BRUTALPOKHARA E-zine April-May 2011

Page 81

GRIEVING AGE: The scene in SA is okay... not that much though, it used to be damn active back in 2005 up to 2007 but then many bands quit due to the lack of creativity and originality, but right now we don't play any live shows, it's kinda hard. BRUTAL POKHARA: Traces of My dying bride influences can be seen in your song but what exactly are your inspirations when you guys sit down to write a song? GRIEVING AGE: Mostly we build the songs on the lyrics and main theme of writing, it's like we imagine how this lyrics should sound like?it's like composing a soundtrack.

BRUTAL POKHARA: Any new materials coming up? GRIEVING AGE: Yes, working on the second album as i mentioned earlier. BRUTAL POKHARA: Thank a lot for the interview. Any lastshout outs? GRIEVING AGE: Just wait for the second! surprise!

*Zivon Gurung

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