30rd Bienal de São Paulo (2012) - Guide

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A form of excess applied to the image, a figurative apogee, a figural overweight that could all too easily be qualified merely as grotesque, appears as a leitmotif in the practice of all of these artists: this excess derives from a certain exacerbation of reality in its representation, domestic or dreamlike, through which altered fictions or versions of the world, of the self, of history are narrated (or are figuratively metabolized), and take the form of critiques of some dimensions of reality: of genre, of p. 060

self-portrayal, of national history, of community, of prehistory, of origin, of the body as a somatic entity, of dreams or sexuality, of social functions, of tawdriness; in them, intimacy appears under siege, as if it could not aspire to form part of common reality, or as if common reality consisted of hiding, veiling, disguising, sublimating the exacerbated, at times violent, at times sarcastic truth of our ordinary lives.

p. 118


15/05/19 17:

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