2019 Best Places to Work

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Aeon Process Equipment and Controls u ABOUT THE BUSINESS CEO OR PRESIDENT: Wanda Goodman CURRENT NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 67 WHAT PERCENT ARE MALE: 86% WHAT PERCENT ARE FEMALE: 14% AVERAGE TIME EMPLOYEES SPEND WITH THE COMPANY: 1-5 years USE PROGRAMS AND/OR PRACTICES TO RECRUIT AND/ OR RETAIN EMPLOYEES OF VARYING ETHNIC AND CULTURES/ DISABLED COMMUNITY/VETERANS: We use AAP plan to watch and recruit a diverse workforce. We use sites sponsored by DOD and participate in separation briefings for Airman that are separating from Barksdale AFB. BENEFITS PROVIDED: Medical and dental insurance, Long Term Disability insurance, 10 paid holidays per year, six paid sick days per year, 1-5 weeks of vacation per year, and 401k retirement savings match. BONUS OR INCENTIVE PROGRAMS: We believe in rewarding employees individually when they go above and beyond with personal thanks and small monetary rewards. SUPPORT HEALTH AND EXERCISE: Our medical insurance has a wellness program to promote working out and staying fit. They provide an app that track steps as well as several other features. It also monetarily rewards employees that work about 12 times each month. FLEX TIME AND TELECOMMUTING OPTIONS: We work with our employees that live out of town and in surrounding areas and allow time off without pay as time permits. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CULTURE: Hardworking, team-based focused on getting the job done to exceed customer expectations. STRESS RELIEF, TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITIES: We try to maintain a close work environment with open communications. Place articles and pics in monthly newsletter to share what’s going on with employees, print monthly articles showing appreciate for employee service and birthdays. We send birthday greetings and have a monthly birthday gathering for cake and ice cream.

505 Aero Drive, Shreveport (318) 221-0122 | www.aeonpec.com


eon PEC, Inc. was formed in August of 2008 but our roots date back to 1952. The company was founded on the principle or having well trained sales engineers presenting the highest quality engineered products to industry. Our original premise has not changed over the ensuing decades. We want to have a strong technical relationship with not only our customers, but with the manufacturers that we represent as well Over this time, our product mix has consistently been valves (control, relief, and instrument), heat exchangers, liquid/gas filtration, and field installation and service, creating unparalleled expertise and vast experience. This experience enables Aeon PEC to understand the needed quality in our products, and allows us to bring clients a selection of only the correct products and manufacturers for their needs. Since our founding, Aeon PEC, Inc. has focused on maintaining the most thoroughly trained highly motivated, and most knowledgeable technical sales engineers in our industry. Our goal is to deliver the highest value in the marketplace through individualized service and sound solutions. Our guiding principles have been strengthened over decades of service. We work closely with our clients and management to generate

mutual respect. Our core values are the product of-and testament to-the work of our staff, all of which uphold these values. Our knowledge or every component we sell strengths our ability to provide complete solutions. Aeon’s full commitment to turnkey installations of Heat Exchangers, Filtration Equipment, Safety Relief and Control Systems enhances our expertise in all area of Process Equipment and Control. Because Aeon PEC installs our engineered products, we offer a comprehensive understanding of the products and issues faced. We have the special expertise to install equipment economically and efficiently-expertise that only decades of specialized experience can provide. What the employees have to say: I have been with Aeon almost seven years. Aeon is a business but also a home away from home. When you go to a place every day it becomes more than just work you really become family. It is a family oriented business. They expect you to do your work but at the same time they also know that family is first. They have good benefits and they give you opportunity to advance in the company. Aeon services a lot of companies and the workforce we have is top notch. This allows for our customers to be satisfied and want us back to do more work. Our reputation speaks for itself and I think

that says a lot about a company when you can just mention the name and they know you. I love my job and my extended family. — Debbie Downs WHAT I LIKE ABOUT WORKING AT AEON: I work with great four of people at Aeon. My supervisors and other office coworkers are easy to get along with and great to work for. Makes for coming in to work easy and enjoyable. — Harold Wolcott WHY IS IT ONE OF THE BEST PLACES TO WORK: There are several reasons why Aeon PEC is the best place to work. Previously, I worked for a big corporation and outside of your department, no one really knew who you were or what you did. It was a very impersonal environmental. At Aeon, there is truly a family atmosphere among co-workers. From top management to office staff, everyone knows your name and they are genuinely concerned about your well being. Aeon also has an “open door” policy. If there is an issue with a peer or something that you feel should be done differently, you are able to go to upper management and your voice is heard. Management is always open to suggestions and will communicate significant news company wide. Aeon is a great place to work and cares about their employees. — Stacey Reichard

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Bossier Chamber of Commerce 710 Benton Rd., Bossier City (318) 746-0252 | www.bossierchamber.com


he Bossier Chamber of Commerce is a Five-Star Accredited Chamber of Commerce with a purpose to promote growth and development within the communities of Bossier and Caddo Parish. For more than 70 years, the Bossier Chamber of Commerce has served as an integral part of what makes our community a great place to live, work and play. Recognized in 2018 as the State Chamber of the Year, we are a business network and membership organization comprised of approximately 900 members, across seven states in 30 cities, and represent 60,000 employees throughout the region. The size and diversity of the membership, as well as the range and quality of our services, our ability to develop effective partnerships, and our commitment to protect the business environment, make our Chamber a success. Newest employee, Jessica Carr shares her thoughts on what makes the Bossier Chamber of Commerce a great place to work. Q: What do you think it says for them that you, a transplant to the SBC, stayed here to work there? A: I started out doing work for the Be Bossier campaign which is how I met Jessica Hemingway, Director of

Marketing/Communications at the Chamber. She sent me to some Chamber events, and I fell in love with the staff and the leadership here. I think it shows just how amazing they are to work with. Often I would get a little homesick, but going to work always made me feel better. That is something that’s very rare to find.

working for the chamber?

Q: As a newcomer to the Chamber, how would you describe their culture?

Q: Why did you want to work for the chamber?

A: I know a lot of people say this about where they work, but we truly are a family at the Bossier Chamber of Commerce. Everyone is here to support each other. When I was having problems with my car, my co-workers offered to pick me up and take me to get it fixed. We always have a celebration at the office for birthdays. It’s a place where I feel like I am truly cared for.

A: I wanted to work for the Chamber because I love meeting new people. I knew this job would be a good way for me to get to know all the moving parts of the Bossier community. It has helped a lot with the content I write for the Be Bossier blog as well. I love being able to shine a light on small businesses that are making a big difference.

Q: What do you think makes the Bossier Chamber a great place to work? A: It isn’t easy to find a workplace where you feel like you are given space to thrive. I always feel like my ideas are welcome here and it is a work environment where I can learn and grow. My bosses and co-workers offer support when and where they can give it. Q: What is your favorite thing about

A: My favorite thing about working for the Chamber is helping the business community. I write a lot of the content for the Chamber’s e-newsletter, and it is a great way to help our membership promote all the amazing things they are doing.

Q: What do you want people/other people to know about the work the chamber is doing? A: I want people to know just how hard the Chamber is working for them. We work every day to strengthen and enhance the business community and provide our members with a partnership that is beneficial to them. Yes, we have fun networking events but it is so much more than that. We really put in a lot of time supporting advocacy, education, partnership and opportunity for our members and the community.

