopened, the positive community response has been overwhelming. Attendance in 2016 increased by 135% at the Langhorne Branch! Many were involved in envisioning and planning this $1.13M project, and it was completed with generous financial support from three key sources: operational and capital funds from Bucks County, made possible by taxpayers; Keystone Grant funds for the improvement of public libraries; and private donations.
2016 Summer Reading Challenge The Summer Reading Challenge enjoyed another record-breaking year! In 2016, we invited the entire community to join the Challenge, and we expanded the definition of reading to be more inclusive so that people of any age could participate. We doubled our previous goal, and we still exceeded expectations! We are proud to report that approximately 50,000 participants logged a total of 3,009,495 minutes during the eight-week 2016 Summer Reading Challenge! Of that, children accounted for 1,815,058 minutes. In addition to celebrating reading, Bucks County Free Library offered dozens of programs each week aimed at engaging families with the library. From science demonstrations to musical performances to a birthday party for Harry Potter, children of all ages enjoyed visiting their local branches to learn and have fun. More than 35,500 children attended summer programs at Bucks County Free Library! The 2016 Summer Reading Challenge was funded with support from Fred Beans Automotive through Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) dollars.
Help Desk In January 2016, Bucks County Free Library rolled out a new technical, exciting and free initiative: Help Desk. Every day, our skilled technicians make stops at branches throughout the county to provide tech support to Bucks County residents. Whether your equipment is new or out-of-warranty, we can provide support, education and/or repair services to help you get the most out of your device. From installing a new operating system to removing malware, from download training to pairing your device to Bluetooth, from setting up email to repairing broken hardware, we can help you – for free! In its first year, our technicians hosted more than 8,000 Help Desk appointments and the feedback was phenomenal. Whether you’re looking for help with preventative maintenance, system upgrades or even simple instruction, we are happy to help. Visit our website at to learn more and make an appointment.
2016 Income
2016 Expenses
Operating Revenue Local Aid – Bucks County State Aid Contributions Grants Fines & Lost Cards Copy/Printer Income Miscellaneous
Operating Expenses Branch Services & Programs Collection Materials Management Facilities & Capital Expenditures Information Technology Administrative Services
Total Operating Revenue
$6,003,000 2,684,306 753,471 469,183 264,294 59,903 241,292 $10,475,449
Total Operating Expenses
$5,144,711 1,646,797 1,309,810 1,207,250 1,145,323 $10,453,891
2016: Our Story 1,265,673 visits to the 7 branches
11,948 volunteer hours donated
materials checked out
5,874 passports applications processed and
2,357 passport photos taken
56,562 materials placed on hold
128,596 hours of PC usage
2016: Our Story
1,968,249 total website views
Most Popular Titles in 2016
items added to the collection
8,384 499,344 physical materials in the collection
Help Desk appointments
• Adult Fiction: All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr • Adult Non-Fiction: Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow • Juvenile: Harry Potter & The Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling • DVD – Television Series: Downton Abbey Season 6 • DVD – Film: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
