Somewhereineveryheart,thereisaplaceofwonder Where shiningstarsaresteppingstones
Toguideyouonyourway Tiptoethrougheachsecretpossibility Thatwhispersinthestardustontheground Letthemagicsensibility
Somewhereinfar-offskies,liesanewhorizon Where allgoodthingstomorrowbrings Arewaitingtounfold
Justlookwithinyourheart findallthatyoucanbe lifehasgivenyouagift, thegiftofdreamstodream.
Dreamsofmorningsnew Dreamsofsimplebeauty
Dreamsofhappinessandhope DreamsofSpring, Suchwondrousthings
Sometimeswhenwearelost, Lostinaworldofdarkness
There isaplace,wherewecansee Thepromisedworldoflight
Justlookwithinyourheart findallthatyoucanbe. Lifehasgivenyouagift thegiftofdreamstodream.
Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Piano Dreamsto Dreamsto Sweetly Sweetly dream dream Dreamsto Dreamsto dream dream S A T B Pno. Somewhereinevery Somewhereinevery 5 5 heart heart thereisaplaceof thereisaplaceof wonderwhere wonderwhere -
S A T B Pno. 9 shiningstars,are shiningstars,are steppingstonesto steppingstonesto guideyouonyour guideyouonyour S A T B Pno. 12 way. way. Tip Tiptoethrougheach 14 14 toe 3 possibility 2
S A T B Pno. 16 whis thatwhispersinthe pers stardustontheground. Letthemagic Letthemagic Letthemagic Letthemagic - S A T B Pno. 19 3 sensibility 3 sensibility 3 sensibility 3 sensibility spreadyourwishesalla spreadyourwishesalla spreadyourwishesalla spreadyourwishesalla round. round. round. round. -------3
S A T B Pno. Somewhereinfaroff Somewhereinfaroff Somewhereinfaroff Somewhereinfaroff 22 22 skies, skies, skies, skies, liesanewhor liesanewhor liesanewhor liesanewhor ---- S A T B Pno. 25 izon,where izon,where izon, izon, allgoodthings,to allgoodthings,to allgoodthings,to allgoodthings,to morrobrings,are morrowbrings,are morrowbrings,are morrowbrings,are ----4
S A T B Pno. 28 waitingtoun waitingtoun waitingtoun waitingtoun fold. fold. fold. fold. Justlookwithinyour Justlookwithinyour lookinyour - - S A T B Pno. 31 heart; heart; Justlookwithinyour heart; findallthatyoucan findallthatyoucan heart;youcan findallthatyoucan be. be, be, be. 5
S A T B Pno. 34 Life Life Lifehasgiven The The youagift, GiftofDreams,to GiftofDreams,to GiftofDreams,to GiftofDreams,to poco rit. poco rit. S A T B Pno. Dream. Dream. Dream. Dream. a tempo a tempo 37 37 Dreamof mornings Dreamof 6
S A T B Pno. 40 new. mornings. Dreamof thingsof Dreamofthingsof Dreamof Dreamof beauty.Dreamof beauty.Dreamof S A T B Pno. 43 happinessand Dreamofhappinessand happinessand Dreamof hope.Dreamof hope.Dreamof hope.Dreamof hope.Dreamof Spring,suchwondrous Spring,suchwondrtous Spring,suchwondrous Spring,suchwondrous -7
S A T B Pno. 46 things. wondrousthings. things. things. Sometimeswhenweare Sometimeswhenweare Sometimeswhenweare Sometimeswhenweare 47 47 lost, lost, lost, los, -- S A T B Pno. 49 lostinaworldof lostinaworldof lostinaworldof lostaworldof darkness,there darkness, darkness, darkness, isaplacewhere isaplacewhere isaplacewhere isaplacewhere -8
S A T B Pno. 52 wecanseethe wecanseethe wecanseethe wecanseethe promisedworldof promisedworldof promisedworldof promisedworldof light. light. light. light. - S A T B Pno. 55 Justlookwithinyour Justlookwithinyour Justlookinyour heart; heart; Justlookwithinyour heart; findallthatyoucan findallthatyoucan heart;youcan findallthatyoucan -9
S A T B Pno. 58 be. be, be, be. Life Life Lifehasgiven Alittleslower Alittleslower 59 59 youagift, Life Life Lifehasgiven Life S A T B Pno. 62 youagift, Life Lifehasgiven Life Life The youagift,The GiftofDreamsto GiftofDreamsto GiftofDreamsto GiftofDreamsto 10
S A T B Pno. Dream Dream TheGiftofDreamsto 66 66 Tempoprimo Dream, TheGiftofDreamsto Dream Dream TheGiftofDreamsto Dream, Dream, TheGiftofDreamsto S A T B Pno. 70 Dream. Dream. TheGiftofDreamsto Dream,Giftof dim. poco a poco dim. poco a poco dim. poco a poco dim. poco a poco dim. poco a poco Dream,GiftofDreamsto DreamstoDream,Giftof Dreamsto Dreamsto Dream,GiftofDreamsto DreamstoDream,Dreamsto rit. rit. Dream. Dream. Dream. Dream. 11