ISSN 2584-7104
interview | intervju
hotel magazine | Spring - Summer 2021 proljeće - ljeto | your free personal copy besplatni primjerak
ANTE VRBAN Success comes when you don’t think about it Uspjeh dolazi kad ne razmišljate o njemu
interview | intervju
The Role of the Minotaur Was Created Just for Me Uloga Minotaura kreirana je baš za mene fashion | moda
Drop Your Gaze and Look Down We’re Taking You to Little Zagreb
Spustite pogled i pogledajte dolje - vodimo vas u Mali Zagreb
We Believe in a Better Tomorrow Vjerujemo u bolje sutra
IVICA MAX KRIZMANIĆ General Manager of the Esplanade Hotel / generalni direktor Hotela Esplanade
We have embarked upon another year of the pandemic, but we’re not giving in. We’re going full steam ahead, we’re planning our growth, adapting to the situation and introducing new services. I’m especially pleased we’re the first hotel in Croatia enabling guests to get tested for COVID-19 on the hotel premises. Apart from relieving the stress which our guests experience while travelling at the time of the pandemic, we have once more proven that we remain at the forefront when it comes to setting new trends in the hotel industry. However, I do hope that the days of testing and the grim numbers of those affected will be behind us in no time and that we will soon be able to freely travel as we used to, without limitations and without fear of potential contagion. The whole situation has all of us in the tourism industry feeling bitter, but we believe in a better tomorrow, and, with the arrival of each guest, the good and positive feeling returns that everything will be as it once was, if not better. We are all impatiently waiting to get back our freedom to move around, spend time with people we love, discover cultural sights, enjoy gourmet specialities and get to know new destinations. This is the very reason we are continuing with the publication of our magazine, Esplanade View, with the new issue bringing a range of interesting topics and interviews, among which I would like to single out the conversation with our frequent guest, the architect Ante Vrban, who has designed numerous buildings and received a host of global awards for his work. We also bring a story about a new artistic project consisting of a range of miniature installations in the very centre of Zagreb: you just need to look down to get to know the Little Zagreb - tiny compositions which depict famous Zagreb shop windows, residential buildings, windows, doors… each telling their own story. We’re also taking you to the most noteworthy summer attractions in town, one of which is definitely the cult Oleander Terrace – a green oasis, set among Art Nouveau buildings, extending over one thousand square meters and attracting numerous guests from all over the world for almost a century.
Ušli smo u još jednu pandemijsku godinu, ali ne damo se. Radimo punom parom, planiramo rast, prilagođavamo se situaciji i uvodimo nove usluge. Osobito me veseli da smo prvi hotel u Hrvatskoj koji omogućuje gostima testiranje na COVID-19 u prostoru hotela. Osim što smo olakšali gostima stres koji donosi putovanje u doba pandemije, dokazali smo još jednom da ostajemo predvodnik u postavljanju novih trendova u hotelijerstvu. No, ipak se nadam da će testiranja i crne brojke oboljelih uskoro biti iza nas i da ćemo ubrzo slobodno putovati kao nekad bez ograničenja i bez straha od potencijalne zaraze. Svi mi u turizmu imamo gorak osjećaj zbog cijele situacije, ali vjerujemo u bolje sutra i dolaskom svakog novog gosta vraća se onaj dobar i pozitivan osjećaj da će sve biti kao nekad, ako ne i bolje. Svi s nestrpljenjem priželjkujemo slobodu kretanja, druženje s dragim osobama, otkrivanje kulturnih znamenitosti, uživanje u gurmanskim specijalitetima i upoznavanje novih destinacija. Upravo zato nastavljamo s izdavanjem našeg magazina Esplanade View koji u novom broju donosi niz interesantnih tema i intervjua, među kojima bih izdvojio razgovor s našim čestim gostom arhitektom Antom Vrbanom koji je projektirao brojne građevine i za svoj rad primio niz svjetskih priznanja. Donosimo i priču o novom umjetničkom projektu s nizom minijaturnih instalacija u užem dijelu Zagreba: trebate samo pogledati dolje i upoznati Mali Zagreb – sićušne kompozicije koje prikazuju poznate zagrebačke izloge, stambene zgrade, prozore, vrata... i svaka priča svoju priču. Vodimo vas i na najznačajnije ljetne atrakcije u gradu, a jedna od njih svakako je kultna Oleander terasa – zelena oaza, smještena uza secesijske građevine, koja se prostire na više od tisuću četvornih metara i već gotovo jedno stoljeće svojim neodoljivim šarmom privlači brojne goste iz cijelog svijeta. Ostanite odgovorni i uživajte u čitanju!
Stay responsible and enjoy reading! ES P LA NA D E V I E W | 1
Content Sadržaj
Drop Your Gaze and Look Down – We’re Taking You to Little Zagreb Spustite pogled i pogledajte dolje vodimo vas u Mali Zagreb
14 ANTE VRBAN Success comes when you don’t think about it Uspjeh dolazi kad ne razmišljate o njemu 26 TOMISLAV PETRANOVIĆ The Role of the Minotaur Was Created Just for Me Uloga Minotaura kreirana je baš za mene
A Festive Christmas Wedding Vjenčanje u božićnom ugođaju
76 ALINA & IVAN ZEBIĆ A Festive Christmas Wedding Vjenčanje u božićnom ugođaju 82 City Guide Gradski vodič
We’re Taking You to Little Zagreb Vodimo vas u Mali Zagreb
34 Hotel Staff Andrea i Santiago: The Esplanade is Our Second Home Esplanada je naš drugi dom
42 News Novosti 62 Queen of Terraces in the Heart of Zagreb Kraljica terasa u srcu Zagreba
64 Events Događanja 69 Fashion – BOUDOIR: Fairy-tale Fashion Bajkovita moda
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IMPRESSUM Editor | Izdavač Zaposlena d.o.o. 10 000 Zagreb Varšavska 14 tel: 01/3680 015 Editor-In-Chief | Glavna urednica Ana Gruden Editorial board | Uredništvo Sanda Sokol, Ivica Max Krizmanić Design and layout | Dizajn i prijelom Brandmama d.o.o. Proofreading | Lektura Diana Kučinić Journalists | Novinari Petra Nikić, Martina Lovaković, Sandra Osrečki Translation to English | Prijevod na engleski Eva Jakupčević Photographs | Fotografije Tomislav Smoljanović, Matea Smolčić Senčar Cover | Naslovnica Photographer | Fotograf Franjo Matković i Senja Vild Creative management | Kreativno vodstvo Boudoir Print | Tisak Kerschoffset
Esplanade Zagreb Hotel Mihanovićeva 1 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia tel: 01/4566 666 fax: 01/4566 050 ISSN 2584-7104
Drop Your Gaze and Look Down – We’re Taking You to Little Zagreb Spustite pogled i pogledajte dolje - vodimo vas u Mali Zagreb Zagreb has a wealth of cultural and historic monuments and other attractions which draw tourists from all corners of the world. But when you go for a walk around town, stop and look down. You could encounter an entirely new Zagreb in miniature, different, tiny, but equally interesting and attractive, revealing a new, somewhat forgotten world. Zagreb ima pregršt kulturnih i povijesnih spomenika i ostalih atrakcija koje privlače turiste iz svih krajeva svijeta. No, kad se uputite u šetnju gradom, zaustavite se i pogledajte dolje. Mogli biste upoznati jedan sasvim novi Zagreb u malom, drukčiji, mali, ali jednako zanimljiv i atraktivan koji otkriva neki novi, pomalo zaboravljeni svijet. In March, a new art project called Little Zagreb was launched, consisting of numerous miniature installations around central Zagreb. On curbs and facades, right at your feet, that’s where art can be found – elements and compositions portraying famous Zagreb shop windows, residential buildings, windows and doors in tiny dimensions, each telling its own story. 6 | E S P LA NA DE V IEW
U ožujku je započeo novi umjetnički projekt pod nazivom Mali Zagreb, koji uključuje mnoštvo minijaturnih instalacija u užem dijelu Zagreba. Na cestovnim rubnjacima i pročeljima zgrada u razini vaših stopala nalazi se umjetnost – elementi i kompozicije koje prikazuju poznate zagrebačke izloge, stambene zgrade, prozore i vrata u sićušnim dimenzijama, od kojih svaka priča svoju priču.
In March, a new art project called Little Zagreb was launched, consisting of numerous miniature installations around central Zagreb U ožujku je započeo novi umjetnički projekt pod nazivom Mali Zagreb, koji uključuje mnoštvo minijaturnih instalacija u užem dijelu Zagreba This excellent idea was thought up by Flip Filković Philatz, film director and artist from Zagreb who cooperated with the Zagreb Tourist Board and his associates to realize this project, transforming it from his imagination to reality in only a few months. Filip’s idea was conceived at the end of 2020 through the medium of photo manipulation. He created photographs which were a combination of real photographs from Zagreb streets and added elements in the form of miniature Zagreb houses, businesses, craft shops, and shop windows. Little by little, with a lot of motivation, love, and support, the visualisations were
Riječ je o izvanrednoj ideji Filipa Filkovića Philatza, zagrebačkog filmskog redatelja i umjetnika koji je u suradnji s Turističkom zajednicom grada Zagreba i svojim suradnicima ostvario projekt koji je u samo nekoliko mjeseci iz njegove mašte proveden u stvarnost. Naime, Filipova ideja započela je krajem 2020. godine kroz medij fotomanipulacije. Izradio je fotografije koje su kombinacija realnih fotografija sa zagrebačkih ulica i dodanih elemenata u obliku minijaturnih zagrebačkih kućica, trgovina, obrta i izloga. Malo-pomalo, uz mnogo volje i ljubavi, ali i podrške,
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transported into the real world in the town centre. And that’s how they were reborn.
vizualizacije su prenesene u stvarni svijet na ulice u užem središtu grada. I tako su dobile novi život.
The backbone of the project was Filip’s love for Zagreb, which was also recognised by his associates who joined him in this beautiful story. A group of creative young people helped him in its realization: the coordinator of the project Lucija Švob and the artists who were in charge of creating the compositions – architect Mia Martinović and artist and psychologist Josip Kresović.
Filipova ljubav prema Zagrebu bila je okosnica projekta, koju su prepoznali i njegovi suradnici koji su mu se priključili u ovoj predivnoj priči. U realizaciji mu je pomogla skupina kreativnih mladih ljudi: koordinatorica projekta Lucija Švob i umjetnici koji su zaduženi za izradu kompozicija – arhitektica Mia Martinović i umjetnik i psiholog Josip Kresović.
Mia and Josip were in charge of the most demanding part, the creation of the models. They breathed life into the visualisations and transferred them into real spaces. By experimenting with materials, putting the compositions together, and preparing them for installation, they went through numerous steps which included the sanding of materials, painting, then varnishing and sanding again, and finally gluing. The whole process was rather challenging, and the hardest part for them was choosing the best models to exhibit outside. Each of them had their favourite stores, long forgotten craft shops, interesting doors or residential buildings which they wanted to see transformed from fiction to reality and be reborn in a new form. Mia was in charge of designing the models. At first, she wasn’t sure if she would be able to make sufficiently authentic and realistic models on such a small scale, as they needed to be adapted to the size of the curbs. They found the solution together in vector graphics, laser cutting, and plexiglass, which was used for the miniatures. 8 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW
Mia i Josip odradili su najzahtjevniji dio, izradu maketa. Oni su vizualizacijama udahnuli život i prenijeli ih u stvarni prostor. Eksperimentirajući materijalima, slažući kompozicije i pripremajući ih za instaliranje, prolazili su kroz brojne korake koji su uključivali brušenje materijala, bojanje i oslikavanje, zatim lakiranje i ponovno brušenje i na kraju lijepljenje. Cijeli proces bio je prilično izazovan, a najteže im je pao odabir najboljih maketa koje su izložene u prostoru. Svatko od njih imao je neke svoje omiljene prodavaonice, davno zaboravljene obrte, zanimljiva vrata ili stambene zgrade, koje je htio da se iz fikcije pretvore u stvarnost i ponovno ožive u nekom novom ruhu. Mia je bila zadužena za osmišljavanje dizajna maketa. U početku je sumnjala hoće li moći u tako malom mjerilu izraditi dovoljno autentične i realistične makete, budući da su trebale biti prilagođene veličinama rubnjaka. Rješenje su pronašli
The backbone of the project was Filip’s love for Zagreb, which was also recognised by his associates who joined him in this beautiful story Filipova ljubav prema Zagrebu bila je okosnica projekta, koju su prepoznali i njegovi suradnici koji su mu se priključili u ovoj predivnoj priči
Although he is known for numerous award-winning films and music videos for famous Croatian musicians and bands, Filip points out that he has always been interested in city architecture, and what especially absorbed him were corners and angles of different buildings. “The project came to be because I was constantly studying different corners of buildings, curbs, sidewalk areas which nobody observes with that kind of attention. I realized that there is a whole range of micro-architectural situations hidden there which actually function as a small-scale living space…”, says the author of the project. He fantasised about what it would be like if a miniature space, a replica of the big one, grew at the foot of buildings. He imagined that such a space could be the entrance to some parallel world. And its very size would emphasise how important it is to pay attention to small things and details in life. What attracts him most about these tiny, painstakingly created miniatures is the feeling of the warmth of home. And he believes that this is the very thing that will draw the attention of passers-by who decide to set out in search of the miniature structures. The miniatures have been installed in 11 popular locations in Zagreb, mostly in the very centre of town. Although they are in attractive locations, the tiny works of art can be found in completely unexpected and unusual places: at the bottoms of walls, on different public buildings, fences and curbs. If you want to notice them, you will need to keep your eyes wide open. The artist primarily picked locations he has a connection to or that mean something to him. Next, he was guided by logic and he chose highly frequented places that are of interest to residents and tourists.
zajedno i to u vektorskom crtanju, laserskom rezanju i pleksiglasu iz kojeg su minijature izrezane. Iako se proslavio brojnim nagrađivanim filmovima i spotovima za poznate hrvatske glazbenike i bendove, Filip naglašava kako ga je oduvijek zanimala arhitektura grada, a posebno su ga zaokupljali kutevi i uglovi različitih građevina. „Projekt je nastao tako što sam konstantno promatrao neke uglove zgrada, rubnike, prostore pločnika na koje nitko ne gleda s takvom pažnjom. Shvatio sam da se tu krije cijeli niz mikroarhitektonskih situacija koje zapravo djeluju kao neki mali životni prostor...“, kaže autor projekta. Maštao je o tome kako bi izgledalo kad bi u podnožju građevina niknuo minijaturni prostor, replika velikog. Smatrao je da bi takav prostor mogao biti ulaz u neki paralelni svijet. A upravo bi njegova veličina naglasila koliko je važno u životu obratiti pozornost na male stvari i detalje. U tim sićušnim, precizno izrađenim minijaturama najviše ga privlači osjećaj topline doma. I smatra da će upravo to privući pažnju prolaznika koji odluče krenuti u potragu za minijaturnim građevinama. Minijature su postavljene na 11 frekventnih lokacija u Zagrebu, većina u strogom centru grada. Iako na atraktivnim lokacijama, sićušni umjetnički radovi nalaze se na potpuno neočekivanim i neuobičajenim mjestima: u podnožju zidova, na različitim javnim objektima, ogradama i na rubnjacima pločnika. Da biste ih zapazili, trebat ćete širom otvoriti oči. Najprije je umjetnik odabrao lokacije za koje je vezan ili mu nešto znače. Zatim se vodio logičnim razmišljanjem i postavio ih na frekventna i građanima i turistima zanimljiva mjesta.
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If you like adventure and are excited by the thought of a suspenseful pursuit, set off for a walk and look for the tiny town vistas. You can also prepare in advance, using a map with locations of all installed miniatures. You can find the map in the visitor centres on the Ban Josip Jelačić Square 11 and at Zagreb Airport or the websites of the Little Zagreb project and the Zagreb Tourist Board.
Ako volite avanturu i uzbuđuje vas pomisao na neizvjesnu potragu, uputite se u šetnju i potražite sićušne gradske vizure. A možete se i unaprijed pripremiti, naime, izrađena je karta s lokacijama svih postavljenih minijatura. Kartu potražite u centrima za posjetitelje na Trgu bana Josipa Jelačića 11 i u zagrebačkoj zračnoj luci ili na internetskim stranicama projekta Mali Zagreb i Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba.
There are also special zones where you can see models of Little Zagreb in visitor centres on the Ban Josip Jelačić Square and the airport, which also has a bigger model adorning its arrivals terminal.
Postoje i posebne zone u kojima se nalaze makete Malog Zagreba u centrima za posjetitelje na Trgu bana Josipa Jelačića te u zračnoj luci koju krasi i jedna veća maketa na dolaznom terminalu.
This project will, without a doubt, inspire people to think about the town, its history, and how Zagreb has changed over the years. Little Zagreb is boosting the cultural significance of Zagreb in an innovative and unique way, and its secret lies in its flawless aesthetics and unobtrusiveness.
Nesumnjivo je da će ovaj projekt potaknuti na razmišljanje o gradu, njegovoj povijesti i o tome kako se Zagreb mijenjao tijekom godina. Mali Zagreb na inovativan i poseban način podiže kulturni značaj Zagreba, a njegova tajna leži u besprijekornoj estetici i nenametljivosti.
Little Zagreb is intended for Zagreb residents and tourists alike. Thus, if you find yourself in Zagreb this summer, don’t miss out on searching for these miniatures which will stir your imagination and take you back to a long-forgotten time. But you shouldn’t forget to drop your gaze.
Mali Zagreb namijenjen je stanovnicima grada i turistima. Stoga, ako se nađete u Zagrebu ovog ljeta, ne propustite pronaći ove minijature koje potiču maštu i vraćaju u neko davno zaboravljeno vrijeme. Ali pritom ne zaboravite spustiti pogled.
The author of the project and its organizers are doing their best for it to take root and live on because, after all, it is a special story through which we can get to know the history and wonder of Zagreb.
Autor projekta i organizatori nastoje da projekt zaživi i potraje jer ipak je riječ o posebnoj priči kroz koju upoznajemo povijest i zanimljivosti grada Zagreba.
There are also special zones where you can see models of Little Zagreb in visitor centres on the Ban Josip Jelačić Square and the airport, which also has a bigger model adorning its arrivals terminal. Postoje i posebne zone u kojima se nalaze makete Malog Zagreba u centrima za posjetitelje na Trgu bana Josipa Jelačića te u zračnoj luci koju krasi i jedna veća maketa na dolaznom terminalu.
Advantages of Zagreb Card: — Unlimited access to public transportation —Free admission to city attractions
Zagreb Card72 135 kn
Photo: S. Carek
It also includes discounts at more than 55 locations such as museums, galleries, restaurants, shops, and others. From now on, Zagreb Card can be purchased online, at the Visitor Centre on Zagreb`s main square and at Franjo Tuđman Airport.
Zagreb Card24 98 kn
Free admission to the Museum of the City of Zagreb, the Museum of Arts and Crafts, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Broken Relationships, Zagreb 360° – Zagreb Eye observation deck, and the Zagreb ZOO. For more information, visit our website at
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Success Comes When You Don’t Think About It Uspjeh dolazi kad ne razmišljate o njemu
One of our most famous architects, who does a lot of work abroad, speaks about what he considers good interior design, what inspires his work, how he sees his success, and why he feels at home in the Esplanade Jedan od naših najpoznatijih arhitekata, koji iznimno mnogo radi u inozemstvu, govori o tome što za njega znači dobar interijer, što ga inspirira u radu, kako vidi svoj uspjeh te zašto se u Esplanadi osjeća kao kod kuće Ante Vrban, Zagreb architect with Šibenik roots, has left his material trail all over the world. He lives his dream doing what he loves and giving it his all. Guided by pearls of wisdom offered by his mother and grandmother, “You should always be a master of what you do” and “You’ve got the whole world ahead of you, conquer it with your work”, and the genes of his grandfather, the Šibenik architect Ante Kelava, he has bravely swept the competition away. By staying special and daring to be different, he boldly walks where his visions, ideas, work and knowledge are appreciated and financially well-rewarded. Some would call him controversial, some brave and different; in any case, he has been known to cause a stir. Although he is young, age does not matter in his case. He can already boast of projects realized all over the world – over 300 of them on all continents.
Zagrebački arhitekt šibenskih korijena Ante Vrban ostavio je svoj materijalni trag svuda u svijetu. Živi svoj san radeći ono što voli i u čemu daje najbolje od sebe. Vođen mudrostima svoje majke i bake: „Uvijek budi majstor u onome što radiš“ i „Cijeli svijet je pred tobom, osvoji ga svojim radom“ te genima svojeg djeda, šibenskog arhitekta Ante Kelave, hrabro je pomeo konkurenciju i posebnošću i odvažnošću da bude drugačiji smjelo kroči tamo gdje cijene i skupo plaćaju njegove vizije, ideje, rad i znanje. Netko bi rekao da je kontroverzan, netko da je hrabar i drugačiji, u svakom slučaju za njim se diže prašina. Iako je mlad, u njegovom slučaju godine ne znače ništa. Već se sad može pohvaliti projektima ostvarenima po cijelome svijetu – više od 300 na svim kontinentima. IN T ERV IEW | I N TERVJ U
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For example, he worked for the respected sheik Haytham Al Tajir, a construction magnate of the Empire Holdings company, on a project in Dubai, a penthouse in the city centre and a luxury glass villa on the beach. The young architect gained global fame with his cooperation with the tennis player Jennifer Capriati for whom he designed the interior of a penthouse in Miami and a house in Tampa, Florida. He worked on projects in New York, Paris, London, Moscow, Zagreb, of course, and numerous other cities. He is famous for world-renowned clients and projects published in WWD, W magazine and the Paris Vogue, and the global elite is lining up to work with him, from Arab sheiks to Russian oligarchs. He has also received numerous awards and recognitions, among which is the prestigious German Design Award in Frankfurt, in the category Interior Architecture. The award he received for the design of a luxury apartment in Zagreb’s Zrinjevac area is not the first such award for Ante Vrban: he won the German Design Award two years ago for designing the Chameleon Villa in Jadria near Šibenik. He won an International Property Award in London, in the category of Best Residential Interior Europe, for the interior design project for Villa Gabrijela in Kostelir, Istria. A few years ago he also won an International Property Award for the interior of the church of Our Lady of the Great Croatian Baptismal Vow in Knin. In Croatia, he is famous for numerous public project such as the City Café (Gradska kavana), Hotel 9, the Ritz and Bling clubs, but also private, residential projects. When did you become aware of your gift and realize that you wanted to work in architecture and design? My grandfather was an architect, and his name was Ante, I was named after him. He lived in Šibenik and worked with Ivo Vitić, a great Croatian architect of that era. I grew up with blueprints, ink pens, tracing paper. I have always wanted to be an architect. I never had any doubts, never wanted to be a doctor, a firefighter, an astronaut or a boxer . Since a young age I’ve liked the feeling when invested effort, consideration, education and love for work manifest themselves in concrete results. The product is a product in which people live, love each other, argue, have families, create something of their own again. Being an architect is really a special vocation, you must have extensive knowledge, you must be a psychologist, an engineer, a handyman, all in one, you must know the materials. This is what I’ve always wanted. The only entrance exam I sat was the one for the Faculty of Architecture, I knew that was the only thing I wanted to study, there were no other options. You started working while you were still studying at the Faculty of Architecture? I completed my first project when I was 19, and by the third year of my studies, I had already realized more projects than all my teachers taken together. I’ve always loved working. My whole childhood, I’ve always loved concrete things, a thought in my head I could make real. To this day, this remains my biggest drive. My mother used to tell me: “I can give you this much, if you want more, the whole world is before you”. I simply wanted more. That’s why I am where I am. 14 | E S P LA NA DE V IEW
Radio je, primjerice, u Dubaiju projekt za uglednog šeika Haythama Al Tajira, građevinskog magnata koncerna Empire Holdings, a riječ je o penthousu u centru grada i luksuznoj staklenoj vili na plaži. Svjetsku slavu mladom je arhitektu donijela suradnja s tenisačicom Jennifer Capriati kojoj je uredio penthause u Miamiju i kuću u Tampi na Floridi. Tu su i projekti u New Yorku, Parizu, Londonu, Moskvi, dakako u Zagrebu i još brojnim drugim gradovima. Poznat je po klijentima svjetskoga glasa i projektima objavljenima u WWD-u, W magazinu i pariškom Vogueu, a u redu za njegov rad čekaju svjetski bogataši od arapskih šeikova do ruskih oligarha. Dobio je i brojne nagrade i priznanja, među kojima u Frankfurtu prestižni German Design Award u kategoriji Interior Architecture. Nagrada koju je zaslužio za dizajn luksuznog stana na zagrebačkom Zrinjevcu Anti Vrbanu nije prva takva nagrada: German Design Award prije dvije je godine dobio za uređenje vile Kameleon u Jadriji pokraj Šibenika. U Londonu je za projekt unutrašnjeg uređenja Ville Gabrijele u istarskom Kosteliru primio International Property Award u kategoriji Best Residential Interior Europe. Prije nekoliko je godina International Property Award dobio i za interijer crkve Gospe Velikog Hrvatskog Krsnog Zavjeta u Kninu. U Hrvatskoj je poznat po brojnim javnim projektima, poput Gradske kavane, Hotela 9, klubova Ritz i Bling, ali i privatnima, stambenim. Kada ste osvijestili svoj dar i shvatili da se želite baviti arhitekturom i dizajnom? Djed mi je bio arhitekt i zvao se Ante, po njemu sam dobio ime. Živio je u Šibeniku i radio s Ivom Vitićem, velikim hrvatskim arhitektom tog doba. Odrastao sam uz nacrte, tuševe, paus papire. Oduvijek sam htio biti arhitekt. Nikad nisam imao dvojbu, nisam htio biti liječnik, vatrogasac, astronaut ili boksač . Odmalena sam volio osjećaj kad se nakon nekog rada vide konkretni rezultati. Arhitektura je jedan od rijetkih poslova u kojima se nakon rada vide rezultati uloženog truda, promišljanja, obrazovanja i ljubavi prema poslu. Produkt je proizvod u kojem ljudi žive, vole se, svađaju, imaju obitelj, proizvode opet nešto svoje. Biti arhitekt je stvarno posebno zanimanje, moraš imati veliku domenu znanja, moraš u trenutku biti i psiholog, inženjer, majstor, moraš poznavati materijale. To je ono što sam oduvijek htio. Na prijemni ispit sam išao isključivo na Arhitektonskom fakultetu, znao sam da samo to želim upisati, ništa drugo nije dolazilo u obzir. Počeli ste raditi već tijekom studija na Arhitektonskom fakultetu? Prvi projekt napravio sam sa 19 godina, a do treće godina fakulteta već sam imao više ostvarenih projekata nego svi profesori zajedno. Uvijek sam volio raditi. U cijelom sam djetinjstvu volio konkretne stvari, misao iz glave koju mogu pretvoriti u realitet. To mi je dan-danas najveći drive. Majka mi je govorila: „Ja ti mogu dati ovoliko, ako želiš više, ispred tebe je cijeli svijet.“ Ja sam jednostavno htio više. I tako sam tu gdje jesam.