Donor List BCFL is so very grateful to the generous individuals, organizations and foundations that contributed to its success in 2016. 100% of your contributions were immediately put to work to help advance and enrich BCFL’s programs and services. Thank you for your support! $10,000+ Anonymous Covenant Bank † Fred Beans Automotive † Friends of the Levittown Library $5,000 - $9,999 J.P. Mascaro & Sons Education Fund † $1,000 - $4,999 Friends of the Yardley-Makefield Library Thomas and Nancy Gockowski La-Mel Garden Foundation Makefield Women’s Association Merck & Co., Inc. ˆ Weis Markets, Inc. † Gordon Wollenberg $500 - $999 Anonymous Barbara & A. David Horne Timothy Kiorpes Carol & Greg Landis Langhorne Lions Club Madhu Mathew
Johnson & Johnson ˆ Joseph and Pat Owens Pennridge Women’s Network Pierce Library Association ShopRite of Yardley The Woman’s Club of Quakertown $100 - $499 Anonymous (17) James Adamson Raymond Agran Patrick Alguire Janet Appleton Sheridan & Robert Arnold Pixie Bachtell Katie & Jeffrey Bairstow Susan & James Baldassarre Alfred Barbano, Jr. Pamela Barnes Joan Bartkovich Barbara Bear Grace & Albert Becker Mary Beh-Forrest Scott Benshoff Shuba Bhatt
Cheryl Bishop Debra & Douglas Black Marilyn Blair Nelson Blakely Karen & Bruce Boyd Robert Braverman Edward Brehm Bucks Digital Jennifer Campbell Mary Catherine Capizzi & Thomas Hofmann Joseph Carman, Jr. Jeanne & Jeffrey Charlesworth Jeff Charlesworth Michael Coco Judy & Joseph Coleman Leisle & David Conley Sheila Connelly Karen & John Cook Doreen Cornell Catharine Cridge Stephen Cronin David Crowther Judith & Kevin Cullen Carrie & Christopher Cunnane
Carol Delancey Dale & Michael DeMicoli Donna & Robert DeSantis Gail Dittes Kathryn & Leonard Doherty Michael Domingo Elizabeth Donald Kathleen Donohue Kimberly & John Doran III Carla & Bruce Duncan Melissa Eiseman Joan Eiser James Erickson Karen & Samuel Farruggio Margaret & Leonard Fischer Catherine Fishman Kyle Fliszar Haeryun Folken Joann Ford Tony Ford-Hutchinson Min Fu Julie Fuoco Steve Gallo Ross Gardner Elizabeth & Paul Gehris
Donor List John Gribb Joanne Grotheer Walter Halen Marilynn Halliwell Joan and David Healy Laura Herbst Frances Heyman Genya Hopf Mary Ellen & Alfred Hopkin Chris Hopkins Wade Jarvis Daniel Johansson Thomas Johnson Kevin Jones James Jordan Grace Judge Robert Kasprow Michelle Kelley Lawrence Kelly James Kerr Janet & Douglas Kieslich Margaret Klein Michele & Steven Koch Patricia Kohlhepp Pamela Kosiras Olga Kozosey Elizabeth Krewson Bonnie & Don Labowsky
Fredericka & Larkin Lake Daniel Larson Laurie Pizza, Inc. Michael Lebow Jennifer & James Lefebvre Joann Leigh Kellie Leight Lester Levin Richard Levine Jennifer Lichtner Mary Lee & William Lieser Anders Lindholm Lil Lontai Eric Luthi Lisa Macauley William Mahoney Rebecca & Philip Masters Margaret & George Mazeffa Lane McCarthy Siobhan McCarthy & Brad Romano Carol & John McCaughan Kathleen & Richard McCorkle Erin McDonald Joseph McDowell Rachel & James McLaughlin Carolyn McNabb Holly Means Dennis Michaels
Ellen Miller Nancy Mills Chuck Mistovich Mohn Software Design Mom’s Club of Yardley Tomas Morales Mariah Murphy Karen Nilsen Lauretta & Peter Notwick Carol Novak Edward Oakley Janice O’Donnell Mehmet Okumus Julie Ottinger Lisa & Mark Pellegrino Anita & David Peppelman Michael Petrocik Pfizer, Inc. ˆ Inger & Alfred Piranian Kathleen Pogue Susan Posen Laura Powers Prudential Financial, Inc. ˆ PSM Waste Oil Combustion, LLC Joan & Donald Rapp Renningers’ CabinetWorks Diana & Jim Resek Denise Reynolds
Kapua Rice Suzanne Ridgway George Roberts Karen Rogers Richard Rogers Raymond Rudek Mary Rudy Barbara Sabatino Patricia & John Sauer Arjun Saxena Tina & Michael Schmidt Diane Schmidt Phyllis Sexton Mike Shafer Pooja & Viral Shah Deanna & Bernis Shelton Small Wonders at St. Paul’s Linda & Verne Simon Barbara & David Speidel Erica Spence-Umstead J. Marian Stone John Thomas Joseph Thompson Joy & John Tomlinson Elyse Turner Thomas Urquhart Isaac Valdez Donald Veix, Jr.
