July 12, 2019 La Mirada Lamplighter eNewspaper

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LA MIRADA, CA., JULY 12, 2019



BY BRIAN HEWS NORWALK CA – California State Senator Archuleta has secured $5 million for the city of Artesia to improve one of its parks and address its need for open space and parkland. The money is part of the $214.8-billion budget, the largest in the state’s history, signed Thursday by Governor Gavin Newsom. A.J. Padelford Sen. Bob Archuleta Park is located in the low income community of Artesia and is in desperate need of an expansion. The park size has not changed since its development in 1973 and provides 0.47 acres per 1,000 residents, which is significantly below the Los Angeles County average of 3.3 acres per 1,000 residents, officials said. Archuleta told HMG-LCCN, “Once we begin the expansion of the park, the capacity to host healthier physical activities, such as baseball and soccer, would increase, which is our ultimate goal. This project will improve park safety and create more recreational opportunities for local at-risk youth and families.” The expansion will also lower the density per square mile and create more park space per person, creating a greater quality of life in the neighborhood. The park, in its current configuration, has public safety issues. The proposed improvements would help alleviate these issues, city and law enforcement officials said. HMG-LCCN was told that Taj and Artesia City Manager Bill Rawlings worked hard behind the scenes with Archuleta to secure the massive funding An excited Artesia Councilmember Ali Taj told HMG-LCCN, “Now that the funding is secured, we can begin the project by reviewing and finalizing the preliminary designs and plans for the expansion. This is great news for the community as Senator Archuleta has been instrumental in pushing for the funding.”

See ARCHULETA page 9

1948 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE in mint condition was one of over 840 cars that registerED at the Hawaiian Gardens Car Show at the Fedde Sports Complex this past weekend. Courtesy city of Hawaiian Gardens.

Cerritos, CA. ~ Last November, voters approved Measure BB, a $258 million bond to improve and enhance the schools in the ABC Unified School District. On Wednesday, July 10, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. the investment community purchased the first round of ABC bonds in the amount of $64.5 million. Due to the size of the bond and the District’s stellar credit rating, some of the most significant names in finance were focused on this bid opportunity. “The success of this sale is a testament to the hard work and support of our entire

See ABCUSD page 9



was really something, even though the city provided games and such, there were families playing volleyball, kids throwing Frisbees and footballs, it was a real family celebration,” said Noel Jaimes, Chamber of Commerce Executive Director. Fireworks America is the company that produced the one of a kind show. Founded by an alliance of professional Pyrotechnicians whose expectations of excellence could not be met by traditional fireworks companies, Fireworks America has produced some of the largest and most

Hawaiian Gardens Planning Commissioner Anna Rodriguez, an appointee of Mayor Myra Maravilla, publicly apologized to City Council, senior citizens, and the community in general this past Tuesday for her Anna Rodriguez shocking statements regarding seniors and senior programs in the City. At the last City Council meeting, Rodriguez was caught on video, first reported by Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community News, proposing to cut senior programs she said were “excessive.” “No offense to the senior citizens, I see a lot of programs that I don't feel that there should be, its excessive,” Rodriguez stated. As a planning commissioner, Rodriguez receives a stipend every month from the City, while also traveling to conventions, going to the pricey Contract Cities Convention in Palm Desert this past May. Rodriguez went on to say, “no offense to our senior citizens but I feel like some of the events and trips they go on are ex-

See LA MIRADA page 9

See RODRIGUEZ page 9

FIREWORKS AMERICA crew setting up pyrotechnics prior to the show. BY TAMMYE MCDUFF The City of La Mirada held their annual 4th of July fireworks display, attracting an estimated 20,000 spectators. Residents from as far as Stanton gathered at La Mirada Regional Park for one of the best fireworks show in the area. Many of the local service organizations held food booths, with the La Mirada Rotary Club selling out of hotdogs and bringing in over $14,000 for local children’s charities. Along with the patriotic program, the event featured live bands and a DJ, games and activities for children. “It


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JULY 12, 2019

ASM. CRISTINA GARCIA’S ‘DUMB BILL,’ AND ACTIONS OF THE GM, PROVE COSTLY TO CENTRAL BASIN WATER EMPLOYEES BY BRIAN HEWS The hefty attorney’s fees at Central Basin Municipal Water District (CB), which have hit over $53,000 per month during the past six months, have finally come home to roost at the Commerce-based water agency. The origin of the fees lies squarely on the shoulders of General Manager Kevin Hunt, who had a hand in two current lawsuits, and a hand in another that is pending. The city of Huntington Park is suing CB alleging that Hunt fixed the appointment process of CB Vice-President John Oskoui, illegally disqualifying Huntington Park resident Dr. Mike Gomez while appointing Oskoui. The appointment process was put in place after Assemblywoman Cristina Gar-

cia’s (D-Bell Gardens) ill-conceived AB 1794 passed, allowing Hunt to appoint three (non-elected) Directors to the CB Board, and Hunt has used the bill to pack the board with friendly votes ever since. The second lawsuit involves former CB employee Ron Bielke, who is suing CB for the unlawful release of his personal health records to the Los Angeles Times. The records were leaked to reporter Adam Elmharek, who eventually wrote a one-sided article somehow accusing Bielke of staging his fall and injury for financial gain, an injury where he nearly broke his neck. Because of these lawsuits, CB was forced to consider severe budget cuts and revenue enhancements which culminated in actions taken at yesterday’s CB Board meeting. The cuts involved laying off as many as


NORWALK RESIDENT Carolina Morales, (back row center) who is a student at Downey Adult School, was awarded the college gold medal in Health Occupations Professional Portfolio.


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five employees, though none were named during the meeting. Longtime CB Director Art Chacon, who called into the board meeting while on vacation, was incensed at the layoffs. Chacon and Director Phil Hawkins have been vocal opponents of CB’s current law firm, Nossaman, and Hunt’s litigious exploits, lodging several no votes when Hunt moved to increase Nossaman’s $25,000 budget every month. Chacon immediately motioned to cut Hunt’s pay by half, instead of cutting employees, but Hunt’s board packing, a result of Asm. Garcia’s AB 1794, prevented that action. Voting yes to cut Hunt’s pay was Directors Chacon, Hawkins, Leticia Vasquez, and Martha Camacho-Rodriguez. Voting no were all Hunt appointees: Vice-President Oskoui and Directors Dan

Arrighi, and Frank Heldman. The final vote was Hunt ally Board President Bob Apodaca, who, among several other costly actions over the past ten years, hired disgraced former GM Art Aguilar, contracted with Ron and Tom Calderon, and was involved in a sexual harassment claim that cost CB over $670,000. Chacon tried once again to save CB employees by motioning for a per-meter charge of $4.68. The per-meter charge has been a topic of discussion for months, but the board had yet to settle on a final amount. But the block of President Apodaca, Oskoui, Arrighi, and Heldman voted the rate increase down, instead voting for a $2 charge, sealing the fate of the CB employees while saving Hunt from a cut in pay.


Industry leaders from 600 businesses, corporations, trade associations and unions planned and evaluated the contestants against their standards for entry-level workers. More than 1,100 industry judges and technical committee members participated this year. A total of 1,122 gold, silver and bronze medals were presented to students. Many winners also received industry prizes, tools of their trade or scholarships. "More than 6,500 students from every state in the nation participated in the 2019 SkillsUSA Championships," said SkillsUSA executive director Tim Lawrence. "This program expands learning and career opportunities for our members." More than 360,000 students and advisors join SkillsUSA annually, organized into more than 20,000 sections and 53 state and territorial associations. The national, nonprofit partnership of students, instructors and industry is a verified talent pipeline for America's skilled workforce that is working to help solve the skills gap.

Louisville, Ky. ~ Norwalk resident Carolina Morales, who is a student at Downey Adult School, was awarded the college gold medal in Health Occupations Professional Portfolio, one of the nation's highest awards, at the 2019 SkillsUSA Championships, held in Louisville, Ky., on this past June 26-27. The SkillsUSA Championships event is held annually for students in middle school, high school or college/postsecondary programs as part of the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference More than 6,500 students competed at the national showcase of career and technical education. The SkillsUSA Championships is the largest skill competition in the world and covers 1.4 million square feet, equivalent to 20 football fields or 25 acres. Students were invited to the event to demonstrate their technical skills, workplace skills and personal skills in 103 hands-on competitions including robotics, automotive technology, drafting, criminal justice, aviation maintenance and public speaking.

