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A Reflection on Easter By Deacon David

The Return of the A-word During the season of Lent there has been a word missing from our liturgy – the word Alleluia! (It really should always have an exclamation mark.)This is banned from the liturgy for the whole six weeks. The word comes from the Hebrew and means Praise the Lord. It is found in the Book of Tobias, Psalms, and in the New Testament. It is used both in Jewish and Christian liturgy as exclamation of joy, triumph, and thanksgiving, especially during the Easter season. But during Lent we try to focus on our own sinfulness and make some attempt to face up to our failings, so that we can open ourselves to the forgiving and the strengthening grace of God. It is a rather sombre penitential season – not the time for expressions of joy and triumph. It all comes to a climax in Holy Week when, in the Triduum, we celebrate the dramatic story of our salvation through the death and resurrection of Christ. At the Easter Vigil there is an explosion of joy at the triumph of the risen Christ over the powers of darkness. The Alleluia! is solemnly intoned to +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ARTICLES FOR THE PENTECOST ISSUE OF THE PARISH PROCLAIMER: 3 May 2012 Email your written piece and photos to clouter@mac.com or post to Cathedral House, Parsons Hill, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 9AY


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