Ante, I was named after him. He lived in Šibenik and worked with Ivo Vitić, a great Croatian architect of that era. I grew up with blueprints, ink pens, tracing paper. I have always wanted to be an architect Djed mi je bio arhitekt i zvao se Ante, po njemu sam dobio ime. Živio je u Šibeniku i radio s Ivom Vitićem, velikim hrvatskim arhitektom tog doba. Odrastao sam uz nacrte, tuševe, paus papire. Oduvijek sam htio biti arhitekt.
What was your mother’s role on your path to success? Is she the person you have most to thank for everything you are today?
Kakvu je ulogu majka odigrala na vašem putu prema uspjehu? Je li ona osoba kojoj najviše možete zahvaliti na svemu što danas jeste?
Well, that’s really true. Women, namely my mother and grandmother, have influenced my life to a great extent. As you go through life, you memorise some key sentences that especially defined your thoughts about what you would like to be and what you are at that moment. I remember my grandmother’s noteworthy statement: “It doesn’t matter one bit what you do, but you should be the master of what you do”. My grandmother didn’t make pancakes or bake cakes, she read and listened to Mozart. Actually, my whole family is atypical. Education, knowledge and the freedom to do what you want and love were always imperatives. It’s a great blessing.
Pa, zapravo je tako. Žene, tj. majka i baka jako su utjecale na moj život. Kako ideš kroz život, tako pamtiš neke ključne rečenice koje su ti podsvjesno definirale misao o tome što bi htio biti i što jesi te sekunde. Pamtim bakinu antologijsku rečenicu: „Nije uopće važno što radiš, ali budi majstor toga što radiš“. Moja baka nije pekla palačinke i kolače, već je čitala i slušala je Mozarta. Cijela je moja obitelj zapravo atipična. Uvijek su bili imperativ obrazovanje i znanje i sloboda da radiš ono što želiš i voliš. To je veliki blagoslov.
You don’t like laziness and you’re a big workaholic. Who instilled these qualities in you? I can’t stand laziness and stupidity. My mother is the one who instilled these qualities in me, she’s the one who raised me, she gets the credit, of course. I also believe that a child’s individual personality is important, too. You can have two brilliant parents and two children who are not that brilliant, and vice versa. I also think that what happens in the family and in childhood is really important. Not everyone has the same starting point, some of people I consider the smartest and dearest to me come from different strata of society, from different parts of the country. For me, it’s always important how a person behaves, not so much what they’re like on the inside. Your behaviour is actually who you are. I’ve always spoken my mind, but in a polite way. Furthermore, my best friends are my craftsmen. Part of my success is based on the fact that I managed to merge construction and architecture into one body. There’s no room for disagreement, we live in a new digital age where it is only the result and the time needed to do something that matter. I also consider atmosphere key to success in any job.
Ne volite lijenost i veliki ste radoholičar. Tko vam je usadio te kvalitete? Lijenost i glupost ne trpim. Majka mi je usadila te kvalitete, ona me je odgajala, ona je zaslužna, naravno. Smatram da je važan i individualni karakter djeteta. Možete imati dva genijalna roditelja i dvoje ne tako genijalne djece, i obratno. Smatram i da je izuzetno važno ono što se događa u obitelji u djetinjstvu. Nemaju svi istu polazišnu točku, najpametniji i meni najdraži ljudi potječu iz različitih slojeva društva, iz različitih dijelova zemlje. Uvijek mi je važno kako se tko ponaša, nije mi toliko važno kakav je tko u duši. Ti si zapravo onakav kako se ponašaš. Uvijek sam govorio što mislim, ali na pristojan način. Nadalje, moji su najbolji prijatelji moji majstori. Dio mojeg uspjeha temelji se na tome što sam uspio spojiti građevinu i arhitekturu u jedno tijelo. Nema mjesta neslaganju, živimo u novom, digitalnom dobu u kojem je samo važan rezultat i vrijeme potrebno da nešto napraviš. Smatram i da je atmosfera ključna za uspjeh u svakom poslu.
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I’ve consciously dedicated my whole life to my work. You must be ready to give up on some things or postpone them for a while, while you’re digging through mountains and swimming across seas. I believe that if I change the world for the better at least a little bit and leave some trace of our society in time, I’ve done well.
Which projects and acknowledgments, professional awards are you especially proud of?
Na koje ste projekte i priznanja, nagrade struke posebno ponosni?
Each project I’ve worked on represented my maximum at that moment. Of course, there are some big turning points which are defined by taking a leap forward when you step into the unknown. And that is when special things happen. When I was 25, I worked on a villa in Dubai and a penthouse in Jumeirah. This is how my international career started. In Croatia it’s definitely the City Café when I was 27, then the Sokol Marić penthouse when I was 24. And of course, the church in Knin. I also want to mention a project I’m especially looking forward to: I’m the head architect of the Croatian pavilion for Expo Dubai 2021. This will be the biggest Expo in history, and Croatia will be presented in a pavilion which will really be different from everything to date, the best of Croatian science, beauty of nature, magnificent history, and visions of the future. I’m very proud of this project and our brilliant team. This is a cooperation of Real grupa d.o.o. as the lead partner, Morium d.o.o. for public relations, and myself as the head architect of the pavilion (Architect Ante Vrban d.o.o.).
Svaki projekt na kojem sam radio bio je moj maksimum u tome trenutku. Naravno, postoje neke velike prekretnice koje su definirane tako da napraviš veliki korak naprijed kad zakoračiš u nepoznato. I tu se događaju posebne stvari. Kad sam imao 25 godina, radio sam u Dubaiju vilu i penthouse na Jumeirahu. Tako je počeo moj inozemni angažman. U Hrvatskoj je to svakako Gradska kavana, kad sam imao 27 godina, zatim penthouse Sokol Marića sa 24 godine. I naravno, crkva u Kninu. Ističem i projekt kojem se posebno veselim: glavni sam arhitekt hrvatskog paviljona na Expo Dubai 2021. Bit će to najveći Expo u povijesti, a Hrvatska će se predstaviti u paviljonu koji će biti zaista drugačiji od svega do sada, ono najbolje od hrvatske znanosti, ljepote prirode, veličanstvene povijesti i pogleda u budućnost. Jako sam ponosan na taj projekt i genijalan tim. U zajednici ponuditelja smo Real grupa d.o.o. kao nositelj, Morium d.o.o. za odnose s javnošću i ja kao glavni arhitekt paviljona (Architect Ante Vrban d.o.o.).
You changed the idea of a sacral interior on the global level with the interior design of the church in Knin, which won the award for the most beautiful sacral interior in London. How did you venture into that project? It was also accompanied by some criticism…
Promijenili ste pojam sakralnog interijera na svjetskoj razini, dizajnom interijera crkve u Kninu, koja je u Londonu dobila nagradu za najljepši sakralni interijer. Kako ste se odvažili na taj projekt? Pratile su ga i neke kritike...
I’m actually happy to hear criticism. I think that all creative work has to primarily fulfil its function, which is where knowledge is demonstrated, and which is followed by appreciation or criticism. When the Franciscans invited me to work on their church, I first gave it a lot of thought. Then I agreed, but under the condition that I would be allowed absolute freedom. In the end, we even signed a contract according to which I was given carte blanche. I’m religious, a Catholic, I know the Catholic church and
Kritike me zapravo vesele. Mislim da svaki kreativni rad mora najprije imati funkciju i tu se onda vidi znanje, a zatim slijede sviđanje i kritika. Kad su me franjevci zvali za rad na crkvi, najprije sam dobro razmislio. Zatim sam pristao, ali uz uvjet da mi dopuste apsolutnu slobodu. Nakraju smo čak i potpisali ugovor, prema kojem mi puštaju otvorene ruke. Vjernik sam i katolik, poznajem Katoličku Crkvu i suštinu vjere te sam poštovao sva liturgijska pravila. Čovjek u crkvi traži mir i utjehu, nije imperativ da cr-
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Cijeli svoj život svjesno sam posvetio svojem poslu. Moraš biti spreman odreći se nekih stvari ili ih odgoditi na neko vrijeme, dok probijaš planine i preplivavaš mora. Smatram da ako barem malo promijenim svijet nabolje i ostavim nekakav trag vremena našeg društva u kojem smo živjeli, napravio sam lijepu stvar.
Each project I’ve worked on represented my maximum at that moment. Svaki projekt na kojem sam radio bio je moj maksimum u tome trenutku
the essence of faith and I respected all liturgical rules. People go to church to find peace and consolation, it’s not an imperative for a church to be all in gold, marble. I wanted the space to be in line with current times, energy-efficient, attractive to young people, too. I opened the Bible and stumbled onto Christ’s saying: “I’m the light of the world”. I took a line of light and drew the interior with it. I threw out the marble, put stone dust and ceramics, floor heating. The entire church is made of recycled materials, the wood used is not real, the benches are made of MDF boards. I tried to be true to myself, the Franciscans and the time we’re living in. The cross became a big window which, at a specific time of day, casts a shadow on the church. I wanted to achieve the beauty and cleanliness of the space. They were very satisfied. I worked with very enlightened people within the church, which I’m sure helped. This project was really food for my soul. What is it like to work as an architect all over the world? The modus operandi is the same, but the difference is in geography. You’re not at home, you can’t drop by mum’s place for a plate of soup or sit down with your friends and have a cup of coffee. I’ve consciously dedicated my whole life to my work. You must be ready to give up on some things or postpone them for a while, while you’re digging through mountains and swimming across seas. I believe that if I change the world for the better at least a little bit and leave some trace of our society in time, I’ve done well. How does one become the leading expert in their job and climb to the top? Any advice? The best way to get to the top? Don’t think about it. I’m the same today as I was on my first project, I managed to stay the same, at the same level of joy.
kva bude sva u zlatu, mramoru. Htio sam da taj prostor bude u duhu današnjeg vremena, energetski učinkovit, privlačan i mladim ljudima. Otvorio sam Bibliju i naletio na Kristovu rečenicu: „Ja sam svjetlo svijeta“. Uzeo sam liniju svjetla i nacrtao interijer s njom. Izbacio sam mramor, stavio kamenu prašinu i keramiku, podno grijanje. Crkva je cijela od recikliranih materijala, nije pravo drvo korišteno, klupe su od medijapana. Trudio sam se biti pošten prema sebi, franjevcima i vremenu u kojem živimo. Križ je postao veliki prozor koji u točno određeno vrijeme u danu baci sjenu na crkvu. Htio sam dobiti ljepotu i čistoću prostora. Bili su jako zadovoljni. Radio sam s jako prosvijetljenim ljudima unutar crkve, što je sigurno pomoglo. Meni je taj projekt bio baš za dušu. Kako je raditi kao arhitekt u cijelom svijetu? Modus operandi je isti, ali razlika je u zemljopisu. Nisi doma, ne možeš doći k mami na juhu, ne možeš s prijateljima na kavu. Cijeli svoj život svjesno sam posvetio svojem poslu. Moraš biti spreman odreći se nekih stvari ili ih odgoditi na neko vrijeme, dok probijaš planine i preplivavaš mora. Smatram da ako barem malo promijenim svijet nabolje i ostavim nekakav trag vremena našeg društva u kojem smo živjeli, napravio sam lijepu stvar. Kako se postaje najveći stručnjak u svojem poslu i probija na vrh? Imate li savjet? Znate li kako dođete na vrh? Tako da ne mislite na to. Jednak sam danas kao što sam bio na prvom projektu, uspio sam ostati isti, na jednakoj razini veselja. Iako danas vozim bolji auto i živim u većem stanu, jednako me vesele sitnice, iste stvari kao nekad. Ima teških i groznih dana, ali ima i predivnih, nekako uspiješ pronaći balans. Ljudi kažu: „Vidi ga, on je James Bond, vozi Aston Martin“, ali da bi kupio taj Aston Martin, moraš jako puno raditi. IN T ERV IEW | I N TERVJ U
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The basic problem of the new generations of architects is the educational system which is totally unadapted and inappropriate Temeljni problem novih generacija arhitekata je u edukativnom sustavu koji je apsolutno neprilagođen i neprimjeren
Although I drive a better car today and live in a bigger apartment, I find the same happiness in the little things, the same things as before. There are difficult and terrible days, but there are also beautiful ones, you manage to find the balance somehow. People say, “Look at him, he’s like James Bond, he drives an Aston Martin”, but to buy this Aston Martin, you have to work really hard. How do you see the young generations of architects trying to break through and the problems they encounter on their professional path? The basic problem of the new generations of architects is the educational system which is totally unadapted and inappropriate. When you are different from others, they stifle you here. If I were the head of the Faculty of Architecture, I would be churning out two superstars a year. In my generation, there were people more talented than me, but they were somehow persuaded that it’s not good to be different. I believe that each vision has its client, and that architecture offers a huge space for opportunity and creation. Big talents need to be educated, given wings, but also roots, so they know they can always come back. The Faculty should be a refuge for us. Do you have role models in your work, who do you admire? John Lautner, the American architect. You might be familiar with the house in “Iron Man”, that’s his work. He had a free hand, freedom of creation. He wasn’t constrained. He used the materials in a beautiful way. He knew the space. I consider him one of the greatest creative types. It’s beautiful to see talent. Architects are not each other’s competition because each architect has their idea which has its market and client. We should help each other out. 18 | E S P LA NA DE V IEW
Kako gledate na mlade generacije arhitekata koji se tek probijaju i na probleme s kojima se susreću na svojem profesionalnom putu? Temeljni problem novih generacija arhitekata je u edukativnom sustavu koji je apsolutno neprilagođen i neprimjeren. Kad si drugačiji od drugih, ovdje te zatomljuju. Da ja vodim Arhitektonski fakultet, izbacivao bih dva superstara godišnje. I u mojoj je generaciji bilo ljudi koji su bili talentiraniji od mene, ali su ih nekako uspjeli uvjeriti da nije dobro biti drugačiji. Smatram da svaka vizija ima svojeg klijenta i da je arhitektura veliki prostor mogućnosti i kreacije. Velike talente treba educirati, dati im krila, ali i korijene, da znaju kako se uvijek mogu vratiti. Fakultet bi nam trebao biti utočište. Imate li uzore u svojem poslu, kome se divite? Johnu Lautneru, američkom arhitektu. Možda vam je poznata njegova kuća iz „Iron Mana“, to je njegov rad. Imao je slobodu ruke, slobodu kreacije. Nije bio skučen. Na predivan je način koristio materijale. Poznavao je prostor. Smatram ga jednim od najvećih kreativaca. Predivno je vidjeti talent. Arhitekti međusobno nisu konkurencija jer svaki arhitekt ima svoju misao koja ima svoje tržište i svojeg klijenta. Morali bismo jedni drugima međusobno pomagati. Koji vas je interijer ostavio bez daha? Nemam određeni tip interijera koji bi me ostavio bez daha. Mislim da je dobar interijer onaj koji služi svrsi i lokaciji na kojoj se nalazi. Što je važnije: funkcionalnost ili estetika prostora? Najprije funkcionalnost, zatim estetika. Na primjer, imaš prekrasnu kuću od 500 „kvadrata“, a nemaš kamo staviti metlu. Funkcija je baza svega.
Our whole future is based on becoming aware of our planet Earth, which we’ve been systematically destroying. For this reason, the current trends are recycling, natural materials, sustainability. Cijela naša budućnost temelji se na tome da postanemo svjesni našeg planeta Zemlje, kojeg sustavno uništavamo. U trendu su zato reciklaža, prirodni materijali, održivost.
Which interior has left you breathless? I don’t have a specific type of interior which leaves me breathless. I think a good interior is one which serves its purpose and location. What’s more important: functionality or the aesthetics of a space? Functionality first, then the aesthetics. For example, you’ve got a beautiful 500-square-meter house, but you have nowhere to put your broom. Function is the basis for everything. Do you follow global trends in design and architecture? What’s the latest fashion in interior design? Our whole future is based on becoming aware of our planet Earth, which we’ve been systematically destroying. For this reason, the current trends are recycling, natural materials, sustainability. Nowadays, there are machines, incredible devices for the treatment and processing of materials, for example stone. They provide unlimited power of creation, and there are few of those who openly tell young architects: “Be free, make a house in a tree, on a pillar, under the sea, just know that it needs to have an essence, a function, it must have its story which justifies it.” Today you can choose your clients and you must turn some down. What criteria do you use when choosing them? Yes, fortunately In a first meeting with a client, I always ask the same question: “What have you always wanted, but nobody has been able to give to you?” I didn’t become a star overnight, everything happened gradually. I grew step by step and earned money accordingly. I can appreciate every level to this day. Before, of course, I accepted everything. As years go by, I accept less and less . The atmosphere is important in the first meeting. I don’t like when people are arrogant. An important segment is also the feeling of whether I want to do it at all. The challenge is important, it’s the drive. I want to work with people who are aware of themselves and when they knock on my door, they know where they are. But I have to admit that I haven’t refused many clients so far. You have made yourself and your name into a kind of a brand. How important is branding, that is, personal branding, in your field and in the world of business in general these days? At first, I had an agency in charge of this, but later I did everything on my own because I’m the type of person who likes to have control over everything connected to my work and product. I thought “Who can position me in the market better than myself?” Branding is really important, but you need to be decent and not overdo it. I didn’t want to depict myself getting out of a car with a supermodel, nobody knows anything about my private life, I think that’s the most important thing. I’ve always wanted to keep the focus on my work, and not on my private life.
Pratite li svjetske trendove u dizajnu i arhitekturi? Kakva je moda u dizajnu interijera? Cijela naša budućnost temelji se na tome da postanemo svjesni našeg planeta Zemlje, kojeg sustavno uništavamo. U trendu su zato reciklaža, prirodni materijali, održivost. Danas postoje strojevi, nevjerojatni uređaji za obradu i oblikovanje materijala, npr. kamena. Oni daju neograničenu moć kreacije, a malo je onih koji otvoreno kažu mladim arhitektima: „Budi slobodan, napravi kuću na stablu, na stupu, pod morem, samo znaj da mora imati suštinu, funkciju, mora imati svoju priču koja je opravdava.“ Danas možete birati klijente i neke morate odbiti. Prema kojim ih kriterijima odabirete? Da, na svu sreću Na prvom sastanku s klijentom uvijek postavljam isto pitanje: „Što ste oduvijek htjeli, a nitko vam nije znao dati?“ Nisam postao star preko noći, sve se postupno događalo. Rastao sam prema nekom redoslijedu, tako sam i zarađivao. Cijenim svaku razinu do danas. Prije sam, naravno, sve prihvaćao. Kako idu godine, tako prihvaćam sve manje Atmosfera je važna na prvom sastanku. Ne volim kad je netko bahat. Važan segment je i osjećaj želim li ja to uopće raditi. Izazov je bitan, on je taj drive. Želim raditi s ljudima koji su svjesni sebe i kad pokucaju meni na vrata, da znaju gdje su došli. Ali moram priznati da nisam puno klijenata odbio. Od sebe i svojeg imena stvorili ste svojevrsni brend. Koliko je brendiranje, tj. osobni brending danas važan u vašoj struci i općenito u poslovnom svijetu? Najprije sam imao agenciju koja je bila zadužena za to, ali kasnije sam sve sam radio jer sam tip koji voli imati kontrolu nad svime što se veže uz moj rad i proizvod. Razmišljao sam: „Tko me zna bolje pozicionirati na tržištu, od mene samoga?“ Brendiranje je jako važno, ali treba biti pristojan i ne pretjerati u tome. Nisam se želio prikazati kako ispadam iz auta s nekim supermodelom, nitko ne zna ništa privatno IN T ERV IEW | I N TERVJ U
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You’re always impeccably dressed. How important are aesthetics and fashion in your everyday life?
o meni, mislim da je to najvažnije. Uvijek sam želio prebaciti fokus na svoj rad, a ne na privatni život.
I’ve always liked to be neat. I think that every person’s clothes should reflect their job. I believe it’s impolite to come to a meeting with a client about a house with half of your head shaved and looking scruffy. I always imagine, if I were the client, what I would like my architect to look like. I think it’s a question of good manners to be dressed appropriately. My mother and grandmother were my greatest influences in this, they taught me that a tracksuit was meant for sports, and pants and a shirt for school. Even today I feel best wearing a white shirt.
Uvijek ste besprijekorno dotjerani. Koliko su vam estetika i moda važne u svakodnevnom životu?
What’s your professional motto? Every day I try to be a little better than the previous day. And this small shift is enough for me to grow. Where do you find inspiration for your projects? Do you ever find yourself creatively blocked? No. Each of us has talent gained from God without having deserved it; our ability to capitalize on it depends on how hard we work. Since I was a child, whenever I entered a space, I would see it differently, three-dimensionally. I’ve never been blocked. If I’m having a bad day, I simply don’t work that day, I do something else. You love travelling. Can you imagine living in some metropolis, on the other side of the world? I’ve travelled and lived all over the world, but I always come back home. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else except in Croatia. I will always be based in Zagreb. And, of course, Jadrija, which is like my charger, that’s where I charge my batteries and relax. I believe that a person with roots can also have wings. It’s important to have a starting point that defines you. But of all cities I’ve been to, I especially like Hong Kong, it’s fast but it has this decent business streak which I like. I also like Miami and Paris. Do you find free time between your demanding business projects, and how do you spend it? I do sports. The body has to keep up with the head . Of course, I spend time with my friends and my dog, Zeus, who accompanies me everywhere. You are a frequent guest of the Esplanade Hotel. Do you enjoy spending time here? We often had family lunches on Sundays in the Esplanade or on the Oleander terrace. All of our important family occasions took place in the Esplanade. When I sold my apartment in the city centre, before I moved into the new one, I lived here for a few months. I was delighted by the hotel staff who accepted me so readily and so well, I felt right at home. In Croatia, there is no other hotel like the Esplanade. When my apartment was ready to be moved into, I was even a little sad to leave. Zeus had his bowl, his bed. I really lived here.
Oduvijek sam volio biti uredan. Mislim da svaka osoba mora izgledati kao svoj posao. Smatram da je nepristojno doći na sastanak o kući s klijentom s pola obrijane glave i neuredan. Uvijek zamišljam, da sam ja taj klijent, kako bih htio da izgleda moj arhitekt. Smatram da je stvar pristojnosti biti pristojno odjeven. Majka i baka su u tome imale najveći utjecaj na mene, naučile su me da je trenirka za sport, a hlače i košulja za školu. I dan-danas se najbolje osjećam u bijeloj košulji. Koji je vaš profesionalni moto? Trudim se svaki dan biti malo bolji nego prijašnjeg dana. I taj mali pomak je dovoljan da bih rastao. Gdje pronalazite inspiraciju za svoje projekte? Nađete li se ponekad u kreativnoj blokadi? Ne. Svatko od nas ima talent koji dobije od Boga, a nije ga zaslužio; hoće li ga kapitalizirati, ovisi o tome koliko radi. Odmalena, kad bih ušao u prostor, vidio bih ga drugačije, trodimenzionalno. Nemam nikada blokadu. Ako imam loš dan, jednostavno taj dan ne radim, bavim se nečim drugim. Volite putovanja. Možete li zamisliti život u nekoj svjetskoj metropoli, drugom kutku svijeta? Puno sam putovao i živio po svijetu, ali se uvijek vraćam doma. Nigdje ne bih želio živjeti, osim u Hrvatskoj. Baza će mi uvijek biti u Zagrebu. I naravno, Jadrija koja mi je kao punjač, tamo se napunim i odmorim. Smatram da čovjek koji ima korijenje, može imati i krila. Važno je imati polazišnu točku koja te definira. Inače, od svih gradova u kojima sam bio, posebno mi se sviđa Hong Kong, brz je, ali ima tu jednu pristojnu poslovnu crtu koja mi se sviđa. Volim i Miami i Pariz. Pronalazite li slobodno vrijeme između zahtjevnih poslovnih projekata i kako ga provodite? Bavim se sportom. Tijelo mora pratiti glavu . Naravno, tu su i moji prijatelji i moj Zeus koji sa mnom svugdje ide. Često ste gost hotela Esplanade. Volite li ovdje provoditi vrijeme? Obiteljski smo često nedjeljom išli na ručak u Esplanadu i na Oleander terasu. Sve značajne obiteljske stvari dogodile su se u Esplanadi. Kad sam prodao svoj stan u centru grada i dok se nisam uselio u novi, živio sam ovdje nekoliko mjeseci. Očaralo me je osoblje hotela, tako su me spremno i lijepo primili, osjećao sam se kao kod kuće. Nema takvog hotela u Hrvatskoj kao što je Esplanada. Kad mi je stan bio spreman za useljenje, čak mi je bilo i malo žao što moram otići. Zeus je imao svoju zdjelicu, svoj krevet. Ja sam zaista tu živio.
ILICA 2, ZAGREB +385 1 4831 300
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The Olive
The Queen of the Mediterranean for Velvety Soft, Glowing Skin Maslina - kraljica Mediterana za baršunastomeku i blistavu kožu Presenting a new line from the wide range of NiKEL natural products with virgin olive oil from cold pressed olives of the Mediterranean! Predstavljamo novu liniju iz bogate palete prirodnih proizvoda NiKEL s djevičanskim maslinovim uljem iz hladno tiještenih plodova maslina s Mediterana!