RECRUIT AND/OR RETAIN EMPLOYEES OF VARYING ETHNIC AND CULTURES/ DISABLED COMMUNITY/ VETERANS: We have no specific program to recruit/promote diversity but are always looking to match the demographics of the community with our board appointees as well as staff members. We actively seek members from within our military community - retired, separating or dependents - as Barksdale Air Force Base is our No. 1 employer in this region. Also, we rely heavily on our partnerships with Barksdale and recruit members to any open positions but also to positions on our board and committees. BENEFITS PROVIDED: Health care, dental, life, retirement match, vacation, personal days, sick days. ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY SERVICE: We participate in many volunteer opportunities. Recently, our Director of Marketing and our Director of Membership visited an elementary school on national reading day to read to the children in the classrooms. Lisa Johnson always encourages us to promote volunteer opportunities in our newsletter every week. FLEX TIME & TELECOMMUTING OPTIONS:The Chamber is one of the best places to work if you have a family. They are very lenient when it comes to allowing time for family. We have several employees that have children and grandchildren and they are allowed to come to the work place if circumstances call for it. - Jessica Carr HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CULTURE? Our culture resembles that of a family. We all work together as a team to get the job done, and we ask each other for help when it is needed. Sometimes if someone’s car is at the shop, then we know another staff member will volunteer to take us to our car or to help in any way they can. There is no hesitation. - Jessica Carr The Chamber culture is one that gets the job done. We work very hard at the Bossier Chamber but we like to do it with a good attitude, partnerships to make sure everyone is included and a little fun. - Jessica Hemingway

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u ABOUT THE BUSINESS CEO OR PRESIDENT: John George, Jr., MD CURRENT EMPLOYEES: 63 MALE: 50% FEMALE: 50% AVERAGE TIME EMPLOYEES SPEND W/COMPANY: 5+ years BENEFITS PROVIDED: Health, Dental, Vision, Retirement, FMLA, PTO, FSA, HSA, mobile phone discounts, tuition reimbursement, LTD, STD and life insurance. PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR EMPLOYEES’ FAMILIES: We have flex time for parents, unpaid maternity leave, as well as a Flexible Spending Account for daycare costs. FLEX TIME & TELECOMMUTING OPTIONS: We offer a flexible work schedule, as well as telecommuting option for employees who live out of state. ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY SERVICE: We volunteer with United Way and we have participated in clean-up days in our workplace community. PROMOT TOGETHERNESS & CELEBRATE EMPLOYEES: We are constantly celebrating our employee's accomplishments and life milestones. We are currently in the process of adopting an incentive program by acknowledging employees certified in many software applications.

BRF 2031 Kings Hwy., Shreveport (318) 716-4190 | www.brfla.org


RF is an innovation hub and economic development organization establishing North Louisiana as a preferred destination for high-growth initiatives. Diversifying and growing the region’s economy is its mission. BRF fulfills this mission through initiatives that support community, regional and national needs in research and medicine, resources for entrepreneurs, and the development of a science and technology-based workforce. These initiatives become reality through BRF’s business units: InterTech Science Park, the Center for Molecular Imaging and Therapy (CMIT), the Entrepreneurial Accelerator Program (EAP), EdVentures, Envision Research, the Digital Media Institute at InterTech (DMII), and the New Louisiana Angel Funds (NLAF). • To create a space that fosters innovation, BRF constructed the InterTech Science Park, a brownfield, smart-growth development with office space for creative, hightech and research-based companies. • CMIT’s Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging center was the first in Louisiana and specializes in the production and distribution of radiopharmaceuti-

cals, technologically advanced clinical trials and research opportunities for scientists, while providing access to cutting edge diagnostic and therapeutic imaging services to patients. • Working to grow ideas into Northwest Louisiana businesses, EAP analyzes the viability of ideas and products, matches entrepreneurs with informed investors and nurtures them through the critical steps toward market. EAP provides a suite of services to build sustainable and profitable companies in Northwest Louisiana while stimulating economic development and enhancing the regional innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem. EAP also drives regional university business plan competitions and provides entrepreneurship education programs. • EdVentures organizes a series of programs that provide K–12 and professional training and education in science and technology to cultivate a knowledge-based workforce. Students are exposed to real research and advanced learning opportunities in biotechnology through programs such as Biotechnology Magnet Academy and Science and Medicine Academic Research Training (SMART). • To pursue new research initiatives, Envision Research provides support for clinical trials for new

treatments and diagnostics, and improvement of patient care, and funding support for proof-of-concept collaborative projects by research groups in North Louisiana. • To ready our workforce for 21st century jobs, DMII prepares students for careers in the growing field of digital media through training in animation, visual effects and computer graphics for film and interactive gaming. • BRF manages the region’s only accredited angel investor funds, NLAF 1 and NLAF 2, to provide capital to entrepreneurs and capital investment opportunities to accredited investors wanting to promote high-growth startup opportunities headquartered in North Louisiana. What the employees have to say: “I am proud to work at BRF because of the organization’s economic development priorities. We are building an entrepreneurial ecosystem and promoting innovation in North Louisiana through initiatives that move the needle.” — Dave Smith, Entrepreneurial Accelerator Program Executive Director “I am extremely happy to work for BRF. BRF is open to implementation of new ideas that may further the economic development and

welfare of our community. Envision Research promotes and supports the healthcare dimension of this vision of BRF.” — Vassia Roulia, Envision Research Vice President, Research Development and Administration “BRF has a positive work environment. Its employees, my co-workers, are mission-focused and work together toward our organizational goals. BRF’s economic development mission is to make North Louisiana thrive, and every employee at BRF is striving for that.” — Frances Buffin, Human Resources Coordinator “BRF identified that digital media was a growing sector and took the necessary steps to retain the lead North Louisiana has in this workforce development initiative. I am happy to be a part of an organization that recognizes technology-focused workforce development is an essential piece of any economic development mission. BRF has the vision to shape the future of NWLA in ways that the state-managed education system simply cannot. Without BRF’s skilled leadership, this area would not have a school like DMII.” — John Miralles, Digital Media Institute at Intertech Executive Director

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VETERANS: We use a wide variety of recruiting tools to

attract applicants from diverse

backgrounds. Our ads resemble

our community. We strive to keep

Citizens National Bank

our web site ADA compliant and

are sensitive to access issues for disabled staff members.

