BIO Annual Report 2014

Page 24

Capacity building

SMEs in growth, it is important to understand and identify the potential bottlenecks.

Access to finance is certainly a major, but not the only obstacle to SME growth. In addition to fi-

Through its MSME Fund, a facility that provides

nance, capacity as well may be an impediment to

subsidies to potential and existing clients, BIO

sustainable SME growth. Capacity is –appropriate-

supports SMEs in further developing their tech-

ly in this context – a term that covers a wide range

nical and management capacity. Similarly, many

of areas. Technical capacity, market knowledge,

financial institutions – banks, private equity funds,

accounting know-how, financial and invest-

etc. – in developing countries have come to realize

ment planning and risk management are all im-

that the provision of financial services often needs

portant capabilities to successfully manage and

to be complemented with capacity development

grow a business. It is not uncommon for SMEs in

in order for businesses to achieve sustainable

the developing world to lack capacity in some of


these areas and, for an investor wishing to support 22 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 BIO

Fondo de desarrollo Local, Nicaragua

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