The Mediterranean is an infinite source of inspiration for the creation of the most awarded Croatian natural cosmetics line, NiKEL, which strives to preserve the essence of plants in the bottles of their care and beauty products, in line with their philosophy: INSIDE AND OUT, because everything that works for us from the inside, as food, also works for us on the outside, applied to the skin. It is this very effect, INSIDE AND OUT, that is the characteristic of the olive. Olive oil has been called liquid gold; since ancient times it has served to preserve health and beauty. According to legend, Homer was the one who called it the golden oil because it was as far back as in his time that people understood olive oil was the best way to preserve health, vitality, and longevity. Valued since ancient times, the mythical olive tree contains healing components which it uses for self-preservation. One of the most important characteristics of the olive tree is its longevity. Just as the olive tree withstands winds and droughts, skin that is cared for using products containing the natural component of the olive withstand aging and drying. NiKEL’s OLIVE collection contains olive oil produced by cold pressing of the green fruit of Mediterranean olives. All beneficial properties of liquid gold – virgin olive oil – are preserved in the collection! It renews the skin and protects it from moisture loss, it serves as natural sun protection factor, reflecting up to 25 percent of sunrays. With the highest level of polyphenols, as well as strong antioxidants such as vitamin E and phytosterols, NiKEL products with virgin olive oil reduce the exposure of the skin to free radicals which damage healthy cells and accelerate aging. The monounsaturated fatty acids that these products are rich in not only deeply moisturise, feed and renew skin cells, but also repair them and protect them from fu22 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW
Mediteran je nepresušan izvor inspiracije za kreiranje najnagrađivanije hrvatske prirodne kozmetike NiKEL koja želi esencije biljaka sačuvati u bočicama svojih proizvoda za njegu i ljepotu, držeći se svoje filozofije: IZVANA I IZNUTRA jer sve što na nas djeluje iznutra kao hrana, djeluje i izvana primijenjeno na kožu. Upravo takav učinak IZVANA I IZNUTRA ima maslina. Maslinovo ulje nazivano tekućim zlatom, od davnina je služilo za očuvanje zdravlja i ljepote. Prema legendi, zlatnim ga je uljem prozvao Homer jer je još u njegovo doba utvrđeno da je upotreba maslinovog ulja najbolji način za održavanje zdravlja, vitalnosti i dugovječnosti. Od davnina cijenjeno, mitsko drvo masline sadržava ljekovite komponente koje mu služe za samoočuvanje. Jedna od najvažnijih karakteristika masline je dugovječnost. Kao što drvo masline odolijeva vjetrovima i sušama, koža njegovana proizvodima s prirodnim sastojkom masline odolijeva starenju i isušivanju. NiKEL-ova kolekcija MASLINA sadrži maslinovo ulje proizvedeno hladnim tiještenjem zelenog ploda mediteranskih maslina. U kolekciji su sačuvana sva blagotvorna svojstva tekućeg zlata – djevičanskog ulja masline! Obnavlja kožu i štiti je od gubitka vlage, djeluje kao prirodni zaštitni faktor, odbijajući do 25 posto sunčevih zraka. Uz najvišu razinu polifenola, kao i snažnih antioksidansa poput E vitamina i fitosterola, NiKEL-ovi proizvodi s djevičanskim maslinovim uljem smanjuju izloženost kože slobodnim radikalima koji oštećuju zdrave stanice i ubrzavaju starenje. Bogat sadržaj mononezasićenih masnih kiselina ne samo da dubinski vlaži, hrani i obnavlja stanice kože, već ih popravlja i štiti od budućih oštećenja. NiKEL-ova kolekcija MASLINA sastoji se od šest iznimno učinkovitih mirisnih proizvoda, a to su:
Master of Pharmacy Mirjana Brlečić, creator of NiKEL natural cosmetics Magistra farmacije Mirjana Brlečić, kreatorica prirodne kozmetike NiKEL
ture damage. NiKEL’s OLIVE collection consists of six exceptionally efficient fragrant products: Oil serum which is applied before the cream and enhances its effect. Renews, hydrates, rejuvenates. Hydrating cream moisturises. Protects. Rejuvenates. Nourishing cream nourishes. Moisturises. Smooths out wrinkles. Gentle exfoliant stimulates skin renewal. Gentle cleansing foam does not dry out or tighten skin. Transforms your cleansing ritual into pleasure! Golden tanning oil SPF6 for a velvety suntanned complexion. 100 per cent natural active ingredients combined with virgin olive oil for glowing beauty of your skin!
Uljni serum koji se nanosi prije kreme i pojačava njezino djelovanje. Obnavlja. Hidrira. Pomlađuje. Hidratantna krema vlaži. Štiti. Pomlađuje. Hranjiva krema hrani. Vlaži. Izglađuje bore. Nježni piling potiče obnovu kože. Nježna pjena za čišćenje ne isušuje i ne zateže kožu. Ritual čišćenja pretvara u užitak! Ulja za zlatnu preplanulost SPF6 za preplanuli baršunasti ten. 100 posto prirodni aktivni sastojci u kombinaciji s djevičanskim uljem masline za blistavu ljepotu kože!
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OYSTER PERPETUAL – A TRUE ROLEX WATCH Oyster Perpetual – Istinski Rolex sat Rolex watches in the Oyster Perpetual range are symbols of universal and classic style, offering the wearer useful day-to-day functions. These models are direct descendants of the original Oyster, the world’s first waterproof wristwatch, on which Rolex has built its reputation since 1926.
Satovi Rolex linije Oyster Perpetual simbol su univerzalnog i klasičnog stila, nudeći vlasniku potrebne svakodnevne funkcije. Ovi modeli direktni su nasljednici izvornog sata Oyster, prvog vodootpornog sata na svijetu, na temelju kojeg od 1926. godine Rolex gradi svoju reputaciju.
Oyster Perpetual
Displaying hours, minutes and seconds, made exclusively of Oystersteel and featuring a sophisticated finish, these are chronometer wristwatches in their purest form.
Prikazujući sate, minute i sekunde, izrađeni ekskluzivno u čeliku Oystersteel sa sofisticiranom završnom obradom, ovo su kronometarski ručni satovi u svojem najsjajnijem obliku.
These watches benefit from all the fundamental features of the Oyster Perpetual collection – excellent chronometric precision, a waterproof Oyster case, and self-winding of the movement via a Perpetual rotor. With pure and elegant lines, these timepieces embody timeless form and function.
First Oyster 1926. 24 | E S P LA N A DE V IEW
Liniju satova Oyster Perpetual krase sve fundamentalne značajke kolekcije Oyster Perpetual: izvrsna kronometarska preciznost, vodootporno kućište Oyster i samonavijajući mehanizam putem rotora Perpetual. Čiste i elegantne linije utjelovljuju bezvremensku formu i funkciju.
First Oyster Perpetual 1931. PROM PROMO O
New Oyster Perpetual
Nova generacija
This new generation of watches features a Chromalight display, with hands and hour markers coated or filled with luminous material that emits a long-lasting blue glow in dark conditions.
Ova nova generacija satova ima prikaz Chromalight čije su kazaljke i oznake sati premazane ili ispunjene svjetlećim materijalom koji emitira dugotrajan plavi sjaj u mračnim uvjetima.
CALIBRES 2232 AND 3230
Kalibri 2232 i 3230
They offer fundamental gains in terms of precision, power reserve, resistance to shocks and magnetic fields, convenience and reliability. Calibre 2232 offers a power reserve of approximately 55 hours, while the power reserve of calibre 3230 extends to approximately 70 hours.
Oni nude temeljne prednosti u smislu preciznosti, rezerve snage, otpornosti na udarce i magnetska polja, udobnosti i pouzdanosti. Kalibar 2232 nudi rezervu snage od otprilike 55 sati, dok kalibar 3230 nudi rezervu snage od otprilike 70 sati.
Kao i svi Rolex satovi, Oyster Perpetual certificiran je oznakom Superlative Chronometer koju je definirao Rolex 2015. godine. Ova ekskluzivna oznaka potvrđuje da je svaki sat, koji napušta radionice tvrtke, uspješno prošao niz testova koje Rolex provodi u vlastitim laboratorijima prema rigoroznim vlastitim kriterijima.
Rolex presents new sizes in its Oyster Perpetual range, as well as dials in vivid and exciting colors, such as candy pink, turquoise blue, yellow, coral red, and green.
While the Oyster Perpetual 28, Oyster Perpetual 31 and Oyster Perpetual 34 are equipped with calibre 2232, the Oyster Perpetual 36 and Oyster Perpetual 41 are powered by calibre 3230. These self-winding mechanical movements, entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex, are consummate demonstrations of technology and carry a number of patents.
Like all Rolex watches, the Oyster Perpetual is covered by the Superlative Chronometer certification redefined by Rolex in 2015. This exclusive designation attests that every watch leaving the brand’s workshops has successfully undergone a series of tests conducted by Rolex in its own laboratories and according to its own criteria. The Superlative Chronometer status is symbolized by the green seal that comes with every Rolex watch and is coupled with an international five-year guarantee. Discover the enchanting world of Rolex watches at boutique Mamić 1970 in the centre of Zagreb in 7 Frane Petric Street.
Rolex pridružuje nove veličine liniji satova Oyster Perpetual kao i atraktivne brojčanike u živim i uzbudljivim bojama poput candy pink, tirkiznoplave, žute, koraljnocrvene i zelene.
Dok su modeli Oyster Perpetual 28, Oyster Perpetual 31 i Oyster Perpetual 34 opremljeni kalibrom 2232, modele Oyster Perpetual 36 i Oyster Perpetual 41 pokreće kalibar 3230. Ovi samonavijajući mehanički mehanizmi, koje je u potpunosti razvio i proizveo Rolex , demonstracija su izvrsne tehnologije te nose brojne patente.
Oznaka Superlative Chronometer
Status Superlative Chronometer simbolizira zeleni pečat koji dolazi sa svakim Rolex satom i spojen je s petogodišnjim međunarodnim jamstvom. Istražite čaroban svijet Rolex satova u butiku Mamić 1970 u centru Zagreba u Ulici Frane Petrića 7.
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The Role of the Minotaur Was Created Just for Me Uloga Minotaura kreirana je baš za mene
The principal dancer of the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb has told us all about his ballet path and plans for the future Prvak Baleta zagrebačkoga HNK pričao nam je o svojem baletnom putu i planovima za budućnost
When they told him that he would only get minor, supporting roles, he was defiant and promised himself that he would become the best. Tomislav Petranović has danced ballet since he was nine, and to date he has conquered and won over stages in Vienna, Portugal and Zagreb, danced the roles of his life and made it to the top with soloist ballet roles which have earned him a place among the ballet greats. He has proven to himself and to others that nothing is impossible, and that dedication, persistence and perseverance can move mountains. Tomislav Petranović is 45 years old, and he is currently the oldest and the only employed active male classical ballet dancer in Croatia. He graduated from the Zagreb School for Clas-
Kad su mu rekli da će dobivati samo male, sporedne uloge, zainatio se i sebi obećao da će postati najbolji. Tomislav Petranović pleše balet od svoje devete godine, a do danas je pokorio i osvojio svjetske pozornice u Beču, Portugalu i Zagrebu, odigrao uloge života te dosegnuo baletni vrh solističkim baletnim ulogama kojima je stao uz bok baletnim velikanima. Dokazao je i sebi i drugima da ništa nije nemoguće i da se predanošću, upornošću i ustrajnošću mogu pomicati planine. Tomislav Petranović ima 45 godina i trenutačno je najstariji i jedini zaposleni aktivni muški plesač klasičnog baleta u Hrvatskoj. Završio je Školu za klasični balet u Zagrebu 1993. godine, a usavršavao se u Heinz Bosl StiftunIN T ERV IEW | I N TERVJ U
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sical Ballet in 1993, and he trained at the Heinz Bosl Stiftung in München under Professor Heinz Manniegel. In his career, he has been a soloist of the Vienna State Opera ballet, the principal dancer of the National Dance Company of Portugal. He has worked with the most significant contemporary choreographers, such as Jiři Kilian, John Neumeier, William Forsythe, Hans van Mannen, Nacho Duato, Mauro Bigonzetti, Mehmet Balkan. He has danced leading roles in ballets by Rudolf Nureyev, George Balanchine, Kenneth MacMillan, Peter Wright, Frederick Ashton, Vladimir Malakhov. Roles were created especially for him by choreographers Marguerite Donlon, John Neumeier, Nicolas Musin, Christine Gaigg, Nicolaus Adler, Patrick Delacroix, Benvindo Fonseca. Since 2011, he has been the principal dancer of the Croatian National Theatre, and he has been the national principal dancer since 2014. You have taken an unusual step in your career and you are studying international relations and diplomacy at Libertas International University. Why diplomacy? I’m still not interested in choreography because as an artist, a dancer, I have satisfied my needs on the stage, so I wanted to broaden my horizons, open some new doors. While thinking about this, I came across an interview with a Chinese entrepreneur, the owner of Ally Express, who said that after the age of forty, we shouldn’t try to do something completely different, but rather strive to develop further based on our qualities. As I can speak four languages in addition to Croatian, the study of diplomacy and international relations came to mind. I’m interested in it, that’s why I chose it. You’ve got 45 years of life experience and 35 years of ballet experience behind you. What has motivated and inspired you all these years? One of the advantages of my job is the diversity, there’s always something new happening and there isn’t much boredom, except for constantly keeping fit, improving your technique etc. A little stubbornness and a little need to prove myself, love for my job and definitely the allure that comes with this work, from travelling to meeting new people and learning languages – all of this has motivated me, inspired me, and propelled me forward during the many years of my dancing career. What are the character traits necessary for a great classical ballet dancer to make their way to the top? I believe that persistence is one of the most important traits. A person can be talented and lucky, but this is short-lived in our work. You have to be persistent. And a little wise. You can spot talent as early as in the ballet school, where they start separating the wheat from the chaff pretty early on. Thousands of dancers enrol the ballet school, but only tens of them graduate, some of who become soloists, some principal dancers, some global stars. There is a lot of competition. I’ve read that ballet dancers “jump more than NBA players, regularly lift their partners over their heads, and constantly perform in ways that can seriously put them neck and neck with any professional ath28 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW
gu u Münchenu kod profesora Heinza Manniegela. U karijeri bio je solist Baleta Bečke državne opere, prvak Portugalskog nacionalnog baleta. Surađivao je s najznačajnijim suvremenim koreografima, među kojima su Jiři Kilian, John Neumeier, William Forsythe, Hans van Mannen, Nacho Duato, Mauro Bigonzetti, Mehmet Balkan. Plesao je glavne uloge u baletima Rudolfa Nureyeva, Georgea Balanchinea, Kennetha MacMillana, Petera Wrighta, Fredericka Ashtona, Vladimira Malakhova. Posebno za njega kreirali su koreografi Marguerite Donlon, John Neumeier, Nicolas Musin, Christine Gaigg, Nicolaus Adler, Patrick Delacroix, Benvindo Fonseca. Od 2011. ponovno je u angažmanu Baleta HNK kao prvak Baleta, a od 2014. nacionalni je baletni prvak. Napravili ste neobičan zaokret u karijeri i studirate Međunarodne odnose i diplomaciju na Libertasu. Zašto baš diplomacija? Budući da me koreografiranje još uvijek ne zanima jer sam kao umjetnik, plesač zadovoljio svoje potrebe na sceni, htio sam proširiti horizonte, otvoriti neka nova vrata. Razmišljajući o tome, pod ruke mi je došao intervju s jednim kineskim poduzetnikom, vlasnikom Ally Expressa, koji je rekao da nakon četrdesete godine ne bismo trebali raditi nešto potpuno drugačije, nego pokušati na temelju nekih svojih kvaliteta nešto dalje razviti. S obzirom na to da govorim četiri jezika uz hrvatski, pao mi je na pamet studij diplomacije i međunarodnih odnosa jer me to zanima, zato sam i odabrao. Iza vas je 45 godina života i 35 godina baletnog staža. Što vas je motiviralo i inspiriralo sve ove godine? Jedna od dobrih strana mojeg posla je raznolikost, stalno se nešto novo događa i nema puno dosade, osim konstantnog održanja forme, napredovanja u tehnici itd. Malo tvrdoglavosti i malo potrebe za dokazivanjem, ljubav prema poslu i apsolutno sav čar koji taj posao donosi, od putovanja do upoznavanja novih ljudi i učenja jezika – sve me je to motiviralo i inspiriralo te tjeralo naprijed tijekom moje dugogodišnje plesačke karijere. Koje crte karaktera mora posjedovati vrhunski plesač klasičnog baleta, da bi se probio na vrh? Smatram da je ustrajnost jedna od najvažnijih crta. Čovjek može imati talent i sreću, ali to je u našem poslu kratkotrajno. Moraš imati ustrajnost. I malo mudrosti. Talent se vidi već u baletnoj školi, gdje se dosta rano počne odvajati žito od kukolja. Baletnu školu započne tisuće plesača, a završe deseci, pa su od njih neki solisti, neki prvaci, neki svjetske zvijezde. Velika je selekcija. Pročitala sam da baletani „skaču više od NBA igrača i redovito podižu partnerice iznad glave te neprestance izvode nastupe koji su ozbiljni konkurenti bilo kojem profesionalnom sportašu“. Međutim, često se uz baletane vežu klišeji da su nježni, fragilni. Kako ste se vi nosili s klišejima i mitovima vezanim uz baletane i vidite li danas u tom smislu neke promjene u društvu?
I came across an interview with a Chinese entrepreneur, the owner of Ally Express, who said that after the age of forty, we shouldn’t try to do something completely different, but rather strive to develop further based on our qualities. Pod ruke mi je došao intervju s jednim kineskim poduzetnikom, vlasnikom Ally Expressa, koji je rekao da nakon četrdesete godine ne bismo trebali raditi nešto potpuno drugačije, nego pokušati na temelju nekih svojih kvaliteta nešto dalje razviti.
As I can speak four languages in addition to Croatian, the study of diplomacy and international relations came to mind. I’m interested in it S obzirom na to da govorim četiri jezika uz hrvatski, pao mi je na pamet studij diplomacije i međunarodnih odnosa jer me to zanima lete”. However, there are many clichés depicting ballet dancers as gentle, fragile. How have you dealt with the clichés and myths associated with ballet dancers and can you see any changes related to this in society nowadays? At the time when I started dancing ballet, I was shooting many commercials, and they were the reason why kids made fun of me, not ballet. At the beginning, this wasn’t an issue, but after puberty it became one. There was a lot of stigmatisation in Croatia, much more than in Austria where I worked later. Has it changed? Hm, a little bit, yes. However, it’s interesting that the majority of male dancers who have international careers first found their success abroad, only later in Croatia. This is different for female dancers. Things may have changed to some extent in Croatia, but I don’t pay attention to that now, I’m not interested, I’m at an age when I don’t care what people think about me. At the moment, I’m the only active Croatian dancer who is employed. There are male dancers coming from the ballet school, but I don’t believe that they are supported by the institutions or the public. Which period of your career has been most productive and your favourite? I wouldn’t put my most productive and my favourite
Kad sam počinjao s baletom, paralelno sam snimao mnogo reklama i one su bile razlog zbog kojeg su me klinci zezali, a ne balet. Na početku mi to nije bio problem, međutim, nakon puberteta je postao. Postojala je velika stigma u Hrvatskoj, puno veća nego u Austriji, gdje sam kasnije radio. Je li se to promijenilo? Hm, malo jest. Međutim, zanimljivo je da se većina hrvatskih muških plesača koji su napravili internacionalnu karijeru najprije probila vani, tek poslije kod nas. Za razliku od plesačica kod kojih nije tako. Možda su se stvari donekle promijenile u Hrvatskoj, ali to danas ne gledam, ne zanima me, sad sam u godinama kad me ne zanima tko što misli o meni. Trenutačno sam jedini aktivni hrvatski plesač koji ima posao. Ima plesača koji dolaze iz baletne škole, ali smatram da kao muški plesači baš i nemaju podršku niti struktura niti javnosti. Koje vam je razdoblje u karijeri bilo najproduktivnije i najdraže? Najproduktivnije i najdraže razdoblje ne bih stavio u isto pitanje. Produktivno razdoblje najčešće je zato što jako puno radiš i moraš napraviti velike kompromise u životu, da bi napravio karijeru. Moje je najproduktivnije razdoblje bilo u Beču, gdje sam deset godina zaista bio okružen „kremom“ naše umjetnosti, imao sam jako puno prilika, plesao s puno velikih IN T ERV IEW | I N TERVJ U
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period in the same question. A productive period is most commonly such because you’re working a lot and you must make compromises in your life to build a career. My most productive period was in Vienna, where I spent ten years surrounded by the “cream of the crop” of our art, I had many opportunities, danced with many great choreographers, some of whom also choreographed for me. This part of my life was most fruitful. And my favourite period was in Portugal. Portugal differs from the Germanic mentality, it’s more easy-going. I relaxed there, enjoyed myself more, I stopped being bothered by some things, I felt better in my own skin. Who is your professional inspiration? In the last ten-fifteen years, there has been a lot of progress when it comes to technique, the capability of the body, and the only problem is that “kids” (younger ballet dancers), who are fascinating dancers and have excellent technique, take part in a lot of competitions and simply burn out, drive themselves into the ground too fast. I don’t think much of these endless competitions which are pushed for financial reasons, and the dancers are always the ones who get a raw deal. Today there are almost no mature artists on the scene because they change so fast. Young people are cheaper. There are many dancers I value exceptionally: Massimo Murru, Mihail Barišnjikov, who is always my go-to-person. I used to compare myself to other ballet dancers, but I realized that nobody is like me, and that it’s bad to compare yourself to others. You must focus on yourself, do the best you can and hope for the best. Which choreographers did you most enjoy working with? With the fascinating American artist and choreographer John Neumeier, the director and chief choreographer of the Hamburg Ballet. I worked with him a lot, he gave me many opportunities and I learnt a lot from him. I appreciate people who get the best out of others, not in an aggressive way or by manipulating them, but by inspiring them. He was such a person. Can you single out some dance partners who you enjoyed working with the most? There have really been many; some were easier to work with, some harder… For example, Shoko Nakamura was lovely to work with, I appreciate her exceptionally. And I enjoy working with my current partner, the Japanese dancer from the Croatian National Theatre, Asua Maruo, and with Iva Vitić and Maša Kolar. There have been many partners abroad that I’ve loved working with: Eva Petters, Simona Noja, Margaret Illman, Aurelie Dupont (who is now the director of the Paris Opera) etc. Which roles have especially fulfilled you, suited you best? The role of Mercutio. I danced the role of Romeo later, that’s also a great one, but Mercutio... that’s the real deal. And the role of Albrecht in Giselle is a lovely, multi-layered role. 30 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW
koreografa, neki su i koreografirali za mene. Taj dio mojeg života bio je najplodonosniji. A moj najdraži period bio je u Portugalu. Portugal je drugačiji od germanskog mentaliteta, opušteniji. Tamo sam se opustio, više sam uživao, prestale su me zamarati neke stvari, sam sa sobom sam bio bolje. Tko je vaša profesionalna inspiracija? Zadnjih deset-petnaest godina dogodio se veliki napredak kad se radi o tehnici, mogućnostima tijela, a jedini je problem u tome što „klinci“ (mladi baletani), koji su fascinantni plesači i imaju odličnu tehniku, imaju jako puno natjecanja i jednostavno izgore, potroše se prebrzo. Nemam pozitivno mišljenje o tim silnim natjecanjima koja se forsiraju iz financijskih razloga i uvijek se lome koplja na plesačima. Danas gotovo više nema zrelih umjetnika na sceni jer se jako brzo izmjenjuju. Mladi su jeftiniji. Ima puno plesača koje iznimno cijenim: Massimo Murru, Mihail Barišnjikov koji mi je uvijek go-to-person. Nekad sam se uspoređivao s drugim baletanima, ali shvatio sam da nitko nije kao ja i da je loše kad se počneš uspoređivati s drugima. Moraš gledati sebe, raditi najbolje što možeš i očekivati najbolje. S kojim vam je koreografima bilo najdraže surađivati? S fascinantnim američkim umjetnikom i koreografom Johnom Neumeierom, intendantom Hamburškog baleta. S njim sam puno radio, dao mi je mnogo prilika i jako puno sam naučio od njega. Cijenim ljude koji izvlače najbolje iz drugih, ali ne na agresivan način ili manipulacijama, već inspiracijom. On je bio takva osoba. Izdvojite neke plesne partnerice s kojima ste najviše voljeli raditi! Bilo ih je zaista mnogo; s nekima je bilo lakše, s nekima teže... Evo, na primjer, sa Shoko Nakamura je bilo lijepo raditi, nju iznimno cijenim. I s mojom sadašnjom partnericom uživam raditi, japanskom balerinom iz HNK, Asukom Maruo, te s Ivom Vitić i Mašom Kolar. U inozemstvu je bilo mnogo partnerica s kojima sam uživao raditi: Eva Petters, Simona Noja, Margaret Illman, Aurelie Dupont (koja je sada direktorica Pariške opere) itd. Koje su vas uloge posebno ispunile, najviše vam odgovarale? Uloga Mercuzija. Plesao sam kasnije i Romea, to je isto sjajna uloga, ali Mercuzi... to je to. I uloga Albrechta u Giselli je lijepa uloga, višeslojna. Plesali ste i klasiku i suvremeni balet. U čemu više uživate? Nije važno plešeš li klasiku ili suvremeni balet, radi se o trenutku inspiracije, o tome s kim plešeš, što dobiješ od osobe koja je nasuprot tebi, da li si odgovarate, itd. Meni je klasični balet čak lakši od suvremenog jer je nešto što ja mogu. Tehnika mi je dosta čista, pa nemam ni ozljede ni probleme, stoga mi je jednostavnije, prirodnije, za razliku možda od plesača
I appreciate people who get the best out of others, not in an aggressive way or by manipulating them, but by inspiring them Cijenim ljude koji izvlače najbolje iz drugih, ali ne na agresivan način ili manipulacijama, već inspiracijom
There have been many partners abroad that I’ve loved working with: Eva Petters, Simona Noja, Margaret Illman, Aurelie Dupont, who is now the director of the Paris Opera U inozemstvu je bilo mnogo partnerica s kojima sam uživao raditi: Eva Petters, Simona Noja, Margaret Illman, Aurelie Dupont, koja je sada direktorica Pariške opere
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I try not to have any regrets. I refuse to think about it. My only regret might be not accepting the offer by the Spanish National Dance Company and not working with Nacho Duato, but back then it seemed too risky to move to a modern dance company.
