888.987.1818 150 South Rodeo Drive, Suite 350, Beverly Hills www.etehad law.com • info@etehadlaw.com REPRESENTING OUR COMMUNITY FOR 26 YEARS Etehad Law is a boutique law firm in the heart of Beverly Hills. We handle personal injury and professional malpractice cases along with litigation involving business and real estate. Over $100 million recovered in verdicts and settlements. Our goal is to leave you better than we found you!

4 AUGUST 2022 / BEVERLY HILLS LIVING We hope you enjoy this issue of BEVERLY HILLS LIVING. Our August issue is dedicated to family fun & celebrating the pups in our lives honoring August's National Dog Month. Become an Expert Contributor — contact publisher Jessica Varone at jvarone@bestversionmedia.com or 310-270-3083 DEAR BH Residents Pictured: Beverly Hills sisters Natalia & Roberta Quintanilla, with Founder & CEO of Novel Education Group Tiffany Sorya (center) at the Quintanilla sisters’ Beverly Hills home. Photography: Philip Macias | philipmacias.com Neon Artwork: “Felix” by Kelly “Risk” Graval. Additional information at riskrock.com ABOUT THE COVER DavidARCHITECTUREKe David Ke | Design Collaborative Studio, Inc. DKDCSArchitecture.com626-536-2913davidk@dkdcsarchitecture.com LEGAL SERVICES Jeff Monahan Business & Entertainment Law monahanlegal.comjeff@monahanlegal.com310-499-4493 HEALTH & LONGEVITY Dr. Samuel Lebovici Total Regenerative Medical Health totalrmh.cominfo@totalrmh.com866-642-0892 REAL ESTATE Traci Fellows Fellows Luxury Group DRE# fellowsluxurygroup.comtraci@fellowsluxurygroup.com213-408-991201019413 HOME SAFETY & PROTECTION David R. Corio Regional VP ACS Security acssecurity.cominfo@acssecur310-362-5655ity.com IN-HOME CARE Larry Anthony Right at Home 499 Canon rightathome.net/beverly-hills310-691-1192Drive WEALTH MANAGEMENT Michael Todd OnPoint Financial Management 8200 Wilshire Blvd. | Beverly Hills, CA 90211 mike@onpointfinancialmanagement.com804-836-3167 COUTURE DESIGN Saverio Pisano Italian patternmaker-tailor.net323-273-6831CoutureDesigner&Tailoring EXPERT CONTRIBUTORS Introducing Our Industry Experts Welcome Our Newest Sponsor! THANK YOU, TO ALL OUR SPONSORS! Total Regenerative Medical Health Dr. Samuel Leibovici specializes in brain recovery and brain recovery, brain optimization and longevity for those suffering with drug addiction. (866) 432-6159 | totalrmh.com Jessica Varone Founding Publisher of Beverly Hills LivingBest RestaurantsPet-Friendly (pg 11) SOCIAL SCENE (pg 7) CALENDAREVENTS (pg 9) We are so GRATEFUL for our Beverly Hills Living Business Sponsors! FEATURE STORY Meet QuintanillaThe Sisters (pg 13)

AUGUST 2022 / BEVERLY HILLS LIVING 5 PUBLICATION TEAM Publisher: Jessica Varone Content Coordinator: Arielle Harris Contributing Photographer: Philip Macias Designer: Karlee Murphy Proofreader: Diane Crowley Contributing Writers: Pierre Huguet, Kavita Daswani, Zakiya ADVERTISINGAnsley Contact: Jessica Varone Email: jvarone@bestversionmedia.comPhone:310-270-3083 FEEDBACK/IDEAS/SUBMISSIONS We're always happy to hear from you! Email your thoughts to jvarone@bestversionmedia.com ABOUT THE MAGAZINE Beverly Hills Living is a magazine exclusively circulated to residents who live in Beverly Hills designed to bring the community together. IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Beverly Hills City Hall..............................................(310) 285-1040 Ambassadors...............................................................(424) 302-1487 TEXT BH...........................................................................(310) 596-4265 Beverly Hills Fire Department............................(310) 281-2700 BHPD Non-Emergency...........................................(310) 550-4951 Beverly Hills Public Works.....................................