BLVDS Family & Kids June 2009 issue 14

Page 61

cLocKwise fRom LefT: Let’s make a meal Deal; Opening of Lied’s new exhibit; “it’s your choice” © LDCM

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LieD “it ’S yOuR chOice” nutRitiOn exhiBit new exhiBit encOuRAgeS heALthy eAting hABitS

g R o W I N g u p T o b E A h E A LT h Y, R E S p o N S I b L E A d u LT I S A L L A b o u T L E A R N I N g T o m A k E S m A R T d E C I S I o N S . T h E N E W E x h I b I T AT L I E d d I S C o v E R Y C h I L d R E N ’ S m u S E u m L E T S C h I L d R E N d o j u S T T h AT.

the “it’s your choice” exhibit, sponsored by the epicurean charitable

tifferney white, the director of education and programs, explains that

Foundation, helps children learn about the importance of developing

the goal of “it’s your choice” is not to tell children what they should eat.

healthy eating habits.

instead, it simply shows children the consequences of their decisions.

Located on the second floor, “it’s your choice” was created primarily

“hopefully, they will choose healthy options,” white says.

for children ranging in age from eight to twelve years old. even so,

Another activity, “Seeing Spots”, reinforces this by asking children to decide

younger children will still be able to enjoy certain features of the exhibit.

whether a given food—doughnuts for example—is a green (eat as much as

“it’s your choice” is divided into seven components, each of which focuses

you want), yellow (eat occasionally), or red (eat only on special occasions) item.

on a different aspect of nutrition. For example, the activity “Let’s make a

physical activity is another important aspect of good health, and children

meal Deal” allows children to create their own menu for a day. After they

will get some exercise with the “Find your Balance” component. in this active

have made their selections, they learn whether or not any of the choices

and educational game, children jump from circle to circle while learning

are unhealthy and should possibly be reconsidered.

the relationship between serving size, nutrition, calories, and energy.

b l vd s l v. c o m

issue 14

kids & family


L a s Ve g a s


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