Donor List Min-Chi von Trentini Michael Walega Guy Waltman Fei Wan Yun Zhen Wang Yasmine Wasfi Timothy Webster Maureen Weiner David Weston Glenn White Kathryn White William Whyte Judith & Hal Wightman Carrie Wilkie Nancy Wilkinson Elizabeth & David Wilkinson Marvin Woodall Doug Yiengst Lai Yim Zhong Yuan Jeffrey Zimmerman Joan Zuckerman Matthew Zuczek Up to $100 Anonymous (70) Dorothy Abbot Robert Abrahamson
Katherine Affigato Michael Aisenstein Lindsay Albert Bryan Allen Jag Aluri Diane Anderson Judith Anderson Bill Antrobus Robert Apple Anthony Arena Maureen & Bruce Arnold Diane & Alec Arons Migdalia & Jose Arriojas Ellen & Steven Ascher Phyllis Ashcraft Carlos Augspach Anna Aurelia Meena Ayyaswami Barbara Baer Angela Bagley Angela Bahrenburg John Baker Eric Baker Richard Balko Joan Ballinger Richard Banholzer Ann Banks JoAnn Baram
Mary Jo & Nicholas Barbi Deborah Bargione Ellen Sue Barish Beth & Jeffrey Barnes Thomas Barnett Marjorie Barrett Janet Barringer Darryl Bean Laura-Lee Macht Bearss Carol Beauchamp Michael Becker Walter Bell Mary Ann Beltz Carol Benderson-Lighter Babette Benham Leo Berenstain Milton Berger Robert Berk Elliot Berkman Patricia & Bruce Bethka Mary Biagioli Chaitanya Bijoor Sharon & George Bilyk Linda Bleam Gene Bloom Victoria Bobsein Tracy Bockman William Bohner, Jr.
Nina Bolfing Michelene Bolsar Joseph Bound Nancy Bowen Pamela Bowes Romaine Boyer Macht Francine Bradley Janet and Bruce Bradshaw Norton Brainard Barbara Branch Paulette Braucher-Watton Heather Bray Susan Breault Kathleen Brett Judith Bretz Stuart Brian Marc Brintnall The Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation ˆ Janet Brittain Nancy Broglie Nancy Brosius Linda & John Brown Joan Brown Brad Bucher Hank Buhner Margaret & John Bulger John Bulman, Jr. Dr. Victoria A. Burke, PC
Donor List Janice Burgh Pat Burroughs Michele Burton Marie Burton Amanda & Neil Buschi Lynn Bush & John Bartle Lisa & Howard Butowsky Michael Byrnes Michael Cady Elizabeth Camire Arlene Campbell Alana Caraccio Joseph Carbo Almando Carrasquillo Anne Casale Stephen Cathcart Margaret & Henry Cauley Cedar Hill Advisors, LLC Laura & Philip Chant Patricia Chapman Doris & J. Ronald Charles Charming Card Creations by Michelle Charter Management Corporation Sam Chatis Melvin Cherry Ann Chipman Sandra & Luther Chorba Ellen Christoff
A.J. Cirone Joseph Clapham Stephen Clifford Kevin Cody Sandra & Peter Cody Gilbert Cohen Ruth & Paul Cohen Laura Cohen Theresa Comerford Helen Comstock Ann Copenhafer Kenneth Corbin Gary Coren Corporate Visions, Inc. ˆ Thomas Cosgrove Cynthia & Charles Cozewith Kathryn & David Craft Richard Cranmer Jeff Crawford Raymond Crismond, III Patricia Crull Carlos Cruz Cynthia & John Cygler Joaquin Dacanay Alma & Paul Dallas Ann Damron Sue Anne & Irwin Darack Alyson & Alan Datz
Sharon Davidock Sharon Davis Shelby Davis Hutchison William Dawe James Daymon John De Matteo Mark Dean Frank Decembrino Susan Decrescente Teresa DeCristofano Rachelle & Mark DeHoratius Sally & Roger Deibert Annette DeLorenzo Kathleen & Angelo DeMarco Joann Desris Brenda Detweiler Suzanne & Merrill Detweiler Carol Devine Esther & John Dickens Thomas DiEnna Adam Dienstman Suzanne & Herbert Dietz Marie DiFelice Anthony DiFulvio Theresa DiGiovanna Adrienne DiGiovine Rich DiGregorio Dimmig Electric Company, Inc.
