Mystery Magazine 2018

Page 56

He stepped over Arturo and rummaged on the surface of the dumpster for some beer or booze to calm his nerves. Nothing. The General ran into the bodega and approached Manny. “A soldier is bleeding to death near my home. I need backup.” Customers strained to look at the filthy vagrant as they waited on line to pay for their groceries. Manny lifted the bum by his flea-bitten collar and carried him to the back of the store. “Listen to me, old man. Until now, I’ve treated you like an uncle, but if you scare away my regular customers, no more food. Cool it. I’ll call 911.” The General rubbed his neck. “Hurry, the enemy is gaining on us.” As Manny called the police, he watched his wife, Rosita, approach the bum. “You’re disgusting.” The General shook a grease-smeared finger. “Do you know what it’s like to die in combat?” A short while later, the stockier of two police officers approached Manny. “Who made the call?” The veteran arched his shoulders and saluted. “General Adam Jackson reporting for duty, sir.” He leaned into the officer who backed off when the General opened his mouth. “They tried to interrogate me, but I wouldn’t talk. My lips are sealed.” Manny took the officer aside. “The war messed up his head.” Jackson watched as the officer fingered the handle of his gun. “You won’t take me without a fight,” the General said. When the officer tried to calm the disgruntled veteran, the General lifted the gun out of the cop’s holster. “Everybody down. He has my weapon,” the officer yelled. Manny threw himself on top of Rosita. The second officer aimed his gun at the General. “Put down the weapon.” When the General ignored the order, the officer fired, striking the veteran in the heart. As he lay dying, the General called out to the officer. “Give the kid in the yard a decent funeral.” 56

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