Best of BlogTour London 2012

Page 34

Free Afternoon After we’d thoroughly explored, photographed, and tweeted Design Junction, the bloggers were let loose on the streets of London to terrorize the locals and enjoy all that London Design Festival had to offer. Bloggers scattered in every direction: towards museums, pubs, castles, and, of course, towards the shops. Raina Kattleson of A Stylist’s Life was one of the latter and documented her shopping excursion for those following along with BlogTour at home. Abigail Ahern

Abigail Ahern


s a stylist, a large part of my job is keeping an extensive list of the most amazing sources and props available. I am always picking up interesting finds, whether it’s in the course of my daily travels, going to flea markets or traveling the globe. I have shopped flea markets in almost every country I’ve gone to and come home with suitcases full of interesting bits that will someday make their way into a shoot. I keep running lists of interesting shops and flea markets in cities across the states and beyond.



Image credits: Raina Kattelson,

I was lucky enough to spend several aerobic shopping hours with Will Taylor (of Bright Bazaar) and Igor Josif (of Happy Interior Blog) as we raced across town to see Will’s most coveted shops. On our rapid-paced tour we managed to squeeze in: Ben Pentreath, where I picked up some lovely marble plates; Darkroom, where I wish I had bought that African brush; Summerill & Bishop, Tom Dixon and the Merci pop up shop.

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