May 2017 summons and newsletter

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Brunswick United Lodge No 924 An Accredited Lodge - Consecrated 27 July 2002

Greetings The Worshipful Master, WBro Don Wilkin PGStdB, summons members and invites visitors to attend the Regular Meeting of the Lodge to be held at the Brunswick Masonic Centre, 6-8 Davies Street, Brunswick North on Tuesday 16th May at 7.15 PM

May 16th June 20th July 18th August 15th September 19th October 17th November 21st December 12th

2017 LODGE PROGRAM 1st Degree - Mr Adam JGV Harvey 1st Degree - Mr Fortis J Josephides Obligation of Master-elect & Full Close Installation 3rd Degree - Bro Paul Aquilina 2nd Degree - Bros Ryan Wakefield & Adam Mecuri 3rd Degree - Bro Michael Zampaglione 2nd Degree - Adam Harvey & Vacant Chair 3rd Degree - Bros Ryan Wakefield & Adam Mecuri NEXT LODGE REHEARSAL

Tuesday 9th May at 7.15 pm sharp. All Lodge Officers and those Brethren who have been notified separately by the Director of Ceremonies. Secretary WBro Nick LeRay-Meyer AM PGStdB 9386 6961 or 0408 383 182

Meeting Agenda Minutes and Correspondence Treasurer's Report General Business Receive Visitors Work - 1st Degree Mr Adam J G V Harvey 1st Rising - Grand Lodge Administration - Presentation of Master Mason Certificate to Bros Thibault DuchĂŠ & David Illingworth 7. 2nd Rising - Schedules and Reports 8. 3rd Rising - Close the Lodge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Lodge Mobile Phone Number - 0408 383 182 Lodge Website:

GRAND LODGE QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION The next Grand Lodge Quarterly Communication will be held on Wednesday 21st June 2017at the Inner City Masonic Centre (Box Hill). starting at 7.30pm. Due to the limited seating available at that Centre, attendance at the Communication will be by reserved ticket only. See the Freemasons Victoria website - for further details and booking information. For those not attending Box Hill, the Communication will be streamed to the Greensborough Masonic Centre (dress as for attending the Communication). Other streaming options are detailed at the FMV and Brunswick United websites. -2-

GENERAL ADMINISTRATION NORTHERN DISTRICT CO-ORDINATOR WBro Eric Williams 0404 034 683 DISTRICT INSPECTOR OF WORKS (PRESTON/BRUNSWICK) RWBroRichard Heron PJGW CENTENARY LODGE OF INSTRUCTION, No 142. Lecture Master: RWBro Bob Found PJGW Meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7.30 P.M. New and prospective Lodge Officers are strongly encouraged to attend! ALMONER. WBro Mike Rich PGStdB If you know of a Brother in need, ill or ailing please advise either the Almoner 9435 3847 or the Secretary 0408 383 182

LODGE OFFICERS 2016-2017 Worshipful Master Immediate Past Master: Senior Warden Junior Warden: Chaplain: Treasurer: Secretary: Assistant Secretary Director of Ceremonies Almoner: Organist Senior Deacon Junior Deacon Inner Guard Stewards


WBro RWBro VWBro WBro Bro WBro WBro Bro VWBro WBro RWBro Bro Bro Bro WBro WBro Bro Bro Bro Bro Bro RWBro

D Wilkin C Scharp R (Bob) Malcolm R (Robert) Malcolm J Hammer G Beckett N LeRay-Meyer AM S Sala P Scharp M Rich R Beacham J Aquilina T Ioannou V Todorov C Doumany B Saoud E Brown L Crandles T Doumit B McCallum K Salibo R Porter

Lodge Education Officer Homes Ambassador

WBro Bro

N LeRay-Meyer AM PGStdB Paul O'Dea MM

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION The Annual Subscription (including Grand Lodge capitation element) for 2016-2017 was due on and from 1st July 2016. Metropolitan $280.00 Concessional $210.00 member resides outside of 80km radius from the Brunswick Masonic Centre or is in receipt of the full age pension Homes Donation (Optional) $ 5.00 Payment can be made by any one of the following methods: ♦ Cash or Cheque - direct to Secretary at a Lodge meeting, or ♦ Cheque - payable to Brunswick United Lodge No 924 and posted to the Secretary (2 Ellenvale Ave Pascoe Vale South 3044), or ♦ Bank Transfer: Name: Bendigo Bank BSB: 633-000 (which is the main "clearing house") Account Name: Brunswick United Lodge No 924 Account Number: 1171 38016 -3-




