2017 Billings Parks and Recreation Annual Report

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Parks and Public Lands Divison Overview Since the founding of Billings in 1882, parks and open spaces have played a major role in the life of the city. South park was dedicated in 1913, and the Park system con nues to grow to this day. Almost 10% of the land area of the city is set aside for Parks for the public to enjoy and recreate in. Parks vary in size and func on from large, community parks like Castle Rock, Pioneer and North, to smaller neighborhood parks like Trails End, Ponderosa, and Francis. Parks serve many different func ons and management varies accordingly. Some Parks like South, Veterans and Stewart are landscaped, irrigated and intensively maintained, while others, like Riverfront, Cameron, and Swords are there to provide a semi-natural se ng that provides habitat for wildlife and a “nature experience”. With this mix, the Park System provides a variety of experiences from intensive organized sports in places like Amend Park to a solitary hike along the Rims or the Yellowstone River. Gone are the days when Parks were just a place for picnics and horseshoes. Besides providing scenic beauty, Parks serve as sites for scien fic inquiry and educa onal opportunity, contribute environmental benefits like oxygen produc on and filtering par culates from the air and provide a vast array of recrea onal opportuni es for almost everyone's interests and abili es. The Parks and Public Lands Division is proud to commit themselves to providing parks, open space and natural areas that enrich the quality of life for all of Billings residents and visitors.

Park Lands Management & Maintenance

Community Partnerships & Events

Core Services

Environmental Stewardship & Conserva on 6

Facility Management & Maintenance

Heritage Trail Management & Maintenance

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