Richmond Review, April 17, 2015

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Friday, April 17, 2015

do people of all ages need Q: Why to see a Chiropractor?


A: Life is full of minor and major traumas that

A: Myth: Assessed value should equate to market value.

occur daily and also much stress. Right from birth, children have numerous falls and tumbles and as they age, get involved in various sports which can cause misalignments in the spine. As we get older we may be involved in car accidents, have poor posture, fatigue or repetitive strains from work. These can all negatively affect the spine and nervous system and prevent us from achieving optimal health and wellness. This is why it is so important to have your spine checked throughout your life. Call Richmond Family Chiropractic today for a complimentary consultation — we always accept new patients.

Dr. Bonnie Chuter

604-284-5099 #230-7340 Westminster Hwy. Richmond, B.C.

Richmond Family Chiropractic A Place For Wellness

Reality: While most provinces support the concept that assessed value approximates estimated market value, this often is not the case. Examples include when interior remodelling has occurred and the assessor is unaware of the improvements, or when properties in the vicinity have not been reassessed for an extended period. Nearby development of external properties which block views or create increased nuisance may negatively affect value and the Assessors have not caught up. Assessments date of valuation is July of the previous year so an appraisal performed in October of 2014 can be 15 months in variance to the date that the Assessor is using. Assessors utilize inventory based on the last time a human actually visited the property and that could be years ago. If the inventory is now changed then the Assessor may not be aware of those changes and this is not reflected on your file.

Daniel Jones AACI, P.App., RI, FRI, CRP

Owner & Managing Director

604-270-8885 #1111 - 11871 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC, V7A 5H5

Q: Will my hearing get worse if I

Last month I listed the bills that can be found in circulation that may have value. This month I promised to do the coins. In coins there was the 2005 P non-magnetic penny which for awhile was selling for $5,000 and more. For the year 2006 there were 6 different types of pennies. The differences are the markings under the Queen’s portrait. One version still sells for $50 and up. In 1973 there was a 25 cent commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the R.C.M.P. It came with two different portraits of Queen Elizabeth. The common portrait is smaller with the beads away from the edge. The scarce variety (called Large Bust) has the same portrait as 1971, 1972 and 1974. It has a larger portrait with the beads up against the edge. Jim Richardson In the 1992 125th Provincial quarter series there are 4 different quarters Western Coin & with die rotations that can make them worth up to $1,000 each. A die Stamp rotation is identified by flipping your coin side to side. The correct axis is both sides facing up. A 90 degree turn on any coin starts at $400. A coin with a 180 degree turn (ie: the opposite side upside down) starts at $600 - $1,000. The same rotation occurs on some 1999 Millennium quarters as well as a different portrait of the Queen. Again these quarters can be #2-6380 No. 3 Rd. worth up to $500. We have special sale prices on both the Charlton government paper money Richmond, B.C. and Charlton Canadian coin catalogues. Only $9.95 each, this is a savings of more than 50 percent. With these two catalogues you can now see all Email: the scarce and rare versions of these bank notes and coins and tell them apart from the common versions.


Western Coin & Stamp can I maximize my donations to my Q: How favourite charity?

don’t wear hearing aids?

A: The answer to this question is that the progression of your hearing loss likely occurs due to aging regardless you are wearing hearing aids or not. However, using hearing aids will keep your cognitive function high. Seniors with the hearing loss choose not to wear hearing aids are high risk populations for cognitive impairment e.g. dementia, depression etc. Speech signals are invisible work-out for your brain. Using hearing aids will stimulate your hearing nerves and hearing centers of your brain. “Use it or lose it” principle applies to your hearing system. The longer the hearing nerve is without stimulation, the less active your brain becomes in processing sounds. So, the bottom line is that your hearing will likely and gradually get worse over time wheatear you wear hearing aids or not. But your ears need proper exercise like your other body parts. Hearing aids provide sound stimulation and keep your ears function optimally.

Lily Liu, M. A, RHIP

Registered Hearing Instrument Practitioner


Blundell Centre 164 - 8180 No. 2 Road Richmond, BC V7C 5K1 Fax 604-271-4387

Q: What’s My Latest Beef? A:


: Did you know you can arrange for your favourite charity to receive a donation in the event of your death? A gift of life insurance is an easy and economical way to make a charitable contribution − a lasting testimonial of your care and concern. “There are a number of ways to provide for a gift of life insurance. The method you choose will depend on your preferences and circumstances,” says Daniel Wang, expert at The Co-operators. 1) The most common method of using life insurance to benefit a qualified charity is to simply “gift” a life insurance policy you no longer need to the charity. You can transfer ownership of the policy to a charity of your choice and receive an immediate income tax receipt for the cash surrender value of the policy. One benefit to you: A gift of life insurance may allow you to make a larger gift than you could make from your current disposable income. 2) A different option is to buy a new policy and sign it over to your charity. Again, if you make your charity the owner of the new policy, you will be entitled to tax receipts for any premium payments you make. 3) You might also choose to make the charity the beneficiary of a policy without transferring ownership. At the time of your death the charity will receive the policy proceeds and the tax benefits will accrue to your estate. There is so much to think about when planning for the future, it’s a good idea to consult an insurance professional for advice on matters pertaining to estate and gift planning. If you have any questions or want the full details about this type of coverage, please call your Co-operators financial advisor, Daniel Wang.

Why does the Appraiser value the property differently from our Assessments?

Daniel Wang

Financial Advisor 105-8033 Saba Road Richmond, B.C. V6Y 4M8

604-270-4233 daniel_wang@

The Harper Conservatives, with their so called “tough on crime” penchant, have a nasty habit of writing Charter of Rights and Freedom breaking Bills that fail time and time again. This costs countless millions of dollars and wastes the time and resources of our Supreme Court, not to mention the costs for companies like mine vainly trying to keep up with moving legal targets. And the Cons are continuing down this lunatic path with utter garbage Bills like Bill C-51, the now infamous spy bill. With their majority in the House of Commons, Bill C-51 will no doubt pass and will hit the Supreme Court wall yet again - and we will all have to bear the cost yet again…and again... And where are our local Richmond Harper Con MPs in all of this? One of them is no doubt chowing down shark’s fin soup, the other your deity of choice only knows. But not one of them has spoken up against this lunacy...ever...! Time for a new federal government please. Even Harold Steve’s cows would be a distinct improvement over the current crop of mindless sheep kowtowing to Harper’s every crazy whim.


Computer Security Inc.


AMULETATM is a B.C. Ministry of Justice licensed Private Investigator and Security Consulting firm regulated under the Security Services Act of B.C.

Dale Jackaman President Amuleta™ Computer Security Inc.

604-230-8114 330-1985 West Broadway Vancouver, BC, V6J 4Y3

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