Robert Dolceamore Peeter Domingo Holly Donovan Mary Doody Deborah & Francis Dougherty E. Wayne Dovan Joan Dragolic Darrin Driscoll Henry D’Silva Phil Duffy Robert Dunham Rita & Charles Dunleavy Laure Duval Edgar Ebenbach Russell Eirich Joanna Elis Robert Emery Wendy Erhardt Laurie Ermentrout John Everett ExxonMobil Retiree Matching Gifts Program ˆ Michele Fahs Mark Falcone Robert Fallon Ronald Farella Ronald Fash Linda Feeney
Donor List Karen & Kenneth Fein Barbara Feingold Elaine Fettig Dolores Fidishun & Albert Labonis Art Fields Ruth & Gilbert Filer Lauren & G.B. Fillmore Mike Finsterbusch Rocio Fisher Keith Fisher Lorna & Leo Fitzgerald Kristina Fleming Lois Flood Linda & Edward Flosdorf Jessie Flynn Roberta Foerst George & Diane Foos John Formica John Foss Mary Foster Richard Fox Denise & Michael Frank Nancy & Linton Frank Johanna Frank Winifred & Larry Frederick Katie Freeman & William Dolan Darlene Frenock Nancy Freudenthal
Cathy & Scott Fries Janice & Kenneth Funk Thomas Fusillo William Gaboda Joan Gabrie Vishwas Gadgil Karen & Robert Gallagher James Gallagher Dot Gamble Janet & Lawrence Gardner Rose Gatmaitan Lor & Michael Gehret Janell Geipel Laurie & Matthew Gerstein William Gibbons Joseph Gilardi Tom Glavin Patrick Glynn Daisy Goecker Shirly Goetz Gail Goff Yingying Golczewski Marci Goldfinger Richard Goldman Harry Gordon Robert Gordon Rita Gorecki David Gottlieb
Nancy Gray Roger Greenawalt Marilyn Greenspan Phyllis Greenwell Allan Greer Kathleen Gregory John Greiger Elizabeth Griffith Robert Gross Maryann Gruda Michele Gunn Roslyn Gunshor Susan Hadyniak Maureen Haggerty Laura Hahn & Ryan Winters Daniel Haimowitz Diane Hallock Ash Barbara Hallowell Nancy & Barker Hamill Judy Hamilton Karen & Kevin Hand Thomas Hankerson Andrea Hanna Elizabeth Harding Mireille Harouche Catherine Harrington Vail & Wolfgang Hauke Luke Hayden
Gregory Hayes Paul Hayes Donald Heath Christina Heaton Claire & Lawrence Heinbach Linda Helder Kathryn Helstrom Marian Herman Susan Herring Amy & Mark Hewes David Hewitt Rita & Robert Hicks Eric Hinrichs Elizabeth & Mark Hintenlang Audrey Hoesch Mary Holl Sherry & Ken Holzerman Sandy & Michael Homel R. David Homsher Robert Honeyman Renee Horne Peter Huber Carol Huck Diane Hudson Harris Nancy Hunter Paul Hunter Jeanne & Robert Hurford John Iannacone
Donor List IBM Corporation ˆ Michelle & William Holland Joann Igoe Joanne Isaac Sally & Andrew Jacob David Jacobs Laurie & Wade Jacobson Amit Jain Christine Janssen Clare Jerome Karen & R. Kim Johnson Jalna & Frank Jones Brian Joniak Nancy Jorczak Robert Joyce Tony Kalams Marlene Kalbach Beverly Kalikow Thomas Kantner Maureen & Russell Kantner Michael Kaplan Fred Karp Andrea Kaum Maryellen Keller John Kelly David Kelly Sandra Kelsey Susan Kenvin
