Rest for SATBacappella
byGeorgeWilliamRussell LeapfrogProductions 303 UpperMountainAve. UpperMontclair,NJ07043 ph:(973)783-9192 ©2021
Onmetorest,mybird,mybird: The swayingbranchesofmyheart Areblownbyeverywindtoward The homewhere-totheirwingsdepart.
Buildnotyournest,mybird,onme; Iknownopeace buteversway: Olovelybird,befree,befree, Onthewildmusicofthe day.
GeorgeWilliamRussell(1867-1935) Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Piano On On On On Andanteespressivoerubato metorest,my metorest,my metorest,my metorest,my (for rehearsal only) Div. bird,mybird:The bird,mybird,mybird: bird,mybird: bird,mybird:The Unis. swayingbranchesofmy swayingbranchesofmy swayingbranchesofmy swayingbranchesofmy --
S A T B 4 heartAre heart heart heart blownbyeverywind Areblownbywind Areblownbywind Areblownbyeverywind towardThe towardThe toward toward S A T B 7 homewheretotheir homewheretotheir homewheretotheir homewheretotheir wingsdepart. wingsdepart. wingsdepart. bird,my mybird, mybird, mybird, 9 bird:On mybird: mybird: mybird: 2
S A T B 11 metorest,my torest,my torest,my torest,my bird,my mybird, mybird: mybird: bird:my mybird, mybird, mybird, S A T B 14 bird,On mybird: mybird: mybird: metorest,my metorest,my metorest,my metorest,my poco rit. bird.Build bird.Build bird.Build bird.Build risoluto risoluto risoluto risoluto 3
S A T B notyournest,my notyournest,my notyournest,my notyournest,my 17 a tempo Div. bird,onme: bird,Build bird,onme; bird,onme; I notyournest, Buildnot Unis. S A T B 20 knownopeacebutever knownopeacebutever knownopeacebutever knownopeacebutever sway: butever butever butever O,lovely sway: sway: sway: -4
S A T B 23 bird,befree,be lovelybird, lovelybird, lovelybird, cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco cresc. poco a poco free,O,lovely lovelybird, lovelybird, lovelybird, bird,befree,be lovelybird, lovelybird, lovelybird, S A T B 26 free,O,lovely lovelybird, lovelybird, lovelybird, bird,befree,be lovelybird,befree, lovelybird,befree, lovelybird,befree, free,befree,free,Onthe befree,befree,Onthe befree,befree,Onthe befree,befree,Onthe -5
S A T B 29 wildmusicoftheday.Onthe wildwildmusicofthe wildmusic wildmusic wildmusicoftheday.Onthe wildmusic wildwildmusicofthe - S A T B 31 wildmusicOnthewildmusicofthe wildwildmusicofthe wildmusicOnthewildmusicofthe day.wildmusicofthe day. day.Onthe day. day. rit. ---6
S A T B wildmusicofthewildmusicofthe wildwildmusic wildwildmusic 33 Menomosso day. mybird. mybird. dim. poco a poco But But mybird. mybird. poco rit. S A T B sometimeswhenyour sometimeswhenyour sometimeswhen sometimeswhen 36 Tempoprimo dolce dolce dolce dolce Div. wingswouldrest,And wingswouldwingswouldrest, wingswouldrest, wingsrest, Unis. windsarelaidonquiet windsarelaidonquiet windsarelaidonquiet windslaidon ---7
S A T B 39 eves:Come, eves: eves: eves: Iwillbearyoubreastto Iwillbearyoubreastto Iwillbearyoubreastto Iwillbearbreastto Div. Unis. breast,And breast, breasttobreast breast, S A T B 42 lapyouclosewith lapyouclosewith lapyouclosewith lapyouclosewith lovinglovingleaves. lovingleaves. lovingleaves. bird:my mybird. mybird. mybird. 44 --8
S A T B 45 bird:On mybird. mybird. mybird. metorest,my torest,my torest,my torest,my bird,my mybird. mybird. mybird. mybird, mybird, mybird, S A T B 49 bird.I'll mybird: mybird: mybird: lapyouclosewithloving lapyouclosewithloving lapclosewith lapclosewith leaves. leaves. leaves. leaves. lapyouclosewithloving lapyouclosewithloving lapcloseloving lapcloseloving rit. --- 9
S A T B mybirdmy leaves. leaves. leaves. 53 Unpocopiumosso scherzando (2Singers) birdmybird,my mybird birdmybird,mybird, mybird S A T B 56 mybird,mybird,my mybird,mybird, bird,mybird,mybird,my mybird,mybird, rit. bird. bird. bird. bird. Div. Div. 10