HAWAIIAN GARDENS SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM STAFF REPORT The City of Hawaiian Gardens will participate in the United States Department of Agriculture's Summer Food Services Program. This program is designed to provide healthy, delicious meals for children under the age of 18. The Summer Food Service Program is going on now through August 23, 2019. Registration is NOT required; children are encouraged to participate at their nearest location from 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm at the following lunch

sites*: Note: HG Apartments was removed from the list, added was Fedde MS. Furgeson ES, Melbourne ES, Fedde MS, Clarkdale Park, Lee Ware Park, C. Robert Lee Activity Center. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the California Department of Education Nutrition Services Division(NSD) prohibit discrimination in all their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability. *Subject to change without notice

JULY 12, 2019

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$ MARJORIE KALLEN, "Ms. Marj," with all of her birthday cards, flowers and balloons on her 103rd birthday. BY TAMMYE MCDUFF Born on July 5, 1916 Marjorie Kallen was born to first generation German parents on the Southside of Chicago, “I can remember before electricity was a common household utility,” she said, “I can remember sitting in my highchair and watching the gas lamp lights flicker in my father’s store.” This year Ms. Marj, as she is known, turned 103. Friends and family gathered on July 9th to celebrate her birthday. SCAN Representatives from the “Stages: 100 over 100” program honored her with a delicious chocolate cake, a birthday serenade, a special lapel pin and a cashmere coverlet. Daughter Carol Rosenberg Smith commented that her mother is incredible, “she and I are pals. She remembers ev-

erything whether it is clothes in the dryer or eggs boiling on the stove. She loves to doodle and talk on the phone. Staying lively and well rounded is her secret.” Ms. Marj says she stays active by reading, writing poetry and playing games, “I play all sorts of games, but my favorite is mahjong – I have been playing since I was 13 years old.” Marj says she misses driving, she quit driving at 94, she also likes to play solitaire. “It is very important to have a widespread curiosity about life,” she said, “and do things that you’ve never done before.” When asked what her birthday wish was this year she said,”that I get to invite all of you back next year when I turn 104!” Happy birthday Ms. Marj, HMGLCCN wish you many more happy years!!!

BELLFLOWER CONDUCTS FIRST PHASE OF HOMELESS CENSU BY TAMMYE MCDUFF By way of background, when the City did a survey of Bellflower residents and how they perceive the city to be working for them, one of the major concerns were the numerous homeless encampments. At the beginning of 2019, the city engaged the services of City Net to provide solutions on the homeless situation, the first thing City Net did was to conduct a survey of what the city is up against. At the last council meeting, City Net Representative, Brad Fieldhouse gave an update on their first three months of work. The goals for first phase were to “exit” the homeless, that is, get homeless off the streets, while prioritizing vulnerable cases and connecting the homeless with city agencies and regional housing solutions. In April, May and June, a total of 214 contacts were made with homeless people. “This is the beginning of establishing trust,” says Fieldhouse, “whether working with public safety officers or driving our van around town – these are individual conversations that we have had. It takes at least six meetings with an individual for them to trust us and sit down to talk.” As a result, people began acalling City Net for help. At first there were only two, however in three months that number has risen to 16. Referrals to city or state services are an initial action to connect the homeless. The total number of persons referred was 160, with two people being completely exited off the streets into a housing situation. The second component is to support the coordination of homeless activities in Bellflower. In the month of April, City Net drove / walked the city to prepare maps

for the forthcoming Bellflower homeless census. A meeting was held with Kingdom Causes Bellflower after which a “case conferencing” meeting was held with city staff and other stakeholders. On day one of the census, City Net staff and Sheriff personnel fanned out across the city in the early morning and engaged the homeless in an effort to collect demographic information and gauge the scale and scope of the homeless in the city. The second day, staff and personnel returned in the evening to revisit those mapped locations and engage homeless neighbors who may not have been present during the day hours. City Net Representative Matt Bates discussed the Homeless Census mapping project. The entire scope of the city was covered twice, and several clusters were acknowledged. The census identified 172 homeless individuals within Bellflower, most identify themselves as white in their 50’s, disabled and homeless for over a year. 40 percent stated they struggle with mental health concerns and 31 percent were dealing with substance abuse. Of those surveyed, 68 individuals were chronically homeless, had permanent disabilities with no source of income or access to health insurance. The survey also found that two respondents had children or accompanied minors. Respondents reported that the primary cause of their homelessness was housing loss due to not being able to afford rent, foreclosures or landlord disputes. Case management found 78 percent of respondents expressed interest in working with City Net on a plan to end their homelessness.




1 Qt. Kingsford® Charcoal Lighter Fluid Great way to light charcoal briquettes, fast starting, odorless.



15.4 Pound Kingsford® Charcoal Briquettes Made with natural ingredients & real wood. Authentic smoky flavor. Ready to cook in minutes.



Solar Flagpole Micro Light Used to illuminate flag. Features adjustable mounting options. Fits flag poles 1 inch to 1 1/4 inch diameter. Illuminates up to 8 hours.



1 Qt. Soil and Turf Insect Killer Kills over 120 insects. Use on lawns, trees, flowers, roses, shrubs and vegetables.









11-Oz Lexel® General Purpose Caulk Bonds firmly to any surface. Scrubbable, mildew resistant. Clear color.


1 Qt. Kleenup® Grass And Weed Killer Concentrate Kills all unwanted weeds and grasses, roots and all. Use around walks driveways and flowerbeds.






1 Gal. Smart Prime Primer/Sealer Primer for all projects, sticks to all surfaces and blocks all stains. Low VOC compliant.



Select-A-Spray Hose Nozzle Die-cast zinc body. 4-position dial for spray pattern selection.

Little Big Shot Water Hose Nozzle 40% more force and 40% less water. Will not leak. Brass.



4-Pc. Barbecue Tool Set Includes stainless steel turner, tong, fork and sauce brush.

39-Gal. Drawstring Yard Bags Extra tough. 70 clear bags.




3’ X 5’ Cotton American Flag Kit Aluminum pole and flag bracket included.



1 Gal. Bulls Eye Zero® Primer/ Sealer Eco-friendly and water-based. Sticks to all interior and exterior surfaces, blocks and seals stains, graffiti and tannin bleed.


Grill Brush Brass bristles and metal scraper for barbecue grills.


6 Pattern Garden Hose Torch Nozzle Soft trim for comfortable turning. On/off toggle switch, contoured insulated soft grip.



6-Ft. Type II Fiberglass StepLadder 225-lb. duty rating. HolsterTop with a paint and tool holder. Slip resistant foot pads.


3.7 Oz Household Adhesive and Sealant Adheres to many surfaces including wood, plastic, cement, glass, metal, rubber, and brick.


9 Ft. x 12 Ft. Plastic Drop Cloth Drapes easily and grips to surfaces.



Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net

To advertise call 562-407-3873

JULY 12, 2019

JULY 12, 2019

To advertise call 562-407-3873

Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net


EARTHQUAKE.... BE PREPARED...FOR POSSIBLE SCAMMERS BY TAMMYE MCDUFF Southern California got a great big Independence Day shakeup when a 6.4 magnitude quake hit the Ridgecrest area. It was previously thought to be the ‘main shock’ but was actually the foreshock of the 7.1 roller that hit Friday evening, July 5th. It was reported by KTLA that shaking was felt across Southern California and as far as Mexico and Las Vegas, where an NBA Summer League game was halted when the stadium began rattling. Videos aired by Sacramento station KOVR showed pools sloshing in Elk Grove, just outside the state’s capital city, and in Modesto in the north San Joaquin Valley. It’s the most powerful temblor to hit Southern California in at least 20 years, tying the magnitude 7.1 quake that struck the Hector Mine area, nearly 50 miles east-southeast of Barstow, in October 1999. The Northridge earthquake in 1994 was magnitude 6.7. And now there could be scammers out there trying to take advantage of people’s anxiety. Orange County officials are warning residents of schemes aimed at convincing people to leave their homes in what could be an attempt to commit burglary. The city of Aliso Viejo said in a Facebook post Monday that officials have been made aware of a scam in which an unknown caller claims to predict earthquakes and tells them to leave their homes for safety. A spokesperson for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department said four calls were reported by Aliso Viejo residents Sunday evening who said they had received a phone call telling them there would be an 8.4 magnitude earthquake and that they

should evacuate their homes immediately. “Dispatchers provided the callers with information that Orange County does not have an alert system that would contact them prior to an earthquake, and that it may have been a scam,� said Carrie Braun, a public information officer for the department, in an email. Braun said it’s unclear why the calls were made and her office hasn’t received reports of similar calls since. BE PREPARED Downey Councilwoman Claudia Frometa, reminded residents that part of living in this great state of California, is the fact that we live with the Earth rocking and rolling from time to time. A few things to have in place are the locations of the medical facilities in your area. Know where the hospitals are and the local clinics. Contact your city to see what resources they have planned for emergency operations and preparedness. Make sure that you are registered with an earthquake app; the city’s emergency information and know who to contact and how to reach your family members. According to www.ready.gov if an earthquake happens, protect yourself right away. Drop, Cover and Hold On! If you are in a vehicle, pull over, stop and set your parking brake. If you are in bed, turn face down and cover your head and neck with a pillow. If you are outdoors, stay outdoors away from buildings. Do not get in a doorway or run outside. The best time to prepare for any disaster is before it happens. Practice Drop, Cover, and then Hold On with family and coworkers. Drop to your hands and knees. Cover your head and neck with your arms. Crawl under a sturdy table or desk if nearby. Hold on to any sturdy furniture until the shaking stops. If a table or desk is not

close, crawl next to an interior wall. Secure items, such as bookcases, refrigerators, televisions and objects that hang on walls. Store heavy and breakable objects on low shelves. Create a family emergency communications plan that has an out-of-state contact. Plan where to meet if you get separated. Make a supply kit that includes enough food and water for at least three days, a flashlight, a fire extinguisher, and a whistle. Consider each person’s specific needs, including medication. Have extra batteries and charging devices for phones and other critical equipment. Do not forget the needs of pets and service animals. Consider obtaining an earthquake insurance policy. A standard homeowner’s insurance policy does not cover earthquake damage. If possible make improvements to your building to fix structural issues that could cause your building to collapse during an earthquake. There are also some things not to do during an earthquake. Never stand next to a window, big mirror or heavy light fixture. Outside is not necessarily safer than inside, many of the fatalities in a quake could occur from power lines, streetlights or falling pieces from buildings. If you are inside a building and need to get out always take the stairs. Unlike other natural disasters, earthquakes strike suddenly and without warning. Nevertheless, there are things that you can do to reduce the chances that your or others will be harmed. Visit FEMA for their Earthquake Safety at Home www. fema.gov/earthquake-safety-home or visit the California Academy of Sciences on How to Prepare for an Earthquake at www.calacademy.org