2711 E. Texas St., Bossier City (318) 747-6000 | www.citizensnb.com


ince our founding, the goal of Citizens National Bank has been to be a bank that is sound, profitable and to be a bank that will continue to grow. All while providing a personal banking experience for our customers and engaging in the communities we serve. It was an ambitious enterprise back in 1985 when the first Citizens National Bank opened for business especially since the local and national economies were in a downturn. The bigger, stronger institutions were acquiring many of the smaller banks while other banks were facing closure by the regulatory authorities. But that first group of local businessmen believed their concept of a locally owned and managed bank was viable. A bank that provided modern banking services with a personal, one-on one connection to financial expertise was, at this time, a rarity. Their sharp instincts and business insights proved them right. We can be proud of the fact that our values and purpose have stayed just as strong as they were the day we opened our doors. Today, Citizens National Bank has 12 locations in Caddo, Bossier, Desoto, Claiborne and Webster Parishes. Our dynamic growth enables us to serve more communities by offering a wide range of banking products and services backed by capital strength to our market areas. Because we are locally owned and

managed, Citizens National Bank will continue to maintain a strong presence in our communities. With the implementation of an Executive Management Team, consisting of 4 Executive Vice Presidents reporting to the President and Chief Executive Officer, Citizens National Bank stands poised for future growth and acquisitions. Is there a reason for our success? The answer is a resounding “Yes.” It goes back to the people. Those dedicated, experienced and responsible local people with a vision of having a local bank in strong hands. That same level of integrity is realized in Citizen National Bank’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Jason Smith’s vision for the bank. That vision is for our shareholders, employees and clients to realize their shared potential and maximize the potential of the communities we serve. What the employees have to say: Q: What does CNB do for its employees that sets them apart? Recognizes all employees birthdays, helps employees with medical insurance by giving flex dollars. I appreciate the bonus CNB gives.” — LaTina “Citizens engages and empowers their employees. Our opinions are valued.” — Melinda “CNB invests in their employees.


TELECOMMUTING OFFERED: Employees whose jobs lend

They tell them that they matter, that they are valued, and how they look forward to having them at CNB for years to come. Also, one of the things that’s great about CNB is that they’re focused on their clients.” — Angela “We are local people, working for local people. We know each other and when needed. We help our community and each other.” — Kim Q: What is your favorite or the best thing about working for CNB? “There seems to be more emphasis on employees than on the bottom line. That is refreshing and it makes me want to come to work every day and be a part of such a great team.” — Kyle “Big enough to be able to offer everything to our customers, but small enough to know our customers and take care of them.” — Barbara “It’s an incredibly passionate place with a very clear sense of purpose, and that goes from our CEO to everyone else in the company. It’s pretty special in that it doesn’t feel like a place where people are just doing their jobs. Instead, we’re heavily oriented toward constantly innovating. The people are heavily focused on the bank and it’s not just about their individual accomplishments. It’s not a place for egos. We have company principles that we have built into everything we do.” — Angela

themselves to remote work are allowed to work 9/9 or 10/4.


life, disability, 401k March, vacation and sick time


PROGRAMS: Every employee

received a minimum of $1,200 in

Christmas or performance bonus for last year.


EXERCISE: Gym memberships are reimbursed.


SERVICE: Company-wide staff

volunteered in excess of 1,600 hours in 2018.


success of employee, company and community. As the CEO of

the company, I am expected to

be a cheerleader for our employees. However, our goals for our company include creating an

environment where employees

realize they are making a differ-

ence and they share in the success of the organization. I want

our employees to look forward to coming to work each day. STRESS RELIEF, TEAM


days, monthly birthday break-

fast, annual close the bank early employee meeting.

May 1, 2019 n 6

u ABOUT THE BUSINESS CEO OR PRESIDENT: William Dorroh CURRENT EMPLOYEES: 100 MALE: 20% FEMALE: 80% AVERAGE TIME EMPLOYEES SPEND W/COMPANY: 1-5 years BENEFITS PROVIDED: Health care, retirement, 401-k, sick days, vacation, spending accounts, HSA, FLMA, Christmas Bonus, annual raises. BONUS OR INCENTIVE PROGRAMS: Employees receive a bonus at the end of the year. ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY SERVICE: Yes, we participant in local activities in all three parishes, Desoto, Bossier and Caddo parishes. Bank wide participant ion in Day of Caring, blood drives, food drives, etc. encourage our employees to be members of various organizations throughout the community. Examples: Chambers, Rotary, Mardi Gras, Crime Stoppers, AMIkids, Lions Club, Commissions to name a few HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CULTURE: It is a family culture. Everyone of our Branch Managers in all ten branches as well as our assistant managers started out as tellers at the bank. Most of our managers at the main office have been with the bank from ten to thirty years. We all know each other. In the last four years, we have lost an employee to cancer, one to a horrible tragedy, two went through cancer and several others faced devastating issues and everyone came together and supported the employees and their families. I have been in banking 47 years and have never worked at an organization that cares so much about their employees. - Sandy Cimino, Senior Vice President/ Business Development PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR EMPLOYEES’ FAMILIES: We are very flexible when it comes to our employee’s mainlines. they are locoweed to attend their children’s function during banking hours,sell their child re’s fundraising act ivies to other employees, support their schools, etc. STRESS RELIEF, TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITIES: Celebrate our employers birthdays, child births, honors for our employees children. We have a bank wide Christmas Party which includes a happy hour, full sit down dinner, awards, dancing and breakfast every years. Bank wide volunteering. Sharing everyone successes.Helping each other in sickness, just acting like a family.

Community Bank of Louisiana 118 Jefferson St., Mansfield (318) 872-6955 | www.communitybankofla.bank


ommunity Bank of Louisiana was chartered in 1901 as the Bank of Logansport. We are headquartered in Mansfield, DeSoto Parish, Louisiana, and currently serve Northwest Louisiana, primarily in three parishes: DeSoto, Caddo and Bossier. Community Bank is the product of a merger between Mansfield Bank & Trust Company and the Bank of Logansport in 1997. What makes us different from the other banks? The answer is simple. Whether you're a business owner, nonprofit group, government agency, school administrator or personal account holder – you aren't just a Community Bank of Louisiana customer; you're our friend and neighbor. By taking the extra time to get to know you, we're better able to serve your needs. Those needs and your plans for the future are very important to us. If you're looking for money or a source of business advice and information you can trust, you want a bank whose commitment to you isn't limited by the size of your balance. Community Bank has been that institution to generations of families and businesses across the region for over a century. As we continue to grow, our dedication to our employees and customers grows right along with us. That dedication –­ to you and to our community – gives us a distinct advantage. As your neighbor and local bank, we understand your personal needs and are able to assist you immediately.

We are a full service, locally owned and operated, locally managed, community oriented institution. With roots in Northwest Louisiana for more than a century, our relationships with our customers, employees, and shareholders run deep. Our mission is to deliver quality financial services to our local friends and patrons in a manner reflecting the highest level of customer service and integrity. Our over $350 million in assets are loaned primarily for local projects and needs with the individual needs of our customers placed first. What the employees have to say: “I am proud to be an employee of such a well-respected banking institution as Community Bank. The family atmosphere created by Community Bank makes coming to work, pleasurable. My bank provides competitive pay and good benefits to its employees. Community Bank provides its employees with any changing bank regulations and provides necessary training when needed. I feel that I have job security and a promising future as an employee of Community Bank.” — Carissa Harris, Assistant Manager Note Department, Main Office Mansfield “I am proud to say I have been with Community Bank of Louisiana going on almost three years now. I truly enjoy coming to work in such a family, friendly atmosphere. I can easily brag about CBOFLA’s great health benefits packages, paid vacation, sick time,

paid time off to volunteer, training opportunities and so much more. While I do enjoy and appreciate all of the company perks, it’s the banks care and commitment to not only its employees but also its customers that makes it even more enjoyable! It’s inspiring to work for a company who honestly wants to do right by their employees and customers.” — Haylee Williams, Customer Service Representative, South Bossier Branch “Working for Community Bank of Louisiana means so much more to me than just having a job. We are a family that truly cares about each other and our customers. I couldn’t have chosen a better place to have a life long career all while raising a family.” — Kim Lee – Assistant Vice President/Compliance Officer, Main Office Mansfield “I have been working for Community Bank of Louisiana for about ten years now. I love my job and co-workers and especially our customers. Our customers are the best because they make our job fun and we always look forward to seeing them walk through our lobby doors. Helping them with all their banking needs makes me feel privileged knowing they can come to me for anything.” — Angela Martinez – Branch Manager, Walker Road Branch

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GBT recently named Shane Blythe as Market President for the Caddo/ Bossier market.

