› Stanford University › Stanford, Calif.
Foundation of Humility, Towering Curiosity
College, Drew ’14 to Williams College, and
and inventive — on a worldly
Chris ’16 to Stanford University.
level. As a junior, in Andrew
ering (and visiting) a number of schools.
Hall’s AP Studio Art 3-D
moments in the house,” Wesley said. “It’s
Design, Wesley Peisch earned
clearly the central point of senior year,
parents in Menlo Park, Calif., since he
a perfect score on his port-
and everything seems to ramp up. You’re
was a boy, and he’s also been a three-time
folio from the College Board,
concerned about your grades, your applica-
participant in a speech-and-debate summer
tions, and, of course, the end results.
program at the Stanford National Forensic
becoming one of only four students across the globe to garner such praise.
“So, I’ve probably been thinking about it
He’s been visiting his maternal grand-
Institute. He loves everything the University
Stilts served as the concentrated center-
longer than most of my classmates because
has to offer — from the sheer beauty of the
piece of his work, supporting his architectural
of my brothers, which could be a good thing
campus, to the weather, to the academic and
structures as they towered above the ground
or a bad thing. But I also became conscious
social opportunities, to his family’s famil-
and soared up into the air — many taking the
of what schools are out there and which
iarity with the area.
shape of New York City skyscrapers.
ones I was most interested in.”
He included his “10-best” in
Wesley expressed his interest in applying early to Mr. Burdett — also his
the voluntary Arts Supplement he
10th-grade English teacher — and they
submitted to Stanford University
decided it appeared to be the perfect fit.
last fall, as part of his early-decision
They worked together to meet the
application. Those in Cardinal Country
application deadlines, submit the Arts
unanimously agreed: Wesley rises high
Supplement, and refine his essay. He
above the rest, both as an artist and as a
also submitted a Research Supplement,
young man.
a simulation of the New York City
He received his acceptance letter (online, of course) in December.
subway system. And then they did all you can do — hope for the best.
Wesley — also a member of the
“You can never know what to expect
Cum Laude Society, a Peer Leader, a
— and you can’t think of yourself as any
two-sport captain in cross country and
more special or qualified than any other
track, and a leader on the Debate Team
applicant,” Wesley said. “I’m lucky to go
and Model United Nations Club — is the last
to such a great place.”
in a long line of Peisch brothers to attend Brunswick. He developed a realistic impression of the college process by watching his three older siblings work their way through it — with Will ’12 going off to Dartmouth
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“There were definitely some stressful
And, for Wesley, Stanford ultimately climbed to the top of his list after consid-