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CHILDREN and adults jump from trampoline to trampoline at the Sky Zone opening.

BY TAMMYE MCDUFF The grand opening and ribbon cutting of Sky Zone was held this past Saturday, July 6th with attendees winning memberships, enjoying other giveaways and rubbing elbows with special guest Lance Bass, who rose to fame as a singer for the American pop boy band NSYNC. Sky Zone is a chain of indoor active entertainment centers that features numerous connected trampolines where visitors can bounce from one trampoline to another, jump into pits filled with foam blocks and play a trampoline-based version of dodgeball. The owners of Sky Zone converted the former furniture warehouse located adjacent to Rosewood’s Restaurant off of South Street and Palo Verde Avenue,

transforming it into a sports and recreation venue for all ages. Boasting 27,000 square feet, Sky Zone has nine attraction centers and two large party rooms. While also offering a Ninja Warrior course, healthy snack bar, party options, zip lines, sky hoops, sky slam, foam pits, massage chairs for parents and even glow in the dark trampolines for night time fun. Sky Zone is also available for field trips and team building programs. The new trampoline park is located at 10755 South Street, the phone is (562) 203-1333. For more information on times, specials and reservations visit events@ skyzonecerritos.com

In alliance with the Downey Unified School District, Downey Police Department and City Council, Mayor Pro Tem Blanca Pacheco and Council woman Claudia Frometa have been collaborating on starting the very first Girls on Fire Summer Program. The Program is a new summer day workshop for 6th - 12th grade girl students of the Downey Unified School District. The Girls on Fire Summer Camp will address the unique set of challenges facing young girls through a series of interactive presentations, physical fitness activities, and team building sessions led by female leaders in the community. “As we know the ages of 12 to 18 can be a very stressful time for young women,” states Frometa, “between the pressures of social media, physical and emotional changes, the challenges our girls go through can be taxing.” Participants will learn about self-defense, how to deal with cyber bullying; learn about internet crimes and the legal aspects of them.

JULY 12, 2019

The girls will also be taught how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, how build their own and help others build self esteem, talk about suicide prevention, what healthy relationships are and are not and how to access helpful resources. “Girls on Fire is where our young ladies will work alongside women leaders, to listen, learn and work together, not only addressing their own concerns but community issues as well,” Pacheco adds,” Our idea is to create a network of connected girls in the city and maybe even throughout the state to be champions of each other. We already have 83 young ladies registered.” Pacheco states the idea is to create a safe and vibrant space where young ladies can be bold and express themselves, to build confidence and connect to the bigger picture. The free three-day summer workshop will be held July 29th –31st from 8:30am12:00pm at the Downey Civic Theatre. Completed applications must be received by July 19, 2019 and can be emailed to girlsonfire@downeyca.org or dropped off at Downey City Hall – City Manager’s Office. For more information call (562) 904-7284 or send questions to girlsonfire@downeyca.org

CERRITOS LIBRARY SEEKS TEEN VOLUNTEERS The Cerritos Library Volunteen program is seeking responsible, dependable and enthusiastic teens to help with library programs, shelving and monitoring of computer workstations. Applications for the 2019 Fall session will be available on Monday, July 22. The session runs from Monday, September 9 through Saturday, Decem-

ber 21. The program is open to students who will be at least 13 years old in Fall 2019. Applicants must have a Cerritos Library card in good standing and are required to pass a criminal background assessment in accordance with City policy. For more information, call (562) 916-1338 or email volunteen@cerritos.us.

JULY 12, 2019

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ARTESIA AWARDS ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS BY TAMMYE MCDUFF Each year the Artesia City Council recognizes and awards three Certificates of Recognition to local high school or college students. Three young ladies were the recipients of the 2019 Student Academic Scholarship at the regular meeting on Monday, July 8, 2019. In partnership with the Cerritos Presbyterian Church, the City of Artesia awarded three $1,000 academic scholarships to Michelle Abarca, Marian Guerrero, and Anoushka Shandilya. The Scholarship committee reviewed hundreds of applications. Scholarship winners were evaluated based on their essay submission, academic success and community service experience. Michelle Abarca was the first to receive her certificate “I just want to thank the church and the city for giving me this wonderful opportunity to continue my education. It has always been a dream of mine to give back to the youth in our community. I am a student athlete. I know the struggles that we go through. Sometimes it is lack of information or not having the right equipment that stops you from being successful, I hope to help ease these challenges.” Anoushka Shandilya declined to

comment and Marian Guerrero was not in attendance to accept her certificate. Pastor Harold Kim thanked the city council for collaborating with Presbyterian Church, “As a father of three daughters, it is heartfelt to see these three young ladies receive such an honor. As a church we want to see our next generation receive all the help they can get, and as we all know getting into college is more difficult than ever before.” The scholarships are a grass roots program by the church and is contributed to throughout the year by parishioners, “We are very proud to partner with you for the second year and look forward to next year,” added Kim. A completed scholarships application includes proof of residence, proof of high school attendance and official academic transcript. Each candidate must be a high school senior and currently reside in the City of Artesia. The candidate must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better and plan on entering a College or University in the fall. Winners are recognized at a city council meeting, receive a certificate and the scholarship is sent directly to the school chosen by the winner. For consideration and to fill out an application visit www.cityofartesia.us

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SUNDANCE CERRITOS SLAMMED BY LOUD TRAFFIC BY BRIAN HEWS At the regular June 24 Cerritos City Council meeting, a Sundance resident spoke at public comment complaining about the constant traffic travelling down Bloomfield after exiting from the freeway. Indicating he had emailed the City without response, resident Chris Offet described the terrible traffic conditions near his home. "Myself and many of my neighbors have emailed or contacted City Council without response. The semi trucks are now 24/7 on Bloomfield and that they are ruining Bloomfield." Offet produced a sound meter he used to measure the noise that indicated the DB levels were between 70 and 90 DB's. Under federal guidelines anything over

70 DB's requires hearing protection. "I wake up all the time, so do my neighbors, it's really bad, the houses actually shake and light bulbs pop." "I looked for sound ordinances, during the day the sound levels should be 50 DB's ours are at 70 to 90." "You guys pass ordinances banning leaf blowers and weed wackers after a certain time at night why not semi-trucks? I'd rather have a weed wacker outside my house, its quieter." Offet requested that the item be agendized for the second July council meeting so he could bring his neighbors to testify about the loud noises. "It is really bad, its becoming a health hazard because none of us sleep anymore, I would like to see a noise ordinance passed."

DALLAS COWBOYS RETURN TO TRAIN IN OXNARD STAFF REPORT Oxnard, CA –The Dallas Cowboys return to train July 27 through August 15 at the River Ridge Playing Fields located at 2101 West Vineyard Avenue. Many of the practices are open to the public, giving residents and visitors an opportunity to connect with players and coaches. A0424-Used Oil (Cerritos) 9/23/05 The family-friendly camp experience

will feature a variety of activities and entertainment. The camp is free of charge with general parking available weekdays for $10/day for small vehicles and $20/ day for large vehicles. Parking on the weekends is $20/day for small vehicles, and there is an additional charge for large vehicles. The training/practice sessions 1:33 PM Page 1 dates and times vary.

