The British International School of Marbella
NEWSLETTER A Newsletter for Parents, Students and Friends of our School
February 2017
Headteacher’s Message Dear parents and students, It has been a month of creativity and showcasing at BISM. Starting the month with Book Week, the children displayed their flare for creative writing as well as their craft skills to make wonderful pop up books, book covers and bookmarks. It was wonderful to see collaborative learning taking place across the school with authors from Y4 writing personalised stories for their Reception buddies. The older children felt very proud of their creations and the younger children were thrilled to receive such a special book. From one core area of the curriculum to the next, the Numeracy Open Day was a huge success with many parents across the school joining their child for a Maths lesson. The children really enjoyed showing their parents what they have been learning in Maths and the parents picked up some tips on how they can support their child’s mathematical development at home. Next on the list was the eagerly anticipated Talent Show. Our extremely talented children took to the stage to share dance compositions, songs and much more. As always, the effort and dedication as well as the talent shown was incredible - well done to everyone who took part. I was particularly impressed with three Pre-Nursery girls who were brave enough to take to the stage dressed as Elsa to sing their favourite song. To see two-year-olds brimming with such confidence and joy up there in front of the whole school was amazing. Then it was the Spanish Department’s turn to shine with wonderful celebrations to mark Andalucia Day. The children had a great time while learning about the beautiful area in which they live. One
of the children in Year 2 told me they ‘wished we could have Andalucia Day every week!’ This month we were also able to share the plans for our long awaited new campus. Many parents joined us at Los Arqueros to hear all about our new purpose-built school which will enable us to go up to Year 13. Make sure you check out the photos and information later on in the newsletter. With very best wishes, Ms. Kirkham Headteacher
That’s not my plane! This term, Pre-Nursery have been learning all about different transport. When exploring new knowledge about air transport, the children were highly motivated by the book ‘That’s not my plane!’ As a class group, we looked at the story and took turns to explore the textures on each page. Then, the children added the correct textures to a large version of each plane to help them to retell the story. All of the children were repeating words and phrases from the story. Next, the children used the large pictures and pointing stick to retell the story from memory. Some were able to remember the phrase “That’s not my plane!”, while others could remember almost the whole story, including some tricky words such as ‘glossy’ and ‘propeller’. The motivation from the story continued and the children could often be found sitting reading the book alone. What a great achievement! Mrs Rutherford Pre-Nursery Teacher
Nursery Carrots, Cucumbers and Choo Choo Trains In Nursery Class we have been learning all about different modes of transport. The most recent transportation we have been using as a stimulus for learning has been trains and we have been discussing all the wonderful places they would love to go on a train. They have practised purchasing tickets with money and using their incredible imaginations in our role play area. When presented with lots of different shaped food, the children thought they could rise to the challenge of printing trains using the food! Not only did they successfully do this, they also mixed primary colours together to create secondary colours! They loved taking on the responsibility of creating new colours for the rest of the class to use and remembered when asked later which two colours made orange, green and purple. Although it was tempting, the children resisted eating the food and very sensibly practised their turn taking and sharing skills. Miss Nixon
Nursery Teacher
Reception Money, Money, Money
We have loved getting stuck into the new topic of “Transport” this January. We began with a unit of learning on ‘Road Safety’ and its importance. The children engaged in a variety of tasks designed to challenge their understanding of the importance of road safety. They sorted images into good and bad examples of attempts to cross the road. They practised crossing a road in the playground, on which their friends were zooming up and down on some of the school´s balance bikes. The children also learnt about the need to “Be Bright” and ”Be Seen” when on foot or on bicycles, and created a character ready for the cold and dark weather of winter in the early and late hours of the day. Incredible informative posters were created to showcase some of the children´s learning on Road Safety before they took their final challenge of the week; which was crossing roads outside the school safely. They all passed with flying colours! Mr Holden Reception Teacher
Year 1
Storm Poems This month in Literacy, Year 1 have been looking at the book, ‘The Storm Whale,’ by Benji Davies. In the story, there is a great storm. First, we worked together in groups to act out the storm and then think of describing words for each part of the storm. We then wrote group poems. For our Big Writing, we used the ideas that we had shared to create our own descriptive poems about the storm. Fantastic work, Year 1! Miss Armstrong