You’ve danced classical and contemporary ballet. Which do you enjoy more? It doesn’t matter whether you’re dancing classical or contemporary ballet, it’s all about the moment of inspiration, who you’re dancing with, what you’re getting from the person across from you, if you’re suited for each other, etc. I actually find classical easier than contemporary ballet because it’s something I can do. My technique is pretty clean, so I have no injuries or problems, that’s why it’s easier, more natural, as opposed to dancers who maybe like to relax more when dancing. Now that I’m older, I find all uncontrolled movement more difficult, there’s a greater danger that something might go wrong. I’m talking about contemporary dance, not modern or neoclassical ballet. The act of relaxing in contemporary dance is a huge step for a classical ballet dancer. Do you have any regrets in your long ballet career – a missed opportunity, a role you didn’t accept, a partnership or cooperation? I try not to have any regrets. I refuse to think about it. My only regret might be not accepting the offer by the Spanish National Dance Company and not working with Nacho Duato, but back then it seemed too risky to move to a modern dance company. I also regret not going to Japan to dance with Shoko when she invited me. What do you consider the greatest success of the Viennese part of your dance career? One role in Spartacus, which did not exist in the original version, was created just for me. This is the role of the Minotaur, which was supposed to be minor, but ended up being very big, the leading role. I’m very proud of that role, and to this day people still mention it to me. In the end, it turned out to be a grandiose role, and I’m exceptionally proud of it. There are a few ballets I’m proud of, for example the modern ballet Tabu was made for me and I had a lot of success with 32 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW
koji se više vole opustiti prilikom plesa. Sad kad sam stariji, teže mi padaju svi nekontrolirani pokreti, dovode do opasnosti da nešto ode po zlu. Govorim o suvremenom plesu, a ne o modernom ili neoklasičnom baletu. Čin opuštanja u suvremenom je plesu za plesača klasičnog baleta veliki korak. Žalite li za nečim u svojoj dugogodišnjoj baletnoj karijeri – propuštenom prilikom, neprihvaćenom ulogom, partnerstvom, suradnjom? Pokušavam ne žaliti. Odbijam razmišljati o tome. Možda mi je jedino žao što sam odbio ponudu Španjolskog nacionalnog baleta i nisam otišao raditi s Nachom Duatom, ali tada mi se činilo prerizično ići u kompaniju koja je moderna. Žalim i što sa Shoko nisam otišao plesati u Japan, kad me je pozvala. Što smatrate najvećim uspjesima bečkog dijela svoje plesne karijere? Jedna je uloga u Spartaku, koja nije postojala u originalnoj verziji, kreirana baš za mene. To je uloga Minotaura, koja je trebala biti jako mala, a završila je jako velika, odnosno glavna. Na tu sam ulogu jako ponosan i na nju me ljudi još i danas znaju podsjetiti. Nakraju je ispala grandiozna i izrazito sam ponosan. Ima nekoliko predstava kojima se ponosim, primjerice, moderna predstava Tabu rađena je baš prema meni i s njom sam imao puno uspjeha. Ljudi su me jako voljeli i kao Mercuzija u Romeu i Juliji. Bio sam i počasni član odbora bečkog Opernballa i okružen ljudima kojima se divim, npr. Placidom Domingom. Jeste li ikada požalili odluku da nakon Beča (u kojem ste bili solist Baleta Bečke državne opere) odaberete Portugalski nacionalni balet? Što vas je privuklo Portugalu? Ne da nisam požalio, nego nisam ni znao koliko je odluka bila dobra! Oni nemaju samo jedan svoj teatar, oni su nacionalna kompanija. Portugalski nacio-
Pokušavam ne žaliti. Odbijam razmišljati o tome. Možda mi je jedino žao što sam odbio ponudu Španjolskog nacionalnog baleta i nisam otišao raditi s Nachom Duatom, ali tada mi se činilo prerizično ići u kompaniju koja je moderna.
In every new city, the first four or five years are the honeymoon. I’d been periodically moving from place to place. Now I’ve been in Zagreb for a number of years, and I have no regrets. U svakome mi je gradu prvih četiri-pet godina honeymoon. Periodički sam odlazio iz mjesta u mjesto. Sad je već prošlo mnogo godina u Zagrebu i ne žalim.
it. People also loved me as Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet. I was also the honorary board member of the Viennese Opernballa, surrounded by people I admire, such as Placido Domingo. Have you ever regretted the decision of choosing the National Ballet of Portugal after Vienna (where you were a soloist of the Vienna State Opera Ballet)? What attracted you to Portugal? Not only did I never regret it, I had no idea how good of a decision it would be! It’s not only one theatre, they are the national company. The National Ballet of Portugal is a company whose programme, size, quality, and role in the artistic world of the country is very similar to the Viennese one. However, as opposed to the Viennese or Zagreb ballet companies, they dance in all of the big theatres all over Portugal. That means that there is no main theatre, that is, all national theatres are their theatres, depending on how you look at it. The National Ballet of Portugal is the company of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture. When I came to the audition, my accommodation was outside the city centre, so I only saw it for the first time on my first day at work. Lisbon enchanted me. What makes the National Ballet of Portugal specific in comparison to that in Zagreb or Vienna? Their modern dance scene is very developed, even more developed than the classical one; classical ballet arrived a little later there, just like in America, where classical ballet came only with George Balanchine. There you can feel this Iberic, Latino vibe in ballet, and a big influence of their developed modern dance scene.
nalni balet kompanija je po programu, veličini, kvaliteti i ulozi u umjetničkom svijetu države, vrlo slična bečkoj. No, za razliku od bečke ili zagrebačke baletne kompanije, pleše u svim velikim teatrima diljem Portugala. Dakle, nema matičnu kuću, odnosno sve su joj državne kuće matične, ovisi o tome kako na to gledate. Portugalski nacionalni balet kompanija je portugalskog ministarstva kulture. Kad sam došao na audiciju, smješten sam izvan centra grada, pa sam ga prvi put vidio tek prvog dana posla. Lisabon me je oduševio. Po čemu je Portugalski nacionalni balet specifičan, u usporedbi sa zagrebačkim i bečkim? Njihova je moderna plesna scena razvijena, čak razvijenija nego klasična; k njima je klasičan balet stigao malo kasnije, kao i u Ameriku, kamo je klasični balet stigao tek s Georgeom Balanchineom. Kod njih se osjeti taj iberijski, latino štih u baletu i jak utjecaj njihove razvijene moderne plesne scene. Jeste li sretni što ste se 2011. vratili u HNK u Zagrebu kao prvak Baleta ili biste možda danas donijeli drugačiju odluku i nastavili graditi karijeru u inozemstvu? U svakome mi je gradu prvih četiri-pet godina honeymoon. Periodički sam odlazio iz mjesta u mjesto. Sad je već prošlo mnogo godina u Zagrebu i ne žalim. U Lisabonu sam uživao, ali daljina mi je počela predstavljati problem; iako je u Europi, daleko je od Hrvatske. Obitelj mi je počela nedostajati, život mi je cijelo vrijeme bio na čekanju. Sretan sam ovdje, za sada, ali nikad se ne zna kamo me život još može odvesti.
Are you happy that you returned to the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb in 2011 as the principal dancer, or would you have made a different decision today and continued to build your career abroad? In every new city, the first four or five years are the honeymoon. I’d been periodically moving from place to place. Now I’ve been in Zagreb for a number of years, and I have no regrets. I enjoyed Lisbon, but the distance started to present a problem; although it’s in Europe, it’s far from Croatia. I started to miss my family, my life was constantly on hold. I’m happy here, for now, but you never know where else life might take me.
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The Esplanade
is our SECOND HOME Esplanada je naš drugi dom
Their shared love for Zagreb’s historic pearl has brought Andrea and Santiago together in their business and private life Zajednička ljubav prema povijesnom biseru Zagreba zbližila je Andreu i Santiaga u poslovnom i privatnom životu The Esplanade Hotel has always been a synonym for the essence of beauty, permeated by the unique experience of staying in an impressive work of architecture with a rich history, spanning almost a hundred years, hidden behind its walls. Due to the pleasant atmosphere fostered by its staff, the Esplanade is a place which numerous guests gladly visit over and over again, and those who come for the first time have probably had the opportunity to read or hear about the unique, charming service which is provided here. The hotel is also the second home to its employees, and many of them have spent almost their whole working lives here. Among those who can boast of years of experience of working at the best hotel in Croatia is a lovely couple – 31-year-old Andrea Ožegović and 30-year-old Santiago Cornelio Barrio – who were brought together by their love for the Esplanade and travel.
Author: PETRA NIKIĆ Photographs: GORAN JAKUŠ
Hotel Esplanade oduvijek je sinonim za esenciju lijepog, prožetu jedinstvenim iskustvom boravka u impresivnom arhitektonskom zdanju iza čijih se zidova krije bogata gotovo stoljetna povijest. Esplanada je zbog ugodne atmosfere koju njeguje njezino osoblje mjesto koje rado iznova posjećuju brojni gosti, a oni koji dolaze prvi put vjerojatno su imali priliku negdje pročitati ili čuti o jedinstvenoj, šarmantnoj usluzi koja se ovdje pruža. Hotel je i drugi dom svojih djelatnika, a mnogo ih je ovdje provelo gotovo cijeli svoj radni vijek. Višegodišnjim iskustvom rada u najboljem hotelu u Hrvatskoj može se pohvaliti i simpatičan par – 31-godišnja Andrea Ožegović i 30-godišnji Santiago Cornelio Barrio – koji je spojila upravo ljubav prema Esplanadi i putovanjima.
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“While still only a student, I already knew I wanted to continue my professional growth at the most beautiful and classiest hotel in Zagreb. Every night after class, I would walk by the hotel and, in my mind, greet Zagreb’s beauty. And this seems to have attracted the Esplanade into my life because it was here, of all places, where I got the opportunity to do my internship, and soon after I received my college degree, I continued my professional career at the Public Relations and Marketing Department, where I’m still working today, six years later”, Andrea told us, elated. Santiago also knew that the Esplanade was the best choice for him. After coming to Croatia, he wanted to work at the best hotel in Zagreb, and this wish came true a few months after he moved from his native Argentina. Actually, Santiago spent almost his whole childhood in Croatia, where he moved with his family because of his father’s job, and he lived near the Esplanade Hotel in Zagreb. “I completed my education in Argentina and started working in the hotel business, but I always kind of dreamed of returning to Croatia. In the end, a little over four years ago, I firmly decided to fulfil my wish and make this life change”, remembers Santiago, who has worked as a concierge at the Esplanade from day one, greeting guests at the entrance to the hotel lobby, helping fulfil their wishes, but also recommending places worth visiting. “I often jokingly tell my friends that I’m living my Croatian dream here – except for working at the most beautiful hotel in Zagreb, I met my 36 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW
„Još za vrijeme studija znala sam da svoj profesionalni rast želim nastaviti u najljepšem i najotmjenijem hotelu u Zagrebu. Svaku večer kad bih nakon predavanja prolazila pokraj hotela, u mislima bih pozdravila svoju zagrebačku ljepoticu. I tako sam, čini se, privukla Esplanadu u svoj život jer mi se upravo ovdje otvorila mogućnost da odradim stručnu praksu, a ubrzo nakon što sam dobila i fakultetsku diplomu, nastavila sam svoju profesionalnu karijeru u Odjelu odnosa s javnošću i marketinga, gdje radim i danas, šest godina kasnije“, s oduševljenjem nam je ispričala Andrea. Da je Esplanada najbolji izbor, znao je i Santiago koji je nakon dolaska u Hrvatsku poželio raditi u najboljem zagrebačkom hotelu, što mu se i ostvarilo nekoliko mjeseci nakon selidbe iz svoje rodne Argentine. Inače, Santiago je gotovo cijelo svoje djetinjstvo proveo u Hrvatskoj u koju se s obitelji preselio zbog očeva posla te je živio u Zagrebu nedaleko od hotela Esplanade. „U Argentini sam završio školovanje i počeo raditi u hotelijerstvu, ali sam cijelo vrijeme nekako maštao o povratku u Hrvatsku. Na kraju sam prije malo više od četiri godine čvrsto odlučio realizirati svoju želju za tom životnom promjenom“, prisjeća se Santiago koji od prvog dana u Esplanadi radi kao concierge, pa ga gosti mogu sresti već na ulazu u hotelsko predvorje, gdje će im pomoći u realizaciji njihovih želja, ali i rado preporučiti mjesta koja vrijedi posjetiti. „U šali svojim prijateljima često kažem da ovdje živim
Santiago also knew that the Esplanade was the best choice for him. After coming to Croatia, he wanted to work at the best hotel in Zagreb, and this wish came true a few months after he moved from his native Argentina Da je Esplanada najbolji izbor, znao je i Santiago koji je nakon dolaska u Hrvatsku poželio raditi u najboljem zagrebačkom hotelu, što mu se i ostvarilo nekoliko mjeseci nakon selidbe iz svoje rodne Argentine
Even though they do different jobs, sometimes they are brought together by guests’ requests. One day, a guest asked Santiago if he could organise the transport of her little dog to her home country. Andrea was more than happy to come to his aid, and together they looked for adequate transport. Bez obzira na to što ne rade isti posao, ponekad ih zahtjevi gostiju jednostavno spoje. Jednog dana Santiagu se obratila gošća s molbom da organizira prijevoz njezinog psića u domovinu. Andrea mu je rado priskočila u pomoć i zajedno su potražili odgovarajući prijevoz.
fiancée here, and although significantly smaller than my native Argentina, Croatia is a beautiful country with lovely people. A big advantage is in the proximity of European capitals, and the Alps and the Mediterranean are only a few hours’ drive away from Zagreb. Most of the members of my close family have also decided to come back to Croatia. There are many of us – seven brothers and sisters, their children, my mother and my father, when we all get together, we make for a cheerful and loud crowd, enjoying Argentine specialities and music.” When asked if he missed Argentina, he says: “Of course, I sometimes feel nostalgic. The rest of my family and many of my friends live in Argentina, I often think of them. The Argentines are a temperamental people, so I sometimes miss the loudness and embraces between acquaintances, our traditional drink – Mate – which we drink when enjoying ourselves with friends, barbecuing with large quantities of delicious meat, cold Fernet, and big cities, but coming to Croatia was the right decision, and I’m truly happy here.” Although the daily tasks of these two Esplanade employees are different, they both agree that the atmosphere fostered at the hotel is relaxed and friendly, which was what brought them together. “One day, as I was waiting for a client in the hotel lobby, I started a casual conversation with my new colleague, Santiago. I was immediately drawn by his charisma, his gentlemanly manner, and the incredible energy and joy he exuded. After only talking for a few minutes, we agreed that we should take a trip together, somewhere far, as soon as possible. And that’s exactly what we did. Just like a story straight from a Hollywood film, and the Esplanade played an important role”, Andrea told us, and Santiago added: “Andrea and I share a love for life, adventure, sports, nature, exploration, and pushing the limits. We have travelled to distant places, we go diving, biking, camping, running, dancing, and we cook together. It makes me especially happy when I can share an anecdote from one of our trips with our guests. They are just like us, travellers with a great love for discovering new worlds, and with such conversations, we can make a connection in an instant.” Even though they do different jobs, sometimes they are brought together by guests’ requests. One day, a guest asked Santiago if he could organise the transport of her little dog to her home country. Andrea was more than happy to come to his aid, and together they looked for adequate transport. They succeeded, and the guest let them know that the little dog reached its destination happily, safely, and quickly. Over the years he spent working in prestigious hotels, Santiago acquired excellent communication skills, so Andrea is always proud and eager to direct guests to him, and it brings her special joy when they get back to her, impressed by Santiago, offering words of praise for his excellent services. She knows that the guests will return home thrilled with the place they stayed at. “The year behind us was challenging, but the effort we invest in order to help our guests feel safe has paid off. Our guests have been very supportive in these demanding times. They also can’t wait for everything to go back to normal as soon as possible in order to be
svoj hrvatski san – osim što radim u najljepšem zagrebačkom hotelu, ovdje sam upoznao svoju zaručnicu, a iako je znatno manja od moje rodne Argentine, Hrvatska je prekrasna zemlja i ima divne ljude. Velika prednost je blizina europskih metropola, a Alpe i Mediteran udaljeni su samo nekoliko sati vožnje od Zagreba. I većina članova moje uže obitelji odlučila je vratiti se u Hrvatsku. Ima nas mnogo – sedmero braće i sestara, njihova djeca, moja majka i otac, kad se svi sastanemo, veselo smo i glasno društvo koje uživa u argentinskim specijalitetima i glazbi.“ O tome nedostaje li mu Argentina, kaže: „Naravno, ponekad me uhvati nostalgija. Ostatak obitelji i velik dio prijatelja živi u Argentini, često ih se sjetim. Argentinci su temperamentan narod, pa mi ponekad nedostaju glasnoća i zagrljaji s poznanicima, naše tradicionalno piće Mate koje se pije u trenucima uživanja s prijateljima, roštiljanje s velikim količinama superukusnog mesa, hladan Fernet i veliki gradovi, ali odlazak u Hrvatsku bila je ispravna odluka i ovdje sam istinski sretan.“ Iako se svakodnevni poslovi ovo dvoje Esplanadinih djelatnika razlikuju, oboje se slažu da se u hotelu njeguje opuštena, prijateljska atmosfera koja ih je i zbližila. „Jedan dan, kad sam čekala klijenta u hotelskom predvorju, počeo je neobavezan razgovor s novim kolegom Santiagom. Odmah su me privukli njegova karizmatičnost, džentlmenski pristup te nevjerojatna energija i veselje kojima je zračio. Nakon samo nekoliko minuta razgovora složili smo se da bismo trebali što prije otići na neko daleko zajedničko putovanje. Tako je i bilo. Sve se odigralo kao u nekoj holivudskoj filmskoj priči, a Esplanada je imala veliku ulogu“, ispričala nam je Andrea, a Santiago dodaje: „Mene i Andreu veže ljubav prema životu, avanturama, sportu, prirodi, istraživanju i pomicanju granica. Do sada smo bili na nekoliko dalekih putovanja, zajedno ronimo, bicikliramo, kampiramo, trčimo, plešemo i kuhamo. Posebno me veseli kad neku od naših anegdota s putovanja mogu podijeliti s našim gostima. Oni su baš kao i mi putnici s velikom ljubavlju prema otkrivanju novih svjetova i takvi nas razgovori u trenutku zbliže.“ Bez obzira na to što ne rade isti posao, ponekad ih zahtjevi gostiju jednostavno spoje. Jednog dana Santiagu se obratila gošća s molbom da organizira prijevoz njezinog psića u domovinu. Andrea mu je rado priskočila u pomoć i zajedno su potražili odgovarajući prijevoz. Uspjeli su i gošća je javila da je psić sretno, brzo i sigurno stigao na svoje odredište. Santiago je tijekom godina, radeći u prestižnim hotelima, stekao sposobnosti odličnog komunikatora, stoga Andrea uvijek s ponosom i veseljem goste uputi upravo k njemu i posebno se obraduje kad joj se jave, impresionirani Santiagom, i pohvale ga za izvrsnu uslugu. Tada zna da će gosti kući otputovati oduševljeni mjestom na kojem su bili. „Iza nas je izazovna godina, ali se isplatio trud koji ulažemo da bi se naši gosti osjećali sigurno. Gosti su nam velika podrška u zahtjevnim vremena. I oni jedva čekaju da se stanje što prije normalizira, kako bi kao nekad mogli neometano uživati u svemu što
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able to freely enjoy everything we can offer, just like before. And we also can’t wait for the hustle and bustle to return to the hotel so that we too can continue with our travels and our social lives”, Andrea emphasises. “Although we are used to the hotel being full and something always happening, formal dinners, weddings, or something else, during the pandemic everything has quieted down a bit. But we hope that the situation will improve and that everything will be lively again”, Santiago adds. Further proof that guests appreciate the effort of the Esplanade team is the fact that after the earthquake in Zagreb last year, they received hundreds of messages of support from all corners of the globe. Although the Esplanade is primarily their workplace, Andrea and Santiago don’t see the hotel exclusively from that perspective. This place has brought them together, they play a role in a beautiful story every day, which also implies a certain responsibility – to successfully convey it to their guests and preserve it for future generations. And what is it that actually makes the Esplanade so special? “The intimate atmosphere, unique service, rich history, luxurious ambience, the energy we invest in order for each guest to feel special, the positive work atmosphere and the countless beautiful memories which we have created here… the Esplanade is really our second home”, both of them point out proudly.
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nudimo. A i mi jedva čekamo da u hotelu opet zavlada vreva, pa da i mi možemo nastaviti sa svojim putovanjima i druženjima“, istaknula je Andrea. „Iako smo naviknuli da je hotel pun gostiju i da se u njemu stalno nešto događa, svečane večeri, vjenčanja ili nešto drugo, u vrijeme pandemije sve se pomalo utišalo. No, nadamo se da će se situacija popraviti i sve će opet biti živo“, dodaje Santiago. Da i gosti cijene trud Esplanadinog tima, govori i činjenica kako je nakon potresa u Zagrebu prošle godine stiglo nekoliko stotina poruka podrške iz svih krajeva svijeta. Iako je Esplanada ponajprije njihovo radno mjesto, Andrea i Santiago ne gledaju na hotel isključivo iz te perspektive. To ih je mjesto zbližilo, svaki su dan sudionici jedne lijepe priče koja podrazumijeva i određenu odgovornost – uspješno je prenijeti na goste i sačuvati za buduće generacije. A što sve zapravo Esplanadu čini toliko posebnom? „Obiteljska atmosfera, jedinstvena usluga, bogata povijest, raskošan ambijent, energija koju ulažemo kako bi se svaki gost osjećao posebno, pozitivna radna atmosfera te bezbroj lijepih uspomena koje smo ovdje stvorili... Esplanada je doista naš drugi dom“, istaknuli su s ponosom oboje.
Further proof that guests appreciate the effort of the Esplanade team is the fact that after the earthquake in Zagreb last year, they received hundreds of messages of support from all corners of the globe. Da i gosti cijene trud Esplanadinog tima, govori i činjenica kako je nakon potresa u Zagrebu prošle godine stiglo nekoliko stotina poruka podrške iz svih krajeva svijeta.
Although the Esplanade is primarily their workplace, Andrea and Santiago don’t see the hotel exclusively from that perspective. This place has brought them together, they play a role in a beautiful story every day Iako je Esplanada ponajprije njihovo radno mjesto, Andrea i Santiago ne gledaju na hotel isključivo iz te perspektive. To ih je mjesto zbližilo, svaki su dan sudionici jedne lijepe priče koja podrazumijeva i određenu odgovornost
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NEW! Novo!
PCR test at the Esplanade Hotel
PCR test u prostoru hotela Esplanade Reduce the stress of travelling Smanjite stres putovanja u doba during the pandemic and get pandemije i testiranje na virus tested for SARS-CoV-2 swiftly and SARS-CoV-2 obavite brzo i sa with style – at the Esplanade Ho- stilom – u prostoru hotela Esplatel, with a special offer for guests: nade uz posebnu pogodnost za free arrival of medical staff and goste: besplatan dolazak medifree translation of test results to cinskog osoblja i besplatan priEnglish. jevod rezultata testa na engleski jezik. Arrange a PCR test, antigen test or antibody test, and the professional medical staff of the LabPlus laboratory will come to the hotel at the agreed time, perform the test in line with strict epidemiological measures, and deliver the test results to your e-mail address in Croatian or English within three hours (antigen test and antibody test), or 24 hours (PCR test). “Esplanade’s guests are used to the highest standard of service, and we are known for being able to provide services that are not part of our regular offer. For this reason, when the need arose, we were the first hotel in Croatia to offer what has become the most important thing when travelling: the possibility to get tested in the comfort of your hotel – in a fast, simple, and personalised way, on the highest level and at a fair price”, emphasised Ivica Max Krizmanić, General Manager of the Esplanade Hotel. You can find out more on or by contacting hotel reception on 01 45 666 66.
Dogovorite PCR test, antigenski test ili test na antitijela, a stručno medicinsko osoblje laboratorija LabPlus doći će u dogovoreno vrijeme u hotel, provesti testiranje u skladu sa strogim epidemiološkim mjerama i dostaviti nalaz na vašu adresu e-pošte na hrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku, i to u roku tri sata (antigenski test i test na antitijela), odnosno u roku 24 sata (PCR test). „Gosti hotela Esplanade naviknuti su na najviši standard usluge, a poznati smo po tome što im možemo omogućiti i ono što nije u redovnoj ponudi. Stoga se ukazala potreba da kao prvi hotel u Hrvatskoj ponudimo i sada najnužnije na putovanju: mogućnost testiranja u udobnosti hotela – brzo, jednostavno i personalizirano, na najvišoj razini i po korektnoj cijeni”, istaknuo je Ivica Max Krizmanić, generalni direktor Hotela Esplanade. Više informacija potražite na ili kontaktirajte recepciju hotela na 01 45 666 66.
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Sensational Tastes of Top Cuisine
Senzacionalni okusi vrhunske kuhinje Allow yourself to be seduced by the creative expression of the famous chef Ana Grgić Tomić, while she plays around with ingredients, creating art on the plate with an emphasis on original taste. Recognisable for its classy atmosphere and charming service, the award-winning Zinfandel’s Restaurant with its Oleander Terrace is once again an unmissable destination for true gourmets this summer. In the heart of the city, shaded by the olive trees and flowering oleanders, it is a special pleasure to enjoy seasonal creations. À la carte menu brings a range of distinctive and surprising summer concoctions which you should definitely taste, such as poached lobster in vanilla butter, served with caramelised carrots and fried coriander; delicate crab with baby peas and saffron fluid-gel; poached scallops with
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Dopustite da vas osvoji kreativni izričaj poznate chefice Ane Grgić Tomić, dok se poigrava sastojcima i stvara umjetnost na tanjuru s naglaskom na izvorni okus. Prepoznatljiv po otmjenom ugođaju i šarmantnoj usluzi, nagrađivani restoran Zinfandel’s s Oleander terasom i ovog je ljeta nezaobilazno odredište istinskih gurmana. U srcu grada, u hladu maslina i rascvjetanih oleandra posebno je zadovoljstvo uživati u sezonskim kreacijama. Jelovnik à la carte donosi niz osebujnih i iznenađujućih ljetnih spojeva koje svakako valja kušati, kao što su poširani hlap u maslacu od vanilije, poslužen uz karameliziranu mrkvu i prženi korijander; nježna rakovica s mladim graškom i fluid-gelom od šafrana; poširane školjke sv. Jakova sa zelenim šparogama i kremom
green asparagus and roast tomato cream; or young lamb confit, served with leeks and potato and brown butter tart. You must definitely also try Zinfandel’s unmissable classics such as beef tartare, fuži pasta with truffles, or sea bass baked in salt. Crown this true fine dining experience with a bottle of highest quality wine and champagne and the unmissable sweet treats from Esplanades’ range of desserts. Enjoy giving yourself over to pleasures and special moments of hedonism offered by the traditional Sunday brunch, with a rich choice of specialities by Esplanade’s chefs awaiting you for HRK 295 per person. This summer, let Zinfandel’s, which has stood for the essence of high gastronomy for years, also be your most delicious venue for private and business gatherings.
od pečene rajčice; ili confit od mlade janjetine, poslužen uz poriluk i tart od krumpira i smeđeg maslaca. Svakako valja kušati i neizostavne Zinfandel’sove klasike, poput tatarskog bifteka, fuži s tartufima ili brancina pečenog u soli. Istinsko fine dining iskustvo upotpunite buteljom vrhunskog vina i šampanjca te neizostavnim slatkim zadovoljstvima iz Esplanadine slastičarnice. Uživajte u prepuštanju užicima i posebnim trenucima hedonizma koje donosi tradicionalni Nedjeljni brunch, kad vas očekuje raskošan izbor specijaliteta Esplanadinih kuhara za 295 kuna po osobi. Dopustite da Zinfandel’s, koji već godinama predstavlja esenciju visoke gastronomije, i ovog ljeta bude vaše najfinije mjesto privatnih i poslovnih susreta.