USE PROGRAMS AND/OR PRACTICES TO RECRUIT AND/ OR RETAIN VETERANS: Participate in programs on Barksdale Air Force Base for airmen leaving the service.

Gibsland Bank & Trust

BENEFITS PROVIDED: Health, dental, vision, paid vacation, paid sick leave, paid holidays,

5360 E. Texas St., Bossier City (318) 752-2727 | www.gibslandbank.com


BT has proudly served the banking needs in North Louisiana since 1948 with superior banking services and personal attention. GBT’s great banking team has the experience and products available to meet all of your financial needs including: personal and commercial banking, credit cards, mortgages, auto financing, investment advice and insurance. They’ve helped our neighbors and friends, small businesses, and large companies grow and prosper and continue to do so by putting their customers first. Stop by any of their branches from Arcadia to Shreveport and start banking your way at GBT! GBT is pleased to announce, Shane Blythe, has recently been named Market President for the Caddo/Bossier market. Shane has over 20 years of experience in banking including time as Business Banker at Regions Bank and Branch Manager at Chase Bank. Most recently, he served as Vice President, Lender for Progressive Bank in Shreveport/Bossier City. What the employees have to say: “I truly enjoy being able to help our customers every day. When you love what you do, it makes for a great

life insurance, short term disability, long term disability, 401k plan BONUS OR INCENTIVE PROGRAMS: Multiple opportunities

Coming from past experience working at a larger bank, I have noticed the difference working at GBT when it comes to community atmosphere and involvement. It is so nice to know that the company you work for cares about the community you live in. Tripp Todd Business Development Officer, GBT Line Ave banking team environment.” — Carlin Reeder, Financial Services Officer, GBT Bossier “Coming from past experience working at a larger bank, I have noticed the difference working at GBT when it comes to community atmosphere and involvement. It is so nice to know that the company you work for cares about the community you live in whether it be going out to schools and teaching children to save at an early age or proudly sponsoring local events, GBT is very involved in the communities they serve.” — Tripp

Todd, Business Development Officer, GBT Line Ave

to earn referral fees; annual bonus plan based on overall bank performance and individual performance. ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY SERVICE: We participate in many events in the communities we serve and encourage our staff to participate. an example of an upcoming event is Teach Children to Save Day on April 12th. We will have staff in 18 schools in the communities we serve working with children to teach them to save HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CULTURE: We are a family, we know and treat our customers like family, we offer the same products and ser-

“It is such a pleasure working for GBT. From Senior Leaders to front line staff, everyone is always ready to step in and help with our customers’ needs in mind. I have found that we are large enough to offer the banking technology customers expect, but small enough to provide a unique personalized experience customers appreciate and trust.” — Jennifer Spurlock, Marketing Coordinator, GBT Gibsland

vices as the big banks but our employees are the difference. I’ve worked for GBT for 15 years and can honestly say its the best company I’ve worked for. We support each other. STRESS RELIEF, TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITIES: Annual Christmas Party, annual employee family day, casual days, after hours get togethers held by various branches for their staff.

May 1, 2019 n 8 Kean Miller LLP is currently renovating its 4th floor office in downtown Shreveport.

u ABOUT THE BUSINESS CEO OR PRESIDENT: Steve Boutwell, COO CURRENT EMPLOYEES: 12 in Shreveport MALE: 42% FEMALE: 58% AVERAGE TIME EMPLOYEES SPEND W/COMPANY: 5+ years RECRUIT AND/OR RETAIN EMPLOYEES OF VARYING ETHNIC AND CULTURES/ DISABLED COMMUNITY/ VETERANS: For many minority college students entering law school and becoming an attorney may seem out of reach. Kean Miller Connection is a two-day law school preparatory program for college juniors and seniors from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in area law schools. The goal of the program is to “connect” students with information helpful in making the decision to attend law school and become an attorney. Kean Miller has joined the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD). The Firm post jobs with the Louisiana Workforce Commission office which helps place veterans, disabled, and has a special division for seniors. The Firm also post jobs at local libraries which is a huge resource for seniors. The Firm offers in-house training courses throughout the year for workers to keep up with the ever changing world of technology and these courses allows an aging worker to continually update their skills and abilities. BENEFITS PROVIDED: Health insurance, 401K, voluntary benefits package including dependent health, dental, vision, life insurance and short term disability. After being employed for a year, the firm also provides paid life insurance and a long term disability policy. Also, paid holidays, vacation, sick/personal time. BONUS OR INCENTIVE PROGRAMS: Christmas bonuses; Referral bonuses up to $1,000; gift cards that are given during staff functions throughout the year. FLEX TIME & TELECOMMUTING OPTIONS: Employees are allowed to pick their preferred work schedule, over time paid for any hours worked over 40 hours; employees are allowed make up time. Employees are able to leave during the day for school/ child functions SUPPORT HEALTH AND EXERCISE: Throughout the year, we host different seminars on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and we discuss a wide variety of topics. ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY SERVICE: Kean Miller encourages volunteerism and community support. We require that our associate attorneys serve on the board of a civic, charitable or community organization. Kean Miller has launched the Community Connect web site and iPhone app to help spread the word about community events.

Kean Miller LLP 333 Texas St., Suite 450, Shreveport, (318) 562-2700 | www.keanmiller.com/shreveport


ean Miller was born on Valentine’s Day 1983 when nine attorneys in a well-respected and successful law firm announced they were departing to begin anew. The inspiration for this new law firm was the passion to create a positive culture, wherein the attorneys enjoyed working together for the benefit of the client and the community; a place where the attorneys were friends first and business partners second; and an environment where the client came first. Today, this vision remains a fundamental building block of the firm’s business and client relationships. With offices in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Lake Charles, the firm expanded to Shreveport in 2014, Houston in 2017, and Lafayette and The Woodlands, Texas in 2018. Even with this explosive growth, the firm’s relationships with its clients are stronger than ever, and the firm’s core philosophy that puts people first is very much alive. The firm’s “people first” culture is evident from the people they represent, to the people they employ, to the people they help support through their civic, charitable, and community leadership. Kean Miller serves clients in numerous industries across the South, including maritime, energy, petrochemicals, manufacturing, drilling