Year 1 Class Teacher
Year 2 Learning about Recycling In the Year 2 class this term, we have been learning all about uses of different everyday materials. During the month of February, we have specifically been learning about recycling. The children were given a collection of scrap materials and they were asked to create a game out of these materials. This taught them that everything has a value and can be used for other purposes; a valuable lesson indeed! We learnt about how we recycle by organising our waste effectively and placing them in the correct rubbish bins. They were astounded when they heard that countries such as Sweden even import waste from other countries to be recycled as they ran out of waste because they were so effective. We reflected on our own waste and thought how we could organise our waste better in our class and considered if we could do more to recycle. We reminded ourselves to place the rubbish in the correct bins and to use scrap paper where possible. The children created some wonderful posters to celebrate what they had learnt! Mr. Llion Thomas Year 2 Teacher/Lower Primary Leader
Year 3
May the force be with you! Year 3’s brains were used in full force during their Science lesson. The children investigated the effects that surfaces have on the distance travelled by a toy car. With ramps, cars and rulers at the ready, the children tested different surfaces around the school such as carpet, marble, AstroTurf, wood and bubble wrap. The children already knew that friction is a force that slows things down, so when interpreting their results they knew the smaller the distance travelled, the higher the friction. Year 3 worked excellently in a group ensuring everyone had a turn at measuring and releasing the car. Well done, `force-tastic’ work! Miss Allen Year 3 Class Teacher
Year 4 - Curriculum BISM Buddies Year 4 loved creating their very own books during Book Week this year. Firstly, they met up with their BISM buddies in the Reception class to do some all important market research. They found out what kind of books they prefer to read, their favourite colours and whether or not they wanted to be the main character. Next, the children enjoyed planning and writing their stories to fit their buddies’ preferences. We had exciting tales of princesses, unicorns, superheroes and much more! The children then read each other’s stories to peer assess their work, edit and improve. Some of the them enjoyed writing so much that they continued writing them at home! Next, they wrote their edited story neatly on special paper and drew and coloured lovely illustrations to match. The books were then bound and laminated ready to read them to their buddies on Friday. The Reception class really enjoyed their special storytime and Year 4 were proud to do so. Miss Varty Year 4 Class Teacher
Year 4 - Trip
Marvellous Mirador It was a sunny morning when we woke up excitedly. My friends and I were all looking forward to going on our trip to El Mirador del Juanar. When we were on our way there, we saw a beautiful view of the Sierra de las Nieves. When we arrived at Refugio de Juanar we set off on foot to the mirador. Along the way we smelled Rosemary and it was a delicious scent. We followed our compasses south to the mirador and collected interesting leaves, plants and rocks in our magnifying pots along the way. We were excited to find a print of what we think was a wild boar. At the mirador we sketched the surrounding trees and mountains, and looked down at Marbella through binoculars to try and find our school. Our trip was so awesome that we didn’t want to come back! By Uzala Enciso and David Kholikov. Year 4
Year 5
Dig for Victory! Year 5 have continued their study of World War 2 in Europe, looking at life on The Home Front. We looked at what happened to ordinary people and children during the war. We learned about rationing and the ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign! The ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign was set up during WWII by the British Ministry of Agriculture. Men and women across the country were encouraged to grow their own food in times of harsh rationing. Open spaces everywhere were transformed into allotments; from domestic gardens to public parks – even the lawns outside the Tower of London were turned into vegetable patches! We then became our own Victory diggers and planted our own seeds. We used the original Ministry of Agriculture guidance to help us. We had to find out the conditions our plants preferred and any techniques required for planting. We are growing lettuce, radishes, carrots, corn, raspberries, strawberries, endives and more. We will let you know how we get on...look out for updates! Clare Williams Year 5 Class Teacher Lisa Flanagan Year 5 Teaching Assistant
Year 5 - Assembly
The children of Year 5 really put on a show for their assembly about World War II; it included singing, dancing and acting. The children provided a variety of information about the events leading up to and during the six-year battle that changed the world forever. Although it was thoroughly entertaining, the children worked very hard to convey the sorrow which people suffered during the war, such as evacuees, women on the Home Front and soldiers who fought in battle. They all worked as a team to produce an incredible portrayal of such an important event and the results were fantastic. We were very proud of them! Clare Williams