Susan & Jonathan Kern Kim Kiendl & John Mason Wes Kimata Anna Kirstein Douglas Kline Colleen Klingelhoefer Marlene & Steve Kmetz Fred Koberna Thomas Kolenda Valerie Koller Michele Kopach Marjorie & Mark Kopins Derek Kortlucke Antoinette Kovacs Mike Kowalchik Toni & Steven Kozak Frank Koziol Kimberly Krajci Margaret Kramer Phyllis & William Krause Rhoda Kreiner Janet Krince Janis & Howard Kritzer Marie Krout Vikki Kulak Arlene Kushinka Edith & Joseph Kwasnoski George Lambert
Noreen & Denis Lanctot Jeanette Landis Judith & William Langan John Noel Latzo Carolyn M. LaVere Wolfe Charlotte Lawson Maureen & Gregory Lawton Ann Le Gallo Fawn & Douglas Learn Stephen Lease Margaret Leigey Robert Leight Steven Lemken George Leon Clark Leutze Ellen & Gene Levin Samuel Levinson Rosalyn Levy Jesse Lewis Maryann & Jeffrey Lewis Kai Li & Hongyan Liang Desiree & James Lill Carroll Lippincott James Lisciotto Regina Litman Gladys Patricia Lloyd Constance Logan James LoGiudice
Madelyn & Robert Long Doug Longden Joshua Losey Cheryl Lottman Christine Lowell Karla & David Lucabeche Karen Lurie Albert Lykon Lois Lynch Edward Mackouse Linda Magill John Magura Kathleen Mahan Ann Malik Kenneth Maliszewski Cherie & Joseph Malmrose Paul Maloch Kelly Maloney Dan Maloney Teri & Kevin Mandic Fay Manicke Larry Mantz Mary Claudia Marchman Anne-Marie Marcoux Dorothy Marrazzo Barbara Marte Michael Martin Anthony Mascino
Donor List Jacqueline Mascucchini Patricia & Glenn Matis Louise & Robert Matt Mary Mattern Bart Creedon Kathleen & Richard Mayberry Amy & Leonard Mazzanti Ann & Frank McAuliffe Michael McCloskey Denise & Patrick McCrea Robert McCullough Monika McDole-Russell Denise McGarry Marguerite & Joseph McGarvey Joan McGhee Geraldine McGuigan Cynthia & Joseph McInnis Jill McIntosh Elizabeth McMackin Scott McNeil Karen McQuillen & Carol Schultz Carl Mehalick Marjorie Meredith Christopher Merrick Elizabeth Mershon Sharon Mervin Kevin Meyer Brad Meyers
Margaret Michaud Michael Pigott Agency Mid Hudson Valley Corvette Assoc. Lisa Milcarsky Adam Miller Terry Miller Debra Miller Jeannine Mitchell & Stephen Dylinski Palma Mitchell Michelle Mocarski Juanelle & J. Tobias Mochel Debra Moench Allan Mohr John Molloy Kathy & Donald Moniot Helen Montgomery Patricia Moore Loraine Moore Michael Moran John Morgan Maryalice & Robert Moroz Dorothy Morris Lawrence Moses Nancy & Richard Moyer Shawne Moyer JoAnn Moyer Candy & Robert Moyer
Miriam Muller James Munnelly John Munoz Lynn Murphy Fred Myers Karen & Michael Myers Poornima Narayan Mercy Natt Richard Neiley Neshamony United Methodist Church Shirley & Jerald Nice Jean Nick Simone Niemczura Sally & Mike Nixon Margaret & Frank Noonan Joan & Maurice Norris Rayna & John Notta Pamela Novak Joan O’Brien Grace O’Callaghan Krista & Edward Oleynick Gail Oliver Jeniffer & Jorge Ortiz Donna Ozovek Hendrika & Daniel Paci Sylvie & Jonathan Pang Stephanie Parady
Julie & Henry Parry John Parsons Joseph Pataki Hema Patel Rakesh Patel John Patterson Edythe & G. Richard Patterson Kathleen Paulino Doris & James Pellegrino Janice & Christopher Perry Alice & James Perry Robert Petrick Helene & Francis Petrus Dawn Piacentino Donna Picciano Eric Picker Patrice Pladsen Jason Ploeger Jennifer & Jeffrey Polo April Pongitory Mary Joan Pope Susan Power & Peter Shaw Jennifer & Kristopher Prebola Cheryl Price Marie Progin Vincent Putiri Randall Pyles Kathleen Quigley