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The 4th of July weekend marked the beginning of the Queen Mary’s 85th Jubilee Year and is the only vessel of her class still active on the public stage. In 1934, RMS Queen Mary launched on Scotland's River Clyde making her Maiden Voyage in 1936. Over 1.5 million enthusiasts still visit the ship annually and September 2019 marks this historic anniversary. It is only fitting that the dedication of the Cunard Story Exhibition appropriately begins the celebration. The Exhibition explores the rich history of the extraordinary company that designed and built more than 150 ships, sailing the world’s oceans since 1840. The exhibit presents the luxury line’s remarkable 179-year old history and illustrates Cunard's influence on immigration and maritime policies overall. The Exhibition covers the legacy of a maritime brand responsible for many innovations seen in modern day cruising. The Exhibition was formally dedicated, July 5th with shipboard ceremonies on the Queen Mary. Cunard's first female Captain, and Master of Queen Elizabeth, Inger Thorhauge commented, “We have a term for everything fancy and elegant in the UK and that word is ‘posh’. The term originated from the first class suites of Cunard’s cruise liners. And of course the Queen Mary is quite posh. We are so proud that the British flag fly’s proudly alongside the United States and California flags.”

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The exhibition is a perfect example of British innovation that was strengthened by American partnership. Cunard Queens carried over two million servicemen during World War II and Winston Churchill, who rode aboard the Queen Mary six times, credits her with reducing the war by at least a year. “But this isn’t just about the past” says Thorhauge,”it is about the amazing work this British-American company continues to do. Cunard continues to be innovative from engine designs to making some of the fastest cruise ships in the world. The Queen Mary II remains the fastest ocean liner ever built.” The now open exhibit features rarely seen celebrity photos from the 1930’s to present day. One room displays 1930’s ‘modern’ fire station equipment with an extensive fire protection system which included pressurized water, piped CO2 gas, foam, automatic sprinklers, smoke sensors and alarms. A marker stating, “no gale, no shattering sea, no towering iceberg … nothing is more feared than fire at sea.” No effort was spared to make the Queen Mary safe from fire through more than 1,000 Atlantic crossings. A typical first class stateroom is on display along with dining china, a menu and items that passengers may have taken aboard for comfort. The company’s legacy is showcased through artifacts, photographs and film, and features an ‘immigration salon’ that allows visitors to digitally explore ancestry databases. Through the offerings, visitors can experience ancestor arrival dates and specific ships that carried them, allowing for a deeply personal experience. For more information and ticket prices visit www.queenmary.com

JULY 12, 2019

OPENING: from (l-r) Collette Wilson, Deputy Consul General, British Consulate Los Angeles; Cantor Sara Hass, Temple Beth Israel Long Beach; Captain Inger Thorhauge, Master, MS Queen Elizabeth; John Jenkins, Former General Manager, The Queen Mary Hotel; Jackie Chase, PR Director, Cunard North America; Commodore Everette Hoard, during the ceremony that officially opened The Cunard Story exhibition onboard The Queen Mary Hotel. PRNEWSWIRE.

DISPLAY of various uniforms worn aboard the Queen Mary.

JULY 12, 2019


Continued from page 1 cessive.” There are a small number of senior programs that is offered by the City, including arts and crafts, billiards, bingo, and Zumba. Others can be termed as activities occurring at the City’s Recreation Center such as cupcake decorating and free computer use. The City also runs a well-attended Golden Age Senior Club, Sunshine Club, and delivers 1,540 meals each month to Hawaiian Gardens seniors. Two or three excursions are offered each month to places such as the Getty Museum and Pala Casino and average 30 participants on each trip. Still, the number of programs and excursions caused Rodriguez concern, indicating that “she wanted to see more funds spent on our youth.” Then Rodriguez said something that caused everyone in the room to gasp, and was the driver for her public apology. “Yes, I would like to see more of [the money] geared towards our youth because eventually we're all going to pass away anyway.” “The misspoken comments I made really do not portray my true values or the love I have for this community,” she stated, “I really want to thank those who reached out to me and gave me the chance to apologize and clarify my comments.”


Continued from page 1 The park was named after A.J. Padelford after his passing in 1972. The construction company was known for its large projects in Artesia and Cerritos which included the first car dealership of the world’s largest mall, Cerritos Auto Square and Cerritos Plaza to name a few.


Continued from page 1 community, “said School Board President Ernie Nishii. “We will finally be able to invest in our most precious resource— our life-long learners- our kids. Our District will finally improve our facilities to match the great performance of our great students—and we will do it with a much lower than expected cost!” A total of nine financial institutions placed bids, showing that the District's bond was in high demand. The submission with the lowest average interest rate came from Fidelity Capital Markets at 2.75% for a fixed 25-year term. The interest rate is significantly lower than what was estimated by the District’s bond consultants. The low interest rate will enable the District to fulfill its commitment to better technology and safety sooner – and, in the future, reduce the cost of the bond. The bonds are “double-tax free,” meaning they are exempt from both federal and state income taxes. The next step will be the delivery of funds to the District on July 31, 2019. “We are excited to get moving on projects identified in the Facilities Master Plan,” said Superintendent Dr. Mary Sieu. “In fact, we expect work to begin on our elementary school campuses this summer with the installation of new security cameras, updated playground surfaces, and

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She went on to say she was distracted when she made her “misstatements.” “When I walked up to the podium there was already a disturbance, and there was someone taking pictures with their flash on, which really aggravated the headache I already had.” The grand daughters of Mary Rodriguez, who the senior center was named after, then addressed the City Council and attendees. “You may not have had the opportunity to know her, but her love and passion for this community was immeasurable. My grandma, who lived in a tiny hut of an apartment and had ceramic molds tucked in every corner, suffered from lupus and was in pain every day. However she would get up every morning before sunrise just to pour the molds for the seniors to paint. She would often tell us how important the senior center was to her and to the community and that the center may be the only lifeline to some who had no one else. As children whose father was often incarcerated, we also thrived at the youth center dating back to the old Green Center on Bellflower Boulevard, we spent most of our days there taking classes and playing games. It gave us a respite from our often violent and chaotic home life, where we suffered on a daily basis.” The two women went on to say that they were speaking to the City Council for three reasons: to remind the council who their grandmother was and what she meant to the community; to address the recent comments about the excessive spending on senior programs, and to brainstorm on

improved shade structures.” Those interested in inquiring about the purchase of bonds should contact Fidelity Capital Markets at 1-800-FIDELITY. Visit the Facilities-Measure BB page on the District’s website at www.abcusd. us for more information about Measure BB and the Facilities Master Plan. Projects funded by the bonds are subject to Board of Education approval and oversight by the Citizen’s Oversight Committee. The funds raised through the bond will improve the facilities, technology, and safety throughout the District. About the ABC Unified School District In 1965 the Artesia, Bloomfield, and Carmenita School Districts unified and became the ABC Unified School District. Today, the District serves over 30,000 Pre-K to 12th Grade and adult education students through its 30 campuses. The District is home to some of the most awarded and recognized schools in California and serves the cities of Artesia, most of Cerritos, Hawaiian Gardens, as well as portions of Lakewood, Long Beach, and Norwalk.


Continued from page 1 spectacular displays in the world including Super Bowl XXXVII Super Saturday City Party, the largest show ever produced on the West Coast and has officially entered the Guinness World Book of Records for setting two world records: the longest chain of fireworks [10,005 firecrackers] and the longest line of sparklers lit in relay [299 participants]. They did not disappoint the thousands of spectators who came out to celebrate the birthday of the United States. “Our City Staff really out did themselves,” said Mayor Steve De Ruse, “some of our volunteers were there all day to set up and through the night to clean up. They deserve our absolute appreciation.”

Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net

how to continue funding and not cutting one program for another. One suggestion was to combine some of the programs where seniors and youth could benefit from each other in culture and history. A buddy system was also offered for the Senior Excursion Program where the youth and seniors could travel together, “Our Nana’s thoughts on thriving senior citizens was if their lives were enriched it would have a trickledown effect to the your of the community. “ Former Hawaiian Gardens Mayor Ray Rodriguez approached the dais noting the City had purchased two trashcans for over $500 each for the teen center, spent over $1,000 dollars on a Catalina Island excursion, and blew through taxpayer dollars at the Contract Cities Convention in May. He also alleged that Maravilla and Mayor pro tem Jesse Alvarado spent over $8,000, $2,600 per day, attending the Na-


tional Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Conference in Miami. The conference was held at the pricey InterContinental Hotel which has a room rate of $300 per night and is in close proximity to the party capital of Miami, South Beach. The conference was three days so the room charges alone were likely over $1,800. “And you are complaining about senior budget,” said Rodriguez, “give me a break.”

