Behind The Design 2007 - 2010

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people, but the only thing we now have in common is the ability to go to Facebook and reach out to anyone whom we have ever met. And I have friends that refuse to join Facebook for fear of their privacy somehow vanishing or worse yet, a not so flattering photograph of them showing up on someone else’s page. And of course, I have a blog.

But now being able to upload

information to Twitter, Facebook and my blog, via mobile phone has launched me into a world from which I will never return. Who would want to? You can be connected 24/7 to your friends, deliver irrelevant news to them with photos, and always be catching up on The New York Times news updates even while sitting in traffic. It’s crazy how much information we take in on a daily basis. My mother would say that there is nothing like reading a newspaper from cover to cover. Well mom, while sitting at a traffic signal trying to get onto Rama IV for thirty minutes the other evening, I read the New York Times, checked what the White House was doing today, had a look at the latest fashion photos from the Sartorialist from the men’s fashion shows in Milan and meandered over to TripAdvisor to consider where to go for dinner and wrote a review of a restaurant that I went to the previous night. Not a bad way to spend thirty minutes that used to be spent in a slowly building rage at having to wait.

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