(310) 285-2467 Community Services...............................................(310) 288-2220 Beverly Hills Library..................................................(310) 288-2234 Any content, resident submissions, guest columns, advertisements and advertorials are not necessarily endorsed by or represent the views of Best Version Media (BVM) or any municipality, homeowners associations, businesses or organizations that this publication serves. BVM is not responsible for the reliability, suitability or timeliness of any content submitted. All content submitted is done so at the sole discretion of the submitting party. © 2022 Best Version Media. All rights reserved. BeverlyHills LIVING Beverly@beverlyhillslivingmagazineHillsLivingMagazineFollowUs


◄ Women’s Cedars-SinaiGuildSpring
On-The-Scene GREAT CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS — by Jessica Varone
1st row: Annie Lehrer, Bernardo Puccio, Gloria Levishon, Kimberlee Duncan. Paula Edelman, Shana Forman | Back row: Linda Schwartz, Gail Dauer, Elena Danielson, Oren Kennedy | Photo by Circumpunctstudio.com
On June 6, 2022 Women’s Guild CedarSinai Spring Luncheon was hosted at the Maybourne Beverly Hills in support of the Women’s Guild Neurology Project. Honorees included Dottie Chanin with the Humanitarian Award, Deborah Klein with the Woman of the 21st Century Award, Tara Rudes-Dann with the Style Icon Award and Atoosa Nehorai with the Evie Award. Samuel L. Jackson presented and Emmy Winning reporter, Carly Steel hosted. A fabulous Fashion Show was presented by L’Agence.
Photo by Alex J. Berlinger: AB Images
Over 50,000 residents and visitors from around the world gathered on June 19, 2022 to see the world's rarest and most exciting cars drive through the iconic streets of Beverly Hills at the Concours d'Elegance. | Photo by Circumpunctstudio.com
► Courvoisier Celebrates Launch of Mizunara Cognac Courvoisier, the Most Awarded Cognac House, launched its newest visionary blend with a private VIP 5-course pairing tasting dinner at Harriet's One Hotel rooftop in West Hollywood on June 15, 2022. Guests previewed the cognac's complex and unique experience that brings together two cultures and traditions united by the artistry of blending, Courvoisier Mizunara. The brand is offering an extremely limited release of 500 bottles in select countries for $2,000. | Photo by Bird Lambro ▼ Business with Bosse @ Mirame Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Mayor Lili Bosse hosted her fourth Business with Bosse on June 15, 2022. The initiative has created opportunities to see the city's new restaurants, talk with old friends, and meet new ones, while tasting incredible food. Previous events took place at Flour Shop, Alfred's Coffee, Chaumont and Nerano. | Photo by Circumpunctstudio.com
▼ "Gemini" Birthday Lunch at Avra Beverly Hills
| Photos Courtesy of Cedars-Sinai
Cedars Sinai’s newest Guerin Children’s Wing is set to open in Los Angeles late summer of 2022. The 26-bed, family friendly facility offers primary and specialty care for youth to prioritize the health of the next generation. The Wing is named after the Guerin family in honor of their incredible $100 million gift from the Shapell Guerin Family Foundation and long time support of the hospital.
"Emerge In Color" Private Preview
Taubman's Beverly Center in Los Angeles Opened Emerge In Color, a luxury boutique selling exclusively black designers and blackowned fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands across the country on June 17, 2022.
▲ Father's Day Car Show
Long-time friends celebrated those who have a Gemini zodiac sign at a fantastic birthday luncheon on June 1. Many thanks to Avra manager Dawn Lincoln, an international interior designer and decorator for the beautiful table decorations. The fabulous Gemini cake was topped with fireworks.