Moved by Bro Jack Aquilina and Seconded Bro Tom Ioannou that the correspondence as read be received. CARRIED

OPENING 1. The Lodge was opened in a Regular manner by the Worshipful Master, WBro Don Wilkin PGStdB, at 7.15 pm

TREASURER’S REPORT 4 The Treasurer, WBro Beckett PGStdB, advised that the General Account balance was $6,333.37 with accounts totalling $395.50 plus catering to be paid.

MINUTES 2. The Minutes of the last regular meeting held on the 21st March 2017, having been printed and circulated were taken as read and confirmed.

Moved VWBro Bob Malcolm PGIW and Seconded WBro Robert G Malcolm that the Treasurer's report be received and the accounts as detailed be passed for payment. CARRIED


♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

GL approval of 21st March Meeting Report Emails from GL - Grand Secretary's Bulletin - Service Jewels Service jewels for RWBro K Duckett and RWBro Sid Gladman Notice Papers from Sister Lodges Emails from District Coordinator Emails from members re subscriptions, administration etc Thank you letter from Mrs Val Duckett for our expression of sympathy on the passing of her husband - RWBro Kevin M Duckett PDGM Letter seeking financial support for 2017 Variety Bash FV Car

BALLOT 5. A ballot was conducted for the election or otherwise of Mr Adam JGV Harvey, as a candidate for initiation. The ballot proving Clear, the Worshipful Master declared Mr Adam JGV Harvey elected. ELECTION OF WORSHIPFUL MASTER - 2017/2018 6. The Secretary advised that he had received a nomination for the Office of Worshipful Master of the Brunswick United Lodge No 924 for the ensuing year (2017-2018) from WBro Don Wilkin PGStdB. 7.

Outward ♦ ♦

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Lodge Meeting Report - 21st March 2017 Emails to Grand Lodge concerning: passing to GLA of two Lodge members data base Master Mason Certificates Emails to: District Coordinator on Administration matters the Treasurer and members re subscriptions and administration members re passing and funeral details of RWBro Duckett and RWBro McDiarmid April Summons and Newsletter "Reminder" subscription letters to members yet to pay 2016-2-17 dues Warning of Notice to Exclude to a member - non payment of dues Sympathy Cards to Mrs Val Duckett and Mrs Edna McDiarmid



There being only one nomination received by the stipulated date of receipt, the acting IPM, RWBro Colin Scharp PJGW, declared, in accordance with Rule 169, WBro Don Wilkin PGStdB to be Master-elect. VISITORS The following visitors were received and welcomed: ♦ The Deputy Grand Master accompanied by the DGDC ♦ 2 Worshipful Master ♦ 8 Past Masters ♦ 5 Brethren

WORK 9. The Worshipful Master invited RWBro Colin Scharp PJGW to assume the Master's Chair and conduct the evening's work; a Third Degree. 10.

The Lodge was opened in the 2nd Degree by RWBro Scharp and Bro David Illingworth FC, having answered the required questions confidently and accurately, was entrusted and subsequently Raised to the Sublime Degree of -6-

condolences to Mrs Val Duckett and Mrs Edna McDiarmid..

a Master Mason in accordance with the approved Ritual. The WM resumed the Chair after the Lodge was re-opened in the 1st Degree. 1st TIME OF RISING 11 Grand Lodge. The Secretary advised that: ♦ the next Quarterly Communication will be held at the Inner East Masonic Centre, 1013 White Horse Road Box Hill, and provided salient details. ♦ nominations from eligible Grand Officers for the position of Deputy Grand Master for 2018/2020 are to be received by the Grand Secretary prior to the opening of the June Quarterly Communication. ♦ nominations for a two-year term for appointment to the Deputy Grand Master Selection Panel are invited from eligible officers (minimum rank PJGW) 2nd TIME OF RISING 12. Schedules. The Secretary read the following: ♦ 2nd Schedule (1st Time) - Mr Fortis Jason Josephides 13.

