Borasaek Vision Magazine Volume 1, Issue 2

Page 11

Borasaek Vision

It’s a tricky dilemma, to say the least. Let’s start out with figuring out what this frightening entity, “ ,” is. Basically, it is the many routes of mass communication as a whole. print, broadcasting, and the internet. Newspaper? Media. TV? Media. Radio? Media. Twitter? Media.

It’s everywhere and unavoidable. More than that, they see us. Constantly. Because we are everywhere as well. BTS has won Billboard’s Top Social Artist award for the third year in a row, propelled there by ARMY's almost unfathomable dedication. Countless articles (just one form of media) from trusted names like Time, Forbes, and have been objective or downright flattering of both ARMY and BTS, yet cked by Caitlin | Designed by Euni so-called comedians and influencers still mock and be influenced by what they see put out, in addition to the audience wanting to consume belittle the accomplishments of both. products which fall in line with what they already believe.

s. ARMY ption

Media vs. ARMY: Perception | 8

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