Cedars Sinai Showcases Guerin Children’s Wing
Photo by Emerge In Color

Revolutionary new Veneers, hand-crafted by expert ceramicists in our private Atelier Aesthetics lab and unique to your beautiful smile only.” — Dr. Rodney Raanan — by Zakiya Ansley your consultation today and learn more Nuveneers.about
• Light stains, yellowed, or grayed from medications or age
• Teeth with small chips or cracks
• Healthy teeth that need a mild makeover However, not every patient is a viable candidate for NuVeneers®. Prior to developing a treatment plan that includes NuVeneers®, Drs. Rifkin and Raanan will review your medical and dental history, examine your teeth, gums, and bone, and discuss your specific needs. In certain cases, they might recommend other treatments such as standard veneers, crowns, tooth whitening, or orthodontics, if those services are more appropriate. NuVeneers “NuVeneers are the jewel of our collection.
NuVeneers® can benefit patients with the following dental conditions:
Photo Credit: Valentina Socci Photography
NuVeneers® look more natural. Standard porcelain veneers can appear thick and bulky, especially where they meet the gum, giving them the trademark “Chiclet” look. Due to NuVeneers® being ultra-thin, they become virtually undetectable. Each NuVeneer is handcrafted by Dr. Rifkin and Dr. Raanan’s inhouse Master Ceramists, with colors selected from a vast array of pigments which create a more natural-looking color.
• Small gaps or spaces between the front teeth
• Misaligned, slightly crooked teeth
Dr. Rodney rifkinraanan.comRaanan N. Dr, CA 90210 957-5691
NuVeneers® are now being offered by leading cosmetic dentists Dr. Robert Rifkin and Dr. Rodney Raanan in their Beverly Hills office. These ultra-new, ultra-thin and customdesigned alternatives to standard veneers have the added bonus that they require little or no removal of the tooth’s enamel, no anesthetic and very little to no drilling. This is the perfect solution for teeth that have small chips and cracks or appear discolored and permanently stained. In addition to their benefits in changing the look of your enamel, NuVeneers® are also ideal for filling in gaps or lengthening small teeth. How are NuVeneers® Different From Standard Dental Veneers? With his passion for creating beautiful, natural smiles and devotion to the well-being of his clients, Dr. Rodney invented NuVeneers as a less invasive alternative to standard veneers. They require little or no drilling or removal of your natural tooth enamel, meaning the integrity of your natural teeth is retained and you need to spend less time in the chair. Made from the finest porcelain with a unique attention to detail, the bespoke Veneers blend seamlessly into your smile, for a natural, beautiful look. NuVeneers® preserve your natural teeth. To fit a standard porcelain veneer on a natural tooth, the tooth must first be prepared. The dentist prepares the tooth by drilling away the enamel layer, so that the veneer can be bonded to the remaining part of the tooth. Remember that this layer of enamel will never grow back. In some cases, the preparation even extends into the dentin layer below the enamel. This requires an injection of local anesthetic. In contrast, NuVeneers® are bonded to the teeth without destroying the enamel.
• Misshaped teeth
Suite 1280 Beverly Hills,
NuVeneers® Are The Future Of Aesthetic Dentistry
• Small sized teeth
• Slight crowding of front teeth

AUGUST 11 Full Moon in Aquarius
THINGS TO DO AUGUST EVENTS Serving Beverly Hills Custom & Tailored Suits For Men and www.patternmaker-tailor.netWomen(323)273-6831 THROUGH AUGUST 21
One half of the stoner-hippie comedic duo Cheech and Chong, Richard “Cheech” Marin has become perhaps one of the most well-known and respected Chicano achievers in the world of entertainment. 8PM, Tickets from $59 at ticketmaster.com
Andrea Bowers Hammer Museum showcases Andrea Bowers, the first museum retrospective surveying more than two decades of the artist’s production, which traces the entire scope and evolution of her work. The exhibition reflects Bowers’ embrace and experimentation with a wide range of media, including drawing, performance, installation, sculpture, video, and neon 11AM-6PM,sculptures.hammer.ucla.edu
AUGUST 18 Concerts on Cañon The Susie Hansen Latin Band plays salsa and Latin jazz – salsa, cumbia, merengue, cha cha cha, bolero and bachata. The band has been together for 32 years. Susie and her six-piece band play piano, bass, electric guitar, congas and drums/timbales. 6-8PM, visit beverlyhills.org for details.