Reports ♦ The Deputy Grand Master, RWBro Keith Murray, rose, commented on the ceremony that he had witnessed and requested that his congratulatory remarks be recorded in the Minutes of the Meeting. ♦ Almoner. The Almoner, WBro Rich, noted that: Brother John Hammond is well and is still in the process of selling his home; and thus unable to attend Lodge RWBro Ron de Lisle is alright but having problems with his solar system, with the power going on and off. It was good to see RWor Bro Alex Hess, WBro Bill Starling, WBro Bill Schoof, RWBro Sid Gladman , Bro Brent Hammond and Bro Lucas Crandles in the Lodge room. He then advised the Brethren that, sadly , two esteemed members had passed to the Grand Lodge above, namely; RWBro Kevin Duckett PDGM ; and RWBro Bart McDiarmid PSGW G L Her. RWBro Bill Wilkinson and RWBro Bob Found rose in turn and spoke kindly of the service of Kevin and Bart. The Brethren then stood in silence as a mark of respect and the Chaplain read a prayer. WBro Rich noted that he and the Secretary had extended the Lodge's -7-

P& GPC. The Chairman, WBro Mike Rich, reported that: The next meeting of the P&GP Committee will be on Wednesday 31st May. Items for discussion include: Lodge Charity and Community support donations, replacement Organist and Secretary and Lodge dues.

3rd TIME OF RISING. 14. After the Worshipful Master had received greetings from the assembled Brethren and thanked Bro Brendan McCallum, who acted as Chaplain for the evening, the Lodge was closed in Peace, Love and Harmony at 10.02 pm.


ADMISSION OF NON-FREEMASONS AND PRESENTATION OF A SERVICE JEWEL Following the closure of the Lodge, non-freemasons were admitted to witness the presentation of a 65-year service jewel to RWBro Sid Gladman PJGW, by, as requested, WBro Nick LeRay-Meyer AM PGStdB, who provided a succinct account of Sid's achievements. CONFIRMED Signature……………………….…………………………………….. WBro Don Wilkin PGStdB Worshipful Master Tuesday 16th May 2017 ELECTION OF WORSHIPFUL MASTER FOR THE YEAR 2017/18 SPECIFICALLY CONFIRMED Signature……………………….…………………………………….. WBro Don Wilkin PGStdB Worshipful Master Tuesday 16th May 2017 -8-

special prayer by Bro Brendan McCallum - who was acting as Chaplain for the night.

The Brunswick United Lodge No 924 An Accredited Lodge of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria

Following the formal closure of the Lodge, family and friends of Sid Gladman and David Illingworth, were admitted to witness the presentation of a 65-year service jewel to RWBro Sid Gladman PJGW. Shirley Gladman later related that it had been a real pleasure to witness the presentation to Sid of this award.

Newsletter Edition No 161 - Tuesday 16th May 2017 Editor - WBro Nick LeRay-Meyer AM PGStdB Contributing Reporter and Photographer - Bro Paul O'Dea

"Greetings to you all", HAPPENINGS IN THE LODGE ROOM Meetings don't get much better than our April meeting. A number of "missing" faces made their presence along with a number of visitors, many of them friends of the candidate for the night - Bro David Illingworth. The work for the night was to Raise David to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. Having confidently demonstrated his preparation for the ceremony the Team, led for the occasion by RWBro Colin Scharp, responded to that by demonstrating that they too had prepared themselves. So much so that the Deputy Grand Master, an unexpected visitor, expressed his pleasure at the standard of the ceremony and requested that his congratulatory comments be recorded in the Lodge Minutes. I expect the quality of the charges delivered by several of our Master Masons contributed to his assessment. Sadly, the Lodge Room also saw the Brethren stand in silence as a mark of respect for two Lodge members - RWBro Kevin M Duckett PDGM and RWBro Bart McDiarmid PSGW GL Her - who had passed to the Grand Lodge above in the preceding weeks. Kind words were expressed about each of them by close friends - RWBro Bill Wilkinson and RWBro Bob Found . The solemnity of the occasion was enhanced by the reading of a