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A Chic Breakfast With a City View Šik doručak s pogledom na grad
There is not much that can make you as happy in the early morning as a good breakfast, and if it is signed by Esplanade’s chefs, a perfect start to the day is guaranteed Malo toga vas može tako usrećiti u rano jutro kao dobar doručak, a ako je pritom s potpisom Esplanadinih chefova, savršen početak dana je zajamčen The Esplanade has long claimed its place in the heart of Zagreb and established itself as the centre of Zagreb’s social and public life. Then it proceeded to win us over with its excellent gastronomy and become a lure for hedonists. At the Esplanade, they’ve long known that breakfast is exceptionally important in the hotel business and that a hotel which wants to present itself in the best possible light must start with breakfast. This is why breakfast has become a kind of a ritual and symbol of good taste and sophistication at the Esplanade. Despite its long tradition, this is the first time that breakfast at the Esplanade is served exclusively à la carte, in line with epidemiological measures. The sophisticated elegance of the Zinfandel’s Restaurant raises the bar for lunch and makes the breakfast experience unique. The Art Nouveau architecture and the Art Deco style of the hotel combined with modern luxury are also reflected in the restaurant, and, like a time machine, they take you back to another time, awakening all your senses through the enjoyment of breakfast. Breakfast at the hotel is served daily from 6.30 to 11 a.m. in the beautiful interior of the Zinfandel’s Restaurant, and, weather permitting, on the Oleander Terrace. The excellent staff of the Zinfandel’s Restaurant will spare no effort to really give you the royal treatment, at the same time ensuring your safety, a good atmosphere and that you want for nothing during your meal. They will truly spoil you, offering delicacies from the menu, prepared using only first-class, fresh and seasonal ingredients. 44 | E S P LAN A DE V IEW
Esplanada je odavno zauzela svoje mjesto u srcu Zagreba te se nametnula kao središte zagrebačkog društvenog i javnog života, a zatim nas je osvojila i svojom vrhunskom gastronomijom i postala svojevrsni mamac za hedoniste. Da je doručak iznimno važan u hotelijerskom poslovanju i da hotel koji se želi dobro predstaviti mora ponudu početi s doručkom, odavno znaju u Esplanadi u kojoj je doručak postao svojevrsni ritual i simbol dobrog ukusa i profinjenosti. Iako ima dugu tradiciju, doručak u Esplanadi prvi se put poslužuje isključivo à la carte, u skladu s epidemiološkim mjerama. Profinjena elegancija restorana Zinfandel’s podiže razinu objedovanja i iskustvo doručka čini jedinstvenim. Secesijska arhitektura i art deco stil hotela u kombinaciji s modernim luksuzom ogledaju se i u restoranu i vraćaju vas poput vremeplova u neko drugo doba, pa uživanje u doručku budi sva osjetila. Doručak se u hotelu poslužuje svakodnevno od 6.30 do 11 sati u prekrasnom interijeru restorana Zinfandel’s, a za lijepog vremena i na Oleander terasi. Vrhunsko osoblje restorana Zinfandel’s potrudit će se da se zaista osjećate kao na dvoru, pazeći pritom na vašu sigurnost, dobar ugođaj i da vam ništa ne nedostaje tijekom jela. Istinski će vas razmaziti, nudeći vam specijalitete s jelovnika za čiju se pripremu biraju isključivo prvoklasne, svježe i sezonske namirnice.
You can start the extravagant breakfast with tea, coffee, or a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. The couvert is also impressive, consisting of a wide selection of rolls and bread, croissants, homemade butter, marmalade, and honey. Next, you can choose dishes from the so-called basic selection, offering a selection of domestic cured meat products and cheese, homemade olives, mixed seasonal salad, fresh cow cheese with herbs and smoked salmon on a dill cream and tasty Finnish bread, served with fresh cucumber which gives the dish freshness and a special kick. A unique breakfast experience is ensured by the wide selection of main dishes: you can take your pick of omelettes prepared several different ways (mini omelette with Pag island cheese and olive oil, omelette with tomatoes, mushrooms, herbs, ham and cheese), followed by eggs in various enticing combinations (baked eggs on toast, eggs Benedict on a butter brioche, eggs Royale with smoked salmon, toast with avocado, poached egg and crispy bacon). Whatever dish you choose, you will be thrilled by the excellent recipes and the preparation of eggs and omelettes, as well as their presentation. For those with a sweet tooth, the menu offers American pancakes with seasonal berries and maple syrup, French toast with honey and orange marmalade, oatmeal with cinnamon and bananas, different smoothies, seasonal fruit of the highest quality and a selection of yoghurts. Along with breakfast, you can enjoy a glass of the premium Croatian sparkling wine Tomac Millenium from the Plešivica wine region. If breakfast is the identity card of every hotel, the Esplanade really has something to be proud of. After a tasty and luxurious breakfast, guests can really put their best foot forward and seize the day. This is the very reason why satisfied guests gladly return for this exceptional gourmet experience.
Raskošan doručak možete započeti čajem, kavom ili čašom svježe iscijeđenog soka naranče. I couvert je impresivan, a sastoji se od raznolikog izbora peciva i kruha, kroasana, domaćeg maslaca, marmelade i meda. Zatim možete birati jela iz tzv. basic selekcije u čijoj su ponudi izbor domaćih suhomesnatih proizvoda i sireva, domaće masline, miješana sezonska salata, svježi kravlji sir sa začinskim biljem te dimljeni losos na kremi od kopra i ukusnom finskom kruhu, na kojem su posluženi svježi krastavci koji jelu daju svježinu i reskost. Poseban doživljaj doručka nudi bogat izbor glavnih jela: možete birati između omleta na nekoliko načina (mini omlet s paškim sirom i maslinovim uljem, omlet s rajčicama, gljivama, začinskim biljem, šunkom i sirom), zatim jaja u raznim primamljivim kombinacijama (pečena jaja na tostu, jaja Benedict na briošu od maslaca, jaja Royale s dimljenim lososom, tost s avokadom, poširanim jajem i hrskavom pancetom). Koje god jelo odabrali, oduševit će vas odlična receptura i način pripreme jaja i omleta, kao i njihova prezentacija. Za sladokusce su na jelovniku američke palačinke sa sezonskim bobičastim voćem i javorovim sirupom, francuski tost s medom i marmeladom od naranče, zobena kaša s cimetom i bananama, razni smoothieji, sezonsko voće vrhunske kvalitete te izbor jogurta. Uz doručak možete uživati u čaši vrhunskog hrvatskog pjenušca Tomac Millenium iz plešivičkog vinogorja. Ako je doručak osobna iskaznica svakog hotela, Esplanade se uistinu njome može podičiti. Nakon ukusnog i raskošnog doručka gost hotela zaista može najbolje kročiti u dan. Upravo se zato zadovoljni gosti rado vraćaju na ovaj zaista poseban gurmanski doživljaj.
Breakfast in Le Bistro Esplanade’s tempting breakfast can also be sampled in the charming atmosphere of Le Bistro and on its picturesque terrace, every day from 9 to 11 a.m. While you’re there, download the Press Reader app and take advantage of the super high-speed free Wi-Fi to find out the latest news.
Doručak u Le Bistrou Esplanadin primamljiv doručak možete kušati i u ozračju šarmantnog Le Bistroa te na njegovoj živopisnoj terasi, svakodnevno od 9 do 11 sati. Usput preuzmite Press Reader aplikaciju te uz superbrzi besplatni Wi-Fi prelistajte najnovije vijesti. N EWS | N OVO STI
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French Chic in the Heart of Zagreb Francuski šik u srcu Zagreba
Esplanade’s cult Le Bistro has always been an inevita- Esplanadin kultni Le Bistro oduvijek je imao neizoble part of Zagreb’s social life, and its charming staff, stavnu ulogu u zagrebačkom društvenom životu, a simple elegance, picturesque terrace with a view of njegovo šarmantno osoblje, jednostavna eleganthe town, and interior reminiscent of Parisian chic cija, živopisna terasa s pogledom na grad i interijer have always attracted numerous personalities from pariškog šika oduvijek su privlačili brojne poznate the Croatian and global showbiz scenes. Over the osobe s domaće i svjetske šoubiz scene. Le Bistro je years, Le Bistro has become a favourite venue for tijekom godina postao omiljeno mjesto za kavu, docoffee, breakfast, a fast lunch, or an evening out. ručak, ručak nabrzinu ili večernji izlazak. Ovaj gradThis gastronomy innovator is famous for its typical ski gastronomski inovator poznat je po svojim tipičnim bistro dishes, as well as the legendary Esplanade’s bistro jelima, baš kao i po legendarnim zapečenim baked štrukli. Therefore, when you are in Zagreb, Esplanadinim štruklima. Stoga, kad ste u Zagrebu, svamake sure you drop by Le Bistro, taste this heav- kako navratite u Le Bistro, kušajte ovo božanstveno jelo enly dish, and enjoy the top-quality comfort food i uživajte u vrhunskom comfortfood osjećaju. Prepustite feeling. Give yourself over to the simplicity of this se jednostavnosti ovog specijaliteta koji se priprema i u speciality, which is also available in a gluten-free varijanti bez glutena. Primamljivi jelovnik à la carte, koji version. The enticing à la carte menu, created by potpisuje poznata chefica Ana Grgić Tomić, oduševit će the famous chef Ana Grgić Tomić, will thrill you vas kreativnošću i vrhunskim svježim sezonskim namirwith its creativity and the high quality of fresh nicama iz OPG-ova iz okolice Zagreba. Pritom svakako seasonal ingredients sourced from Zagreb area probajte izbor nezaobilaznih klasika, poput tatarskog family farms. While you’re there, make sure you bifteka, salate „Cezar“ i tradicionalne francuske juhe od taste our choice of unmissable classics, such luka. Le Bistro ima pristupačnu ponudu, pa preporučujeas steak tartare, Caesar salad and tradition- mo da navratite na dnevni meni prema izboru glavnog
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al French onion soup. Le Bistro is reasonably priced, so we suggest dropping by for the menu du your of dishes chosen by the head chef, which consists of three courses and includes a glass of the house wine, coffee or tea for only HRK 160. Zagreb residents often choose Le Bistro as the setting for their business meetings over coffee, complemented by tempting sweet treats prepared by Esplanade’s pastry team. Relax in this ambience, start your day with a delicious breakfast on the terrace, enjoy the sun and the view of the busy town streets, let the charming staff recommend a glass of top-quality wine, and revitalize your everyday life.
kuhara, koja se sastoji od tri sljeda jela i uključuje čašu vina kuće, kavu ili čaj za samo 160 kuna. Zagrepčani u Le Bistro često dolaze na poslovni sastanak uz kavu koja je još bolja uz privlačne slastice Esplanadinog slastičarskog tima. Opustite se u ovom ambijentu, započnite dan uza slastan doručak na terasi, uživajte na suncu u pogledu na užurbane gradske ulice, dopustite šarmantnom osoblju da vam predloži čašu vrhunskog hrvatskog vina i osvježite svoju svakodnevnicu.
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Ukorak s digitalnom tehnologijom i održivim rješenjima
In keeping with the latest global trends, the last few Prateći najnovije svjetske trendove, Hotel Esplanayears have seen the Esplanade Hotel implement- de u posljednjih je nekoliko godina implementirao ing and adopting numerous technological solutions i preuzeo brojna tehnološka rješenja koja će vaš which will make your stay smoother and more divert- boravak učiniti jednostavnijim i zabavnijim. Povežite ing. Stay connected using the free superfast wireless se s besplatnim superbrzim bežičnim internetom u internet in any area of the hotel or on the terrace, bilo kojem prostoru hotela ili na terasi, jednostavno straightforwardly and without a password. Download i bez lozinke. Preuzmite pažljivo dizajniranu hotelsku the carefully designed hotel application for your aplikaciju za pametne telefone i prelistajte hotelske smartphone and peruse the hotel novosti, doznajte više o najnovijim promocijama, prenews, find out more about gledajte atraktivni jelovnik i vinsku kartu te naručite the latest promotions, room service u samo nekoliko „klikova“. Poslužite browse the attracse daljinskim upravljačem koji se nalazi u tive menu and aplikaciji te jednostavno i lako upravwine list and ljajte pametnim televizorom u order room sersvojoj sobi s vlastitog pavice with just a metnog telefona. Pufew clicks. Use the tem Hoteza IPTV remote control which sustava mois integrated with the app žete pristupiti and smoothly and effortlessly i svojem Netmanage the smart television in your flix računu ili room using your own smartphone. With pak lako raditi the help of the Hoteza IPTV system, you can putem Screen Shaalso access your Netflix account or work easily usring aplikacije. Gostima ing the Screen Sharing application. Guests arriving koji u hotel stižu električnim voat the hotel in electric vehicles have Tesla’s Destina- zilima na raspolaganju su Teslin destinacijski punjač i tion Charger and Porsche’s station at their disposal Porscheova stanica za besplatno punjenje električnih for complimentary charging of electric vehicles with vozila sa standardnim europskim punjačem. Obje stastandard European chargers. Both stations are the nice su postavljene prve u ovom dijelu Europe, čime first to be set up in this part of Europe, with the ho- je hotel još jednom dokazao da prati najnovije svjettel proving once more that they keep abreast of the ske trendove i standarde u implementaciji luksuznih latest global trends and standards in the implemen- usluga i tehnologija, ali i ekološku osviještenost u potation of luxury services and technologies, but also slovanju. Dok čekate da vam se napuni vozilo, putem ecological awareness in business. While you’re wait- QR koda preuzmite besplatnu Press Reader aplikaciju ing for your vehicle to be charged, use a QR code to i prepustite se izboru 7000 magazina i novina iz cijelodownload the free Press Reader application and ga svijeta. enjoy a range of 7000 magazines and newspapers from all around the world.
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A Dog’s Life at the Esplanade Pseći život u Esplanadi
Bring your four-legged pet to the Povedite svojeg četveronožnog Esplanade and treat them to a roy- ljubimca u Esplanadu i priuštite mu al stay they deserve. In their room, kraljevski boravak kakav zaslužuje. along with a creatively illustrated Osim pisma dobrodošlice s welcome letter, they will find an ir- kreativnom ilustracijom, u sobi ga resistible bone to chew on, a bottle očekuju neodoljiva kost za žvakaof the finest water and a soft pillow nje, bočica najfinije vode te meki to sleep on, designed by the famous jastuk za spavanje s potpisom poCroatian brand Qushin. The care- znatog hrvatskog brenda Qushin. fully designed pillows have been Pažljivo dizajnirani jastuci napravmade with the finest waterproof mi- ljeni su od najfinije nepromočive crofiber fabric, they are perfect for tkanine od mikrofibre i omogućuju total relaxation and peaceful sleep, potpuno opuštanje i miran san, a and each pillow carries a nice mes- svaki jastuk nosi i simpatičnu porusage for the dog owner. The pillows ku za vlasnika psa. Jastuci su doare available in several sizes, de- stupni u nekoliko veličina, ovisno pending on the size of the dog, and o veličini psa, te u dvije boje koje in two colours which suit the design pristaju dizajnu različitih tipova of different room types at the hotel. soba u hotelu. Tu je i posebno There is also the specially devised dizajnirani room service jelovroom service menu for dogs creat- nik za pse, koji potpisuju Esplaed by Esplanade’s chefs. The dishes nadini kuhari. Jela su posebno are specially designed and adapt- osmišljena i prilagođena preed to the dietary needs of your pet – hrambenim potrebama vašeg they are full of fresh ingredients with ljubimca – prepuna su svježih a wealth of vitamins, minerals and namirnica s obiljem vitamina, protein for energy and the healthy minerala i proteina za energiju functioning of the organism. On the i zdravo funkcioniranje orgamenu, you can find delicious beef nizma. Na jelovniku su slastan sirloin with eggs and brown rice, ten- goveđi but s jajima i smeđom der local chicken with fresh carrots rižom, meka domaća piletina and peas and a scrumptious bowl sa svježom mrkvom i graškom of vegetables. If you need the vet, te primamljiva zdjela povrća. parks for taking a stroll, or stores to Zatrebaju li vam veterinarska do your shopping in, you’ve got the stanica, parkovi za šetnju ili concierge service at your disposal. trgovine za shopping, na They can suggest anything you might raspolaganju vam je usluga need during your stay to help your conciergea koji vam može four-legged friend feel like a royal predložiti sve što vam tijeindeed. The price of the stay and any kom boravka zatreba, kako additional information is available bi se vaš četveronožni priat the Reception or the Reservations jatelj osjećao doista kraDepartment at reservations@espla- ljevski. Za cijenu boravka i više informacija obratite se Odjelu recepcije ili Odjelu rezervacija na
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Mjesto potpunog opuštanja i revitalizacije
Treat yourself to complete relaxation in the newly renovated space of the Health Club on level -1, give yourself over to the hands of professionals and reward your senses with relaxing treatments for the spirit and the body. Brand new exercise machines will be additional motivation for you to work out in order to reach your desired level of fitness. After exercising with a personal instructor or on your own, round up your training session by relaxing in state-of-the-art saunas.
Priuštite si maksimalnu relaksaciju u obnovljenom prostoru Health Cluba na -1 razini, prepustite se rukama profesionalaca i nagradite svoja osjetila relaksirajućim tretmanima za duh i tijelo. Potpuno nove sprave dodatno će vas potaknuti na vježbanje, kako biste doveli svoje tijelo u željenu formu. Nakon vježbanja s osobnim instruktorom ili samostalno, trening zaokružite opuštanjem u vrhunskim saunama.
Leave your skincare to the skilled staff of Esplanade’s Health Club, who use excellent algae-based treatments by the exclusive American brand Repêchage®. For total skin renewal and rejuvenation, chose one of the newest treatments and experience the combination of miraculous refreshing sea algae which tone, deeply cleanse, visibly renew, and dramatically firm your skin. If your wish should be complete body care, choose the Anticellulite massage, aimed at reducing fatty cells, or the Mediterranean massage with the additional benefits of the sea and olive oil, lavender, and sea salt aromas. Choose your combination of exercise and relaxation and treat yourself to little moments of hedonism.
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Njegu lica prepustite stručnom osoblju Esplanadinog Health Cluba uz vrhunske tretmane na bazi algi ekskluzivnog američkog brenda Repêchage®. Za potpunu obnovu i pomlađivanje kože odaberite jedan od najnovijih tretmana i iskusite kombinaciju čudotvornih osvježavajućih morskih algi koje toniraju, dubinski čiste, vidljivo obnavljaju i dramatično učvršćuju kožu. Poželite li kompletnu njegu tijela, odaberite Anticelulitnu masažu, čiji je cilj smanjiti količinu masnih stanica, ili Mediteransku masažu uz blagodati mora i arome maslinovog ulja, lavande i morske soli. Odaberite svoj spoj vježbanja i relaksacije i prepustite se malim trenucima hedonizma.
An Elegant Tea Party on the Oleander Terrace Otmjena čajanka na Oleander terasi
The terrace of Esplanade’s bar will Terasa Esplanadinog bara i ove lure you in once again this season će vas sezone privući ugodnim with its pleasant atmosphere and ozračjem i dojmljivim pogledom the impressive view of Art Nouveau na secesijske građevine i park s buildings and the park with the fontanom. Poslijepodnevni čaj fountain. The “Orient Express” Af- „Orient Express“ u Esplanade baru ternoon Tea at Esplanade’s bar is a svojevrsna je tradicija, koncept koji tradition of sorts, a concept that will će vas naprosto oduševiti. Polasimply delight you. Slow enjoyment ko uživanje u dobrom društvu uz in good company along with little mala slatka zadovoljstva na sunsweet treats on the sunny Olean- čanoj Oleander terasi posebno je der Terrace is a special experience. iskustvo. Odaberite omiljenu vrstu Choose your favourite among čaja između 20-ak najfinijih biljnih i around 20 of the finest Ronnefeldt voćnih čajeva Ronnefeldt i uživajte herbal and fruit teas and enjoy the u ceremoniji ispijanja aromatičnih ceremony of taking aromatic sips. gutljaja. Čaj se servira u čajniku uz The tea is served in a pot with a izbor zavodljivih mini sendviča i ruchoice of enticing finger sand- kom rađenih slastica ili najfinijih čowiches and handmade pastries koladnih pralina. Iskoristite posebor the finest chocolate pralines. nu ponudu i uživajte u poslijepodUse the special offer and enjoy nevnom čaju za samo 95 kuna za the Afternoon Tea for only HRK dvije osobe. Esplanadin bar idealan 95 for two people. Esplanade’s je za kvalitetan večernji izlazak, ali bar is ideal for an excellent night i dnevne susrete uz odličnu kavu ili out, but also for daytime meet- čaj te slasne zalogaje kojima je goings over excellent coffee or tea tovo nemoguće odoljeti. Dopustite and delicious bites which are al- da vas Esplanade bar očara svojim most impossible to resist. Let Es- ugodnim ambijentom, prijateljskom planade’s bar enchant you with uslugom, savršenim spojem tradicije its pleasant ambience, friendly i svega suvremenog što očekujete u service, the perfect combination jednom baru. Joie de vivre u najboof tradition and all the contem- ljem formatu. porary conveniences you could wish for in a bar. Joie de vivre in its best form.
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ESPLANADE’S GOURMET & À LA CARTE OFFER Esplanadina Gourmet & à la carte ponuda
Esplanade’s Signature Take-out Collection Take-out kolekcija s Esplanadinim potpisom
With the luxurious, stylishly packaged take-out collection, cooking at home no longer makes sense Uz raskošnu stilski upakiranu ponudu za van kuhanje kod kuće više nema smisla Going to a restaurant for lunch is a kind of ritual for many people, as well as an experience for all senses: the intoxicating smells of food that has just been served permeating the room, enticing your tastebuds. The decoration of the table and presentation of dishes served before you trigger a visual sensation, while your palate enjoys the richness and rhapsody of taste. As we are deprived of the restaurant experience due to the pandemic, and we miss having lunch outside our homes, the Esplanade Hotel has done its best to make up for this loss by introducing the Gourmet & à la carte take-out collection, a selection of takeout dishes. The restaurants Zinfandel’s and Le Bistro are currently only serving hotel guests, and other fans of Esplanade’s authentic cuisine, attuned to the tastebuds of the biggest gourmets, can come and get their portion of pleasure in person and pick it up from the hotel’s rear entrance. Esplanade’s à la carte take-out selection includes: traditional hand-chopped steak tartar with homemade butter and crostini; crunchy Cezar salad with chicken or shrimp tails in a specially prepared sauce; creamy risotto with Adriatic shrimp; baby beef carpaccio with rocket and mustard sauce; various hot, heartening soups, with the Jerusalem artichoke soup and the corn soup as creative standouts; the famous and inescapable Club sandwich with chicken, bacon, eggs, red cabbage and mayo, served with potatoes in the curst and homemade ketchup prepared from carrots, Worcestershire sauce, tabasco, salt, pepper, curry, vegetable stock; followed by different interesting and creative 52 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW
Odlazak u restoran na objed brojnim je ljudima svojevrsni ritual i iskustvo za sva osjetila: opojni mirisi upravo poslužene hrane, koji se šire prostorijom, provociraju mirisne pupoljke, dekoracija stola i prezentacija jela serviranog pred vama izazivaju vizualnu senzaciju, dok se nepcem šire bogatstvo i rapsodija okusa. S obzirom na to da smo zbog pandemije zakinuti za takvo iskustvo u restoranu i nedostaje nam doživljaj objedovanja izvan doma, Hotel Esplanade potrudio se svojim vjernim gostima nadomjestiti taj gubitak i uveo Gourmet & à la carte take-out collection, ponudu jela za van. Restorani Zinfandel’s i Le Bistro trenutačno poslužuju samo hotelske goste, a ostali štovatelji Esplanadine autentične kuhinje, prilagođene nepcu najvećih gurmana, po svoju porciju užitka mogu doći osobno i preuzeti je na stražnjem ulazu u hotel. U Esplanadinoj à la carte ponudi za van nalaze se: tradicionalni rukom sjeckani tatarski biftek s domaćim maslacem i krostinima; hrskava salata Cezar s piletinom ili repovima kozica u posebno pripremljenom umaku; kremasti rižoto s jadranskim kozicama; juneći carpaccio s rikolom i umakom od gorušice; razne vruće okrepljujuće juhe, od kojih se maštovitošću ističu juha od čičoka i juha od kukuruza; poznati i nezaobilazni Club sendvič s piletinom, pancetom, jajima, ljubičastim zeljem i majonezom u kombinaciji s krumpirom pečenim u kori i domaćim kečapom od mrkve, Worcestershire umaka, tabaska, soli, papra, karija, povrtnog temeljca; zatim razne zanimljive i kreativne salate, kao i tradicionalni zapečeni Espla-
salads, as well as Esplanade’s traditional baked štrukli – with a gluten-free option also available. Those with a sweet tooth can treat their palate to a blueberry and marzipan shortcrust pastry tart, crème brûlée with five spices and marinated berries, avocado, ricotta and pistachio cake or the classic mini apple pie.
nadini štrukli – i u varijanti bez glutena. Sladokusci će uživati u dodiru nepca s prhkom torticom od borovnica i marcipana, crème bruléeu s pet začina i mariniranim šumskim voćem, torticom od avokada, rikote i pistacija ili pak klasičnom malom pitom od jabuka.
The Gourmet selection of take-out dishes consists of family portions for several people, and the menu includes home-made bread with herbs, octopus salad, various soups, Esplanade’s štrukli, two types of quiche (with smoked salmon and horseradish and the classic version with onion and cured bacon). The standouts among the main dishes are the sea bass fillet with roasted vegetables; roast lamb shank with new potatoes and carrots; veal brisket confit with new potatoes and asparagus; Black Slavonian pig cheeks; roasted Jerusalem artichokes with Port wine sauce, celery and black truffle cream; juicy roasted duck with baked mlinci and red cabbage with orange and anise sauce. The Gourmet selection of dishes also includes Esplanade’s tasty deserts such as homemade cookies, traditional walnut roll and poppy seed roll and the indispensable Esplanade’s signature cake – with candied fruit, nuts, and chocolate glaze, packed in a decorative pink box.
