Body Mind Spirit Guide 2017 December

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Enjoying fall - Embracing Winter! By Pat Krajovic I love this time of year. What is better than the sun-filled, crisp air days, cool nights and colorful leaves? This season conjures up trips to the apple orchard, cider sipping and maybe (OK, there is no maybe) indulging in cinnamon doughnuts. Leaf raking, mums and pumpkins complete the scene. There is an anticipation of the winter that lies ahead, while we enjoy the cool crops of the season. Sounds idyllic! But a lot of people are experiencing stress and anxiety in the state of life as we know it. The recent shootings in Las Vegas left folks feeling stunned, unsafe, fearful and worried. Couple that with Mother Nature’s contribution of powerful storms, and erratic weather patterns, and one wonders what is coming next. We cannot control what happens out there. All we can do is understand that it is a reflection of what is inside. Consider this to be true, but how is this so? This concept is one of the seven principles of Hermes Trismegistus, author of Hermetic Corpus, who states “As Within, So Without, As above, So below.” The “As Within” is a what we think within ourselves, which will be reflected in our “So Without” worldview or what we see outside ourselves. “As above” means As In Heaven or in our own mind and is reflected as the “So Below” or So On Earth which is experienced in our body or environment. In other words, if we are happy, we see and live happily. If we are angry, in despair, stress, and fear, we see only those things that will give us more anger, despair, and fear. As Wayne Dwyer said, “When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” With that in mind, let’s decide. Do we want to continue to live and help create the stress, chaos, drama, anger, and fear we see around us OR do we want to be the creator of peace, faith, unconditional love, and prosperity? We can’t be in stress and create peace. We must be peace for there to be peace in the world. Yes, I did say that you are the Creator! We create our reality! So, let’s make a practice of stopping the thoughts that produce the feelings of dis-ease. Through the power of our breath, combined with meditation, we can stop the mind chatter and maintain a state of presence, peace, and optimism. When thoughts take us out of the flow, let’s agree to do the following practice: Take a timeout. Take a long, slow, deliberate exhale. As you exhale, intend to let go of the thoughts and feelings that disturb you. Pause. Inhale fully into the space you created. Intend to fill the space with love. Pause. Repeat this process 4 or 5 times or until you feel peace and presence. Change begins with each one of us. We have no control over others or what is going on “out there”. We can only control what is going on “in here”. Be the change you want to see. Change your inner landscape and what you experience out there will change. Be the 100th monkey! We never know where the tipping point is. Let’s commit to practice this and bring peace and love to our world. Namaste and Happy Holidays to all!

by Dave Krajovic

At this holiday time of year, many spiritual traditions celebrate the return of the light. But what does this mean and where is the light returning to? The light is returning to us. Its purpose, our purpose, is to illumine the depths of our subconscious and reveal the judgments and illusions of separation we have buried. Once revealed they can be removed. Without the veil of illusion, we can clearly see the truth of who we are. Keeping judgments buried is “I am the the root of all suffering.

ligh world. That is function. Tha here.”

When you choose to allow the light to return, you are in alignment with the flow of the Universe. Everything in your life changes. It changes because you imbue everything you do with the truth of who you are and you recognize this truth in others. You recognize the All-in-All in everything. You are in communion with all of life. As I write this, I cannot think of anything you could do that would serve a higher purpose and bring more joy to your life. In everything, choose to bring love and light to it, the gifts you buy, the people you give them to, the work you do, the judgments you make. It all deserves your love and light.

Have you ever given a gift out of obligation because you felt you had too? How did that feel when compared to giving a gift that you wanted to give which was enthused with love and joy? The gift you gave is neutral. It is just stuff. What is not neutral is the quality of energy you choose to imbue the stuff with. This extends to the doing as well; earning money for the gift, buying the gift, wrapping the gift, giving the gift, paying the bill for the gift. What matters is the energy you choose to infuse the gift with. A Course in Miracles addresses this subject and provides some guidance. Throughout

Pat Krajovic


I AM The Light of the World

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

December 2017

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