los cerritos community newspaper


Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net


ARTESIA PUNISHERS 18 GOLD TEAM BUSY IN TUNE-UP FOR CHAMPIONS CUP, PGF NATIONALS BY LOREN KOPFF @LORENKOPFF ON TWITTER FOUNTAIN VALLEY-In preparation for the upcoming Champions Cup, one of the most prestigious college showcase tournaments in Southern California, and the Premier Girls Fastpitch Nationals, the Artesia Punishers 18 Gold travel softball team was still getting some work done in the Surf City Tourneys Summer Showcase this past weekend. The Punishers, who tied their first game last Saturday before coming up short in their second game, had two solid victories this past Sunday before ending the Summer Showcase with a tie. “The way I prepped up before the game was that we’re preparing for PGF in two weeks,” said Punishers longtime assistant coach Ed Blanck. “And then, I told them, when they were going up to bat, to be confident; to have their confidence and their demeanor and in their mind that they can hit the ball. That was the basic; the whole thing was about confidence.” The Punishers tied the (Fountain Valley) IRVINE-The action is heating up and there is no time to waste for the Cerritosbased Athletics 14-Under travel softball team, coached by Jon Nielsen. Before the Athletics embarked on a plane for Atlanta to play in the Legacy Showcase tournament this past Monday morning, the team participated in the prestigious Champions Cup, held at the Great Park. The Athletics went 1-1-1 in pool play action, then surprised the (Mission Viejo) Firecrackers-Lahners in the single elimination playoffs this past Sunday before bowing out to the (Granite Bay) LTGCarda/Seva later in the day. “It was a good showcase tournament for us,” Nielsen said. “The main goal in this one was to get us ready to go to Atlanta for Legacy. The games we were going to play were kind of tune-up games.” The Firecrackers had breezed through their pool with relative ease, outscoring the opposition 34-7. But the Athletics shrugged that off for a 7-0 win with a four-run top of the fourth inning being the dealbreaker. In the top of the first inning, Eden Pufahl walked shortstop Jadyn Nielsen (Cerritos High), who advanced on a wild pitch and stole third before coming home on a groundout from starting pitcher Seijia Makanani (Kapaa High, Kauai, HI). Two innings later, Nielsen was walked again, advanced twice on sacrifices and scored on a base hit from third baseman Nevaeh Telles (Kamehameha High). Already feeling confident of advancing to the semifinals, the Athletics put the game away in the top of the fourth and it began with a double from first baseman Natalie Basurto (Walnut High) and a single from right fielder Kayla Tafolla (La Habra High). A groundout from center fielder Lauren May (Canyon High) brought in Basurto and Nielsen was walked for the third straight time. Tafolla would make it 4-0 on a wild pitch before second baseman McKayla Cotton


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So Cal Athletics-Bagatourian 4-4 and lost to the (Roseville) CA Yard Sharks-Price 1-2 before breaking out the bats this past Sunday against the (Fresno) American Athletics-Kamimoto, busting a close game wide open with a five-run top of the fourth inning en route to an 8-1 victory. Three pitches into the game, Mikala Fletcher (Downey High) singled to left and two batters later, consecutive base hits from Taylor Genera (Whitney High/ Chaminade University) and Yasmine Castellanos (California High/St. Lawrence University) loaded the bases. Ariana Hamilton (Downey High) then grounded out to bring in Fletcher. The Punishers added a run in the top of the third inning when Castellanos and Hamilton each singled and advanced on a wild pitch. One out later, a groundout from Katherine Serna (St. Paul High) plated Castellanos. The American Athletics would score an unearned run in the bottom half of the inning before the Punishers put the game away. On the first pitch Sophie Little (Culver City High) was safe on an infield single. Fletcher and Jennifer Aguilar (Santa Fe High/Howard College) each had singles to left field after seeing a combined three pitches. With the bases loaded, Genera was hit to make it 3-1 and a sacrifice fly from Castellanos allowed Fletcher to come home. Hamilton and Skylar Liebrecht (St. Joseph High) would continue the barrage with a single and double respectively and Serna would drive in the final run of the

MIKALA FLETCHER (Downey High) of the Artesia Punishers 18 Gold travel softball team scores one of her three runs against the (Fresno) American Athletics this past Sunday in the Surf City Tourneys Summer Showcase. Fletcher went four for four in the 8-1 victory. PHOTO BY ARMANDO VARGAS, Contributing photographer. inning with a groundout. In the next inning, Castellanos drove in Fletcher with a two-out single to right field. Fletcher went four for four and Castellanos went three for three while Hamilton and Little each collected two hits. Castellanos and Serna also combined to give up two hits while striking out four. Immediately after the game, the Punishers again broke a close game wide open late and went on to crush the Firecrackers Huntington Beach-Caswell 11-1. The Firecrackers grabbed a 1-0 lead in the bottom of the first inning as Gianna Alvi-

CHAMPIONS CUP ATHLETICS 14-U TEAM HAS UPS AND DOWNS IN CHAMPIONS CUP, PREPARES FOR LEGACY SHOWCASE BY LOREN KOPFF @LORENKOPFF ON TWITTER laid down a bunt up the third base line, allowing Nielsen to go to third. Then four pitches later, Makanani tripled to deep center. The final tally came in the top of the fifth inning when left fielder Alexa Fernandez (Segerstrom High) reached on a fielder’s choice, stole second and scored on a triple from Tafolla. “Again, we’re a good team and they didn’t play anybody in their pool,” Jon Nielsen said. “That’s what happens in pool play sometimes. There was some motivation; one of the girls used to play for my team was on that team. Those coaches are kind of arrogant, again, Firecrackers and what not. But I enjoy banging out organizational teams. I take pride in that. I take pride in that because little guys aren’t supposed to that.” Telles and catcher Puakea Milbourne (Kapolei High) each had a pair of hits as part of a nine-hit attack and Makanani and Madison Rabe (Kamehameha High) combined on a two-hitter and striking out seven. A few hours later, the Athletics came up short in a 5-2 loss to LTG, falling behind 3-0 after three innings before rallying for a pair of runs in the top of the fourth inning. Milbourne had a double and Fernandez a single before both came home on a base hit from Cotton, who went two for three in the game. The only other hit the Athletics got was a one-out triple from Nielsen the previous inning. The Athletics also committed three errors and had 12 miscues in the tournament. “I worked some girls in different posi-

JULY 12, 2019

tions,” Jon Nielsen said; “We had couple of girls who didn’t play in Zoom Into June. So, I gave some of them got some reps in these games. More or less, half the tournament was to get the girls some reps who weren’t there for Zoom Into June and the rest of the stuff was to fine tune the girls we have going to Atlanta.” The Athletics began the Champions Cup with a 1-1 tie against the Cal A’s Hawai’iIseri/Agena last Friday morning. The Cal A’s took a 1-0 lead in the bottom of the first inning when Colby McClinton tripled to the right field corner and scored on a two-out double from Kanani Kekahuna-Fernandez. After that, Rabe allowed two more hits and walked two over the next five innings while striking out six batters, four in a row after the double. She would finish with seven strikeouts. Meanwhile, the bats were silenced with Cotton getting a one out single in the top of the first inning and Rabe a leadoff double in the third. But with one out in the sixth inning, Hailey Yoshida walked May and went to third on a single from Nielsen. Two pitches later, Cotton reached on an error, with May scoring. Right after that game, the Athletics, behind back to back seven-run innings, crushed the (West Hills) BatbustersWellbaum 15-3. While Makanani yielded three hits, the Athletics pounded out 14 with seven starters collecting at least a hit. Makanani went three for four while Fernandez, Milbourne and Telles all had a pair of hits. Last Saturday, the Athletics were blanked

drez reached on an infield hit and scored on a single from Miah Hartvigsen. After that, three pitchers combined to give up one more hit over the next four innings. The Punishers tied the contest in the top of the third inning when Fletcher tripled with one out and scored on a groundout from Aguilar. In the next inning, nine batters came to the plate and the Punishers posted six hits with the big blow being a bases-clearing double from Aguilar. One inning later, eight batters came to the plate and again, Aguilar had another

See ARTESIA page 11 by the Ohana Tigers-Holloway/Contreras 12-0 despite getting seven hits. The Athletics, who stranded nine baserunners, loaded the bases with none out in the bottom of the second inning. Makanani and Telles each went two for three and Fernandez and Rabe each went one for two with Cotton getting the other hit. “Obviously, I want to come out and compete and do some different things,” Jon Nielsen said. “Obviously, the four teams that were in my pool…we had the toughest pool. We got some good, quality games. Again, it was a showcase and quite a few [colleges] saw us Friday and Saturday. So, we got those kinds of things out of the way.” The Athletics rebounded later in the day and eliminated The Factory, a Rancho Bernardo-based team, 12-3. The Athletics blew the game wide open with seven runs in the bottom of the second inning. Telles led off the frame with a single and stole second. Milbourne then singled to left field and Rabe tripled to the left field fence. After Basurto was hit by a pitch, Fernandez singled, right fielder Sarah Gutierrez (St. Paul High) reached on an error and Nielsen was safe on a fielder’s choice. After the first out was recorded, Makanani plated Nielsen with a groundout to end the scoring for the inning. While the top three in the batting order went zero for eight, Milbourne went three for three and three other players collected two hits. Rabe, who worked the first four innings, and Cotton combined on a fourhitter. After leaving early this past Monday morning for the Peach state, the Athletics had a game this past Wednesday, two on July 11, three more today and one on Saturday. The team will fly back home on Monday. “That’s part of the deal, that’s kind of how everything goes,” Jon Nielsen said. “That’s the fun part of it.”