Gourmet ponuda jela za van sastoji se od obiteljskih porcija za nekoliko osoba, a na jelovniku su domaći rukom rađeni kruh sa začinskim biljem, salata od hobotnice, razne juhe, Esplanadini štrukli, dvije vrste quichea (s dimljenim lososom i hrenom te klasični s lukom i sušenom pancetom). Među glavnim jelima ističu se filet brancina s pečenim povrćem; pečena janjeća koljenica s mladim krumpirom i mrkvom; confit od telećeg flama s mladim krumpirom i šparogama; obrazi crne slavonske svinje; pečene čičoke s umakom od porta, kremom od celera i crnih tartufa; sočna vruća pečena patka sa zapečenim mlincima i crvenim zeljem s umakom od naranče i anisa. Gourmet ponuda jela donosi i fine Esplanadine slastice poput domaćih suhih kolačića, orahnjače i makovnjače te neizostavnog kolača s Esplanadinim potpisom – sa sušenim voćem, orašastim plodovima i čokoladnom glazurom, pakiranog u stiliziranu ružičastu kutiju.
It is especially interesting that the dishes in the take-out selection maintain the quality of the restaurant experience: the ingredients are fresh, seasonal, and of highest quality, the interpretation of the dishes is flawless, and so it their presentation, the arrangement of the dishes will leave you in awe down to the tiniest detail.
Posebno je zanimljivo da take-out ponuda jela ispunjava i zadržava sve kvalitete restoranskog doživljaja: namirnice su svježe, kvalitetne i sezonske, interpretacija jela je besprijekorna, kao i njihova prezentacija, aranžirana jela osvajaju do najsitnijeg detalja.
Sous chef Miroslav Jurić was happy to reveal some of his little secrets which make a big difference to the taste of the dishes. For example, for a perfect Cezar salad, along with ingredients of the highest quality, he opts for crunchy romaine lettuce. Another secret lies in the dressing, prepared from scratch, which is based on olive and sunflower oil, parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, lemon juice, mustard, and capers. Everyone in the kitchen knows how to prepare Esplanade’s ac-
Sous chef Miroslav Jurić rado nam je odao neke svoje male tajne koje okusima jela daju veliku razliku. Na primjer, za savršenu salatu Cezar osim najkvalitetnijih namirnica odabire hrskavu salatu romanu, a tajna je i u dresingu koji sami pripremaju na bazi maslinovog i suncokretovog ulja, parmezana, soli, papra, limunovog soka, senfa i kapara. Esplanadin nadaleko poznati Club sendvič, koji je u ponudi niz godina, svi u kuhinji znaju pripremiti i na njega su N EWS | N OVO STI
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claimed Club sandwich, which has been on offer for many years and is a special source of pride. Only ingredients of the highest quality are selected, and for the chicken to be juicy and soft, it is cooked in milk. The toast of specific size and structure is prepared by bakers exclusively for the Club sandwich. They are also proud of Esplanade’s homemade bread with herbs, which they bake themselves. A favourite among the à la carte offer is the creamy risotto by Esplanade’s chef Ana Grgić, included in Guida Gallo, the prestigious guide through the best risottos in the world. We managed to get the recipe for the risotto with Adriatic shrimp, which includes top quality Gallo rice, onion, olive oil, thyme, white wine, fish stock, parmesan cheese, butter, tomatoes, and fresh shrimp. For an ideal risotto, you need to heat up a heavy-bottomed pot, add the olive oil and butter, sauté the onions with the herbs, add the rice, sauté everything again, pour in the white wine and let the rice absorb it, and then gradually add the warm fish stock. In the meantime, add the sun-dried tomatoes and spices, salt and pepper. In the end, when the rice is done, add fresh Adriatic shrimp, briefly sautéed beforehand, and the butter and parmesan cheese or the rind of Grana Padano cheese. The rice needs to be stirred during cooking so that it releases the starch from its gains, and we need to be especially careful not to overcook or burn the rice. Esplanade’s Gourmet & à la carte selection of take-out dishes is available every day. Orders are taken from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and are collected at a specific, previously agreed time. Dishes from the à la carte offer (091 4566 702) are available around 30 minutes after ordering, while dishes from the gourmet offer (091 604 2257, need to be ordered four to 24 hours in advance. There is an additional option of limousine delivery, and the price is formed upon request. 54 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW
posebno ponosni. Biraju samo vrhunske sastojke, a da bi piletina bila sočna i meka, kuhaju je u mlijeku. Tost je posebne veličine i strukture, a pekari ga pripremaju i peku isključivo za Club sendvič. Ponose se i svojim domaćim Esplanadinim kruhom sa začinskim biljem, koji sami peku. Favorit u à la carte ponudi je kremasti rižoto Esplanadine chefice Ane Grgić, uvršten u Guida Gallo, prestižni vodič kroz najbolja rižota na svijetu. Za rižoto s jadranskim kozicama uspjeli smo dobiti recept koji uključuje vrhunsku Gallo rižu, luk, maslinovo ulje, timijan, bijelo vino, riblji temeljac, parmezan, maslac, rajčice i svježe kozice. Za idealan rižoto treba zagrijati posudu s debelim dnom, dodati maslinovo ulje i maslac, sotirati luk sa začinskim biljem, dodati rižu, ponovno sve sotirati, uliti bijelo vino i pustiti da ga riža upije, zatim postupno dodavati topli riblji temeljac. U međuvremenu umiješati sušene rajčice i začine, sol i papar. Na kraju, kad je riža gotova, dodati svježe jadranske kozice koje smo prethodno kratko prepekli te maslac i parmezan ili koricu sira Grana Padano. Rižu treba tijekom kuhanja miješati, kako bi se oslobodio škrob iz zrna, te prilikom termičke obrade posebno pripaziti da se riža ne prekuha ili ne zagori. Esplanadin Gourmet & à la carte izbor jela za van dostupan je svaki dan. Narudžbe se izdaju od 11 do 22 sata, a preuzimaju se prema potvrđenom dogovoru u točno određeno vrijeme. Jela iz à la carte ponude (091 4566 702) dostupna su 30-ak minuta nakon narudžbe, a jela iz gourmet ponude (091 604 2257, potrebno je naručiti četiri do 24 sata ranije. Dodatna je mogućnost dostava jela limuzinom, a cijena se formira na upit.
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OLEANDER TERRACE OF THE ESPLANADE HOTEL Oleander terasa hotela Esplanade
Photographs: HOTEL'S ARCHIVE
Queen of Terraces in the Heart of Zagreb Kraljica terasa u srcu Zagreba
In the heart of Zagreb, hidden by oleanders and olive trees from the inquisitive eyes of passersby, a green oasis spreads out on more than 1000 square meters – the terrace of the Esplanade Hotel. Its history is woven into the memory of many Zagreb residents as well as foreigners who lingered there for a moment with their first morning cup of coffee or tea, admiring the view of the fountain and King Tomislav Square opening up before them U srcu Zagreba, skrivena oleandrima i stablima maslina od znatiželjnih pogleda slučajnih prolaznika, prostire se zelena oaza na više od 1000 četvornih metara – terasa hotela Esplanade, čija je povijest utkana u sjećanje brojnih Zagrepčana, kao i stranaca koji su na njoj zastali na trenutak, popili prvu jutarnju kavu ili čaj, s divljenjem gledajući fontanu i Trg kralja Tomislava pred sobom Bounded by flowering oleanders, it divided two worlds, the bourgeoisie from the common town folk, and if you found yourself there, you could witness history in the making. It was often just a stopover for many foreign guests and tourists who would gather impressions from their travels there, while Zagreb residents became one with it and made it their own in a way. One of the greatest Croatian writers of all time, Miroslav Krleža, was among those who fell in love with it, and he said that the Oleander Terrace represented 56 | E S P LA N A DE V IEW
Omeđena rascvjetanim oleandrima, dijelila je dva svijeta, buržoaziju od gradskoga puka, a ako biste se našli na njoj, mogli ste svjedočiti pisanju i tkanju povijesti. Često je bila samo usputna stanica brojnim stranim gostima i turistima koji su na njoj zbrajali dojmove sa svojeg putovanja, a Zagrepčani su se s njom stopili i gotovo je prisvojili. U nju se zaljubio i jedan od najvećih hrvatskih pisaca svih vremena, Miroslav Krleža, koji je govorio da Oleander terasa predstavlja granicu Europe s Balkanom: „…uz čašu
Orson Welles
Miroslav Krleža One of the greatest Croatian writers of all time, Miroslav Krleža, was among those who fell in love with it, and he said that the Oleander Terrace represented the border between Europe and the Balkans U nju se zaljubio i jedan od najvećih hrvatskih pisaca svih vremena, Miroslav Krleža, koji je govorio da Oleander terasa predstavlja granicu Europe s Balkanom
the border between Europe and the Balkans: „…with a cup of Croatian ice-cream, on a Croatian terrace, with the movement of passers-by in white linen suits carrying rackets, and expensive English and Italian car brands, one could really think they are in “Europe”. It is the very Europe that the small-town press calls the Europe of the big city, of the west, of Zagreb. However, this is only the backdrop of the Esplanade. Follow me, please, across to the other side of the railway station, beyond the underpass, not even two hundred meters from the town centre, the image becomes one of backstage ominousness, given that everything that is backstage-like is fatal…“ The terrace has been the stage for many business deals and introductions, people falling in love, meeting and parting, getting married. This was the place to discuss the social chronicle of the town, there was dancing, indulgence in the best gastronomical delicacies, celebrations, and ice-skating. In fact, in one period of its history, the terrace was the setting of popular dances and, more recently, also an ice-skating rink. Since the hotel opened in 1925 on number 1 Antun Mihanović Street with the aim of providing luxurious accommodation for the passengers of the famous Orient Express, this classy, cult venue has attracted people of different professions from all corners of the world. Among those who have enjoyed their first morning cup of coffee on the terrace, there have been presidents and royals, great musicians of global fame and American acting superstars, divas of French cinematography and renowned Croatian writers, singers, actors, businesspeople, athletes… The terrace has served
hrvatskog sladoleda, na hrvatskoj terasi, uz gibanje prolaznika u bijelom platnenom odijelu sa reketima, uz skupe engleske i talijanske marke automobila, čovjek bi mislio da je doista u „Evropi“. To je ta Evropa, o kojoj piše malograđanska štampa da je velegradska i zapadnjačka, zagrebačka Evropa. Međutim, sve to samo je esplanadska kulisa. Dođite, molim vas, sa mnom prijeko na drugu stranu kolodvora, iza Podvožnjaka, ni dvjesto metara od gradskog centra, slika je zakulisno kobna, kao što je sve fatalno što je zakulisno…“ Na njoj su se sklapali brojni poslovni dogovori i poznanstva, na njoj se zaljubljivalo, sastajalo i rastajalo, ženilo, pretresala se društvena kronika grada, plesalo, uživalo u vrhunskim gastronomskim delicijama, slavilo i klizalo. Terasa je, naime, u jednom periodu svoje povijesti bila popularni plesnjak, a u novije doba imala je i klizalište. Otkako je hotel otvoren 1925. godine u Ulici Antuna Mihanovića 1 s ciljem pružanja luksuznog smještaja putnicima slavnog Orient Expressa, ovo otmjeno i kultno mjesto privlačilo je osobe različitih zanimanja iz svih kutaka svijeta; na terasi su prvu jutarnju kavu ispijali od predsjednika država i pripadnika kraljevskih obitelji, velikih svjetskih glazbenika i umjetnika preko američkih glumačkih superzvijezdi i diva francuske kinematografije do uvaženih hrvatskih književnika, R EP ORTAG E | R EP O RTAŽA
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Bis erka Ra jković Sa lat a s pri jat elji com
as a small-scale stage for the town – it has been the setting of exclusive banquets, business events, formal dinners, gastronomic events, creative performances, fashion shows, film showings in the open-air cinema and similar events which have provided the residents of Zagreb with a wealth of pleasurable cultural, social, and creative moments and represented a little treasure-trove of entertainment and rich social life for the town. For example, in the 1960s, popular open-air dances took place there, with ladies shining in chic outfits, elegance with no expense spared. These dances were where friendships were forged, where people fell in love, and many dance partners would end up returning to the terrace a few years later to exchange their wedding wows.
pjevača, glumaca, poslovnih ljudi, sportaša... Terasa je poslužila kao mala pozornica grada – na njoj su održavani ekskluzivni domjenci, poslovni eventi, svečane večere, gastronomska događanja, kreativni performansi, modne revije, projekcije filmova u ljetnom kinu i slični događaji koji su građanima nudili mnoštvo zabavnih, kulturnih, društvenih i kreativnih trenutaka te gradu ponudili malu riznicu zabave i bogatog društvenog života. Primjerice, šezdesetih su godina prošlog stoljeća tu održavani popularni plesovi na otvorenom, na kojima su dame zasjale u šik toaletama, eleganciji na kojoj se nije štedjelo. Na plesnjaku su se sklapala prijateljstva, zaljubljivalo se, a brojni plesni parovi za nekoliko bi se godina vratili na tu terasu, kako bi izmijenili bračne zavjete.
Mrs Biserka Rajković Salata, the editor of the Zagreb moj grad (Zagreb my town) magazine, also remembers the Oleander Terace. “I was born and I lived on Tomislav’s Square, across the street from the Esplanade. My parents often went to the dances at the Esplanade when I was a child, and my friends and me would curiously watch them dance through the thick oleander hedge. At that time, women were very elegant, and you could admire that elegance especially at the hotel and on the terrace” recounts Mrs Biserka. She also met her husband at the Esplanade, and while he was working and staying there, she moved into the hotel for a while. “With my husband, who was Italian and a manager of a big Italian company, in charge of opening offices around the world, I lived between Zagreb and Milan. When we were in Zagreb, we would stay at the Esplanade. After I got married, I spent a lot of time on the Oleander Terrace, at dinners and lunches. I was enchanted by its ambiance with its many oleanders, which gave it its name, it was really wonderful. At that time, I travelled a lot and lived in Milan, Trieste and Zagreb, and I saw and experienced many things, but this terrace was really something special, like a different world, as if you were not really in Zagreb.”
Popularnosti Oleander terase se prisjetila i gospođa Biserka Rajković Salata, urednica časopisa Zagreb moj grad. „Rodila sam se i živjela na Tomislavovom trgu, preko puta Esplanade. Moji roditelji često su odlazili u Esplanadu kad sam bila dijete, a moje prijateljice i ja kroz ogradu od gustih oleandra radoznalo bismo ih promatrale kako plešu. U ono vrijeme žene su bile jako elegantne i tu biste eleganciju mogli posebno doživjeti u hotelu i na terasi“, priča gospođa Biserka. I supruga je upoznala u Esplanadi te se jedno vrijeme i preselila u hotel, dok je on tamo radio i boravio. „Sa suprugom Talijanom, direktorom velikog talijanskog koncerna, zaduženim za otvaranje ureda u svijetu, živjela sam na relaciji Zagreb – Milano. Kad smo bili u Zagrebu, boravili bismo u Esplanadi. Nakon udaje mnogo sam vremena provodila na Oleander terasi, na večerama i ručkovima. Oduševljavao me je njezin ambijent s jako puno oleandra po kojima je i dobila ime, bila je zaista prekrasna. U to sam vrijeme mnogo putovala i živjela i u Milanu, Trstu, Zagrebu i svašta sam vidjela i doživjela, ali ta terasa je stvarno bila nešto posebno, drugi svijet, kao da nisi u Zagrebu.“
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That the Oleander Terrace is a cult place with a rich history, and that many famous and significant people of the Croatian social scene (film directors, writers, actors, musicians, painters) have walked upon it, is something that Željko Žutelija, retired Zagreb journalist and publicist with over 40 years of work experience in journalism, knows very well.
Dr. Dam ir Eljug a i Željko Žute lija
That the Oleander Terrace is a cult place with a rich history, and that many famous and significant people of the Croatian social scene (film directors, writers, actors, musicians, painters) have walked upon it, is something that Željko Žutelija, retired Zagreb journalist and publicist with over 40 years of work experience in journalism, knows very well. “My late father brought me to the Oleander Terrace for the first time while I was still a child, about 65 years ago. He ordered a chocolate drink for me. I remember the waiters who were perfectly attired, as if for a session of the academy, in flawless suits with bowties, looking immaculate, neatly combed and shaved, actually simply in line with Esplanade’s ambience. This chocolate drink accompanied by my father’s account of the importance and significance of the Oleander Terrace and the Esplanade Hotel for Zagreb residents are imprinted deeply into my memory. The Oleander Terrace is the mother of all terraces in Zagreb, everything started from there. It is still the biggest and most beautiful terrace and the precursor to all other Zagreb terraces and this open-air life which has developed as a replica of the Mediterranean custom of life on the street or terraces, which are actually an extension of the living room. I consider this terrace as a kind of a connection between the hotel and the residents of Zagreb, given that hotels in towns usually resemble reservations, separated from the town’s story and mostly frequented by foreigners. For a hotel to be interwoven with the residents of a town in a way, it must have the elements possessed by the Esplanade: it has this wonderful bar, the Oleander Terrace, and a bistro. These are strong connections to Zagreb, and all fans of Zagreb, among Igor i Nela Prizmić whom I count myself, love com-
Da je Oleander terasa kultno mjesto bogate povijesti, na čiju su površinu nogom kročile brojne poznate i istaknute ličnosti hrvatske društvene scene (filmski redatelji, pisci, glumci, glazbenici, slikari), dobro zna i Željko Žutelija, umirovljeni zagrebački novinar i publicist s više od 40 godina radnog iskustva u novinarskoj profesiji.
Da je Oleander terasa kultno mjesto bogate povijesti, na čiju su površinu nogom kročile brojne poznate i istaknute ličnosti hrvatske društvene scene (filmski redatelji, pisci, glumci, glazbenici, slikari), dobro zna i Željko Žutelija, umirovljeni zagrebački novinar i publicist s više od 40 godina radnog iskustva u novinarskoj profesiji. „Pokojni otac me je prvi put doveo na Oleander terasu dok sam još bio dijete, prije nekih 65 godina. Naručio mi je čokoladni napitak. Pamtim konobare koji su bili savršeno dotjerani kao za sjednicu akademije, u besprijekornim odijelima s leptir-mašnama, savršenog izgleda, uredno počešljani i obrijani, zapravo onako kako je odgovaralo ambijentu Esplanade. Taj čokoladni napitak i priča mojeg oca o važnosti i značaju Oleander terase i hotela Esplanade za Zagrepčane, dok sam ga ispijao, duboko mi se urezao u pamćenje. Oleander terasa je majka svih terasa u Zagrebu, od nje je sve počelo, a ona je i dan-danas najveća i najljepša terasa i prethodnica svih drugih zagrebačkih terasa i tog života na otvorenom, koji se razvio kao replika mediteranskog običaja života na ulici ili na terasama, koji su zapravo produženi dnevni boravak. Smatram tu terasu svojevrsnom poveznicom hotela i stanovnika grada, Zagrepčana, jer obično su hoteli u gradovima rezervatski izdvojeni od gradske priče te u njih dolaze uglavnom stranci. Da bi hotel bio u nekom prožimanju sa stanovnicima grada, mora imati te elemente koje ima Esplanada; ona ima taj divni bar, Oleander terasu i bistro. To su te snažne poveznice sa Zagrebom i svi gradoljupci, u koje i sebe ubrajam, uživamo doći na taj prostor jer ga smatramo dijelom Zagreba, koji bismo u metaforičkom smislu mogli nazvati La Belle Époque (fra. lijepo doba, lijepa epoha), odnosno jedno lijepo razdoblje u kojem se lijepo i kvalitetno živjelo. Na toj terasi sjedio sam s brojnim poznatim i slavnim osobama: Željkom Senečićem, oskarovcem Brankom Lustigom, Edom Murtićem, Žarkom Kraljevićem, Arsenom Dedićem, Zvonimirom Majdakom, Anom Karić, Fedorom Vaićem, Dragutinom Tadijanovićem. Oni su bili redoviR EP ORTAG E | R EP O RTAŽA
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ing to this space because we consider it a part of the town, which we could, in a metaphorical sense, call La Belle Époque (French for the beautiful era), or a very beautiful period when people lived good, quality lives. I sat on this terrace with many renowned, famous people: Željko Senečić, the Oscar winner Branko Lustig, Edo Murtić, Žarko Kraljević, Arsen Dedić, Zvonimir Majdak, Ana Karić, Fedor Vaić, Dragutin Tadijanović. They were regular visitors of the Oleander Terrace, the bistro, or the restaurant. The Esplanade is a cult spot, it is not just a hotel, it is a monument to the town’s culture. Although I never met Miroslav Krleža there, I will quote the verses he wrote while sitting on the Oleander Terrace: “This is, then, what the centre of our capital looks like, in the summer afternoon, with quiet music played by an invisible quartet. Ice-cream and newspapers, music, the May sky. Arcadia.” – Žutelja reminisced about his days during that “beautiful era”, when the terrace lived its best years. Igor Prizmić, the director of what was once Jadran film, first came to Zagreb 50 years ago, and the first thing he saw was the Esplanade Hotel, which he immediately fell in love with. “It was love at first sight. Since then, I’ve thought of the Esplanade as my home. I’ve spent a great amount of time at the Oleander Terrace, I’ve learnt a lot here and socialised with my friends, even Krleža would sit with us. I also had an office at the Esplanade. That’s why it’s much more than an ordinary hotel for me. I’m emotionally very connected to the Esplanade and the Oleander Terrace. I met many great characters of global fame there. The most famous guests of Zagreb always stayed at the Esplanade, and that’s where I would socialise with them. I had the opportunity to meet Orson Wells, as well as many world-famous actors. As the Esplanade traditionally nurtured the cult of gastronomy and always had the best chefs, the American producers I collaborated with were thrilled by it. They would always ask me about Esplanade’s traditional štrukli, they
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ti posjetitelji Oleander terase, bistroa ili restorana. Esplanada je kultno mjesto, ona nije samo hotel, ona je spomenik kulture grada. Iako nisam sjedio s Miroslavom Krležom, citirat ću njegove stihove koje je napisao sjedeći na Oleander terasi: „Tako, dakle, izgleda u centru našega glavnog grada, u ljetno poslijepodne, uz tihu svirku nevidljiva kvarteta. Sladoled i novine, muzika, svibanjsko nebo. Arkadija.“ – reminiscirao je Žutelija svoje dane tog „lijepog doba“ kad je terasa živjela svoje najbolje godine. Igor Prizmić, direktor nekadašnjeg Jadran filma, prvi je put došao u Zagreb prije 50 godina i prvo što je vidio bio je hotel Esplanade u koji se odmah zaljubio. „Bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled. Od tada Esplanadu osjećam kao svoj dom. Jako puno vremena proveo sam upravo na Oleander terasi, puno toga sam ovdje naučio, godinama tu sjedio i družio se sa svojim prijateljima, čak je i Krleža s nama sjedio. Imao sam i ured u Esplanadi. Zato je ona za mene puno više od običnog hotela. Emocionalno sam jako vezan za Esplanadu i Oleander terasu. Tu sam upoznao mnogo sjajnih, svjetskih ličnosti. Najpoznatiji gosti koji su dolazili u Zagreb uvijek su odsjedali u Esplanadi i tu bih se onda s njima družio. Imao sam priliku upoznati Orsona Wellesa, kao i brojne svjetski poznate glumce. Kako je Esplanada tradicionalno njegovala kult gastronomije te uvijek imala vrhunske chefove, tako je osvojila i američke producente s kojima sam surađivao. Uvijek bi me pitali za poznate tradicionalne Esplanadine štrukle, postali su poznati čak i u Americi. I dan-danas gotovo da ne prođe dan, a da nisam posjetio Oleander terasu, to je postalo više od navike“, s nostalgijom se prisjeća Prizmić. Osim što se družilo i plesalo, na terasi se oduvijek i dobro jelo i pilo. Ako ste ljubitelj 20-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, ne morate ići dalje od Oleander terase; možete pojesti najukusnija jela koja će vas svojom kvalitetom i prezentacijom vratiti u neka dru-
Igor Prizmić, the director of what was once Jadran film, first came to Zagreb 50 years ago, and the first thing he saw was the Esplanade Hotel, which he immediately fell in love with. Igor Prizmić, direktor nekadašnjeg Jadran filma, prvi je put došao u Zagreb prije 50 godina i prvo što je vidio bio je hotel Esplanade u koji se odmah zaljubio. „Bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled."
