The Life of Saint Virginia

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The Life of Saint Virginia

happy? Have you, in your turn, made somebody happy, for the purpose of working to your happiness? If you have two coats from the Lord, have you given one of them to the poor people, as the Lord says? I am speaking with you clerically. God has given everything in abundance to you, He has suffered poverty and persecution just to give everything in abundance to those who love Him, but you, as a Christian, are keeping them for the fire, instead of working with them for the purpose of saving your soul. Only what you give to the one who is in need is yours for good, the rest is for fire. Give all you have to the Lord, so that you will have an unbreakable treasury, thinking that the entire earth, together with all that is on it, will burn and you will still be nude and poor, loosing the eternal happiness, because of some years you did not want to give to Lord, for the purpose of being with Him both on the earth and in the holy heavens. Life on earth is short, so do not lose the other, the eternal one, for this. Only you can prepare your place in heaven, as beautiful as you wish. 1st of July 1980


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