Donor List Terry Quinn Norm Racine Sajjad Rangwala Edith & Paul Rauchet Rhonda & James Rea Jane & Clifford Redanz Mary Ann Rees Joan & James Reich Maryann & Donald Reigle Beverly Remsburg Denise Rencevicz Susan & Robert Reynolds Joseph Ridgway Thomas Rimm Alicia & John Rinkus Grace Riondet Joyce Rivas Paul Rizzo Tim Rizzo Ada Rocchi & Edward Brouillet Gary Robinson Ellen Roeder Jean Roeder Robert Rogala Lucy Rooney Elisabeth Rosenfield Beth & Bruce Rosner Carolyn Rosner
John Ross Jean Rounsavill Joan Rubin Cynthia Rufe Gerald Rupp Robert Russell Lisa Russell Roseanne Russo George Sabol Ellen Sadat Cheryl & Christopher Saint-Pol Dorothy Salanik Heather & Howard Samit Megan Sandel Jacky Sanders Michele Sauber Candace & Curtis Sawyer Bethany Saxton Denise & Albert Scerbo Richard Schafer Marilyn Schaumburg Randall Schenk Elizabeth Scherer Richard Schieber Doris & Jack Schiller Frank Schiller Janice Schimsky Erika & T. Dankward Schmalbruch
Jeanne Schmalz & Wayne Drews Cheryl Ann Schnabl Ruth Schoenberg Maureen Schofield Joan Schrempp Marie & James Schurr Janet Seidner Richard Seidner Margaret Selander Janet & Norman Shachat Anna Shantz Charles Shaw Dolores Shaw Jennifer & Michael Shaw Irina Shcherbik & Alekdsandr Yablonskiy Heather Shea Theresa Sheehan Paul Sheehan Mary Shelmire Nancy Sher Xiao-Ping Shi & Alan Saltzman Philip Shilane Gregg Shore Irene & Michael Short Joan & Eugene Shuster Karen & Mark Simon
Elaine & Richard Simpson Nancy Singer Michael Sisack Carol Slakoper Christina Smith Eric Smith Deborah Smith Elizabeth & E. Barclay Smith Erika & Michael Smith Nicole & Phillip Smith Lorna Smith Tace Sofia Alisa Sokolis-Rupert & Clarke Rupert Carol Spear David Spencer Lisa & Paul Staffaroni Christoph Stannik Douglas Stark Rhoda Stein Emerich Steinberger Joseph Stenson Edward Steward Craig Stiffler Julie Stockler Barbara & James Stoneback Roslyn Strauss Rhonda & Allen Stretton
Donor List William Stroble Corrine Stuehring Richard Styer Melanie Sullivan Christopher Szal Jill Tannenbaum Karen & Dave Tartaglia Christopher Tate Karen Taylor Suzann & Tad Teichert Edna Telep Robin Terr Jack Thibeault Kenneth Thomas Linda Thompson Carolann Thompson Sally Thrane Patricia Tiberi Cynthia Tiedeken Edward Tirello Audrey Tobias Mary Jane Tollok Vicki Toran Barbara & Francis Tortorello John Tracey Harold Tragash Louis Trasser Marcella Trauger
Jim Trigg Jennifer & Christopher Tripoli Joan Troiano William Trolio Mary Lou & Richard Trout Rachel & Jeremi Tyler Stephen Uhl Helen & James Urban Theresa Van Praet Joseph Vanderbosch Lalikutty & Babu Varkey Kathleen Vegotsky Robert Vernon Barbara Vesey Lynn Vitali Michael Vitali Lisa Vizanko John Vollaro Barbara Wachter & Stephen Albert Beverly & David Wagner Nancy & Clarence Walbert Enid Waldman Alvin Wallace Lisa Walls Kathleen Walp Jill Walton Judith Warren Steven Warren
