Failing to plan is planning to fail! Gary King, MD of Tendo, is a business growth and strategy expert for ambitious SME’s in Yorkshire. cautions that any old business plan just isn’t going to do that for you. He says the strategy that’s going to deliver you the work-life balance and financial rewards you dreamed of when you set up your business must be: • Tied to your purpose for being in business, your vision and your values • Dynamic and agile, giving you the ability to respond quickly • Aligned across your business - sales, marketing, operations, finance and talent • Time bound to ensure you remain on track • Reviewed and adapted regularly so you and your team stay accountable
Thinking big Having spent more than 25 years in business, tackling just about every issue and challenge you are likely to encounter, Gary is perfectly placed to advise ambitious businesses with an appetite for growth. He asks the difficult questions, the ones no one else dares to ask you – or the ones you don’t dare ask yourself. He combines this with an uncompromising drive for accountability which has transformed over 100 high growth businesses across diverse sectors. Gary will be a regular columnist for Topic UK and will offer solutions to your growth challenges.
Time management expert Tim Lakein is credited with saying “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” While the saying is well-known, the booming SME market place clearly isn’t taking heed as longevity is not something associated with start-ups. In Leeds, one of the fastest growth areas for SMEs, only 42% make it to the five year mark, almost 10% lower than the national average and over 75% don’t have a formal written plan at all. Topic’s business strategy expert, Gary King of Tendo, says “There is one critical factor in whether a business succeeds or fails – a lack of strategic planning.”
Why plan?
Gary also points out that strategy is about achieving a major result. Many Business owners confuse strategy and tactics and don’t achieve the major results desired. “You need to think big and have a strategy that can help you deliver results. You must know your destination, otherwise how will you know which direction to take when presented with options. It’s also critical you know the numbers that track business growth – it’s surprising how many entrepreneurs don’t have them or are baffled by them. Too many rely on their accountant to translate key indicators and abdicate rather than delegate responsibility. Without the right level of knowledge you can’t successfully build a business that gives you the lifestyle you desire, the financial rewards or a successful exit.” Gary concludes: “We’re in the most dynamic working environment for a generation, you can’t afford not to have a strategy which is adaptable and dynamic.
Gary’s no nonsense approach often poses tough questions for SME business owners. The questions that need asking in order to find the answers needed to deliver results. His approach is borne from a blend of experience, education and practice (he holds the IoD’s prestigious MA in Company Direction and regularly guest lectures on SME strategy). Gary has grown Tendo, using his unique single page strategy model, increasing his client base, brand reach and profits significantly every year, all working only four days per week.
A great strategy will be simple and provide focus to allow the decisions you need to take. Doing that will mean less stress for you, a better work-life balance and better financial rewards.” It’s hard to argue with that - what’s stopping you?
It makes sense that having a strategy allows you to take control of your business and make it work for you, not the other way around. Gary
Gary will answer your business questions each issue here in Topic. Send your questions to
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