Sid receiving his 65-year service jewel THE FESTIVE BOARD As is customary following a Degree ceremony, the candidate was "toasted" and presented with some "goodies". In addition to several pamphlets, David received a set of Masonic cuff links and the Book of Ritual. Later, he mentioned that he intends to learn some of the Charges that can be given by a Master Mason while awaiting the completion of the 12 month "waiting period" before he can take office. -2-

We also learned that David has taken another major step - he is now engaged and his fiancé, Joanne Moon, was present at the Festive Board along with David's mother to celebrate his Raising.

MEMBER'S DRAW “Another $10 gone!” gone!” This time it was Bro Lucas Crandle's turn to pocket the dollars. So no jackpot!

FACES WE MISS Ron de Lisle, Neil Parsons, Jack Lewis, Tony Morris, Bill Baini, Terry Ramadge, Frank Wiley, Tony Doumit, Charles Doumany, Bassam Saoud, Thibault Duché, Rupert Knox, Bashir Younes, Kamilo Saliba, Alen Harry, Adam Mercuri and Ryan Wakefield. We hope your work or family commitments will soon allow us to enjoy your company once again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bob Found (89), Garry Beckett (76), Charles Doumany (51), Robert Malcolm (50), Kamilo Saliba (46), Sam Sala (40) and Fouad (Fred) Fares (33). May the GAOTU continue to grant each of you good health and happiness and many more birthdays. David (back row and on the left of the Deputy Grand Master) and some of his friends who visited to witness his 3rd Degree ceremony Mrs Val Duckett, Kevin's wife, was also present to witness the presentation of Sid Gladman's service jewel. Sid and Kevin were great mates - Sid having introduced Kevin to the joys of sailing. Val's presence also facilitated the announcement that she had gifted Kevin's Grand Lodge regalia for display at the Brunswick Centre; which played such an important role in Kevin's service to and support of Freemasonry. As usual our caterer - The "Wizards" - provided a great dinner despite our somewhat late arrival into the Aqulia Room; flexibility being another key aspect of their service to the Lodge. -3-

HAPPY MASONIC BIRTHDAY Len Glazner,(63), Robert Malcolm (20), Jack Aquilina (4) and Alen Harry (1). May good health and fortune be your constant companion SOCIAL CLUB NEWS The first social function for 2017 was lunch at the Darebin RSL on Sunday 7th May at 12.00pm. Since the Committee's usual meeting night coincided with ANZAC Day, the meeting was deferred to that event. Hopefully any decisions were taken early in the lunch!!!.


The next Social function is the traditional "Presentation of the Masterelect". The plan is for it to be held on the 25th June at the Glenroy Bowling Club, starting at 12.00 noon (or high time!). Further details will be provided on the website and in the June Newsletter! Don't forget, the Social Committee meetings are open to every Lodge member and if your partner wishes to attend, even better. The meeting usually lasts for about 60-75 minutes followed by a light supper; everyone attending is asked to bring a small plate/platter/packet of goodies. Tea/Coffee is provided free of charge.. FREEMASONRY IS WORLD-WIDE I think it is fair to say that we are all aware that our Fraternity enjoys world-wide acceptance and has been established in many countries for decades, if not centuries. So, .it is thus of interest to learn of how Freemasonry continues to spread its benign influence. Vasko Todorov, our Inner Guard, joined us from the Grand Lodge of Macedonia. A Constitution, I feel sure, not familiar to most of us. Even our Grand Lodge had to make inquiries!!! In his quiet, unassuming manner, Vasko has presented the Lodge with a beautifully prepared and most informative history of how the Grand Lodge of Macedonia was established - under the umbrella of the Grand Lodge of England. Since the Grand Lodge of Macedonia was only granted its patent in 2005 it is probably the youngest Grand Lodge within Freemasonry.