Year 5 Class Teacher
Lisa Flanagan
Year 5 Teaching Assistant
Year 5 - Wow Day
Our day started out with our Year 5 ‘evacuees’ heading to assembly, complete with gas masks and suitcases filled with treasured items. After assembly we headed back to class where we held ‘The Great Wartime Bake Off’. Competing teams, the ‘Evacuee Chefs’ and ‘Cake Evacuees’ competed to see who could make the best uncooked chocolate cake. We discussed how during WW2 people had to adapt their way of living to fit around the war, adapting recipes being one of those ways. This activity involved teamwork and lots of Mathematics skills; weighing, measuring and halving amounts for ingredients. We had to leave our cakes for a few hours to ‘cook’. Once they were ready we waited with baited breath as the judges made their decision, declaring ‘Cake Evacuees’ victorious! Here is a link to the recipe we followed. Maybe you could try it at home yourself? // After break, us evacuees wrote postcards home to our loved ones, describing our situation as evacuees and declaring our feelings regarding being away from home. Later in the day we enjoyed popcorn as we watched the movie ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’. We empathised with the story of William, the evacuee sent to live in the countryside. All the time we listened out for the air raid siren, grabbing our gas masks and taking cover whenever necessary. Remember, as the wartime slogan said ‘Hitler will send no warning!’ In addition, we enjoyed playing wartime games outside and as the day drew to a close, we thought about the end of the war and VE celebrations and enjoyed some wartime singing and dancing. Lots of fun was had by all. We ‘blitzed’ it! Clare Williams Year 5 Class Teacher Lisa Flanagan Year 5 Teaching Assistant
Year 5/6
Historical Debating Assembly - The
Year 5&6 have learnt that we can’t always take we see at face value and now know that we need to have a critical eye if we are to really understand the world properly.
As part of the ‘Stone Age to the Iron Age’ topic, the children were introduced to the skill of debating! They were presented with the motion ‘archaeological sites and artefacts are the only reliable evidence for prehistory’.
Stone Age to the Iron Age
Roles were assigned and the hard work began! Researching, paraphrasing and emotive language all played a part in establishing a strong argument. The children learn a lot more about interpretation and reliability of secondary and primary sources. The lesson enhanced their listening and reasoning skills as they needed to respond to speakers’ arguments without knowing what they might say. The proposition and opposition speakers fought a hard verbal battle! The judges listened to the speakers and judged them on numerous criteria such as expression and delivery, reasoning and evidence, and organisation and prioritisation. In the end, the judges scored a narrow victory for the proposition. Well done to all, and a fantastic learning experience. Mr Anthony Year 5&6 Class Teacher Ms Worsfold Year 5&6 Teaching Assistant
The history of mankind took centre stage on Friday 24th February as the Year 5&6 class shared their knowledge of Prehistory with a vibrant and informative performance of the Stone Age to the Iron Age. The children in the guises of historians, archaeologists, cavemen, hunter-gatherers and narrators steered the audience through the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. They made important references to famous discoveries such as Sakura Brae in Scotland and the Grimes Graves in Norfolk, and highlighted the different perspectives professionals take when studying the past. It gave the audience something to think about. Song and dance helped to communicate the idea of evolution and explained why periods such as the Ice Age began and ended. Bold and extroverted performances, with a hint of tongue in cheek, had the audience laughing and applauding from start to finish. Well done to Year 5&6. A wonderful performance! Mr Anthony Year 5&6 Class Teacher Ms Worsfold Year 5&6 Teaching Assistant
Special Event - Julieta AF BISM’s very own Karate Kid Julieta may look like a sweet, gentle girl (which indeed she is) but there is far more to her than meets the eye! For the last few years she has been training hard and has become the Regional Karate Champion. Well done, Julieta. We are all extremely proud of you! Mrs. Kirkham Headmistress
A day at the Town Hall
This term during Spanish Social Science lessons, children in Year 3 and 4 have been learning about the topic ‘My local area’. They have learnt useful things such as the Spanish Constitution and our rights, differences between cities and villages as well as their characteristics, the town council and elections. Finally they learnt about the municipal services and the people who carry out these services. For this reason we contacted the City Hall of Marbella and decided to organise a visit so that the children could see first-hand the reality of the building, how the election system works and how to constitute a government after that. A representative from the “Delegación de Cultura y Enseñanza” welcomed us and explained in a fantastic way the inner workings of a City Council, what the different political parties are, how the decisions are made and many other things. The experience was a success and children also had the opportunity to access the Plenary Hall and enact their own plenary, using microphones and a stopwatch. Now, I am sure everyone knows how hard it is to come to a decision. Miss Escribano Spanish Teacher
