Sosweetthehour,socalmthetime, Ifeelitmorethanhalfacrime, WhenNaturesleepsandstarsaremute, Tomarthesilenceev’nwithlute. Atrestonocean’sbrilliantdyes
AnimageofElysiumlies: SevenPleiadesentrancedinHeaven, Forminthedeepanotherseven: Endymionnoddingfromabove Seesintheseaasecondlove. Withinthevalleysdimandbrown, Andonthespectralmountain’scrown, Theweariedlightisdyingdown, Andearth,andstars,andsea,andsky Areredolentofsleep,asI oftheeandthine
Enthrallinglove,myAdeline. Butlist,Olist,sosoftandlow Thylover’svoicetonightshallflow, That,scarceawake,thysoulshalldeem Mywordsthemusicofadream. Thus,whilenosinglesoundtoorude Uponthyslumbershallintrude, Ineverydeedshallmingle,love. Ourthoughts,oursoulsOGodabove!
Soprano1 Soprano2 Alto1 Alto2 Piano Andantecantabile So So sweetthe sweetthe hour,so hour,so Serenade
S1 S2 A1 A2 7 calmthe calmthe time,I time,I feelit feelit morethan morethan halfa halfa crime,When crime,When S1 S2 A1 A2 13 Nature Nature sleepsand sleepsand starsare starsare mute, mute, Tomarthe Tomarthe silence silence -2
S1 S2 A1 A2 19 Tomarthe Tomarthe silence silence evenwith evenwith lute. lute. At At - S1 S2 A1 A2 26 reston reston reston reston ocean’s ocean’s ocean's ocean’s brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant dyesAn dyesAn dyesAn dyesAn image image image image ofE ofE ofE ofE --3
S1 S2 A1 A2 32 lysium lysium lysium lysium lies: lies: lies: lies: Seven Seven Seven Seven Pleiadesen Pleiadesen Pleiadesen Pleiadesen trancedin trancedin trancedin trancedin Heaven, Heaven, Heaven, Heaven, S1 S2 A1 A2 38 Forminthe Forminthe Forminthe Forminthe deepa deepa deepa deepa nother nother nother nother seven: seven: seven: seven: poco rit. En En --4
S1 S2 A1 A2 dymion dymionnodding nodding froma 43 Sees Sees bove inthesea intheseaasecond seaasecond second poco rit. With love.With love. love. ---- S1 S2 A1 A2 inthe inthe inthe inthe 47 Tempoprimo valleys valleys valleys valleys dimand dimand dimand dimand brown,And brown,And brown brown, onthe onthe onthe onthe -5
S1 S2 A1 A2 52 spectral spectral spectral spectral mountain’s mountain’s mountain's mountain’s crown,The crown,The crownThe crown, wearied wearied wearied wearied lightis lightis lightis lightis - S1 S2 A1 A2 57 dying dying dying dying down,And down,And down, down, earth,and earth,and earth, earth,and stars,and stars,and stars, stars,and sea,and sea,and seaand sea,and -6
S1 S2 A1 A2 62 skyAre skyAre sky sky redolentof redolentof redo redolentof cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco sleep,asIof sleep,asIof sleep,as sleep,as theeand theeand theeand theeand thineEn thineEn thineEn thineEn - S1 S2 A1 A2 67 thralling thralling thralling thralling loveEn love,En loveEn love,En thrall thrall thrall thrall ing ing ing ing -- 7
S1 S2 A1 A2 71 love, love, love, love, my my A A A A rit. de de de de line. line. line. line. Atempo 75 But --- S1 S2 A1 A2 77 list,O list,O list,so list,so softand softand low low Thy lover’s lover's voiceto voiceto 8
S1 S2 A1 A2 83 nightshall nightshall flow,That, That That flow,That, scarcea scarcea scarcea scarcea wake,thy wake,thy wake,thy wake,thy soulshall soul soulshall soul deem shalldeem deem deem - S1 S2 A1 A2 89 Mywordsthe Mywordsthe Mywordsthe Mywordsthe music music music music wordsthe wordsthe wordsthe wordsthe music music music music ofa ofa ofa ofa ---9
S1 S2 A1 A2 95 dream. dream. dream. dream. Thus, Thus, whileno whileno whileno whileno div. single single single single soundtoo soundtoo soundtoo soundtoo simile- S1 S2 A1 A2 100 rudeU rudeU rude rudeU ponthy ponthy Upon ponthy slumber slumber slumber slumber shallin shallin shallin shallin trude,Our trude,Our trude,Our trude,Our --10
S1 S2 A1 A2 thoughts,our thoughts, thoughts,our thoughts,our cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco soulsO soulsO soulsO soulsO Goda Goda Goda Goda bove! bove! bove! bove! In Unis. - S1 S2 A1 A2 110 every deedshall everydeedshall everydeedshall mingle, mingle mingle love.In In love. love. poco rit. poco rit. 11
S1 S2 A1 A2 every eve every every 114 Unpocomenomosso deedshall rydeedshall deedshall deedshall min min min min gle, gle, gle, gle, rit.--- S1 S2 A1 A2 love. love. love. love. 118 rit. rit. 12