At the end of the rainbow Gay Male Domestic Violence and Abuse 1999

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Open-ended comments also proved interesting. When asked why gay male domestic violence and abuse exists, societal attitudes, homophobia and lack of role models (indicating externalities) were the most frequent response (33%). Self-esteem issues were also frequent (28%), as were intergenerational reasons (24%), seen in Table 21.

Table 21: Respondents Attributions of the Origins of Gay Male Abuse Respondents Attributions on Why Gay Male Domestic Violence Exists in Open-ended Comments Societal Attitudes of Gays/Internalized Homophobia/Lack of Role Models Low Self Esteem Intergeneration reasons Power and Control Needs Substance Abuse Jealousy & possessiveness

% of Respondents (N=21) 33 28 24 19 14 14

One final note, only one of the twenty-one respondents indicated his violence had ended not due to his actions, but due to his perpetrators. Sadly enough, the reason was suicide.


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