Music What a busy month it’s been in the Music Department. Not only have we had the Talent Show but we’ve had Andalucia Day, fantastic assemblies and exciting Music lessons continuing as normal. And on top of all this, the Moscow Music Festival trip is less than one month away. Assemblies Year 5 gave a very emotional WW2 assembly with a variety of song and dance performances of classic songs of the 30s and 40s. Contrasting to this Year 5/6 performed a lighthearted rendition of the very complex but informative Stone Age song taken from the Horrible Histories books. Andalucia Day In both Spanish and Music lessons children have been learning the Himno de Andalucia anthem to celebrate Andalucia Day. This was then sung as a whole school on our school Andalucia day, accompanied by some very dedicated students performing the melody on recorder. These students had been practising very hard in music lessons, at home and even in their break and lunch times so they could play on the day. Moscow Music Festival Less than one month now until the Music Festival in Moscow. Both the school rock band and the choir members have started practising for the trip. The rock band gave an amazing debut performance in the Talent Show, performing their rendition of ‘Feeling Good’ and they are now practising their second song for the Battle of the Bands competition, ‘Superstition’. The choir members have been working hard learning the varied repertoire for the trip. Lower Primary Year 2 have been looking at different instruments of the orchestra and learning the names, sounds and timbre. Year 1 have been progressing very well on their keyboard skills where they have been learning the `Pentatonic March´ in D. In the Music curriculum lessons, Year 1 children have been learning about fanfare music and how to play the English National Anthem. Upper Primary Year 3 have been learning about graphic scores, including how to perform and compose their own music, and soon this will link with their Egypt topic where they will use hieroglyphics to draw their own scores. Year 4 have composed and performed their own mountain rap music, including playing their own drum beats on keyboard, which has been great practice for their assembly. Year 5/6 have continued their improvisation work, focussing on creativity and imagination which is great practice for their new topic this term - songwriting.
Art Club
The members of the BISM Art club are incredibly creative! Every week they face new artistic challenges in which they give 100%. The children have explored a variety of different skills and use of various media including clay, paint, paper mache and pencils. From spooky halloween pop art houses, to paper mache and sketching, the children are continuously developing their artistic knowledge. They have also had the opportunity to learn about various artists and art movements, such as Gustav Klimt and Renaissance Art. The children made clay owls which they designed on their own and the results are superb. They are currently learning about the Mona Lisa and the history of its artist, Leonardo Da vinci. The children are deconstructing the painting by individually completing one section of the portrait, which will then collectively create an enlarged version of the work. It already looks fantastic! The children are learning skills in painting, colour mixing, shading and replicating proportions.
Special Event
Andalucia Day
“The white and green flag” were the lyrics that began the day on Friday 24th February with the whole school dressed in the Andalucia colours or flamenco costumes to celebrate the Day of Andalucia. With selected Y5-6 students accompanying the singing with the recorders and piano, the anthem sounded really lovely. After that, they had a well-deserved rest in the playground, where they tasted a typical Andalusian breakfast: bread, oil and sugar, yum! Once they recharged their batteries, the children had a morning full of cultural activities, all of them with an Andalusian flavour. During these workshops, they had the opportunity to make typical fans, colour shields from each region, cook a typical Andalusian dessert “Brazo de Fabiola”, draw emblematic monuments and finally learn and recite a very special poem written by the famous poet, García Lorca. To end the morning of celebrations the whole school regrouped in their houses to complete a quiz about the most relevant facts they had learnt about Andalucia and its culture. They displayed how much they had learnt during the day while earning points for their house; great fun and lots of learning was had by all! Miss May Spanish as a Second Language Teacher
Special Event
Book Week - Books are brilliant
This month, BISM held its annual Book Week. The children spent the week taking part in many book themed activities. In KS1, children worked together in groups to create an out-of-this-world adventure story. In KS2, each class was partnered with children from Foundation Stage to create a personalised story just for them. We also had D.E.A.R, where each class had a bell and every time the bell was rung, the children had to Drop Everything And Read. The children were also given some inspiring words from authors during virtual visits, which were conducted over Skype. At home, parents kept the Book Week spirit going by taking part in our Extreme Reading competition and helping the children to produce some lovely pop-up books. The week culminated in Book Day, where we dressed up as our favourite book characters and shared what we had been doing during the week. It was a fantastic week, boosting the children’s enthusiasm for reading. Miss Armstrong Literacy Subject Leader