interesting Masonic publications; donated by WBro Brendan Kyne - a serious student of Freemasonry history, a Past Master and long standing member of the Victorian Lodge of Research. These books will be available (on an honour system) to those seeking to expand their knowledge of the Fraternity. Details will be provided at a later date! LODGE OFFICES FORTHCOMING VACANCIES Organist As previously advised, our Lodge organist, RWBro Bob Beacham has decided that the July Installation is the right time for him to retire. Apart from his music, we will also miss him as a Brother who contributes to the Lodge in many ways. Accordingly, the Lodge now needs to find a replacement; which I surmised will be quite hard since good quality organists like Bob are an "endangered species". That has proven correct to date since I have received no suggestions or expressions of interest (one organist who I thought may have had some gaps available in his Diary did, but not for our meeting night!!) So we need to make a bigger effort or otherwise our ceremonies will become somewhat bland if deprived of the musical accompaniment we have perhaps taken for granted! Secretary

Having entrusted it to me, I have taken the opportunity to read it before it is placed in the Centre's library for the use of others; to date it has been fascinating reading! The effort required by the first Grand Master and his supporters clearly reveals that it certainly was not a task for the fainthearted! The Centre's library, which has hitherto been somewhat neglected - and is probably unknown to many members - has also received a number of very

Time is running out! I plan to hang up my "quill" in July - my 77th birthday - but to date no takers for the Office of Secretary. As outlined before it is not an onerous task but it does require varying amounts of time, patience and reasonable computer skills (a sense of humour also assists at times!). Anyone interested? I sure hope so!!




It is with much sorrow that we advise the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of our brother

It is with much sorrow that we advise the passing to the Grand Lodge Above of our brother

RWBro Kevin Moreland Duckett

RWBro Bartlett (Bart) McDiarmid

Past Deputy Grand Master 27th September 1933 - 1st April 2017 Initiated on the 19th March 1957 at the City of Brunswick Lodge, Raised on the 20th August 1957 he became Worshipful Master (for the 1st time) in October 1963. In 1998 he affiliated with the Duke of Brunswick Lodge and was a Foundation member of the Brunswick United Lodge. He was conferred with Grand rank in March 1977 and with regular promotion became PSGW in 1991. Appointed Deputy Grand Superintendent of Works in March 1992 and Grand Superintendent of Works in March 1995. He relinquished that appointment in March 2000 and was promoted to the rank of Deputy Grand Master. As a member of the Davies Street Temple Board of Management Kevin was instrumental in the extension of the Centre from its original 1923 floor plan to its present configuration. RWBro Duckett sought at all times to contribute to the Fraternity in all its facets, including accepting appointment to the Board of the then Freemasons Homes. His enthusiasm and contribution will be sorely missed. A long time friend, RWBro Ron de Lisle PSGW assisted by WBro Mike Rich PGStdB conducted the Masonic segment at his funeral service, at which the celebrant was the Flower Girl at his wedding toValerie.

Past Senior Grand Warden Grand Lodge Herald 26th May 1926 - 4th April 2017 Initiated on 2nd March 1945 at the City of Brunswick Lodge, Raised on 2nd January 1946. He affiliated with the Lodge of Confidence in 1952 and was Worshipful Master in 1968, 1997, 1998 and 2002. He later affiliated with Preston Northcote in 2003, then Pascoe Vale Daylight in 2011, where was Choir Master until 2015/16, and finally Brunswick United in 2013. He received active Grand rank in 1978 when appointed a Herald and remained a Grand Lodge Herald until his passing. Bart's contribution to the Grand Ceremonial team over 39 years saw him regularly gain promotion until March 2003 when he was conferred PSGW. Bart loved music and his ability to make trumpets and other wind instruments "talk" was a delight to all that had the opportunity to listen to him. Entertaining children and those who were ill was a special passion for him and he gave much time and effort to such causes. His enthusiasm, contribution and music will be missed. RWBro Bob Found, PJGW, a long time friend conducted the Masonic segment at Bart's funeral which was attended by Freemasons from many Lodges. We extend to Edna and family our sincere sympathy.

We extend to Valerie (Val) and family our sincere sympathy -7-


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