Bourne Abbey Parish magazine - January 2018

Page 12

Bourne Elsea Park C of E Primary Academy Christingle On a wintry afternoon before Christmas, when the school grounds were still covered in snow, the staff and all 198 pupils at Bourne Elsea Park C of E Primary Academy gathered around the Christmas tree to take part in a special Christingle Collective Worship. During the day each child had made their individual Christingle whilst learning about the significance and symbolism of each part. When everyone was gathered together, Lacey, Year 2, remembered that the orange represents the world. Bronte, Year 4, said the red ribbon reminds us of Jesus’ blood. Amelie, Year 1, was eager to say that the four cocktail sticks represent the four seasons of the year. Viktorija, Year 3, added that the dried fruit and sweets on the sticks were reminders of the healthy food and treats God provides for us throughout the year and finally Tegan from Year 6 told us that the candle in the centre is the for Jesus, the light of the world. As the candles were lit and the lights turned off, the whole school sat and sang Christmas carols by candlelight. It was a truly beautiful and peaceful sight to behold and the perfect Christmas memory.


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