Special Event
Numeracy Open Day This month we opened up our doors to numeracy, inviting parents to enjoy the learning journeys of their children. It ‘added ‘to the experience, without ‘subtracting’ from the learning. ‘Multiplying’ the fun and erasing ‘divisions’ between school and home. Detailed parent information sessions highlighted Mathematics approaches used by teachers before they joined in the classroom fun. A learning experience was had by all! Here are some comments from the students: ‘It was really hard and fun. I was a little bit worried but at the end it was amazing because I learned something about figuring out things.’ Mary ‘I loved it because I could prove I’m very good at Maths.’ Aggie ‘When my parents came I was really excited to teach my parents to do things! I was happy.’ Ilian ‘When my mum came in to watch I felt really happy. We did number bonds, it was really fun!’ Ella ‘I put a number on my mum’s head, it was so much fun!’ Dominique ‘I really like it when my mummy comes into school, we counted to 100!’ Rafi Once sessions commenced, we examined all the parent feedback we received. Most parents stated that they feel confident supporting their child’s learning at home. The only area to address was to enrol the Reception students to Active Learn which Mr. Holden kindly helped us with. Please remember, all the information covered was posted on the parent portal. Hopefully we will all move forwards together towards a positive, productive future in Mathematics. Mrs Rutherford and Mrs Williams
Special Event
Talent Show
On Friday 17th February, BISM hosted their annual talent show both in the Foundation stage and Primary school. Foundation Stage Talent Show The Foundation Stage kicked off the day with a fantastic array of talents. We saw a dramatic reading from the Reception class, a dance from Nursery and a song from the Pre-Nursery children. We also saw some fantastic magic from Alexandre (Reception), a beautiful Gaelic song sung by Carmen (Reception) and a heart wrenching singing trio from Paula, Grace and Isabella in Pre-Nursery. The whole show finished with a fantastic ABBA medley sang by all the children as well as the teachers having a starring role. Well done to all performers that took part. Primary Talent Show We saw a huge amount of talent from the Primary Talent Show including singing, dancing, a skateboard video and stand up comedy. We were dazzled by all the effort and hardwork that the performers had put in. Well done to the following winners of the BSF charter awards that were chosen by the judges; Juligababel (Year 5/6 girls dance), Maissa and Lilly (Year 2 vocal duet), Trolle (Year 1 solo performance), the Rock band (Year 5/6 children) and Mary and Jeanie (Year 4 vocal and piano). In the interval, the children went back to their classes to vote for their favourite act. The winners chosen by the BISM children were the Year 5 & 6 rock band who wrote the song by themselves. Ektaterina (Year 2 solo dance), Matilda (Year 3 vocal performance) and Juligabel (Year 5 & 6 girls dance) won the runner up prize. In the house competition, both the Normans and Romans battled it out with very different acts. The loudest clap by the audience went to the Normans who stole the show with a comedy sketch of their own Talent Show. Well done to all performers and thank you to all helpers who made the event run smoothly. Miss Green Head of Lower School Music
Special Event
New Campus Presentation
On Saturday 18th February, we held a presentation event informing parents and the local community of its new purpose-built campus in Los Arqueros, opening in September 2017. Ake Olofsson from Benahavis Town Hall, Department of Urban Planning addressed the audience, which was made up of mainly parents, stating how pleased he was that there would now be a British international school in the area. Ulf Svendsen, director of Taylor Wimpey and director at Los Arqueros Golf Club, also expressed his delight that the project was underway and extended a warm welcome to BISM. The new campus is being built in Los Arqueros urbanization allowing us to develop into a full secondary school with GCSEs and A-levels offered. Located in Los Arqueros on 10.000 m2 plot of land, the new campus will have state of the art facilities including indoor and outdoor sports facilities, an indoor swimming pool and a 200 seater theatre. Stewart Fry, Chairman of the British Schools Foundation, said: “We are so pleased to finally be able to offer the excellent facilities that match the outstanding education being offered at BISM”. Our current campus on Calle Jacinto Benavente in the centre of town will remain open as an infant school with shuttle busses running between the two schools. Headmistress, Sian Kirkham, said: “This is a very exciting time for the BISM community. The new site is in a beautiful location with all the facilities our children need as we expand into Secondary school. The new campus will allow our commitment to sports and the arts to flourish for all of our children.” Keep checking the parent portal for updates.