and exploration, pipeline, technology, telecommunications, media, advertising, film and entertainment, retail, food and beverage, construction, contracting, banking, financial services, shipping, transportation, gaming, education, health care, refining and real estate. The law firm combines the talents and expertise of its attorneys into multi-disciplinary client and industry teams. These teams are comprised of seasoned attorneys and professionals from a variety of disciplines who are equipped to identify the legal and business needs of the client. These teams strive to develop superior service strategies which provide unmatched support to the client. The fact that the firm now has almost 160 attorneys, offices in five Louisiana cities, and two in Texas, has neither dampened the spirit of their founding philosophy nor tempered the enthusiasm the firm exhibits for its clients, its people, or the communities it strives to support with time and talent. What the employees have to say: “Working with the Kean Miller team is like working with family. The work environment far exceeds any law firm for which I have worked. I have been in the legal field for many, many years and still feel I am learning and devel-

oping my skills as a legal assistant with the advanced technology Kean Miller offers.” — Debbie Green, Legal Secretary “Like many organizations I’ve work for in the past, Kean Miller has very high standards and expectations. The difference is that Kean Miller understands its role in helping achieve those standards and expectations. Investments are continuously being made to provide state-of-the-art tools, resources, and support that allow me to play an important part in our clients’ success. This “quality of life” at work impacts my quality of life with my family and friends, and my ability to achieve my personal goals and my ability to be involved in my community. — Fran Stutts, Legal Secretary “Having practiced in law firms of all sizes in both Chicago and Shreveport, Kean Miller is by far the best place I have ever worked. Everyone genuinely likes and cares for each other. Our attorneys have experience in a multitude of service areas, and I can rely on my colleagues to provide the same level of service and solutions that my clients have come to expect. We also have a great support team who can handle things that I’ve never been able to do in-house in the past. — Brian Carnie, Partner

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Louisiana Boardwalk Outlets 308 Market St., Shreveport 800-255-2053 | www.origin.bank


he Red River is the picturesque setting for Bossier City’s unique shopping and entertainment destination, Louisiana Boardwalk Outlets. Across the Red River from downtown Shreveport, the project’s first phase opened in spectacular fashion in November, 2003, with the state’s first Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World. The remainder of Boardwalk opened in May 2005 and joined a vibrant casino district nestled along the majestic riverfront for nearly a half-mile. Louisiana Boardwalk Outlets is the first lifestyle center to open in the state of Louisiana offering outlet shopping, an entertainment district and riverfront dining. What the employees have to say: “I enjoy my job at Louisiana Boardwalk Outlets because it has given me an opportunity to learn and to teach others. Developing relationships with the tenants and being a liaison for them is something that has been important to me. And taking my job to new levels and finding ways to improve or make my job more accurate is always an ongoing endeavor that I

PLOYEES’ FAMILIES: Maternity leave

Ashley Davis Marketing Manager

“I like people. I can be in a bad mood when I get here, but exchanging just a few “Good mornings!” with people get me out of it. I get to help people and talk to people from all over the world. Mostly I like to help our customers and exchange smiles with them.” — Jayne G. Slocombe, Guest Service



Last summer I was diagnosed with breast cancer & everyone rallied around me during what should have been a scary point in my life. My work family supported me & lifted me and my family up daily, with cards and messages throughout my journey. enjoy.” — Tommie L. Couch, Lease Administrator/Bookkeeper

CISE: Discounted gym member-

Manager “I like working at Louisiana Boardwalk Outlets for many reasons. First, I work with an incredible team of professionals every day, who help me to administrate the operation of the property. I get to oversee an incredible venue that hosts almost 4 million visitors each year. Finally, I get to work in Bossier City, where the ‘Can Do’ attitude of

the City makes accomplishing the impossible possible.” — William H. McFadden, General Manager “I have enjoyed working at Louisiana Boardwalk Outlets for almost 11 years now. I have seen many changes, but one thing remains a constant…the Boardwalk continues to be a beautiful place to shop, eat and take your family for entertainment throughout the year. I am also extremely lucky to work with such an amazing team every day. Last summer I was diagnosed with breast cancer and everyone rallied around me during what should have been a scary point in my life. My work family truly supported me and lifted my family and me up daily, with cards and messages throughout my journey. Louisiana Boardwalk Outlets is more than a great shopping center, it’s a tourist destination, an entertainment venue, a great place for a date night, a safe stroll along the Red River, a field trip for so many…where else can you get all that rolled into one location?” — Ashley Davis, Marketing Manager

May 1, 2019 n 10 Margaritaville has won a Best Places to Work Award every year (201619).

u ABOUT THE BUSINESS CEO/PRESIDENT: Barry Regula, Sr. VP and GM CURRENT NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 1,000 MALE: 41% FEMALE: 59% AVERAGE TIME EMPLOYEES SPEND WITH THE COMPANY: 1-6 years PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING TOOLS USED IN HIRING PROCESS: We conduct “Auditions” attended by hourly crew members, hiring managers, Directors and the General Manager, we are able to see the real personality of the individual, which allows us the opportunity to select those who will compliment our culture BENEFITS PROVIDED: Retirement/investment/stock options, medical, dental, vision and 401k, PTO/Vacation. BONUS OR INCENTIVE PROGRAMS: individual departments to develop and implement incentive programs FLEX HOURS OR TELECOMMUTING OPTIONS: flexible schedules to those attending college or have a second job EVALUATION & RECOGNITION OR SUPPORT: We have an excellent kudos system HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CULTURE: A combination of fun, excitement and opportunity STRESS RELIEF, TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITIES: We provide opportunities that allow our crew to “escape” while at work thru events such as employee appreciation day to our annual Halloween Costume contest.

Margaritaville 7 7 Margaritaville Way, Bossier City (855) 346-2489 | www.margaritavillebossiercity.com


argaritaville Resort Casino Bossier City is a full-service gaming, hotel, dining and nightlife facility located on the banks of the Red River in Bossier City. Opened in June 2013, Margaritaville is now owned and operated by Penn National Gaming, Inc., a nationwide gaming organization operating 41 facilities in 18 jurisdictions. In total, Penn National facilities feature over 50,200 gaming machines, 1,250 table games and approximately 9,400 hotel rooms. Margaritaville Bossier City offers a wide array of amenities, including an 18 story, 395 room hotel with 36 luxurious suites, the Margaritaville Retail Store, and 5 award-winning dining options. The 30,000 square-foot gaming area features state-of-the-art slot machines and table games, as well as the Players Club. Margaritaville also has three bars: the 5 O’Clock Somewhere Bar, the Center Bar on the casino floor, and The Busted Coconut, located next to the tropical pool complete with Jacuzzi, entertainment area, and outdoor dining venue. In addition, Margaritaville is home to the Paradise Theater, which hosts a variety of musical, comedy, and community events throughout the year. Margaritaville offers the premier gaming experience in Northwest Louisiana with over 1,200 of the industry’s most exciting slot machines. From penny slots to high limit, there is a game for every player at every denomination. Margaritaville also offers

