Santos G.

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(carving is when you put all your

Although not with terrains parks or

snowboarders are doing trick in the

weight on one edge of the board.

super-pipes, the people that do

air and when they fall, it can

You carve when you want to stop or snowboarding on powder are

sometimes be really bad. As the

to turn.) All of this styles have their

usually really good at the sport

snowboard goes faster down the

own unique skills that you have to

because it takes a special skills to

mountain, the board gets harder to

master but they all have one thing

ride on powder snow. Another thing

control and this can cause many

in common. All of this styles

snowboarders do to keep up their

accidents if the snowboarder loses

requires leg strength and balance.

skills in the summer is

control. Braking your ankles and/or

Balance is very important for this

skateboarding. Skateboarding is so

hands are the usual injuries that

sport because you need to be able

much like snowboarding and many

can happen when learning to

to stay on an edge of the board the

snowboarders do this sport to keep

snowboard and don't have much

whole time you ride down the

their skills throughout the summer.

control over it.

mountain. Many inexperienced

in the book “Science behind sports

snowboarders don’t know that they

- Snowboarding” by Heather E.

snowboard a great sport and and

need to stay on an edge so they

Schwartz, it reads, “ Adam Moral,

once you get good at it, it is so

ride the board flat and that makes

global team manager for Burton

much fun. The sport has style and

them fall and trip all the time.

snowboarders, has also

thats what most people like about

Depending on where you want to

commented that top snowboarders

it. Working hard to become a good

turn, the edge is the part that cuts

cannot afford to take the summer

snowboarder can be challenging

into the ice and makes you control

off when they are training.” This

but if you have fun doing it, the

the board, you can take the board

makes sense because

sport will just come naturally to you.

to whatever direction you want to

snowboarders need that time to

go after you can carve and

become better and if they enjoy the

maintain balance while Sliding

sport then they might do

down the mountain.

skateboarding as a second sport to

All this facts make

keep their skills at the best. Training to become better Unless you have snow all year-round, training to become a better snowboarder is hard. Because there isn't snow in the

injuries Snowboarding is a really fun sport but like other sports, it has consequences that may come

Flips like these are often being performed by good snowboarders.

summers, you can't really train. The out of it. Serious injuries can weather for snowboarding needs

happen while doing this sport.

to be snowy and just right. Many

Many professional snowboarders

people that want to become really

have very bad accidents

good at the sport go to places that

sometimes that they couldn't ever

they can do snowboarding in the

compete again and some injuries

summer. High mountains have lots

are so serious that they can't even

of snow on the top and thats where

move afterwards. This accidents

some of the snowboarders go.

and injuries usually happen when


Rails and boxes are the most common thing to practice while learning the sport.

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