JULY 12, 2019

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Continued from page 10 bases-clearing double. The top three batters in the lineup-Fletcher, Aguilar and Genera went a combined seven for 11 with nine runs driven in and five runs scored. In addition, Castellanos, Genera, Serna and Angelina Perez (Norwalk High) combined to throw 56 pitches, walk one and strikeout one in five innings of work. After that game, the Punishers tied the (Temecula) OC Batbusters-Guzman/ Johnson 0-0 and despite a slow start to the summer because of a relatively young team, Blanck admitted he’s surprised it has taken this long to get it together with the PGF Nationals on the horizon. “Because their young and it has taken a little bit of more time to learn,� Blanck said. “I think it was the lack of confidence. So now, I understand they’re working towards that.� The Punishers began the Champions Cup with a pair of pool play games this past Wednesday and had one more on July 11 before playing two more games

led off with a double and Allyza Camacho (Warren High) brought her in with a single. Hollins went three for three while Camacho and Parriott each had a pair of hits. Later in the morning, the Punishers rebounded for a 5-1 win against the (Martinez) NorCal Shockers-Creecy, highlighted by a three-run top of the fifth inning. The Punishers had solo tallies in the first and second innings as Hollins led off the game with a walk, stole two bases and scored on an error before the next batter walked. Later in the game, Leilani Pina (Cerritos High) singled and scored on a double from Mikala Jacobsen (Cypress High). Later in the inning, Jacobsen scored on a passed ball. De Leon went two for three and drove in a run while Onnika Haughey (Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa High) pitched a twohitter, yielding an unearned run. Following the game, the Punishers were blasted by the (Glendale, AZ) Firecrackers-Schoeneweis 11-0 as they could only muster one hit, a one-out single from Parriott in the top of the second inning. But this past Sunday morning, the Punishers bounded back and rallied from a 5-0 deficit to knock off the USA Athletics-Collis/


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Medina 7-5 with all their runs coming in the bottom of the fifth inning. Haughey began the onslaught by reaching on an error before being replaced by courtesy runner Arianna Hernandez (Lakewood High). Caitlyn Martinez (Cypress High), Lopez, Angelina Mendoza (Millikan High) and Hollins all had successive hits before the first out was recorded. Pina then had a run-scoring double and after the second out, Parriott, De Leon and Haughey all had singles. Hollins went three for three and drove in two while Martinez, Mendoza, Parriott and Pina all had a pair of hits as part of a 14-hit attack. The tournament ended with the Punishers falling to the (El Monte) OC Batbusters-Gresham 12-0. Hollins and Pina both went one for two, the only hits the Punishers would get. Hollins got her it in the top of the first inning, a double, while Pina would single with two outs in the top of the fourth inning.

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today with the single elimination playoffs beginning on Saturday and ending on Sunday. “I would say [we’re at] 60 percent,� Blanck said. “We have two weeks to do it in, and I think they’re getting prepared right now, and the Champions Cup, and then we’ll see how we do in PGF.� The Artesia Punishers 16-Under team, coached by Joseph Alvarez, was also in the Summer Showcase and didn’t fare as well as the Gold team. Alvarez’ team won two of five games and were blanked in two of those contests. The Punishers began the tournament with a narrow 5-3 loss to the Clovis RocketsLuna last Saturday morning after taking a 2-0 lead in the top of the second inning. Lexi De Leon (San Pedro High) led off with a single and one out later, Taylor Parriott (Los Alamitos High) followed with a base hit. Both runners would advance on an error with De Leon scoring. Jazel Lopez (Carson High) would then reach on an error with Parriott coming home. After the Rockets tied the game in the bottom of the second inning, the Punishers regained the lead in the next inning as Carla Hollins (Santa Monica High)

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Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net

To advertise call 562-407-3873

JULY 12, 2019


55-hour Extended Weekend Closure Schedule:

COMMERCE, VERNON, EAST LOS ANGELES - The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) announces extended weekend closures and the closures of on/off-ramps on Interstate 710 (I-710) for a road resurfacing and bridge widening project. Residents and local businesses located near the freeway may experience noise, vibrations and dust associated with construction activities. Beginning on Friday, July 12, full closures of southbound I-710 between Bandini Blvd. and Slauson Ave. will occur overnight and re-open with extended closures restricting traffic to two lanes on Saturday and Sunday.

11 p.m. Friday, July 12 to 5 a.m. Saturday, July 13 Full closure of southbound I-710 from Bandini Blvd. to Slauson Ave. Southbound I-5 to southbound I-710 connector Southbound Washington Blvd on-ramp Bandini Blvd/Atlantic Blvd on-ramp 5 a.m. Saturday, July 13 to 11 p.m. Sunday, July 14 Two lanes of southbound I-710 will be CLOSED from Bandini Blvd. to Slauson Ave. Southbound Washington Blvd on-ramp Bandini Blvd/Atlantic Blvd on-ramp 11 p.m. Sunday, July 14 to 5 a.m. Monday, July 15

Full closure of southbound I-710 from Bandini Blvd. to Slauson Ave. Southbound I-5 to southbound I-710 connector Southbound Washington Blvd on-ramp Bandini Blvd/Atlantic Blvd on-ramp Some closures may start and end later. All closures are weather permitting and subject to change. Motorists should expect delays and are strongly advised to use alternate routes. Drivers can check traffic conditions before they leave by visiting the Caltrans Quickmap. The work on I-710 is part of a $150.7 million pavement rehabilitation and bridge widening project that stretches 3.7 miles from Bell to East Los Angeles. Caltrans reminds drivers to be “Work Zone Alert” and to “Slow for the Cone Zone.”

BEAT THE HEAT, WHILE ENJOYING A BOX-OFFICE HIT DURING NORWALK'S 'DIVE-IN' MOVIE NIGHT Triple digits are around the corner, and what better way to cool off and spend time with family and friends than a DiveIn Movie! The City of Norwalk's popular Dive In Movie Night is back. On Saturday, July 27 families are invited to the Norwalk Aquatic Pavilion for a screening of Aquaman (PG-13) on a 400 square foot screen. Admission fee is $5 per person, or $20 for a family of five and includes access to the pool, movie screening and a snack. For more information, please call 562-929-5622. The dive-in will occur Saturday, July 27, 7:00 p.m. at the Norwalk Aquatic Pavilion 12301 Sproul Street in Norwalk.

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JULY 12, 2019

To advertise call 562-407-3873

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Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net

To advertise call 562-407-3873

CITY OF LA MIRADA STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING BIDS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2019-03 NEIGHBORHOOD SLURRY SEAL - AREA 1 (FOSTER PARK AREA), IMPERIAL HIGHWAY, NEARGROVE ROAD, JALISCO ROAD, FLORITA ROAD, CRESTOAK DRIVE, GARA DRIVE, ASHGROVE DRIVE, EXCELSIOR DRIVE, NEARTREE ROAD, BLUEFIELD AVENUE, STANLEAF DRIVE, FIGUERAS ROAD, SAN BRUNO DRIVE Notice is hereby given that the City of La Mirada, California invites sealed bids for the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and services for Capital Improvement Project No. 2019-03. Plans and Specifications and the Instructions to Bidders for the Slurry Sealing and Signing and Striping Project are on file in the office of the City Clerk, La Mirada City Hall, 13700 La Mirada Boulevard, California 90638. The general items of work include the roadway slurry seal including providing traffic control, crack sealing, weed abatement, type II latex slurry seal, and installation of pavement striping and markings. Sealed bids shall be delivered to the City Clerk at or before 10:30 a.m. on August 1, 2019. Bids must be submitted on the blank forms, prepared and furnished for that purpose and included in the Plans and Specifications. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or delete portions of any or all bids, or waive any informality or irregularity in the bid or the bid procedures. Anne Haraksin, City Clerk City of La Mirada Published at La Mirada Lamplighter Newspaper 7/12/19

CITY OF CERRITOS STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO BIDDERS OF THE MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT BLOOMFIELD AVENUE AND 166th STREET FEDERAL PROJECT NO. HSIPL-5325(017) PROJECT NO. 18401, BID NO. 1376-19 Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Cerritos, County of Los Angeles, State of California, hereby invites sealed bids for the following project: Project Identification:


Project Description: Bids must be received on or before:

The work or improvement to be performed generally consists of a traffic signal modification. Additive alternates provide for ADA ramp upgrades and sidewalk removal and replacement.

Place of bid receipt:

Office of the City Clerk, City Hall 18125 Bloomfield Avenue, First Floor Cerritos, California 90703 Bids must be marked: “MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT BLOOMFIELD AVENUE AND 166TH STREET, FEDERAL PROJECT NO. HSIPL-5325(017), PROJECT NO. 18401, BID NO. 1376-19.”

Tuesday, August 6, 2019, 11:00 a.m.