became famous even in America. Even today, hardly a day goes by without me visiting the Oleander Terrace, it has become more than a habit”, remembers Prizmić nostalgically. Except for socialisation and dancing, the terrace has always been a place where you could eat and drink well. If you are a fan of the 1920s, you need not go further than the Oleander Terrace; you can enjoy the most delicious dishes which will, with their quality and presentation, take you back to a time when the Oleander Terrace was the place where members of high society surrendered themselves to culinary pleasures and decadence which marked that epoch. “Let us not forget that Stevo Karapanđa, a legend of the culinary arts, is also linked to the Esplanade Hotel. The Esplanade is the academy of culinary arts, the academy of all components related to gastronomy and the hospitality industry. The Esplanade was the starting point for great people who went on to set up their own individual projects, but they all went through Esplanade’s school. The owner of the exclusive restaurant Carpaccio, Vlado Lisak, plied his trade at the Esplanade. Today the Esplanade also has a great chef, Ana Grgić, who is the successor to all of these great culinary au-
ga vremena kad su se na Oleander terasi pripadnici visokog društva prepuštali kulinarskim užicima i dekadenciji koja je obilježila tu epohu. „Nemojmo zaboraviti da je uz hotel Esplanade vezan i Stevo Karapandža koji je bio legenda kuharstva. Esplanada je akademija kulinarstva, akademija svih ugostiteljsko – hotelijerskih komponenata koje postoje. Iz Esplanade su izašli veliki ljudi koji su kasnije započeli neke svoje samostalne projekte, ali svi oni su prošli tu Esplanadinu školu. I vlasnik vrhunskog restorana Carpaccio, Vlado Lisak, posao je naučio u Esplanadi. I danas Esplanada ima vrhunsku cheficu Anu Grgić, koja je nasljednica tih velikih kuharskih autoriteta koji su izgradili imidž koji Esplanada danas ima“, objašnjava Žutelija. Biserka Rajković Salata pamti ljetne grill večere na terasi prije otprilike deset godina: „To je bilo jako zgodno, a i ukusno. Mogli ste izabrati što želite jesti i zatim su to kuhari pekli na grillu pred vama. Oduvijek sam voljela i Esplanadin Le Bistro; to je moj ritual, gotovo svako jutro dođem ovdje na kavu. Obožavam to mjesto. Cijela Esplanada je zapravo jedna oaza mira i ljepote.“ R EP ORTAG E | R EP O RTAŽA
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thorities who built the image the Esplanade has today”, explains Žutelja. Biserka Rajković Salata remembers the summer grill nights on the terrace about ten years ago: “That was a very nice and appetising idea. You could choose what you wanted to eat, and the chefs would grill it right there in front of you. I’ve also always loved Esplanade’s Le Bistro; it’s my ritual, I come here for coffee almost every morning. I adore this place. In fact, the whole of Esplanade is an oasis of tranquillity and beauty.” When he is not at the clinic or on call, the famous Zagreb gynaecologist, Professor Damir Eljuga, PhD, prefers to unwind on the serene terrace of the Esplanade Hotel after a stressful and difficult day. “For me, the Oleander Terrace is the most beautiful terrace in the centre of Zagreb, I love spending time there. In the last ten years, while I was still actively working at the Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre, I would come here at least five times a month, after sleepless nights on call. After a stressful night spent at the clinic, it was a pleasure to have breakfast in peace on the terrace, enjoy all of these delicacies, drink freshy squeezed orange juice and delight in the beauty of the oleanders so agreeably positioned around the terrace, the view of the fountain and King Tomislav Square in the background. I also loved coming to the terrace with my wife, but in the evening hours, to enjoy the musical evenings. We used to come for brunch with our family, too, which was another special treat”, doctor Eljuga concludes his charming story about this small oasis of great pleasures. The Oleander Terrace still has the same radiance, it’s recognisable as a popular gathering place for residents, and its guests can delight in gourmet treats, cocktails, afternoon tea and Sunday brunch on a daily basis. Just like in the past, the terrace continues to act as a stage for different social events – from presentations, events, celebrations, fashion shows, proms, to parties with DJ-s and so on. The offer keeps up with fresh trends, so new generations of guests drop by to enjoy a modern breakfast, coffee, cocktails, to celebrate birthdays and create their own memories. Recently, a unique autumn grape harvest took place on the Oleander Terrace of Zagreb’s Esplanade Hotel, followed by the presentation of the first limited edition bottles of Zinfandel wine with the Hotel Esplanade label and the signature of Vlado Krauthaker, one of the most famous Croatian winemakers, who donated Zinfandel vines to the hotel in 2013, and today they are carefully cared for by the hotel staff in the Oleander Terrace garden. Actually, the Zinfandel’s Restaurant was named after the Zinfandel grape variety which was transported from Dalmatia to the USA at the beginning of the 19th century. Under the name Zinfandal, the variety Crljenak Kaštelanski was exported from the Vienna Imperial State Plant Nursery to the USA, where it is still very popular today. This wine is thus a symbol of the intertwining of cultures which come together in the kitchen of the Zinfandel’s Restaurant, and the vine is also the symbol of the restaurant. To have a glass of good wine in the shadow of the oleanders on the cult terrace with a view of Zagreb is a special experience which is passed down from generation to generation. 62 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW
Kad nije u klinici i na dežurstvu, poznati zagrebački ginekolog prof. dr. sc. Damir Eljuga od stresnog i napornog dana najviše se voli opustiti upravo na spokojnoj terasi hotela Esplanade. „Oleander terasa mi je najljepša terasa u centru Zagreba, obožavam provoditi vrijeme na njoj. Zadnjih desetak godina, kad sam još aktivno radio u KBC-u Sestre milosrdnice, dolazio bih ovdje najmanje pet puta mjesečno, nakon napornih dežurstava i neprospavanih noći. Užitak mi je bio nakon stresne noći provedene u klinici u miru doručkovati na terasi, konzumirati sve te vrhunske delicije, popiti svježe iscijeđeni sok od naranče i uživati u ljepoti oleandra lijepo poslaganih oko terase, u pogledu na fontanu i Trg kralja Tomislava u daljini. Sa suprugom sam također volio dolaziti na terasu, ali u večernjim satima, uživali bismo u glazbenim večerima. Sa svojom sam obitelji znao dolaziti i na bruncheve, to je također bio poseban užitak“, završava liječnik Eljuga lijepu priču o maloj oazi velikih užitaka. Oleander terasa i danas blista jednakim sjajem, prepoznatljiva kao atraktivno okupljalište građana, a njezini gosti svakodnevno uživaju u gurmanskim poslasticama, koktelima, poslijepodnevnom čaju i nedjeljnom brunchu. Kao i u prošlosti, i danas je terasa često pozornica raznih društvenih događanja – od prezentacija, evenata, svečanosti, revija, maturalnih proslava do zabave uz DJ-a i sl. Ponuda prati nove trendove, pa danas nove generacije gostiju rado dolaze na moderni doručak, kavicu, koktele, obilježavaju rođendane i stvaraju svoje uspomene. Nedavno je na terasi Oleander zagrebačkog hotela Esplanade održana jedinstvena jesenska berba grožđa i predstavljanje prvog limitiranog izdanja butelja Zinfandela s etiketom Hotela Esplanade i potpisom Vlade Krauthakera, jednog od najpoznatijih hrvatskih vinara koji je 2013. godine hotelu darovao loze zinfandela koje danas osoblje pažljivo njeguje u vrtu Oleander terase. Inače, restoran Zinfandel’s ime je dobio prema sorti grožđa zinfandel koja je početkom 19. stoljeća prenesena iz Dalmacije u SAD. Pod imenom zinfandal, sorta kaštelanski crljenak izvezena je iz bečkog Carskog državnog rasadnika u SAD, gdje i danas ima veliku popularnost. Stoga je to vino simbol isprepletenosti kultura koje se susreću u kuhinji restorana Zinfandel’s, a vinova loza ujedno je i zaštitni znak restorana. Popiti čašu dobrog vina u sjeni oleandra na kultnoj terasi s pogledom na Zagreb poseban je doživljaj koji se prenosi generacijama.
The Oleander Terrace still has the same radiance, it’s recognisable as a popular gathering place for residents, and its guests can delight in gourmet treats, cocktails, afternoon tea and Sunday brunch on a daily basis. Oleander terasa i danas blista jednakim sjajem, prepoznatljiva kao atraktivno okupljalište građana, a njezini gosti svakodnevno uživaju u gurmanskim poslasticama, koktelima, poslijepodnevnom čaju i nedjeljnom brunchu
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Events Događanja
The third cycle of the project “Olive, grape, barley – through education to recognisability”, which includes workshops on wine, olive oil and whiskey, has been held. The project is aimed at Croatian hospitality workers, future employees in the hospitality industry, students at hospitality schools, and anyone who wants to update their knowledge. Workshops on olive oil, which were held in Osijek, and the wine masterclass in Split, as well as the recently held workshops on whiskey, have all been organised by the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Association Croatia. Whiskey workshops were given by Tomislav Ruszkowski, who has a great deal of experience in heading this type of workshop and is one of the leading Croatian whiskey experts. There was a lot of interest in the workshops, and those who hadn’t booked their spots in time could follow the workshops on Zoom, but they were not able to taste 13 whiskeys, which was a special experience at the live workshops, where the participants also enjoyed bites from Esplanade’s kitchen in the breaks.
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Radionice za ljubitelje viskija
Održan je treći ciklus projekta „Maslina, grozd, ječam – edukacijom do prepoznatljivosti“ koji uključuje edukacije o vinu, maslinovom ulju i viskiju. Namijenjen je hrvatskim ugostiteljskim djelatnicima, budućim zaposlenicima u ugostiteljstvu, učenicima ugostiteljskih škola te svima koji žele nadograditi svoje znanje. Edukacije o maslinovom ulju, koje su održane u Osijeku, te vinski masterclass u Splitu i nedavno održane radionice o viskiju provodi Udruga Chaînedes Rôtisseurs Hrvatska. Radionice o viskiju vodio je Tomislav Ruszkowski koji ima izrazito bogato iskustvo u vođenju ovakvog tipa radionica i jedan je od vodećih hrvatskih stručnjaka za viski. Interes za radionice bio je vrlo velik, a oni koji nisu na vrijeme rezervirali svoje mjesto, radionice su mogli pratiti preko Zooma, ali nisu mogli i kušati 13 viskija, što je bio poseban doživljaj na radionicama uživo, gdje su u pauzama sudionici uživali i u zalogajima iz Esplanadine kuhinje.
Proljetna kolekcija
The beginning of February also Početak veljače početak je i nove marked the beginning of a new kampanje Kering Eyeweara, a campaign by Kering Eyewear, and ove su godine odabrali hotel this year the chosen venue for their Esplanade za mjesto prezentipresentation was the Esplanade ranja. Tijekom desetodnevnog Hotel. During the ten-day presenta- predstavljanja, kojem su prisution, attended by buyers from the stvovali kupci iz cijele jugoistočwhole of Southeast and Central Eu- ne i centralne Europe (od Makerope (from Macedonia to Poland), donije do Poljske), Kering EyeweKering Eyewear demonstrated the ar pokazao je nove kolekcije new collection of their brands for svojih brendova za proljeće/ljespring/summer 2021. On display to 2021. Mogli su se vidjeti neki were some of the most famous and od najpoznatijih i najaktualnijih most current fashion and luxury modnih i luksuznih brendova brands such as Gucci, Saint Laurent, kao što su Gucci, Saint LauCartier, Bottega Veneta, Alexander rent, Cartier, Bottega Veneta, McQueen, Chloe, Balenciaga, and Alexander McQueen, Chloe, many others. Balenciaga i brojni drugi.
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Elle Style Awards Winners Crowned Dodijeljene Elle Style nagrade
The ceremony for the biggest Croatian accolade for style, but also accomplishments in the area of art, fashion and design – Elle Style Awards – was organised for the ninth year running, and this year’s edition took place in a digital environment for the first time, accessible to all viewers Dodjela najveće hrvatske nagrade za stil, ali i dostignuća u području umjetnosti, mode i dizajna – Elle Style Awards – upriličena je devetu godinu zaredom, a ovogodišnje izdanje održano je prvi put u digitalnom okružju, otvorenom za sve gledatelje This year’s Elle Style Awards powered by H&M were given out in 11 categories. The Style Icon award was won by the incomparable Jadranka Sloković, who also dazzled with her fashion choice for the ceremony – a long black dress, proving that women in their fifties aren’t invisible – they are radiant. The Sustainability in Fashion and Beauty category grows in importance year after year, and the work of Monika Zubović on her brand Seadro did not go unnoticed. She finds inspiration in, among other things, the Adriatic, which is why sustainability and ecological awareness are the essence of her brand. The Artist of the Year is Glorija Lizde, a photographer whose work is delicate and sometimes chilling, intimate but universal, dealing with themes such as growing up, mental health and trauma. The diva of the Croatian music scene, Gabi Novak, won the Lifetime Achievement award and revealed her guiding principle: you have to live life step by step, slowly and deliberately. She also treated the audience to songs “Ni ti, ni ja” and “Nada”, accompanied by Matija Dedić on the piano. This year’s winner in the category Elle Decoration: Architecture and Design is Studio Up, who find inspiration in everyday life, creating unusual architectural solutions and new lifestyles within them. The Model of the Year is Yvonne (Colors Model Management), while the New Face award was received by the young Marija Burić (Colors Model Management). The musician and fashion enthusiast Nika Turković is Influencer of the Year. She adores all fashion, especially timeless and unisex pieces. She also loves photography, 66 | E S P LA N A DE V IEW
Ovogodišnje Elle Style Awards powered by H&M dodijeljene su u 11 kategorija. Ikonom stila proglašena je nenadmašna Jadranka Sloković koja je i na dodjeli zadivila svojim modnim odabirom – dugom crnom haljinom, dokazavši da žene nakon pedesete nisu nevidljive – one blistaju. Kategorija održivosti u modi i ljepoti iz godine u godinu postaje sve važnija, a rad Monike Zubović na njezinom brendu Seadro nije prošao nezapažen. Inspiraciju pronalazi, između ostalog, u Jadranu, zbog čega su održivost i ekološka osviještenost u srži njezina brenda. Umjetnica godine je Glorija Lizde, fotografkinja čiji su radovi nježni i ponekad jezoviti, intimni, no univerzalni, a bave se temama odrastanja, mentalnog zdravlja i trauma. Diva hrvatske glazbene scene Gabi Novak dobila je nagradu za životno djelo i pritom otkrila svoju misao vodilju: život treba živjeti korak po korak, polako i promišljeno. Dodjelu je uveličala izvedbom pjesama „Ni ti, ni ja“ i „Nada“ uz klavirsku pratnju Matije Dedića. Najbolji u kategoriji Elle Decoration: arhitektura i dizajn ove je godine Studio Up koji se inspirira svakodnevnicom, stvarajući nesvakidašnja arhitektonska rješenja i novi stil života u njima. Model godine je Yvonne (Colors Model Management), dok je u kategoriji novog lica nagrada dodijeljena mladoj Mariji Burić (Colors Model Management). Glazbenica i ljubiteljica mode Nika Turković je influencerica godine.
Photographs: STORYBOOK/AMZ
but she revealed that music was her most important driving force. Marko Šabarić and Tomislav Kliškinić from the brand KLISAB won the award for Best Accessory Design. Their irresistible handbags and chic sunglasses have won over fashionistas not only with their attractive design but also their functionality. Marija Kulušić won the award in the Best Fashion Design category. The young designer is inspired by art and travel, and the guiding principles that permeate her collections are timelessness and sustainability. This year, a new category was introduced – Elle Active: Activist Project of the Year, with the award going to the Initiative #spasime (#saveme) which started a wave of activism and broached a topic which had long been considered taboo – domestic violence, while it also promotes the empowerment of women in every sense. The ceremony for the biggest Croatian accolade for style, but also accomplishments in the area of art, fashion and design – Elle Style Awards – was organised for the ninth year running, and this year’s edition took place in a digital environment for the first time, accessible to all viewers with just a click on The awards ceremony was recorded in the intimate atmosphere of the impressive Emerald Ballroom of the Esplanade Hotel in Zagreb, with set design by Showroom design & events. The hostess of the event, the cheerful and energetic Ida Prester, dazzled in H&M dresses, with make-up and hair by Studio Marcela.
Modu obožava uvijek, posebice vječne i uniseks komade, voli i fotografiju, ali je otkrila da je glazba njezina najvažnija pokretačka sila. Marko Šabarić i Tomislav Kliškinić iz brenda KLISAB osvojili su nagradu za najbolji dizajn accessoirea. Njihove neodoljive torbice i chic naočale osvojile su modistice ne samo atraktivnim dizajnom, već i funkcionalnošću. Marija Kulušić ponijela je titulu u kategoriji najboljeg modnog dizajna. Mlada dizajnerica inspirira se umjetnošću i putovanjima, a niti vodilje koje provlači kroz svoje kolekcije su bezvremenost i održivost. Ove je godine uvedena i nova kategorija – Elle active: aktivistički projekt godine, čija je nagrada pripala Inicijativi #spasime koja je pokrenula val aktivizma i progovorila o donedavnoj tabu-temi obiteljskog nasilja, a promiče i osnaživanje žena u svakom pogledu. Dodjela najveće hrvatske nagrade za stil, ali i dostignuća u području umjetnosti, mode i dizajna – Elle Style Awards – upriličena je devetu godinu zaredom, a ovogodišnje izdanje održano je prvi put u digitalnom okružju, otvorenom za sve gledatelje klikom na Dodjela nagrada snimana je u intimnom ugođaju impresivne Smaragdne dvorane hotela Esplanade u Zagrebu, za čije je scenografsko uređenje zaslužan Showroom design & events. Voditeljica dodjele, vedra i energična Ida Prester, zablistala je u H&M haljinama i sa šminkom i frizurom Studia Marcela. EV EN TS | D O GA Đ A N JA
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Lunch for the Members of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Association Ručak za članove udruge Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Photographs: MATEJA ILIJAŠEV On 22 April, the birthday of the Espla- Na Oleander terasi Hotela Esplanade Zagreb Hotel, which welcomed nade Zagreb, 22. travlnja, baš its first guests 96 years ago, a lunch na rođendan hotela koji je prije was organized on the Oleander Ter- 96 godina primio svoje prve gorace for the members of the Chaîne ste, održan je ručak za članove des Rôtisseurs Association, which udruge Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, čiji counts the General Manager of the su članovi i direktor Hotela Esplathe Esplanade Hotel Ivica Max Kriz- nade Ivica Max Krizmanić (Maître manić (Maître Hotelier) and chef Ana Hotelier) te chefica Ana Grgić Grgić (Chef Rôtisseur) among its ranks. (Chef Rôtisseur). The menu, which was the work of the chef Ana Grgić (Chef Rôtisseur), souschef Miroslav Jurić and other hardworking members of the culinary team of Zinfandel’s Restaurant, was prepared exclusively for this occasion. The impeccable staff, headed by the maitre d’hotel Stjepan Okun, the Restaurant Manager of Zinfandel’s, made sure that each dish was served flawlessly and that the chosen wine accompanied it perfectly.
Jelovnik za koji su zaslužni chefica Ana Grgić (Chef Rôtisseur), souschef Miroslav Jurić i ostali vrijedni članovi kuharskog tima restorana Zinfandel’sa pripremljen je ekskluzivno za ovu prigodu. O tome da svako jelo bude savršeno posluženo i odlično spojeno s odabranim vinom brinulo je besprijekorno osoblje predvođeno maitre d’hotel Stjepanom Okunom, šefom restorana Zinfandel’sa.
The staff of the Esplanade Hotel, who have contributed to the quality of this exceptional lunch, will remember the day for the plaques awarded by Dalibor Greganić (Bailli Délégué du Bailliage National), the National President of the Croatian Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Association of Gastronomy, and the members will remember it for the positive atmosphere and the excellent dishes and wines. 68 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW
Osoblje hotela Esplanade, koje je pridonijelo kvaliteti ovog izuzetnog ručka, dan će pamtiti po poveljama koje im je podijelio Dalibor Greganić (Bailli Délégué du Bailliage National), predsjednik hrvatske gastronomske udruge Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, a članovi udruge po pozitivnoj atmosferi te vrhunskim jelima i vinima.
Swiss watchmaker TUDOR has introduced the S&G version to its iconic model Black Bay, with a new five-piece bracelet in steel and gold, exclusive to these models.
Švicarska urarska kuća TUDOR svom kultnom modelu Black Bay predstavio je S&G verziju s novom petodijelnom narukvicom u čeliku i zlatu, ekskluzivnom za ove modele.
BLACK BAY 32/36/41 S&G
Black Bay 32/36/41 S&G
Just as sporty and even more elegant than ever, the Black Bay 32/36/41 S&G models retain the aesthetic features of the Black Bay line, together with the reliability and historical connection to TUDOR divers’ watches. In the same spirit as the brand’s previous S&G models, this range is characterized by steel and gold materials adding a precious quality to the timepiece. Combining polished and satin brushed steel together with satin-brushed yellow gold surfaces offers a subtle contrast and distinction as well as warmth to the case and bracelet. The choice between a lacquered black or sunray satin-brushed champagne-coloured dial allows the wearer to further refine the watch’s aesthetics, bringing distinction for the former and radiance for the latter. The Black Bay 32/36/41 S&G models are the ideal choice for both men and women, combining sporty style with true sophistication.
Jednako sportski i elegantniji nego ikada, Black Bay 32/36/31 S&G modeli zadržali su estetske značajke linije Black Bay, zajedno s pouzdanošću i povijesnom povezanošću s ronilačkim satovima TUDOR. U jednakom dugu duhu kao i ostali S&G modeli, ovu liniju karakteriziraju materijali čelik (Steel) i zlato (gold) dajući mu dragocjenu vrijednost. Spajajući polirani i satinirani čelik sa satiniranim površinama žutog zlata nudi suptilan kontrast i isticanje kao i toplinu kućištu i narukvici. Izbor između lakiranog crnog ili brojčanika u boji šampanjca s efektom sunčevih zraka omogućuje vlasniku profinjenu estetiku sata, donoseći razliku prethodnom, i sjaj drugom. Black Bay 32/36/41 S&G modeli idealan su odabir i za muškarce i za žene spajajući sportski stil s istinskom sofisticiranošću.
Nova narukvica
Esencija kolekcije Black Bay
Discover the exciting Tudor watch collection at Mamić 1970 boutique at 7 Frane Petric Street in the centre of Zagreb.
Istražite uzbudljivu kolekciju TUDOR Black Bay satova u butiku Mamić 1970 u Ulici Frane Petrića u centru Zagreba.
The Black Bay 32/36/41 S&G line offers a new five-link yellow gold and steel bracelet, available exclusively with these models. The exterior links are satin-brushed steel, while the central links are polished steel. The two rows of intermediate links are satin brushed yellow gold. This supple, comfortable bracelet is dressy without being formal and is anchored in TUDOR traditions, playing with contrasting colours and finishes to bring a new style to the Black Bay 32/36/41 models. The Black Bay line is the result of the subtle blend of traditional aesthetics and contemporary watchmaking. Far from simply being an identical re-release of a classic, it brings together over 60 years of TUDOR divers’ watches and yet remains firmly anchored in the present. Whilst it is neo- vintage in conception, its manufacturing techniques, reliability, robustness and the quality of its finish are consistent with today’s most rigorous requirements.
Linija Black Bay 32/36/41 S&G nudi novu petodijelnu narukvicu u žutom zlatu i čeliku, ekskluzivnom za ove modele. Vanjski članci su satinirani dok su središnji polirani. Dva reda međučlanaka izrađena su u žutom zlatu satinirane obrade. Ova gipka, udobna narukvica dotjerana je bez formalnosti i duboko povezana s tradicijom brenda TUDOR, igrajući se s kontrastnim bojama i obradama donoseći novi stil modelima Black Bay 32/36/41. Kolekcija Black Bay je rezultat kombinacije povijesnih estetskih kodova i suvremenog urarstva. Daleko od toga da bude samo ponovno izdanje klasika, kolekcija Black Bay okuplja preko 60 godina TUDOR ronilačkih satova, ostajući čvrsto usidrena u sadašnjosti. Iako je neovintage koncepcije, njihove tehnike proizvodnje, pouzdanosti, robusnosti i kvalitete u skladu su s današnjim najrigoroznijim zahtjevima.
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Did You Know? Jeste li znali?
About the Esplanade Hotel O hotelu Esplanade
Did you know that last year, Esplanade’s first hotel wine, Zinfandel, was presented, made from grapes grown on the legendary Oleander Terrace? Zinfandel is an autochthonous Croatian grape variety, a world-renowned wine, and the Zinfandel’s fine dining restaurant was named after it.
Jeste li znali da je prošle godine predstavljeno prvo Esplanadino hotelsko vino Zinfandel, proizvedeno od grožđa koje je raslo na legendarnoj Oleander terasi? Zinfandel je autohtona hrvatska sorta, slavno vino u svijetu i prema njemu je fine dining restoran Zinfandel’s dobio ime.
Did you know that during a performance of the opera singer Beniamino Gigli, the windows of the Emerald Ballroom shattered? After such an exceptional performance, he took off his top hat, collected money, and gave it to the hotel manager, who proceeded to distribute it to hotel staff. Jeste li znali da su tijekom nastupa opernog pjevača Beniamina Giglija popucali prozori u Smaragdnoj dvorani? Nakon takve izuzetne izvedbe, skinuo je svoj cilindar, u njega skupio novac i dao upravitelju hotela, koji ga je pak podijelio hotelskom osoblju.
About Croatia
Did you know that the oldO Hrvatskoj est permanent settlement in Europe is actually a town located in eastern Slavonia? The town of Vinkovci has been continually inhabited for Jeste li znali da se u istočnoj Slaover 8300 years, and it is in this voniji nalazi grad koji je najstarije calm Slavonian town that the old- stalno naselje u Europi? Vinkovci est European calendar, Orion, was su kontinuirano naseljeni više od found. 8300 godina, a u tom pitomom slavonskom gradu pronađen je i Did you know that the first quaran- najstariji europski kalendar Orion. tine in the world was actually introduced in Croatia? In 1377, the town Jeste li znali da je baš u Hrvatskoj of Dubrovnik was the first place prvi put na svijetu uvedena kain the world to introduce a quar- rantena? Grad Dubrovnik je 1377. antine in the times of the plague. godine bio prvo mjesto na svijetu Neither locals nor foreigners from koje je uvelo karantenu u doba the surrounding areas where the kuge. Ni domaći ljudi ni stranci iz contagion was spreading were okolnih zaraznih područja nisu allowed to enter the town without smjeli ući u grad prije nego što spending a month in isolation on provedu mjesec dana izolirani na the surrounding islands. susjednim otocima.
Did you know that the people of Zagreb like to meet under the clock on the central square for a coffee, a walk or lunch? All of the town clocks are repaired and maintained by a clockmaker’s workshop from Maksimir, with its sixth generation of master clockmakers.
Jeste li znali da se Zagrepčani vole susresti ispod sata na glavnom gradskom trgu prije odlaska na kavu, u šetnju ili na ručak? Sve gradske satove popravlja i održava urarska radionica iz Maksimira, u kojoj je već šesta generacija majstora urara.
Did you know the identity of the delicate, beautiful young lady holding a key and a chest in her hand, whose statue is next to the Stone Gate (Kamenita vrata)? She is Dora Krupićeva, the heroine of the novel “The Goldsmith’s Treasure” by August Šenoa.
Jeste li znali tko je nježna i lijepa mlada dama koja drži u ruci ključ i škrinjicu, čiji se kip nalazi pokraj Kamenitih vrata? Ona je Dora Krupićeva i najpoznatija je junakinja romana „Zlatarovo zlato“ Augusta Šenoe.
About Zagreb O Zagrebu
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Sailing is, Once Again, One of the Most Desirable and Safest Vacations This Year
Jedrenje je i ove godine jedan od najpoželjnijih i najsigurnijih oblika odmora The beautiful, indented coastline with over a thousand islands, excellent gastronomy, good transport connectivity, developed nautical infrastructure, great weather and a wealth of cultural and historical heritage are the main reasons why boaters choose the Adriatic as their favourite destination.
Prekrasna i razvedena obala s više od tisuću otoka, vrhunska gastronomija, dobra prometna povezanost, razvijena nautička infrastruktura, lijepo vrijeme te bogatstvo kulturne i povijesne baštine glavni su razlozi zašto nautičari biraju Jadran kao svoju omiljenu destinaciju.
The pandemic has altered our habits when it comes to travel and destination choice, and sailing has proven itself to be the ideal vacation. Here is why you should cast off from your favourite destination this summer and set out to sail the Adriatic.
Zbog pandemije su se promijenile navike vezane uz putovanja i odabir destinacija, a jedrenje se pokazalo kao idealan oblik godišnjeg odmora. Evo zašto biste ovoga ljeta trebali isploviti iz svojeg omiljenog odredišta i zaputiti se u plovidbu Jadranom.
Boaters mostly spend time on their vessels or in the open air, reducing the risk of contact with a larger number of people, which is a benefit during the pandemic but also if you want to escape the crowds. It is important to emphasise that all epidemiological measures are implemented in ACI marinas from Rovinj to Dubrovnik, so all you need to do is pick a destination. Boaters decide for themselves where to sail and where to moor, and the indented coastline of the Adriatic is one of the most beautiful marine playgrounds in the world. The many islands, hidden bays and beautiful beaches are the perfect way to spend your summer vacation.