Helen Marie Warvolis Janet Wassum Joan & Charles Weber Fred Webster George Weihs Ann & William Weiss Gerald Welsh Elizabeth Werner Carol & Joseph West Elizabeth Westfall Michelle & Justin Wexler John Whalen Martin Whalen Janeen & Stephen White Joanne Whitworth Sarah Wheeler & John Chin Timothy Wieand Carol Wierbowski & James Kahn Dan Wesley Willcoxon Marilyn & Richard Williams Robert Williams Thelma Williams Edward Williamson Tom Wilson Barbara Wilson Mary Winegardner Michelle & William Winkeler Celeste & Richard Wizeman
Joseph Wolk Michael Wood Carol Woodhull Sonya Worosz Louise Young Mabel Yu & Kin Tak Jennifer Yuknus Svetlana & Igor Zabludovsky John Zadarecky Heather & Sean Zaks Marsha & Albert Zbik Jennifer & Alexander Zbinden Kaethe & David Zemach Bersin Tracy Zimmerman †Donor via PA EITC Program ˆ Matching gift donor
Donor List Tributes & Memorial Gifts In honor of Lilah Bojanoski Pamela Bojanoski
In memory of Helen Dann Colgan Nancy Lynott
In honor of Tina Greenwood Karen Kaplowitz & Alan Cohen
In memory of Patricia Crandall Sis DuHadway
In honor of Helen Kelly Liz Bond Laura & JD Kelly
In memory of Vivian Crouthamel The Village Improvement Association of Doylestown
In honor of Annette Prior Agnes Wiggin
In memory of Barbara Dilks Janet & Eric Johnson
In honor of Peg Smitheman The Village Improvement Association of Doylestown
In memory of Jared F. Fangboner The late Alys M. Fangboner
In memory of Clare M. Castello Andi & Cecile Hannaford Susan Emery McGannon Tess & Kathy McGannon Patricia & Stephen Howanitz Tina Revilla Martha Roberts McCann Marty & Mike Richino Elizabeth Wydner & Cynthia Snyder
In memory of Miriam Feldstein The Village Improvement Association of Doylestown In memory of Mark A. Folkes Laura Folkes In memory of Morris J. Glass Cynthia Glass
In memory of Leslie Meredith Hayes Mathew Farkash Lois Gretzinger Nancy Kehm In memory of Eileen Hilderley Ralph Bigley Michael Chmielewski Judith & Robert Clarke Mary Ann Coulston Maggie Goddard Janet & Ralph Hartman Esther Rulo Michelle & Craig Weidman In memory of Charlotte Keible The Village Improvement Association of Doylestown In memory of Joanne Goelz Keller The Village Improvement Association of Doylestown In memory of Anita Mae Miller Linda & Martin Massen
In memory of Inez Parr Mary Ann Bursk Patricia Costello Judy Dudenhaver Inez Curry & Richard Mager Randall Gross Mary Jane Harris Katherine & Paul Jepsen Doris & Frederick Mager Elizabeth & Daniel Mager Fred Mager, Jr. Richard Mager Loise Treese Susan & Brian Owens Elmira & Richard Querns Donna Reinhard Tullytown Fire Company In memory of Arline Schwarz The Village Improvement Association of Doylestown In memory of Brian Shaeffer Barbara & Joe Shaeffer
All pictures taken by Ellen Henderson Photography
Bucks County Free Library thanks the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Involvement and its partners through the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC).