Charity Begins At Home brochure

Page 18

A PARTNERSHIP APPROACH UK based Muslim led charities are increasingly being questioned and challenged on how much work they are supporting here in the UK. The large relief charities collect millions of pounds in donations every year and are channeling that to some of the most needy people in the world, regardless of their faith. Research has shown that the Muslim communities in Britain are amongst the most generous of all groups. Partnerships are a positive way forward across faith groups and between charities and other voluntary sector organisations all working with a focus on the UK. This, of course, does not need to take away the important and life-­changing work that the charities do in other countries. Our Haven Women’s Pilot Project was launched in September 2013 and saw Human Appeal International, Amirah Foundation and I Dare U working in close partnership for the ÀUVW WLPH 1XUMDKDQ .KDWXQ VDLG ´ZH KDYH been doing this work for many years and very successfully. But to take things to the next level, we need money, we need support from the big UK charities that we feel should be helping us. The project involved more than twenty women from Birmingham and London who had suffered from domestic abuse and were

We have proven how well it can work and are grateful to Human Appeal for the support they have shown during this pilot phase”.

struggling to put their lives back together. The programme consisted of three main stages: Road To Recovery, identifying needs and developing a way of understanding what had happened to them. Counselling to LQGLYLGXDOO\ KHOS WKH ZRPHQ DGGUHVV VSHFLÀF issues and look in-­depth at how to resolve them. And the I Dare U Journey provided each woman with inspiration alongside practical tools to overcome barriers and work towards making their goals a reality. Many of the women have gone on to set up their own businesses or get back to work. “The success rate has been amazing!”

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