All bids shall be made on the form furnished by the City and shall be opened and publicly read aloud at the above-stated time in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Cerritos, City Hall. Obtaining Contract Documents: A set of Contract Documents, including the plans and specifications, may be purchased at the Engineering Division of the City of Cerritos for $10.00 ($15.00 if mailing is requested). There will be no refund for return of the Contract Documents. Return of such documents is not required. Each bid shall be accompanied by bid security referred to in the Contract Documents and by a list of proposed subcontractors. Evidence of insurance, a performance bond, and a labor and materials bond as specified in the Contract Documents will be required prior to execution of the contract. In accordance with Public Contract Code section 22300, the bidder who is awarded the contract may substitute securities for retention moneys withheld by a public agency to ensure performance under the contract. The procedure and requirements for substituting said securities is set forth in Public Contract Code section 22300, which is incorporated by this reference as set forth herein. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or portions thereof, or to waive any informality or irregularity in a bid to the extent allowed by law. No bid will be accepted from a contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9, Division III of the California Business and Professions Code. The contractor must possess a license of the following classification at the time the contract is awarded (and must maintain this license classification through completion of the project): “A.” The bidder's attention is also directed to Section 7028.15 of the Business and Professions Code for further reference. Only a contractor registered with the California Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”) to bid on public works contracts in California shall be permitted to submit a bid. Furthermore, only subcontractors registered with the DIR to bid on public works contracts in California shall be permitted to perform work or labor or render service under subcontract to the subject contractor. No contractor or subcontractor awarded work on this project shall appear on the federal or state debarment lists. This is a federally assisted construction contract. Federal labor standards provisions outlined in HUD-4010 form, including the prevailing wage requirements of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts (DBRA), will be enforced. The applicable federal wage decision is the one in effect ten (10) days prior to bid opening; it is online at http://www.wdol.gov/wdol/scafiles/davisbacon/ca.html. In the event of a conflict between Federal and State wage rates, the higher of the two will prevail. The State wage rates are available online at http://www.dir.ca.gov/DLSR/PWD/index.html. Lower State wage rates for work classifications not specifically included in the Federal wage decision are not acceptable. The bidder’s attention is further directed to Section 9204 of the Public Contract Code regarding the claims resolution process for all public works projects. Any dispute or claim against the City under a public works project shall be processed in accordance with Section 9204 of the Public Contract Code and any other applicable law. By order of the City of Cerritos. Dated/posted/published: July 12, 2019 Published at Los Cerritos Community News 7/12/19

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PRINTING OF THE CERRITOS CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 2019-2020 FALL AND SPRING POSTCARDS BID NO. 1377-19 Sealed bids will be received at the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Cerritos, 18125 Bloomfield Avenue, First Floor, Bloomfield Avenue at 183rd Street, Cerritos, California, 90703, until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 23, 2019, for the printing of the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts 2019-2020 Fall and Spring Postcards, Bid No. 1377-19. Bids will be publicly opened at Cerritos City Hall at 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, July 23, 2019. Bids must be made on the form provided for this purpose, addressed to the City Clerk, City of Cerritos, 18125 Bloomfield Avenue, First Floor, Bloomfield Avenue at 183rd Street, Cerritos, California, 90703, marked “Bid for the Printing of the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts 2019-2020 Fall and Spring Postcards, Bid No. 1377-19”. Please contact the City of Cerritos Communications Division at (562) 916-1320 to obtain specifications and contract documents. No bid will be accepted unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City and has the bid number and project name clearly identified on the outside label. The City of Cerritos reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or portions of any and all bids or waive the informality in a bid not affected by law. Bid specifications are available online at www.cerritos.us/BUSINESSES/bid_and_contract_opportunities/bid_listings.php Dated/Posted/Published: July 12, 2019 Published at Los Cerritos Community News 7/12/19 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK SALE (UCC Sec. 6105) Escrow No. 19-42518-SP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bulk sale is about to be made. The name(s), business address(es) to the Seller(s) are: SOKCHEAT VONG 18001 PIONEER BLVD., STE A&B, ARTESIA, CA 90701 Doing Business as: LEE'S SANDWICHES All other business name(s) and address(es) used by the Seller(s) within three years, as stated by the Seller(s), is/are: NONE The name(s) and address of the Buyer(s) is/are: THUY MOC LLC 18001 PIONEER BLVD., STE A&B, ARTESIA, CA 90701 The assets to be sold are described in general as: ALL STOCK IN TRADE, FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT, GOODWILL, TRADENAME, LEASE, LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS, AND COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE and are located at: 18001 PIONEER BLVD., STE A&B, ARTESIA, CA 90701 The bulk sale is intended to be consummated at the office of: TEAM ESCROW INC, 6025 BEACH BLVD, BUENA PARK, CA 90621 and the anticipated sale date is JULY 30, 2019 The bulk sale is subject to California Uniform Commercial Code Section 6106.2. [If the sale is subject to Sec. 6106.2, the following information must be provided.] The name and address of the person with whom claims may be filed is: TEAM ESCROW INC, 6025 BEACH BLVD, BUENA PARK, CA 90621 and the last day for filing claims shall be JULY 29, 2019, which is the business day before the sale date specified above. Dated: 07/02/2019 BUYER: THUY MOC LLC LA2306894 LOS CERRITOS COMMUNITY NEWS 7/12/19 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No. CA-18-847764-CL Order No.: 8748503 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 2/9/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier's check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor (s): THOMAS H. LIM AND CHRISTINE C. LIM Recorded: 2/14/2007 as Instrument No. 20070318682 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, California; Date of Sale: 8/13/2019 at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: Behind the fountain located in Civic Center Plaza, located at 400 Civic Center Plaza, Pomona CA 91766 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $90,762.88 The purported property address is: 19407 OPAL CT UNIT J, CERRITOS, CA 90703-8217 Assessor's Parcel No.: 7044-040-110 Legal Description: Please be advised that the legal description set forth on the Deed of Trust is in error. The legal description of the property secured by the Deed of Trust is more properly set forth and made part of Exhibit "A" as attached hereto. A CONDOMINIUM COMPRISED OF: PARCEL 1: (A) AN UNDIVIDED 1/42ND INTEREST IN AND TO LOTS 3, 16 AND 17 OF TRACT NO. 52507, IN THE CITY OF CERRITOS, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 1237, PAGES 41 THROUGH 44 INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, BY AND AMENDED MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 1239 PAGES 51 THROUGH 55 INCLUSIVE OF MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID LOS ANGELES COUNTY. EXCEPT THEREFROM UNITS 85 THROUGH 126 INCLUSIVE AS DEFINED AND DELINEATED ON A CONDOMINIUM PLAN OCTOBER 21, 1999, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 99-1985510, OFFICIAL RECORDS. EXCEPTING THEREFROM, ALL OIL, OIL RIGHTS, NATURAL GAS RIGHTS, MINERAL RIGHTS ALL OTHER HYDROCARBONS SUBSTANCES BY WHATSOEVER NAME KNOWN, AND ALL WATER, CLAIMS OR RIGHTS TO WATER, TOGETHER WITH APPURTENANT RIGHTS THERETO, WITHOUT HOWEVER, ANY RIGHT TO ENTER UPON THE SURFACE OF SAID LAND NOR ANY PORTION OF THE SUBSURFACE LYING ABOVE A DEPTH OF 400 FEET, AS EXCEPTED OR RESERVED BY VARIOUS INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD, AS RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. PARCEL 2: UNIT 93 WITHIN LOT 3 AS DEFINED AND DELINEATED ON THE ABOVE REFERRED TO CONDOMINIUM PLAN. THE FOLLOWING LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS SHOWN AND DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED OF TRUST AS FOLLOWS: UNIT: 93 LT: 3 & 17 SD: TRACT 52507 BK: 1237 PG: 41-44, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CA CONDO NAME: CERRIOTS EMERALD VILLAS. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder's office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 916-939-0772 for information regarding the trustee's sale or visit this Internet Web site http://www.qualityloan.com, using the file number assigned to this foreclosure by the Trustee: CA-18-847764-CL. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary's Agent, or the Beneficiary's Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right's against the real property only. Date: Quality Loan Service Corporation 2763 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108 619-645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 916-939-0772 Or Login to: http://www. qualityloan.com Reinstatement Line: (866) 645-7711 Ext 5318 Quality Loan Service Corp. TS No.: CA-18-847764-CL IDSPub #0154717 7/19/2019 7/26/2019 8/2/2019

JULY 12, 2019

To advertise call 562-407-3873

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: HARRY SPILLANE CASE NO. 19STPB05676 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the WILL or estate, or both of HARRY SPILLANE. A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by BRUCE HITCHMAN AND LEE ANN HITCHMAN in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that BRUCE HITCHMAN AND LEE ANN HITCHMAN be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent's WILL and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The WILL and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act with limited authority. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held in this court as follows: 07/19/19 at 8:30AM in Dept. 2D located at 111 N. HILL ST., LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner TIMOTHY J. BLIED - SBN 85958 SCHMIESING BLIED STODDART & MACKEY 400 N. TUSTIN AVE. SUITE 290 SANTA ANA CA 92705 6/28, 7/5, 7/12/19 CNS-3266864# LA MIRADA LAMPLIGHTER

