I See Therefore I Am I Think...

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Introduction – Robin Morris Writing is a wonderful experience. Since my initial awakening many years ago, I’ve weaved in and out of various beliefs from West to East, constantly searching, analysing and discovering. For this book, I used real life experiences and adventures based on my travels and the incredible people I’ve had the pleasure to meet. Surrounded by a very ‘tasty’ world, I know how difficult it is to follow a spiritual path and stay focused whilst still enjoying life but ‘enjoying life’ really is the key. We live in an interesting period with time having little value. Everyday slips by so effortlessly. My fascination with meditation was certainly a big motivator to do this book. Maybe it’s due to the current state the world is in but it’s awesome that people are once again opening their hearts and sincerely want to recognise the Universal energy around us. Hopefully, with this book you will desire to seek within, become spiritually aware and feel the vibrant energy. If you have the courage to take off the blinkers and search, who knows what you’ll find… ‘Life’ at the best of times is indeed a difficult subject to cover. The formulae I used for this book is to propose information, question the information and then try and answer it. When it comes to ‘Life’ and the meaning of ‘Life’, it is infinite. You can never learn it all. I know I’ll still be forever learning but that’s the joy. It’s so stimulating. The more I meditate and the deeper I go to explore my Subconscious, realise God and experience this unbelievable Universal energy, the more I’ll appreciate the path I am walking. I sit at home, which overlooks the Bay of Jay and get inspiration from the stunning views covering the expanse of the exquisite bay as bowling right-hand waves break endlessly in flawlessly lined magical sets of cylindrical corduroys across the exposed reefs. This…is Perfectly Balanced energy. When the East wind blows, I can smell the salt. What more to ask for in this age. Life is indeed good…! www.robinmorris.co.za iii

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