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So I did the inhumane and after we had done the deed, I pinned him down. I don’t know what came over me. But I wanted to see whether he could cope lying in our bodily fluids for at least thirty seconds after sex. After all, this whole shower business sucked the romanticism out of making passionate love with my babe. I started kissing him, whilst lying on top. He started to become all squirmy. ‘Sarah, can you please get off me?’ Anthony said. ‘Why babes? Can’t we just lay here for a bit?’ I replied. His face transformed into a look of disgust. It was literally like I had vomited up my last sentence. This was coming from the boy who had passed out in his own puke and rolled around in it the week before. Legit. As I got off him, he ran off to the bathroom to do his own deed. Maybe the reason why he kissed me in the bathroom was so that he could wash his lips after our make out session? Who knows! On return, I asked him why he needed to shower every time we had sex. He responded, ‘It’s just something that I do.’ I explained that it made me feel dirty. And with that, he just said, ‘Well Sarah, you’re not. And its something you’re going to have to put up with.’ I was slightly shocked that he seemed more surprised by my reaction. Maybe all of his exgirlfriends put up with it and never said anything? I don’t know. All I do know is that he is now an ex who’s known as OCD boy. And ironically enough, whilst we were dating, he woke up in the middle of the night, peed on my floor and went back to sleep. So I’m not sure how hygienic this boy really thinks he is?

Okay so dealing with the OCD boy takes a lot of patience and self-reassurance that you don’t have a bacterial infested v-jay jay. Fortunately, I was in a situation where my ex’s case was extremely mild. However, if you end up dating someone with a more severe case, then there are a few important procedures that you can take, to help alleviate any confusion. It’s pretty easy to work out whether someone has a case of OCD. Just observe their characteristics in being repetitive with tasks, or being obsessed with cleanliness when it comes to hygiene. Make sure that you spend some time in researching OCD. Some people are more severe than others, so you need to know what you’re up against so that you don’t feel as though you’re in the dark when it comes to dealing with the condition. Once you have done some research, have a chat with your loved one about their situation. Make them feel comfortable with the fact that you’re aware of what is going on and that you want to be able to help them. Find out whether they want help. You need to understand that you cannot change the way that they are. So if you’re not okay in dealing with the circumstance, then maybe you need to reassess your situation. If you’re ready to take it on, then contemplate whether you would be interested in seeing a professional to help assist you through this condition within a relationship. Otherwise, if your babe has a condition as mild as my ex did, then maybe just suggest having a shower with him? It might extend the passionate love making session. Or even better, do it in the shower! Until next time, keep your bits clean. > Sarah Long 63

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