Gran Alacant Advertiser April 2010

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Hello, This month we are going to talk about pedicures.

As summer is fast approaching our feet will become more exposed so its time to start to get them prepared. Feet are an interesting part of the human anatomy, one of the most useful and unfortunately the most neglected parts of our body is our feet. We use them continuously, strain them walk for miles on them, they take the weight of our body and yet we forget to take care of their basic needs and comforts. There are so many elements of everyday living that are absolutely torturous for our feet. For example, our local bar and restaurant staff spend many hours standing on there feet. Feet are often taken for granted until they start to hurt and reject the Burdon we place upon them. Lack of good care for feet result in many ailments, such as Bunions, Tinea Pedis, and Ingrowing toe nails. People with diabetes have an increased risk for infections. Therefore, it is important that their feet are well cared for. For all of us it is not just the summer months, but all year round that we need to take care of them. A bunion is a harmless swelling of the joint of the big toe which is particularly common in middle-aged woman. It usually affects both feet. As the joint swells, the skin over it becomes hard, red and tender. The big toe usually becomes displaced, turning inwards towards the other toes. Infections such as Tinea Pedis commonly know as (Athleteʼs Foot) this is a form of ringworm which affects the skin of the foot. The fungus invades between the toes and can spread to the soles and side of the feet. The first signs are itching, flaking, cracking and weeping of the skin between the toes. It is imperative that this is treated. The local pharmacy carry powder and creams to treat this, however, if it persists you must consult your GP Ingrowing toenails the nails of the big toes are the ones which are most commonly affected. Instead of moving along the nail bed in the nail groves, the sides of the nail cut into the nail wall causing skin damage. Inflammation, swelling and pus often occur; the condition has to be treated medically. The two most common causes are ill fitting shoes and cutting the nail down their side outside of straight across. How many of us think about giving them a beauty treatment? Unfortunately very few of us. If you have ever had a professional pedicure you know how amazing if feels to have your feet taken care of, how relaxing and nice it is to have them pampered. So donʼt just there give me a call. As alwaysʼ you can call into the salon or give me a call for any advice or information. Next month we will discuss Massage. See you then ...................Dott

“Remedial Therapy” (sports flexibility) now available on Mondays by Eda


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