School Council
Extreme Judging
This month, School Council has the difficult task of judging the Extreme Reading Competition. They took a look at all of the entries and sorted them into categories; Foundation Stage, KS1, LKS2, UKS2 and Teachers. There were so many amazing entries that it really was hard for them to choose the winners but after voting, revoting and voting again, they chose the following to be crowned their Extreme Reading Champions: Foundation Stage: Jarvis KS1: Istvan LKS2: Max DM UKS2: David Teachers: Mr. Pattison Thank you to everyone that took part and congratulations to the winners! Miss Armstrong Literacy Subject Leader
Growth Mindset
Do you have a Growth Mindset? If you are interested in learning about the processes of Growth Mindset, then we invite you to book your place on the parent workshop at 4pm on Wednesday 8th March. We need to give children the tools to expect and respect mistakes, failures and disappointments. Give them the confidence to keep trying again, to never give up and to help them to understand that with effort and determination they can achieve anything. This term, the school’s teaching and learning focus is Growth Mindset which was developed by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck. What is a Growth Mindset? “Over 30 years ago, Carol Dweck and her colleagues became interested in students’ attitudes about failure. They noticed that some students rebounded while other students seemed devastated by even the smallest setbacks. After studying the behavior of thousands of children, Dr. Dweck coined the terms fixed mindset and growth mindset to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. When students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement.” https://www. A growth mindset thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence, but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities. At BISM, we are looking at developing the Growth Mindset language that children use, for example, “I can´t do it” to “I can’t do it yet”. This speaks for the teachers too and we are working to develop feedback from “well done” to “Good effort but now try doing this...”. We also encourage that mistakes are part of the learning process.
Special Event - Nobox
KS2 visit to NOBOX Digital Production Studio This month each of the classes in KS2 (Key Stage 2) had the opportunity to visit the Nobox creative agency. Whilst there they got to see first hand how the skills they are developing in their ICT lessons are used in the real world. The children were fortunate enough to speak to the team of programmers and question them on the projects they are currently working on. They were immersed in 3D simulations, got to create some of their own and were given an introduction to Video Game design. We’d like to thank Mr O`Hayon, Lina, Isabel and the team for the experiences, which the children were really enthused about. It is also especially pleasing to be able to tap into the resources of our parent body to broaden and give real life context to the children’s learning. NOBOX have created a brain academy for children who are interested in Video Game production, 3D design and much more. They are running a variety of evening classes for children throughout the week. If you are interested in enrolling your child, fliers are available in the school foyer. The following information regarding the courses is from NOBOX themselves: NOBOX is a creative agency and digital production studio based in Marbella. We specialise in Virtual Reality, Video Games, Architecture, Simulators and more. We are pioneers in providing video game courses for kids in Costa del Sol as computer science is pivotal for every industry today. We created NOBOX Brain Academy with the aim to provide to the students educational courses that will help them with critical thinking and to prepare them for their future, using methods that will improve their skills while having fun! We are offering the possibility to learn to create your own video games and virtual worlds, discover how to make fun and engaging worlds that can be explored on a PC, phone or tablet. Students will learn the basics of programming, coding and design, as well as what aspects are important to keep in mind when a video game is made. Our goal is to teach children to be not only players, but creators! Course takes 1 hour per week for 12 weeks - we have classes Tuesday to Friday from 5 to 6 pm or 6 to 7 pm. Please call us on 951 56 08 69 or visit our facebook page for more information.
Special Event Presents for the children of Hogar Betiana In December, the School Council arranged a Christmas present collection for children being supported by Hogar Betiana, a charity based in La Linea. The response was overwhelming and with the help of one of our parents, Mr Potter, we delivered over 100 presents. The children were so happy to receive their presents from the Three Kings. A huge thank you to everyone who donated and helped us to put a smile on the faces of children who are living in need. Miss Armstrong School Council Leader
Special Event Specialist Event Each half term, children across the school are chosen to receive awards in Spanish and Music for excellent effort. Well done to these children who were selected for Spring Term One.
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