Sigurnost i sloboda
Upoznajete Hrvatsku
The Mediterranean cuisine is considered to be among the healthiest in the world, and the Adriatic is a real gastronomic paradise for nautical “foodies”. Six out of seven Michelin Star Restaurants on the Adriatic can practically be reached by boat. Moreover, there are excellent places hidden around the islands with good food and the azure views of the Adriatic. The beauty of sailing lies in getting to know places and customs. No matter which part of the Adriatic you prefer, ACI marinas can indeed be found at the most beautiful spots along the Croatian coast. For example, in the ACI marina Rovinj, you can enjoy all the advantages of a five-star marina and the amazing view of the church of St. Euphemia. ACI marina Žut offers the feeling of connecting with nature in the surroundings of the beautiful Kornati Islands. ACI marinas Korčula and Split are in the immediate vicinity of rich historical and cultural heritage, as is the ACI marina Dubrovnik, located right next to the global touristic gem. 72 | E S P LAN A D E V IEW
Nautičari većinom borave u svojim plovilima ili na otvorenom, što smanjuje rizik od kontakta s većim brojem ljudi, djelomice zbog pandemije, djelomice zbog željenog odmaka od vreve. Valja napomenuti da se u ACI marinama od Rovinja do Dubrovnika poštuju sve epidemiološke mjere, stoga sve što trebate je odabrati destinaciju po vašem izboru. Nautičari sami odlučuju gdje će ploviti i gdje će se vezati, a razvedena obala Jadrana predstavlja jedno od najljepših morskih igrališta na svijetu. Brojni otoci, skrivene uvale i prekrasne plaže savršen su način za ljetni odmor. Mediteranska kuhinja smatra se jednom od najzdravijih kuhinja svijeta, a za nautičke foodies Jadran je pravi gastronomski raj. U čak šest od sedam jadranskih restorana s Michelinovom zvjezdicom moguće je praktički doći brodom. Uz to, na otocima se kriju sjajna mjesta s dobrom hranom i pogledom na jadransko plavetnilo. Ljepota jedrenja je u upoznavanju mjesta i običaja. Bez obzira na to koji dio Jadrana preferirate, ACI marine doista se nalaze na najljepšim dijelovima hrvatske obale. Primjerice, u ACI marini Rovinj moguće je uživati u svim prednostima marine s pet zvjezdica i čudesnom pogledu na crkvu sv. Eufemije. ACI marina Žut nudi osjećaj povezanosti s prirodom u okruženju prekrasnih Kornata. ACI marine Korčula i Split su u neposrednoj blizini bogate povijesne i kulturne baštine, baš kao i ACI marina Dubrovnik, koja je smještena uz svjetski turistički biser.
Special Benefits for ACI Members
Daily berth booking with no booking fee
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A Festive Christmas
g n i d Wed
Vjenčanje u božićnom ugođaju
The wedding was held on 12 December 2020, in the holiday season, so the Christmas spirit could be felt at the hotel, with a beautiful big tree in the lobby complimenting the excellent atmosphere and top quality service Vjenčanje je održano 12. prosinca 2020., u vrijeme prije Božića, pa je hotel bio u božićnom ugođaju s prekrasnom velikom jelom u predvorju, što je upotpunilo ionako sjajnu atmosferu i vrhunsku uslugu
I arranged to meet Ivan (33) and Alina (33) on Esplanade’s sunny Oleander terrace. Alina hid her fair complexion under a big pink hat, and while she was drinking her coffee, her significant other ordered a sumptuous breakfast. They told me their love story which started on this very terrace.
S Ivanom (33) i Alinom (33) dogovorila sam susret na Esplanadinoj sunčanoj Oleander terasi. Alina je nježnu put sakrila ispod velikog ružičastog šešira i dok je ispijala kavu, njezin je odabranik naručio i bogat doručak. Ispričali su mi svoju ljubavnu priču koja je počela upravo na toj terasi.
Ivan and Alina met in 2012 during a photoshoot where she was the model and he the organizer. Ivan owned an association for models and photographers, Alina is a psychologist. She offered to help him with his project, given that Ivan had graduated from the Faculty
Ivan i Alina upoznali su se 2012. na snimanju na kojem je ona bila model, a on organizator. Ivan je imao udrugu za modele i fotografe, Alina je psihologinja po struci. Ponudila mu je svoju pomoć u tom projektu, s obzirom na to da je Ivan završio Fakultet
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of Electrical Engineering and Computing and didn’t have much experience in that line of work. That’s how they started their joint business, and today they have a start-up for photographers and models, and they organize various events. Soon after their first meeting, they were working on a project themed around Great Gatsby and the 1920s, so the Esplanade Hotel immediately came to their minds, as it combines 21st century comfort and Art Nouveau architecture, preserving the tradition of Art Deco. They managed to get permission to use the hotel’s interior and held the photoshoot there. The photographs were excellent. This was the start of their cooperation, but also the beginning of their love story which was born along the way. The Esplanade brings back fond memories, which is why they thought of it when planning their wedding. Ivan proposed to Alina on a trip to Dubai, next to the fountains. They soon started planning the wedding, but they had to postpone it a few times because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the end, they decided to organize the wedding in the Esplanade Hotel, under strict epidemiological measures. “We decided to sleep in the Esplanade the night before the wedding and on our wedding night because this place is special to us. The Esplanade has a special energy, exudes a timeless and calming atmosphere, and the staff is top-notch. We also treated our guests to a stay at the hotel. It was a special experience for everyone. My brothers especially enjoyed the lavish breakfast, they wanted to try everything, they ordered eggs prepared a hundred different ways”, says Alina, laughing. Because of the pandemic, only the closest family attended the wedding, eleven people in total. “The group included a grandma who celebrated her 80th birthday on that very day and a three-month-old baby”, continues Alina. The wedding festivities could not take place at the hotel but had to be held at Zinfandel’s Restaurant. Two tables were set three meters apart. The wedding dinner lasted only until 10 p.m. “We wanted to feel safe because of us and our guests, and the Esplanade really provided that sense of security, keeping to strict epidemiological measures”, point out Ivan and Alina. “However, regardless of the strict measures, the wedding was beautiful. We cut the cake, had photographs taken, there was soft music in the background, and the atmosphere was lovely. As the wedding was held on 12 December, in the holiday season, the Christmas spirit could be felt at the hotel, with a beautiful big tree in the lobby. Zinfandel’s Restaurant was excellent, and they made some allowances for us. Given that my family is from Istria, I insisted on having štrukli on the menu because I wanted them to taste Esplanade’s delicious traditional štrukli. Since I’ve been living in Zagreb, I’ve loved coming to the Esplanade for štrukli. They adapted their menu to us so that all our guests would be satisfied, even the children”, explains Alina.
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elektrotehnike i računarstva i nije imao puno iskustva u tom poslu. Tako su započeli zajednički biznis i danas imaju sturtup za fotografe i modele i organiziraju razne evente. Ubrzo nakon prvog susreta radili su na projektu, čija je tema bila Great Gatsby i 1920-te godine, pa im je odmah pao na pamet upravo hotel Esplanade, koji kombinira udobnost 21. stoljeća i secesijsku arhitekturu, njegujući tradiciju art decoa. Uspjeli su dobiti na korištenje prostorije hotela i u njemu odradili snimanje. Fotografije su bile odlične. To je bio početak njihove suradnje, ali i početak ljubavne priče koja se usput rodila. Uz Esplanadu ih vežu lijepe uspomene, zato su je i izabrali prilikom planiranja svadbe. Ivan je Alinu zaprosio na putovanju u Dubaiju, pokraj fontana. Ubrzo su počeli planirati svadbu, ali su je nekoliko puta morali odgoditi zbog pandemije bolesti COVID-19. Na kraju su se odlučili za svadbu u hotelu Esplanade, pod strogim epidemiološkim mjerama. „Odlučili smo da ćemo prespavati u Esplanadi noć prije svadbe i prvu bračnu noć jer nam je to mjesto posebno. Esplanada ima posebnu energiju, odiše starinskim ugođajem i smirujućom atmosferom te ima vrhunsko osoblje. I goste smo doveli u hotel i platili im noćenje. Svima je to bio poseban doživljaj. Moja su braća posebice uživala u bogatom doručku, sve su željeli isprobati, naručili su jaja na sto načina“, uza smijeh kaže Alina. Zbog pandemije na svadbi je bila samo najuža obitelj, tj. jedanaest osoba. „Među uzvanicima je bila i baka koja je baš taj dan proslavila 80. rođendan te beba stara tri mjeseca“, nastavlja Alina. Svadbene svečanosti nisu se smjele održavati u hotelu, već u restoranu Zinfandel’s. Postavljena su dva stola, međusobno udaljena tri metra. Svadbena večera trajala je samo do 22 sata. „Željeli smo se osjećati sigurno radi sebe i svojih uzvanika, a Esplanada nam je zaista pružila osjećaj sigurnosti, pridržavajući se strogih epidemioloških mjera“, ističu Ivan i Alina. „No, bez obzira na stroge mjere, svadba je bila prekrasna. Rezali smo tortu, fotografirali se, svirala je lagana pozadinska muzika i atmosfera je bila lijepa. Budući da je svadba bila 12. prosinca, u vrijeme prije Božića, Esplanada je bila u božićnom ugođaju s prekrasnom velikom jelom u predvorju. Restoran Zinfandel’s bio je odličan, a napravili su za nas i neke ustupke. S obzirom na to da je moja obitelj iz Istre, inzistirala sam na štruklima na meniju jer sam željela da probaju Esplanadine ukusne tradicionalne štrukle. Otkad živim u Zagrebu, obožavam dolaziti u Esplanadu na štrukle. Prilagodili su nam jelovnik, kako bi svi naši gosti bili zadovoljni, pa i djeca“, objašnjava Alina. Noć prije svadbe Alina i Ivan odsjeli su u hotelskoj sobi, kako bi se opustili, a Alina je točno znala što želi: „Željela sam da mi pripreme opuštajuću kupku
The Esplanade brings back fond memories, which is why they thought of it when planning their wedding. Ivan proposed to Alina on a trip to Dubai, next to the fountains. They soon started planning the wedding, but they had to postpone it a few times because of the COVID-19 pandemic Uz Esplanadu ih vežu lijepe uspomene, zato su je i izabrali prilikom planiranja svadbe. Ivan je Alinu zaprosio na putovanju u Dubaiju, pokraj fontana. Ubrzo su počeli planirati svadbu, ali su je nekoliko puta morali odgoditi zbog pandemije bolesti COVID-19.
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The night before the wedding, Alina and Ivan stayed in a hotel room to relax, and Alina knew exactly what she wanted: “I wanted them to prepare a relaxing bath in my room. Noć prije svadbe Alina i Ivan odsjeli su u hotelskoj sobi, kako bi se opustili, a Alina je točno znala što želi: „Željela sam da mi pripreme opuštajuću kupku u sobi."
The night before the wedding, Alina and Ivan stayed in a hotel room to relax, and Alina knew exactly what she wanted: “I wanted them to prepare a relaxing bath in my room. The next morning, before hair and makeup, I wanted to have my breakfast in peace and enjoy the little things. And I expressly requested a room in the central part of the Esplanade Hotel, with a balcony and a view of the fountain and Zagreb. We also took some beautiful photographs on the balcony.” “During the pandemic, Ivan and I were frequent guests of Esplanade’s bar and the Oleander terrace because we really felt safe with Esplanade’s staff who strictly adhere to epidemiological measures. When our friends from Switzerland came, we brought them to the Esplanade for afternoon tea and they were thrilled. We repeated this on Women’s Day, this time accompanied by my mother and grandmother”, says Alina. “I wanted the wedding to be in a beautiful place we can return to in five, ten or fifteen years, celebrate our anniversary, maybe take a photograph in the same place and see time pass by. And bring our child one day”, concludes Alina, gently stroking her baby bump. 78 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW
u sobi. Sljedeće jutro prije šminkanja i frizure željela sam pojesti u miru doručak i uživati u tim malim stvarima. A sobu sam izričito tražila u centralnom dijelu hotela Esplanade, s balkonom i pogledom na fontanu i Zagreb. Na balkonu smo snimili i prekrasne fotografije.“ „Za vrijeme pandemije Ivan i ja bili smo često gosti Esplanadinog bara i Oleander terase jer smo se zaista osjećali sigurno, uz Esplanadino osoblje koje se strogo pridržava epidemioloških mjera. Kad su nam doputovali prijatelji iz Švicarske, odveli smo ih na druženje afternoon tea u Esplanadu i bili su oduševljeni. To smo ponovili i za Dan žena, taj put u društvu mame i bake“, kaže Alina. „Željela sam da svadba bude na nekom lijepom mjestu, na koje se možemo vratiti za pet, deset ili petnaest godina, proslaviti godišnjicu, možda snimiti fotografiju uvijek na istome mjestu i vidjeti kako vrijeme prolazi. A jednog dana i s djetetom doći“, zaključuje Alina, nježno gladeći svoj trudnički trbuh.
Fairy-Tale Fashion Bajkovita moda
Their collections balance between the classic and the contemporary and represent a genius blend of creative design and top-quality materials. Njihove kolekcije balansiraju između klasike i suvremenosti i genijalan su spoj maštovitog dizajna i vrhunskih materijala Fashion audiences are able to recognize a unique signature under the name of Boudoir, devotedly crafted for over 18 years now by the sisters Morana Saračević and Martina Čičko Karapetrić, shaping their fairy-tale fashion vision woven together with feminine pieces, layered textures, lace applications and stunning impressionist prints.
Sestre Morana Saračević i Martina Čičko Karapetrić već 18 godina s jednakim žarom oblikuju svoju bajkovitu modnu viziju, satkanu od ženstvenih komada, slojevitih tekstura, čipkastih aplikacija i neodoljivih impresionističkih printeva, koju modna publika prepoznaje kao jedinstveni rukopis pod imenom Boudoir.
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Boudoir was founded in 2001, and its designers regularly present their work and collections through fashion shows, exhibitions and up-to-date fashion campaigns.
Boudoir je osnovan 2001. godine, otkada dizajnerice svoj rad i kolekcije kontinuirano predstavljaju na revijama, izložbama i u modnim kampanjama.
Always current, but never trendy, their collections are full of poetic creations that delicately balance between classic and contemporary, beautiful and unusual, realism and fantasy. The imaginative design, top-quality materials and the minute artistry have earned them the status of ‘regional queens of couture’, and their unique creations have long been worshiped and worn beyond the borders of Croatia.
Uvijek aktualne, no nikad trendovski orijentirane, njihove su kolekcije prepune poetičnih kreacija koje nježno balansiraju između klasike i suvremenosti, lijepog i neobičnog, realizma i fantazije. Maštovit dizajn, vrhunski materijali i detaljna izrada priskrbili su im status „regionalnih kraljica couturea“, a njihove unikatne kreacije već se dugo nose i izvan granica Hrvatske.
Photographs | Fotografije: Franjo Matković & Senja Vild Styling & Concept | Styling i koncept: Boudoir FASHION EDITORIAL | MODNI EDITORIAL
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City Guide Gradski vodič
Zagreb Must-Visit Attractions Atrakcije koje morate posjetiti u Zagrebu Regardless of when you visit Zagreb, the capital of Croatia is a destination you will surely enjoy. In the last few years, Zagreb has become an increasingly popular destination for tourists from all corners of the world, and many of them point out that, although it’s not a big city, it is an incredibly picturesque one. It boasts a rich history and cultural heritage, but also wonderful natural beauty. Bez obzira na to kada posjetili Zagreb, glavni grad Hrvatske destinacija je u kojoj ćete sigurno uživati. U posljednjih nekoliko godina Zagreb je postao sve popularnije odredište za turiste diljem svijeta, a mnogi od njih naglašavaju da, iako površinom nije velik, nevjerojatno je živopisan grad. Može se pohvaliti bogatom poviješću, kulturnom baštinom, ali i prekrasnim prirodnim ljepotama.
In the area between Most slobode (Liberty Bridge) and Most mladosti (Youth bridge), you can find Bundek Park, allowing visitors to spend time in nature close to the city centre. It consists of a big and a small lake and large green and pedestrian areas. A stroll by the lake, a swim during the summer months, different recreation options such as biking or rollerblading, sunbathing or barbecuing – these are all ways you can spend an ideal day in nature not far from the Esplanade Hotel.
If you want to take a peek into the past and find out what the typical life of Zagreb families in the 1980s was like, this is the right place for you! Take a comfy seat in the living room, look around the kitchen and the study, and don’t miss out on playing a game on the legendary Commodore 64 or taking a photo in a Zastava 750 old-timer, locally lovingly called Fićo.
Park Bundek
Na potezu od Mosta slobode do Mosta mladosti smjestio se park Bundek koji posjetiteljima omogućuje boravak u prirodi gotovo u centru grada. Sastoji se od velikog i malog jezera te velikih zelenih i pješačkih površina. Šetnja uz jezera, kupanje tijekom ljetnih mjeseci, različite vrste rekreacije poput biciklizma ili rolanja, sunčanje ili roštiljanje – odgovori su na pitanje kako provesti idealan dan u prirodi nedaleko od hotela Esplanade.
Photo: J. Duval
Muzej Zagreb 80’s
Ako želite zaviriti u prošlost i saznati kako je izgledao tipičan život zagrebačkih obitelji u 1980-ima, ovo je pravo mjesto za vas! Udobno se smjestite u dnevnom boravku, razgledajte kuhinju i radnu sobu, a ne propustite ni zaigrati igricu na legendarnom Commodoreu 64 ili se fotografirati u starom fići.
THE ZOO AND MAKSIMIR PARK Zoološki vrt i park Maksimir Far from the city crowds, you can find the oldest park in Croatia. Tucked away in a dense forest, Maksimir Park also hosts the Zoo, which is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Zagreb. Check out the monkeys, seals, otters, snakes, and have fun in the company of other exotic animals. Take a walk down boulevards and pavilions and relax breathing in the clean air of the green lungs of Zagreb. 82 | E S P LA N A D E V IEW
Daleko od gradske gužve nalazi se najstariji park u Hrvatskoj. Park Maksimir obavijen je gustom šumom, a unutar njega nalazi se i Zoološki vrt koji je jedna od najposjećenijih zagrebačkih turističkih atrakcija. Pogledajte majmune, tuljane, vidre, zmije i zabavite se u društvu ostalih egzotičnih životinja. Prošećite alejama i paviljonima i opustite se udišući čisti zrak zelenih pluća Zagreba.
Photo: M. Vrdoljak
Botanički vrt
Muzej čokolade
Only a few steps away from the Esplanade, you can find the Botanical Garden, repeatedly named one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in Zagreb! Step into the magical world of plants, make your way down winding paths and admire the different groups of trees and collections of plants as well as the exhibition pavilion from 1891. The sweetest place in the world can be found in the heart of Zagreb! Take a look at 200 displays on the history of chocolate and enjoy the interactive exhibits allowing you to experience chocolate with all your senses. Mix your chocolate beverage, grind cocoa beans, taste chocolate, and see what a chocolate factory looks like. In the end, treat yourself to a fitting gift – chocolate made by small Croatian chocolatiers.
Samo nekoliko koraka od Esplanade prostire se Botanički vrt koji je nekoliko puta proglašavan jednom od najljepših turističkih atrakcija u Zagrebu! Zakoračite u čaroban svijet biljaka, uputite se krivudavim stazicama i razgledajte različite skupine drveća i zbirke biljaka te izložbeni paviljon iz 1891. godine. U srcu Zagreba nalazi se najslađe mjesto na svijetu! Pogledajte 200 eksponata o povijesti čokolade i uz interaktivni pristup doživite čokoladu svim svojim osjetilima. Izmiješajte svoj čokoladni napitak, sameljite zrna kakaa, kušajte čokoladu i provjerite kako izgleda tvornica čokolade. Na kraju se počastite prigodnim darom – čokoladama malih hrvatskih čokolatijera.
Park Ribnjak
Muzej vlakića – Backo Mini Express
Expanding over almost 40,000 square meters along the eastern walls of Kaptol, in the very centre of Zagreb, lies a park with an interesting name. The name, Ribnjak (the Fishpond), stems from the bishop’s fishponds which were located in that area until the 19th century. Today, it’s a place for relaxation with rich vegetation, decorative statues, waterfalls and different exotic plants, a standout among which is a decades-old yew tree.
The Mini Train Museum is proof that youthful dreams can become reality. Antun Urbić – Backo was five when, in the 1960s, his father brought him a Märklin model train from Switzerland. After that, he fell in love with model trains, railways and model making. Today, after spending six years working on it, his model railway called “Backo Mini Express” extends over 70 square meters and eight levels, with 150 locomotives, 1000 carriages and 1050 tracks. The model is one of the biggest ones in South-Eastern Europe, and there are plans for additions which would see it spread out over 300 square meters.
Explore the world of illusions where everything is possible! Unique in this part of Europe, the Museum of Illusions is a place that captivates all generations. Walk on the ceiling, serve someone’s head on a platter, or experience the illusion of the person next to you shrinking! Explore over 70 exhibits and enjoy the biggest collection of holograms. Don’t forget to bring your camera and make a record of all of the illusions for a wonderful memory!
Photo: Boška i Krešo
Na gotovo 40.000 četvornih metara, uz istočne zidine Kaptola u centru grada nalazi se park zanimljivog imena. Park Ribnjak ime nosi zahvaljujući biskupskim ribnjacima na tom području do 19. stoljeća. Danas je to mjesto za opuštanje uza zelenilo, ukrasne kipove, vodopade i različito egzotično bilje, među kojim se ističe nekoliko desetaka godina stara tisa.
Muzej vlakića dokaz je da mladenački snovi mogu postati stvarnost. Antun Urbić – Backo imao je pet godina kad mu je otac šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća donio jedan Märklinov vlakić iz Švicarske. Tada se zaljubio u vlakiće, tračnice i maketarstvo. Danas, nakon šest godina rada na maketi pod nazivom „Backo Mini Express“ na 70 četvornih metara i na osam razina nalazi se 150 lokomotiva, 1000 vagona i 1050 tračnica. Maketa je jedna od najvećih u jugoistočnoj Europi, a planira se njezina nadogradnja nakon koje bi se protezala na 300 četvornih metara.
Photo: M. Vrdoljak
Muzej iluzija
Istražite svijet iluzija u kojem je sve moguće! Jedinstven u ovom dijelu Europe, Muzej iluzija mjesto je koje očara sve generacije. Popnite se na strop, poslužite nečiju glavu na pladnju ili doživite iluziju da se osoba pokraj vas smanjuje! Razgledajte više od 70 eksponata i uživajte u najvećoj zbirci holograma. Ne zaboravite ponijeti fotoaparat i sve iluzije ovjekovječiti za predivnu uspomenu!
Photo: Petar Santini
Park Grič
The city of Zagreb boasts an abundance of sights and attractions, and its rich history and beautiful nature invite you to explore a new spot every day. Zagreb’s tourist offer has remained on an enviable level in these uncertain times, so that every visitor can go back home full of positive impressions!
Grad Zagreb obiluje znamenitostima i atrakcijama, a njegova bogata povijest i predivna priroda pozivaju vas da svaki dan istražite novi kutak. Zagrebačka turistička ponuda na zavidnoj je razini i u ovim neizvjesnim vremenima, pa se svaki posjetitelj vraća kući prepun pozitivnih dojmova!
Muzej prekinutih veza
Tortureum – muzej torture
One of the more recently spruced up parks was opened in 2017 in the Upper Town. It is often visited by couples enjoying its romantic atmosphere. Beautiful replicas of 19th-century benches, streetlights which resemble gas candelabra, and the view of the town have all quickly become symbols of Zagreb. Within the park, you can find the remains of a House of Anjou palace from the 14th century and a 13th-century rampart.
Beautiful summer nights in Zagreb are ideal for observing celestial bodies using the main telescope under the dome of the Zagreb Observatory (Zvjezdarnica). The most attractive sights for visitors are definitely the Moon, Jupiter, and the occasional nebula. As the appearance of the night sky is constantly changing, you can witness new phenomena every time. Relax during the evening and enjoy your view of the starry skies!
In the Upper Town, you can visit a museum celebrating breakups! The museum collection consists of hundreds of objects representing relationships and breakups, which have been collected from all over the world. This creative art project has existed since 2006. Since then, it has travelled the world and won the EMYA Kenneth Hudson Award for the most innovative and daring museum project in Europe.
Tortureum offers visitors an insight into a collection of execution and torture instruments which have been used since ancient times to the present day. The museum contains over 70 devices and instruments, and you can touch or even try out some of them! Among the most popular exhibits are definitely the guillotine, a faithful replica of a 1792 guillotine, which will send shivers down your spine, and a dungeon where you can spend a minute in a cramped space in total darkness.
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Jedan od nedavno uređenih parkova otvoren je 2017. na Gornjem gradu. Često ga posjećuju parovi koji uživaju u njegovom romantičnom ozračju. Predivne replike klupa iz 19. stoljeća, svjetiljke koje nalikuju na plinske kandelabre i pogled na grad brzo su postali zaštitni znak grada Zagreba. U sklopu parka Griča nalaze se i ostaci anžuvinske palače iz 14. stoljeća te bedem iz 13. stoljeća.
Photo: Boška i Krešo
Prekrasne ljetne noći u Zagrebu idealne su za promatranje nebeskih tijela glavnim teleskopom pod kupolom Zvjezdarnice. Najatraktivniji posjetiteljima svakako su Mjesec, planet Jupiter i poneke maglice. Budući da se izgled noćnog neba neprestance mijenja, svaki put možete svjedočiti novim pojavama. Opustite se tijekom večeri i uživajte u pogledu na zvjezdano nebo!
Na Gornjem gradu nalazi se muzej koji slavi prekid veza! U muzeju su izložene stotine predmeta koji su obilježili veze i prekide, a skupljeni su iz cijelog svijeta. Riječ je izvornom kreativnom umjetničkom projektu koji postoji od 2006. Od tada je proputovao svijet i osvojio nagradu „EMYA Kenneth Hudson“ za najinovativniji i najsmjeliji muzejski projekt u Europi.
Tortureum posjetiteljima nudi uvid u zbirku naprava za egzekuciju i mučenje od antičkih vremena do danas. Muzej ima više od 70 sprava i instrumenata, a neke od njih možete dodirnuti, pa čak i isprobati! Među najpopularnijim su eksponatima zasigurno giljotina, vjerna replika giljotine iz 1792. godine, koja će vam utjerati strah u kosti, te tamnica u kojoj možete provesti jednu minutu u skučenom prostoru u potpunom mraku.
Photo: D: Rostuhar