over 50 action-packed table games including craps, blackjack, roulette, mini baccarat, and many more. Free cocktail service is available to all customers playing. Within the last two years, Margaritaville has continued to improve with a brand-new High Limit area, featuring 100 high limit slots, 6 high limit black jack tables, a private cage and cash center, and much more. In addition, a new Baccarat room was opened offering 4 mini-bac and 2 midi-bac tables. Exquisite dining is an important part of Margaritaville’s culture. Whether guests prefer coffee and a snack from Banyan Tree Café, tasting menus from around the world at The World Tour Buffet, Asian fusion at Bamboo Asian Café, or fresh-from-the-gulf seafood and perfect steaks with a river view at the award-winning Jimmy’s Seafood & Steak, the food will always be extraordinary. Since opening in March 2017, Riverview Restaurant and Brewhouse has gleaned rave reviews and high demand. Riverview offers tapas, sharing plates, brick oven pizza, a huge variety of craft beer, premium liquors, and wines, as well as an adults-only upstairs game room featuring billiards, shuffleboard, Golden Tee, and more. Giving back to the community is a high priority for Margaritaville and its crew members. In 2018, the company proudly supported numerous charities and community events, like Paws in Paradise, supporting area animal shelters, and the Second Annual SIP UNLIMITED benefitting two deserving

families from the local service industry. Employees donated over 6,000 logged volunteer hours throughout the year. What the employees have to say: “Margaritaville has a fun environment. Fellow employees aren’t just your coworkers, but your friends and family. Being a single mother, I’ve never worked for another company that created an environment for work and family balance like Margaritaville does.” — Brandy Ball, Database Coordinator “The friendliness, cleanliness and fun environment is what makes Margaritaville the best place to work. We have great customer service and a great host team.”— Harvey Washington, Executive Casino Host “I feel that I come to work every day in a friendly and caring environment. There is always something going on to motivate us. We have a caring GM, Barry, that is there for all employees.”— Jackie Allums, Accounts Payable Supervisor “I enjoy working here for the people I am around. My co-workers keep me on my toes and make the day go by quickly. The benefits are great as well!” — Santana Day, Title 31 Auditor “It is fun to work at Margaritaville because we can actually be ourselves and have fun at work!” — Stacey Williams, Revenue Auditor

11 n May 1, 2019

u ABOUT THE BUSINESS CEO OR PRESIDENT: Scott Martinez CURRENT NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 7 MALE: 14% FEMALE: 86% AVERAGE TIME EMPLOYEES SPEND WITH THE COMPANY: 5+ years BENEFITS PROVIDED: health insurance, 401k with match, PTO, HRA, professional development training

North Louisiana Economic Partnership 333 Texas St, Shreveport (318) 387-0787 | www.nlep.org


he North Louisiana Economic Partnership is an Accredited Economic Development Organization formed from the 2011 merger of two smaller regional economic development groups- one based in Shreveport and the other based in Monroe. The merger created a super regional economic development organization that encompasses 14 parishes in North Louisiana along Interstates 20 and 49. Based on the concept of regionalism, NLEP leverages the combined resources of two metropolitan statistical areas, several micropolitans and rural communities to promote economic development for North Louisiana. Funded by more than 200 public and private investors, NLEP’s larger territory attracts more attention from Fortune 500 companies and site selection consultants because the larger region offers more assets and opportunities. Site selectors, who work with companies to determine suitable sites for economic development projects, consistently say they prefer to deal with regional groups during the site selection process. NLEP’s three main programs of work focus on economic development, workforce development and public policy advocacy. Our turn-key services include compiling comprehensive information and proposals for prospective companies, marketing the region to companies and key influencers to generate leads, coordinating community and site visits, providing advice and information about fed-

BONUS OR INCENTIVE PROGRAMS: Annual bonus, paid professional development expenses FLEX TIME & TELECOMMUTING OPTIONS: Because our staff is small, it is handled on a case

eral, state and local incentives, site development, business research and promoting a positive business climate through public policy advocacy. Since our inception, NLEP has created tremendous economic impact for North Louisiana. NLEP has assisted 65 new or existing companies that created 6,676 new direct jobs and generated nearly $1.9 billion in direct capital investment over the past eight years. NLEP is a recognized leader in economic development, both nationally and statewide. The organization was reaccredited as an Accredited Economic Development Organization (AEDO) in 2018 by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), the foremost professional association for economic developers in the world. The AEDO certification means NLEP is an economic development organization of excellence and a leading authority on economic-related issues. Currently, there are only three other AEDOs in Louisiana and less than 65 in the world. With four Certified Economic Developers (CEcD), NLEP is ranked in the top ten globally for the number of CEcDs on staff. In addition, NLEP has won four Excellence in Economic Development Awards from IEDC and was named Economic Development Partner of the Year by the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry (LABI) in 2017. What the employees have to say: “We have an exceptional team at NLEP and I really enjoy getting to

work with them. Because our team is small with a big mission to meet, we have to be self-driven, but I appreciate having the confidence of our President to use our professional judgment. We are encouraged to go as far as we can in our professional development, which makes our team even stronger.” — Angie White, Sr. Vice President “NLEP is committed to a worthwhile mission - bringing jobs and capital investment to our fourteen parish region. Our team works diligently to make sure we are improving our home, which is motivating. We take “partnership” seriously and understand that our mission requires bringing a variety of stakeholders together to build a solution. Not only does NLEP work hard to improve our community, it challenges its employees to be their best. NLEP is more than a place to work. It is a team, a family, and network of support to all of its employees.” — Sheena Bryant, VP of Business Development Strategy “NLEP is a great place to work because of our organization’s collaborative culture. Our very talented team supports each other, and we’re all dedicated to bringing economic opportunities to our communities and to our region. While we work long hours, it is a fulfilling career, and there’s enough flexibility to allow our staff to pursue community service, family and individual goals. I’m proud to say I work for NLEP and with an amazing group of people!” — Christine Rambo, Sr. VPCommunications & Marketing

by case basis. Many employees have children and flex hours are needed. ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY SERVICE: Some of our employees are in leadership positions with other non-profits, and management is flexible to give them time off when requested to do volunteer work. We also encourage employees to support our United Way campaign. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CULTURE: Encouraging talented professionals to grow in the economic development profession. We are a team of smart professionals that have the trust of leadership to do our jobs without being micromanaged. And since we work very hard, we also like to have fun together. PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR EMPLOYEES’ FAMILIES: Flex time for parents, maternity leave. STRESS RELIEF, TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITIES: We celebrate staff birthdays and other major holidays with shared meals.

May 1, 2019 n 12

u ABOUT THE BUSINESS CEO OR PRESIDENT: Drake Mills CURRENT NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: Total of 686; Combined Northwest and North Central LA – 251. MALE: 33% FEMALE: 67% AVERAGE TIME EMPLOYEES SPEND WITH THE COMPANY: 5+ years BENEFITS PROVIDED: Medical, dental, vision and life insurance, FSA, short-term and longterm disability, PTO time, paid holidays, retirement, Employee Stock Ownership Plan ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY SERVICE: Yes with our Project Enrich program which gives full time employees up to 20 volunteer hours per year EVALUATION & RECOGNITION FOR EMPLOYEES: Annual evaluations, job shadowing, cross-training, attendance at leadership workshops, awards for market culture champions HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CULTURE: Our Culture is so important to us that we have a Culture Department which oversees our Culture Council, made up of employees from different markets and departments to constantly evaluate employee morale and to maintain consistency of culture throughout the bank. We also annually reward culture champions from each market in different divisions such as customer service, integrity, community commitment and rookie of the year at our Culture Celebrations. One of these regional winners also wins the title of Origin overall culture champion and wins an all-expense paid trip to the Disney Institute Customer Experience Summit at Disneyworld. PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR EMPLOYEES’ FAMILIES: Paternity leave, flexible hours to accommodate school events/doctor visits, etc., tickets to local family entertainment or sporting event STRESS RELIEF, TEAM BUILDING ACTIVITIES: Retail teams have game nights for employees, execs will host employee groups at ball games, our president hosts Star Wars nights and rents the theater on the opening of the new Star Wars movies. annual holiday parties, and annual Culture Celebrations in each market region with food and inspirational speakers.

Origin Bank 308 Market St., Shreveport 800-255-2053 | www.origin.bank


rigin Bank is a 107 year old, Louisiana chartered bank which provides not only traditional banking services, but also a unique, relationship-driven brand of service. The bank’s history and success are based on the simple premise that relationships matter. The team at Origin is committed every day to earning trust and providing an unparalleled banking experience. Origin places a tremendous emphasis on its culture, which defines all the bank does. It’s through this culture that it attracts the best employees in its markets and how those employees deliver superior customer service. The bank’s culture is also one of giving back. Through its Project Enrich program, full time employees are given up to 20 hours of paid time off per year to volunteer for charitable community causes. Since the program’s inception in 2013, Origin employees have volunteered more than 7900 hours through Project Enrich. At Origin Bank, the team understands that time is a person’s most precious commodity. Innovative, flexible and forward thinking is one of the bank’s core values, and it lives out that value by striving to maintain a banking

platform that allows a person to bank when and how he chooses. In today’s banking landscape, technology is the rule; human interaction and genuine relationships are the exception. Origin Bank delivers on both. Through investments in technology and people, Origin succeeds in making banking simple and providing a service experience that meets personal financial needs. They call this the Origin Experience. It’s an original way of banking, and one that satisfies the bank’s mission to passionately pursue ways to make banking more rewarding for its customers, employees, shareholders and communities. To learn more about Origin, visit www.origin.bank. What the employees have to say: “Origin Bank is the best bank I’ve ever worked for. The commitment to the client experience is exceptional throughout every department. Origin has found the balance in offering any and all technological services while maintaining the important personal relationship with clients. And it’s a fun place to work!!”— Kim Bailey, SVP and Commercial Relationship Banker “What differentiates Origin from most other companies or employers is how intentional the bank is in creat-

ing a culture that values employees and promotes team work. This culture produces an atmosphere where I truly feel everyone is working together towards the same goal. Origin is also committed to the communities where the employees and our families live. I am proud to work for a company that invests in and improves the community in which it does business.” — Kade McDonald, Market Relationship Banker “We build families instead of co-workers. When a company puts customers first it makes it easy to believe in and have passion in your voice, when talking about Origin Bank. It’s what we do!” — Craigen Hare, Banking Center Manager and Market Street location “Origin’s core purpose is to enrich the lives of people in our community. And the bank supports this purpose not only by donations to charitable organizations, but also by allowing employees 20 hours per year of paid time off to volunteer for community causes. To me, this speaks volumes about the passion of the organization as a whole to make a positive impact on the world.” — Linnea Fayard Allen, VP and Cultural Communications Officer/Social Media Director

13 n May 1, 2019



MALE: 66%



BENEFITS PROVIDED: Health insurance, matching

Service Steel & Pipe, Inc.

401k, stock options, FMLA, PTO time, sick days, spending accounts

1130 Fullerton St., Shreveport (318) 222-9462 | www.svcsteel.com


ervice Steel & Pipe, Inc is a family owned business founded in 1975. We specialize in metals distribution of carbon, stainless and aluminum products. Our 12 company owned trucks make daily deliveries in the Ark-La-Tex within a 150-mile radius of Shreveport, LA. Service Steel & Pipe Inc. is well respected in our community with 40 employees that provide friendly customer service with a dedication to on-time delivery. The core of our success is our longtime employees working together with honesty, integrity and caring that make our company a “great place to work”. What the employees have to say: “I’ve worked at Service Steel and Pipe Inc. since 1988 and have had the pleasure of working with some wonderful people. Mr. Carroll Hardy (retired), Johnny Wells (retired), Michael Talbott (President), Tammy Walker (Sales Manager), Tammy Edwards (Purchasing Manager), and all our


I started working here in a April of 1995 answering the phone and I am now the Purchasing Manager. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work for a company that allows employees to grow with the company. Tammy Edwards, Purchasing Manager Team here at SSP. It takes all of us to make this a better place to work and a place were our employees want to call home.” — Melanie Doughty, Accounting/HR Manager. “I have worked for Service Steel and Pipe since 1986, 33 years. I started out as a file clerk and worked my way up to inside sales manager. I enjoy working with customers and being able to help them. But most of all the owners of Service Steel and Pipe have always made me feel important to this company and have always made me feel like part of the family.” — Tammy

Walker, Inside Sales Manager

ery bonus, safety bonus, and sales goal bonus

ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY SERVICE: Yes, mainly via employees’ own churches and faith-based efforts

HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CULTURE: Family-owned and oriented. After 43 years in the industry, this is the finest company I have worked for. Integrity and

“Service Steel and Pipe Inc. is an awesome place to work. It is more

core values in the workplace are the finest anywhere.

than a place to work, we are family. I started working here in a April of 1995


answering the phone. I am now the


Purchasing Manager. I am so grate-

time and FMLA

ful for the opportunity to work for a company that allows employees to


grow with the company.” — Tammy


Edwards, Purchasing Manager

Catered luncheons

May 1, 2019 n 14

u ABOUT THE BUSINESS CEO OR PRESIDENT: Pastor Larry Otwell CURRENT NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 30 MALE: 43% FEMALE: 57% AVERAGE TIME EMPLOYEES SPEND WITH THE COMPANY: 1-5 years PRACTICES TO RECRUIT AND/ OR RETAIN EMPLOYEES OF VARYING ETHNIC AND CULTURES/ DISABLED COMMUNITY/VETERANS: The Mission utilizes many online platforms to recruit employees. This includes not just local job forums but also the Mission’s website and social media platform. In addition, the Mission reaches out to our email list, our volunteer base and our community partners to find the best employees. BENEFITS PROVIDED: Medical, vision and dental insurance, vacation time. BONUS OR INCENTIVE PROGRAMS: Each year, the Mission provides a Christmas bonus for all employees based off of an employee’s performance and tenure. SUPPORT HEALTH AND EXERCISE: One of the things that the Mission works hard at is making sure that our employees emotional needs are being met and that our employees are not being overwhelmed by the responsibilities that come when working with broken people. Each of our directors has been trained to help their employees fight burnout and cope with the hardships of working in a ministry. Each director meets with their employees on a regular basis to make sure that their emotional health is well and makes sure that they are receiving the support they need. ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY SERVICE: Our employees are deeply invested in the work we do at the Mission so much so that much of their community service is done within the Mission. EVALUATION & RECOGNITION FOR EMPLOYEES: We always want to recognize the hard work of all of our employees. The Mission has utilized and continues to seek local community awards to recognize our employees and employees are honored for their service at each quarter’s graduation and celebration. At the end of the event, Pastor Larry brings all of the employees on stage to honor and celebrate the work that they have done to help our guests achieve success. Finally, the Mission utilizes social media as a way to highlight and honor our employees work. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CULTURE : The best way to describe our culture is family. I have never had a job like this where it’s not just a job but a calling. We don’t just work together, we do life together.

Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission 901 McNeil St., Shreveport (318) 227-2868| www.sbrescuemission.com


n 1955 Rev. R.G. Jones and some Christian businessmen founded the Shreveport Rescue Mission for the purpose of providing overnight shelter and a gospel service for men passing through Shreveport. The first Mission was located at 2016 Texas Ave. for five years. It quickly became a sign of hope and help, not only for transient men, but for local homeless, hungry and hurting citizens as well. As the homeless population grew, the Mission relocated in 1961 to a larger facility at 2033 Texas Avenue, providing additional beds and services to homeless men.

was built at 901 McNeil St. in Shreveport to address the growing need to assist women and families with children. A medical and dental clinic was built at the new facility to provide free care to guests.

For several years, a superintendent and a secretary conducted the day-today operations of the Mission. Many of these leaders and their families lived on the premises and personally provided services to the residents. In 1988, Rev. R. Henry Martin became the Executive Director. The name was changed in 1992 to Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission to reflect an increased scope of services.

Under Pastor Larry’s leadership, the Mission established a full-scale Life Recovery Program that not only meets a person’s basic needs but also provides them with the tools needed for a complete life transformation. The Life Recovery Program provides guests with the ability to overcome the struggles and trauma that led to their homelessness and gives them the skills they need to permanently end the cycle of homelessness and poverty. Guests at the Mission receive food, clothing, shelter, small/large group classes, essential life-skills education, one-on-one weekly case management, life coaching, counseling, vocational training, on-site medical and dental care, and more. Over the course of a year, our community provided 115,000 meals, 56,000 nights of shelter, 4,800 medical and dental services, 19,000 hours of classes and essential life skills

Due to increased unemployment in North Louisiana, the need for homeless services only increased. The number of homeless in this area grew substantially over the past decade. To meet the needs in our community, the Texas Ave. facility was remodeled, a thrift store was established to help finance the Mission’s work, staffing grew, and a new 154-bed facility

In 2015, Pastor Larry Otwell joined the Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission as General Manager. Prior to the coming to work for the Rescue Mission, he was the owner of Cornerstone Disposal and is currently serves as the Street Pastor at Riverpark Church. In 2016, Pastor Otwell was appointed as Executive Director.

education, 90,000 hours of Vocational Training and more than 2,000 hours of one-on-one case management to 1,384 homeless men, women and children. What the employees have to say: “The greatest rewards in life are those spiritually. Working here at the Mission, I don’t have your everyday bosses or coworkers. We are a family. We thrive together, cry together, take on some of the world’s toughest challenges together, and build together. Happiness to me, is helping others…at the mission we get to experience this joy daily.” — Erica Murray, Executive Assistant “I love working at the Mission because I have the ability to talk about Jesus and minister to the ladies here. I love being able to watch God transform people lives every day. And last but not least , I absolutely love the people I work with and for. I couldn’t ask for a better place to work!” — Amanda Sweatt, Case Manager “The Mission is the best place to work because we are a Christian based organization with a strong leadership and a staff that is loving and caring. I am honored to be a part of a ministry that is changing lives in our cities.” — Terry Fezekas, Cook

15 n May 1, 2019


Southland Printing Co.

Southland Printing recruits/hires/ promotes those that show the ability, drive, and can do attitude

213 Airport Dr.., Shreveport (318) 221-8662 | www.southlandprinting.com


hy is Southland Printing Company, Inc. a great place to work? A rich history and an exciting future. In 1960 John Manno, Sr. and his wife Angelina Manno founded Southland Printing Company, Inc with the purpose of providing a quality product at a reasonable price in a timely manner. The company began in the basement of John’s father-in-law’s home. It soon became apparent that Southland would specialize in printing for the parking industry. John developed many innovative products and led Southland to become the premier producer of parking lot tickets and related items. Being a family owned business, we like to think of our employees as our extended family. Some of our employees have even been with us for over 40 years! Southland Printing Company boasts a fun collaborative culture. Employees are treated to Biscuits on Tuesday morning and Southern Maid Donuts every Wednesday. Each quarter we hold a luncheon and update employees on company goals and what we can look forward to. Although Southland has made some changes through the years, we still hold our Core Values of Relationships, Integrity, Quality, Versatility and Communication in high regard! These will never change.

What the employees have to say: “Some of the things I like about Southland Printing is the clean working environment, a good manager, and the company provides uniforms for the employees.” – Robert Currier, Flexo Department Lead Pressman “There is a lot I can say about this company, but only certain things pop out when I think of a great work place. First, the people and the environment. Then I would have to say the supervisor’s keep close to the employee’s and help us as much as possible. Last but not least, is the donuts on Wednesday and the food at the employee luncheons every quarter.” – Chris Wilson, Flexo Department Press Assistant “We can do that!” – is a phrase posted around our plant as reminder that there is no job too big or too small for our team. The team members at Southland Printing Company are constantly striving to take care of the needs of our customers by taking it to the next level with quality and service. This level of pride and dedication comes from the values set forth by the family ownership so many years ago, which continues today and will continue tomorrow. The can do attitude and continued dedication of employees and management makes Southland Printing Company a great place

no matter race or gender. We are a diversified company, have current employees that are veterans and continue to recruit/retain

to call home!” -Trish Kahre, Administrative Support Department Controller “Southland Printing isn’t a good place to work, it’s a GREAT place to work. This summer I’ll be celebrating my 20th anniversary of working at Southland in the IT Department. Southland Printing is a family-owned business and its employees truly are treated like family. The pervasive culture of care and commitment found here extends not only to all employees but also to our customers, many of whom have been customers for decades. As a company that has been in business for over 50 years, Southland has remained committed to innovation in ever changing market conditions. Suggestions for improvements are encouraged and freely adapted. It’s exciting to work where quality products have been job one since the company was founded. This is a company that wants to do right by both their customers and employees; in fact, Southland not only wants to, but it DOES.” – Mike Williamson, IT Department Software Support Specialist “Southland Printing Company is a great place to work because of our rich history and we provide premium products and services to the parking industry. We also create a caring family environment within the company.” – Charles McHenry, Sales Manager

employees that want to learn and grow no matter their age. FLEX TIME & TELECOMMUTING OPTIONS: Yes, Production has flex time certain times throughout the year. We also have outside sales reps that reside in Arizona, New Jersey, and Texas. BENEFITS PROVIDED: Health and dental insurance, uniform allowance for Production employees, holiday pay, sick pay, vacation pay, and 401k. ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY SERVICE: We encourage our employees to become active in Community Involvement. As well as participate and be active with companies that we partner with. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR CULTURE: Diversified, friendly, family oriented, employees that strive to go above and beyond their day to day responsibilities, and leadership that listens to employee ideas and concerns. I really enjoy being part of a team where everyone knows they can count on the others. Everyone is here to help and always pushing others to learn and grow. Leadership interacts and connects with each and every employee and takes their ideas into consideration.

May 1, 2019 n 16


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