A Guide to Typography

Page 50


WORDS IN LIBERTY A Prologue to Futurism: Futurism was first

WORDS IN LIBERTY A Prologue to Futurism: Futurism was first

announced on February 20, 1909, when the Paris newspaper Le Figaro published a manifesto by the Italian poet and editor Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. The name Futurism, coined by Marinetti, reflected his emphasis on discarding what he conceived to be the static and irrelevant art of the past and celebrating change, originality, and innovation in culture and society. Futurism rejected traditions and glorified contemporary life, mainly by emphasizing two dominant themes, the machine and motion. The works were characterized by the depiction of several successive actions of a subject at the same time. Marinetti’s manifesto glorified the new technol-

announced on February 20, 1909, when the Paris newspaper Le Figaro published a manifesto by the Italian poet and editor Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. The name Futurism, coined by Marinetti, reflected his emphasis on discarding what he conceived to be the static and irrelevant art of the past and celebrating change, originality, and innovation in culture and society. Futurism rejected traditions and glorified contemporary life, mainly by emphasizing two dominant themes, the machine and motion. The works were characterized by the depiction of several successive actions of a subject at the same time. Marinetti’s manifesto glorified the new technology of the automobile

aa BB e e GG gg

a a BB e e GG gg

ITC New Baskerville 24pt: Transitional and Futura 24pt: Geometric

Frutiger 24pt: Humanist and MrsEaves 24pt: Transitional

The size of ITC New Baskerville needed to be bumped up a few points so that it really popped against Futura's geometric style. Its stroke weight also changed to bold to further contrast it against Futura's lighter quality.

Mrs. Eaves small, wide, transitional characters contrast against Frutiger Bold's taller, narrower letterforms. Mrs. Eaves had to be lowered in size to create a higher contrast between the two typefaces.

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