Buzzer Summer 2013

Page 22


FORM II TOURS NATION’S CAPITAL Head of Middle School Chris Dunham reports on the trip taken by Form II boys to Washington, D.C., for three days in April: “The boys had a superb time. The weather was as good as D.C. can offer, and that allowed for many excellent Frisbee tosses on the National Mall in between more cultural experiences. The boys, along with Ms. Suárez, Mr. Young and me, saw many significant memorials, including The Vietnam War, World War II and Lincoln Memorials. They also had profound experiences at the Holocaust Museum and Newseum. Another major highlight was meeting Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney on the Capitol steps and asking her some very pointed questions about current policy. On the lighter side of things, the boys took in a Washington Nationals baseball game and tested their James Bond knowledge at the Spy Museum. All in all, a terrific trip!”

SAVE THE CHILDREN RECEIVES DONATION FROM BROWNING At a May Middle School Assembly, Jason Wood of Save the Children spoke to Browning boys about this organization and its efforts. According to the group’s website, Save the Children is “the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the

they need to give their babies a bet-

The Browning School boys will join

United States and around the world.”

ter start on life.” The second video

with other New York City students

focused on Save the Children’s

in organizing an event in conjunction

videos, the first of which featured

World Marathon Challenge which

with the World Marathon Challenge.

Save the Children’s partnership (in

raises awareness of World Food Day,

celebration of Mother’s Day) with

held every October, and the urgent

boys presented a check in the amount

Carter’s to help less fortunate moth-

need to fight childhood hunger

of $2,500 to Mr. Wood to benefit those

ers in America by providing them

and malnutrition. Head of Middle

aided by Save the Children.

with “the support and education

School Chris Dunham hopes that

Mr. Wood showed the boys two



At the end of the assembly, the

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