— by Jessica Varone
TheLACMALos Angeles County Museum of Art presents an exhibition of ceramic works, focused on the juxtaposition and connections between historical and contemporary works. Tickets available at LACMA.org
AUGUST Uncorked:6LA Summer Wine Fest California Science Center Enjoy over 100 wines and champagnes from across the globe, after-hours access to the museum with interactive exhibits, a DJ, favorite local food trucks and more! 7-11PM, Tickets at eventbrite.com
Louis Vuitton: “200 Trunks 200 Visionaries” 486 N. Rodeo Drive In celebration of Louis Vuitton’s bicentennial anniversary, the traveling exhibition, showcasing 200 imaginative trunks created by 200 visionaries, will be visiting Beverly Hills.
Roxbury Community Park Music Mends Minds is a nonprofit that creates musical support groups for people with neurocognitive disorders like Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's, etc. Join them for an afternoon of joy and camaraderie. 1:30-3PM, musicmendsminds.org
This Hammer Museum exhibition operates at the crux of a lunar spectrum, between the lure and mystery of the unattainable moon and the eternal quest to conquer the moon in its material form. The survey leads visitors through a panoply of objects dating from antiquity to the 11AM-6PM,present. hammer.ucla.edu Entertainment and events sometimes change after press deadline. Please check with venues to confirm the date and times.
AUGUST 7 Sculpture Park & Rare Tree Tours
Beverly Hills Farmers Market
Along with viewing our collection of important sculptures, this special tour is planned in conjunction with the City of Beverly Hills Arborist to locate rare and important trees in Historic Beverly Gardens Park, many of which were planted in 1907 when the park was founded. AM, Register at beverlyhills.org/artwalk
AUGUST 2 National Night Out 400 Block of N. Rexford Dr. National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign with the Beverly Hills Police Association that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie. 6-9PM, email BHPDinfo@beverlyhills.org
Just in case 2022 thus far has left you hustling too hard in the material world, take August’s Aquarian full moon as a sign to reconnect to your spiritual side. Even if you’re a skeptic, take 15 minutes to listen to teachings from spiritual elders, tune into some sacred music, or explore your own astrological chart.
Celebrate the first annual Kobe Bryant Day on August 24. Kobe Bryant was more than a basketball player; to many aspiring athletes and children growing up in Los Angeles and around the world, he was an inspiration and a cultural icon.
Beverly Hills Civic Center Enjoy the fresh air with friends or family as you shop for local produce and more. The farmers market also includes a petting zoo as well as live music. 9-1PM THROUGH SEPTEMBER 4
Kobe Bryant Day
AUGUST (THROUGH7 MAY ‘23) Conversing in Clay
Drawing Down the Moon
AUGUST 13 Cheech and Chong Sabat Theatre

All during the month of August, National Dog Month celebrates our loveable canine pals smack in the middle of the dog days of summer. Dogs are the #1 most commonly owned pets on the planet, and with good reason. Did you know that scientific studies prove our companions make us happier, less stressed, and more optimistic?
Benji and Celine Torkan Blue and Sam Anabi Christina Calautti and Bella Photo courtesy Christina Calautti Arielle Harris and Edison
— by Jessica Varone
Arlo and Ethan Harris
Jim Darby and Scout Leo and Sreya Ravi Nasi and Amanda Norman Portia Dawson Furst and dog Ro Sadie with Mitch Dawson Sadie, a Poochon rescue, and Bobbe Joy Dawson
Theo and Molly WernerVictoria Chernetski and Teddy Photo courtesy Circumpunctstudio.com
Vince Kirsch and Ogbert Michelle Scott and Panda Redston
The list of benefits to spending time with a dog goes on and on, but it all proves one thing — that a month-long celebration of our furry best friends has been a long time coming. Celebrate with your best pal. Take an extra-long walk. Play fetch or spare an extra treat. Get your dog the toy he’s been wanting for, or visit the dog park.

