Abramelin 2

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The Sacred Magic course Abraharn could not make the experiments of Rabbin Moses succeed if he substituted the laws of another plane for their own. 14 So it would be if he applied it to the Angelic working; but equally it would be an error which, though not so great, would still entail failure, to apply laws exclusively of the Angelic plane to those experiments which would mainly depend on the physical rays of the Planets; though undoubtedly the Angels of a Planet govern its rays. But the Angels of Mars do not govern the rays of Jupiter, nor those of the latter the rays of Mars. 15 The Grimoires of Black Magic would usually come under this head. But, nevertheless, the extravagant words therein will be usually found to be corruptions and perversions of Hebrew, Chaldee, and Egyptian titles of Gods and Angels. But it is undoubtedly evil to use caricatures of Holy Names; and these for evil purposes also. Yet it is written in the Oracles of Zoroaster: “Change not barbarous Names of Evocation, for they are Names Divine, having in the Sacred Rites a Power Ineffable!” 16 Yet, notwithstanding, it is well in a Sacred Magical Operation to employ a language which does not to our minds convey so much the commonplace ideas of everyday life, so as the better to exalt our thoughts. But, as Abraham says, we should before all things understand what we are repeating. 17 The Passover is about the Vernal Equinox and nearly corresponds to our Easter; it begins on the 15th or 16th of the Jewish First Month= Nisan or Abib. The Feast of Tabernacles begins about the middle of their Seventh Month= Tisri. 18 Ie., religious denomination. 19 It is immaterial whether the religious conception be Theistic or Pantheistic. 20 The Initiates of the True Rosicrucian Wisdom, know that there is a certain force in the observance of the Equinoxes. 21 Abraham evidently means his Guardian Angel. 22 Here Abraham admits to an extent what I have urged in my previous notes. 23 I.e., the Astrologers to whom Abraham refers in the first sentence of the chapter. 24 I.e., the Moon and Monday; Sun and Sunday; Mars and Tuesday (Tuisco is a name of Mars); Venus and Friday (Freya's day, after Freya, the Scandinavian Goddess), etc. 25 “Et jusqua ceguil tremonte son jour dure jusqua cequil se leve derechef.” 26 This is the initiated Rosicrucian teaching, which is very different to that of the outer and uninitiated World. 27 This is the great point to be studied in all Magical Operations soever, and unless the whole heart and soul and faith go with the ceremony, there can be no reliable result produced. 28 The title of the Eleventh Chapter of the Second Book is: “Concerning the Selection of the Place”. 29 Meaning in the case where the Aspirant unto the Sacred Magic is a Servant actually then serving a Master. 30 The object of most of these instructions is of course to keep the Astral Sphere of the Aspirant free from evil influences, and accustom him to pure and holy thoughts and to the exercise of Will power and Self-control. The student of the Indian Tatwas will know the value of active meditation at Sunrise because that moment is the AkAsic commencement of the Tatwic course in the day, and of the power of the Swara. 31 I.e., the Christians.


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