CITYWIDE WAYFINDING VEHICULAR DIRECTIONAL SIGNS PROJECT NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CITY OF COMMERCE, referred to as “CITY,” invites sealed bids for the above stated project and will receive such bids at Commerce City Hall in the Office of the City Clerk, 2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, California 90040, up to the hour of 2:00 PM on Tuesday, July 23, 2019, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Late proposals will NOT be considered. BID DOCUMENTS: Electronic files of the Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents are available for download on the City website at http://ca-commerce.civicplus.com/bids.aspx. A hard copy of the bid package will not be mailed. NON-MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING: None. LOCATION AND SCOPE OF WORK: The work to be done consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidental for the installation of Vehicular Directional Signs at various locations Citywide as provided in the electronic files of the Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents. SCHEDULE OF WORK AND WORKING DAYS: In accordance with the Standard Specifications, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval its proposed Construction Schedule. At a scheduled date prior to commencement of work, the Contractor and all subcontractors shall attend a pre-construction conference at the City Hall. Total construction duration is 90 working days (including long lead time material procurement). ESTIMATED COST OF WORK: The engineer’s estimate for this project is in the range of $110,000. BID BOND: Bids must be accompanied by a bid bond, made payable to the City of Commerce for an amount no less than ten percent (10%) of the bid amount. CONTRACTORS LICENSE: Contractor shall have a valid California General Contractor License, Class A, General Engineering Contractor, or, Class C45, Sign Contractor at the time of bid, at the time of award and during the performance of the work. FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECT: This is NOT a Federally funded project. CALIFORNIA PREVAILING WAGE AND NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Bidder agrees to comply with California Labor Code regulations with respect to prevailing wages and Bidder agrees to sign a non-collusion affidavit form and all other required forms included in the specifications. If there are any questions regarding this project, please contact: City of Commerce, Public Works & Development Services Department, 2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, CA 90040. By order of the City Council of the City of Commerce, California: LENA SHUMWAY, City Clerk Dated: July 2, 2019 Published at Los Cerritos Community News 7/8 and 7/15/19

EMPLOYMENT Quality Systems Chemist (Cerritos, CA): Reqs a Bachelor’s in Chemistry, Food Sci, Biology or rltd field plus 2 yrs exp as a Lab Tech, Quality Analyst or rltd in food safety. Exp must include: specific gravity & refractive index principals; BRC global cert standrds & audits; HACCP food safety implmntation/compliance; US FDA regs & GFSI schemes; Food Safety Modernization Act implmntation, compliance & risk assessments; GMP inspections & quality syst audits. Mail resume: T. Hasegawa USA Inc, 14017 East 183rd St, Cerritos, CA 90703, attn D. Williams. Principals only. Must be legally authrzd to work in US without sponsorship. EOE.

Los Cerritos Community News - LosCerritosNews.net


CITY OF LA MIRADA STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING BIDS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2018-09 SLURRY SEALING AND SIGNING AND STRIPING PLANS FOR BIOLA AVENUE, STAGE ROAD, ESCALONA ROAD, FOSTER ROAD, ADELFA DRIVE AND ALICANTE ROAD Notice is hereby given that the City of La Mirada, California invites sealed bids for the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and services for Capital Improvement Project No. 2018-09. Plans and Specifications and the Instructions to Bidders for the Slurry Sealing and Signing and Striping Project are on file in the office of the City Clerk, La Mirada City Hall, 13700 La Mirada Boulevard, California 90638. The general items of work include the removal and reconstruction of damaged asphalt concrete pavement, slurry seal resurfacing, and new signing and striping along six collector street segments. Sealed bids shall be delivered to the City Clerk at or before 11 a.m. on August 1, 2019. Bids must be submitted on the blank forms, prepared and furnished for that purpose and included in the Plans and Specifications. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or delete portions of any or all bids, or waive any informality or irregularity in the bid or the bid procedures. Anne Haraksin, City Clerk City of La Mirada Published at La Mirada Lamplighter Newspaper 7/12/19 CITY OF CERRITOS STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NO. 1375-19 FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL, STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE SERVICES AND ADDITIONAL SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Cerritos, County of Los Angeles, State of California, hereby invites sealed proposals for the following: “TRAFFIC SIGNAL, STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE SERVICES AND ADDITIONAL SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION.” The work or improvement to be performed consists of providing all labor, services, tools, equipment, materials, appurtenances and incidentals necessary for the maintenance of traffic signals and City owned street lights in the City of Cerritos. The term of the proposed contract is two (2) years with a provision of up to four (4) one-year extensions. Sealed proposals shall be delivered to the City Clerk of the City of Cerritos at or before 11:00 AM on July 30, 2019, at the office of the City Clerk, City of Cerritos, First Floor, 18125 Bloomfield Avenue, Bloomfield Avenue at 183rd Street, Cerritos, California 90703 and marked “TRAFFIC SIGNAL, STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE SERVICES AND ADDITIONAL SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION PROPOSAL NO. 1375-19, DO NOT OPEN.” A set of Contract Documents, including the Plans and Specifications, may be obtained at the Engineering Division of the City of Cerritos, located at 18125 Bloomfield Avenue, Cerritos, CA 90703. The City of Cerritos reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or portions of any and all proposals, or waive any informality or irregularity in a proposal to the extent allowed by law. No proposal will be received unless it is made on the official forms in the Contract Documents that include the Proposal Cost Schedule/Non-Collusion Affidavit. Failure to properly execute the Proposal Cost Schedule/Non-Collusion Affidavit will render the proposal non-responsive and the proposal will not be accepted. No proposal will be accepted from a contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9, Division III of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California. The contractor must possess a license of the following classification at the time the contract is awarded (and must maintain this license classification through completion of the project): “C-10” is required. The proposer's attention is also directed to Section 7028.15 of the Business and Professions Code. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1776, et al. of the Labor Code of the State of California, the Director of Industrial Relations for the State of California has determined the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacations, pensions and similar purposes applicable to the work to be done. These rates shall be the minimum rates for this project. Rates are available on the Internet at http://www.dir.ca.gov/DLSR/PWD. In addition, the information can be obtained by calling the Division of Labor Statistics and Research’s Prevailing Wage Unit at (415) 703-4774, or by faxing the Prevailing Wage Unit at (415) 703-4771, or by writing to: California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and Research, Prevailing Wage Unit, P.O. Box 420603, San Francisco, CA, 94142. By order of the City of Cerritos. Dated/posted/published: July 12, 2019 Published at Los Cerritos Community News 7/12/19 CITY OF COMMERCE PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF HEARING PLOT PLAN NO. 993 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Commerce will conduct a special hearing on a Plot (Site) Plan No. 993, to allow the construction of a new warehouse/manufacturing building measuring approximately 174,315 square feet in the City’s M-2 (Heavy Industrial) zoning district, at 1270 Goodrich Boulevard, Commerce, CA 90040. Pursuant to Chapter 19.39 Division 10 (Site Plan Review) of the Commerce Municipal Code (CMC), a Plot Plan Review is required for any new building or structure in excess of 25,000 square feet in area. The project will also involve the demolition of an existing industrial building on the project site. Said hearing will be held before the Planning Commission of the City of Commerce in the Council Chambers, 5655 Jillson Street, Commerce, CA 90040, on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 6:30 p.m., at which time proponents and opponents Plot Plan No. 993 will be heard. Per Government Code Section 65009, if you challenge this Plot Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the hearing. THE PLANNING COMMISSION Published at Los Cerritos Community News 7/12/19

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BY EDNA ETHINGTON One hundred and twenty-five members and guests gathered at Liberty Park in Cerritos to celebrate the 21st Anniversary of the founding of Da’ Hawaii Seniors Club at their Annual Potluck Picnic. M.C. Danny Chang welcomed everyone to the Potluck Picnic, and Hedy Harrison Anduha said the opening prayer and grace before meals. Danny introduced the current Board members of Da’ Hawaii Seniors Club and thanked them for all the work they have been doing for the club and especially for the picnic. Door prizes that were donated by members were drawn throughout the day and members and guests were pleased to receive their prizes, however, members only could receive the top three door prizes. Amy Tong congratulated the three big win-

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ners of gift certificates. The winners were Marion Tesoro for a $25 gift certificate to Trader Joe’s, Carol Yamaguchi for a $50 gift certificate to Roy’s Restaurant, and Stan Enomoto for a $50 gift certificate to Wood Ranch BBQ in Cerritos. PICTURED are Board members of Da’ Hawaii Seniors Club. Back row, left to right, are Larry Anduha, Stan Enomoto, Gail Nagaoka, Danny Chang, Co-President Carol Roxas, Ann Kho, and Gilbert Aguirre. Front row, Mary Jane Fujimura, Gladys Yoshii, Amy Tong, John Yanagihara, Hedy Anduha, Janie Aguirre, Myrna Matsuno, Marion Tesoro, and Co-President Liberty Santiago. Not pictured are Howard Koga and Ken Matsuno. Photos and I.D. by Edna Ethington.

JULY 12, 2019


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