This farm-to-table cafe welcomes you and your four-legged friends to enjoy a fresh, healthy, sustainable way of eating, drinking, and living by using 100% natural ingredients utterly free of any artificial ingredients or GMOs urthcaffe.com, 267 S Beverly Dr, Beverly Hills
208 RODEO This casual luxury bistro has a seasonal menu influenced by European, Asian and California cuisines.This bistro allows you and your pup to sit on the outside patio in a uniquely romantic setting. 208rodeo.com, 208 Via Rodeo Dr, Beverly Hills CAFE BLASTERAN Neighborhood restaurant with an attitude in Beverly Hills, focused on farm-to-table Californian dishes with a touch of Indonesian cuisine. blasteranbh.com, 272 S La Cienega Blvd, Beverly Hills CROFT ALLEY
A home-away-from-home, they serve various balanced and unique dishes such as savory lettuce wraps and sumptuous spicy salmon bowls. croftalley.com, 9433 Brighton Way, Beverly Hills
You are welcome to sit on the outside patio with your furry friend while being served refined American Cuisine. In the heart of Beverly Hills, the farm features a cozy setting while serving everything from delicious brioche French toast to flat iron steak and pan-roasted salmon. 439 N Beverly Dr, Beverly Hills VIA ALLORO With two fountain-adorned patios, this stylish, spacious Italian sports bar has plenty of outdoor seating around the entire restaurant. Enjoy a large selection of Italian cuisine while being transported to Italy. viaalloro.com, 301 N Canon Dr, Beverly Hills
— by Jessica Varone
Known as the most fashionable place to gather, the Marcell Von Berlin Cafe on Melrose welcomes you and your stylish pup to enjoy a variety of coffee creations and fresh coffee-lounge,us.marcellvonberlin.com/stores/los-angeles-pastries.8619MelroseAve,WestHollywood
AUGUST 2022 / BEVERLY HILLS LIVING 11 FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY Facelift | Rhinoplasty | Eyelid Surgery “Hollywood’s Premier Plastic Surgeon” “Ourpossibilities”discovertreatments...the Learn more about SoCal yourSurgeryAestheticandhowwecantransformlife,too.Dr.HomerHojjat, MD socalaestheticsurgery.com(310)729-4475 606 Westmount Dr, West Hollywood, CA 90069 BOOK AN APPOINTMENT .......................................... BEFORE AFTER PAW-FECT PLACES TO BRING YOUR PUP FOR A BITE TO EAT From sustainable cafes to Italian sports bars, we have curated a list of the best and most pet-friendly spots in the Beverly Hills area where your furry friend is welcomed while you enjoy a bite.

Sync brokerage is a real estate broker licensed by the State of California and abides by Equal Hous ing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only and is compiled from sources deemed reliable but has not been verified. Changes in price, condition, sale or withdrawal may be made without notice. Traci Fellows Estates traci@fellowsluxurygroup.com213-408-9902Directorfellowsluxurygroup.comDRE#01019413 Beverly Hills Market Update PRESENTED BY TRACI FELLOWS *Sales represent closed transactions between 5/23/2022 to 6/23/2022 (Standard sales only) STREET NAME NEIGHBORHOOD SQ. FT. LIST PRICE SALE PRICE 502 N Alta Dr Beverly Hills 1,924 $5,950,000 $6,055,000 914 Chantilly Rd Bel-Air 3,841 $4,895,000 $5,013,659 1445 Belfast Dr West Hollywood 2,423 $3,250,000 $3,575,000 245 N Wetherly Dr Beverly Hills 2,015 $2,999,000 $3,185,000 9520 Gloaming Dr Beverly Hills 2,544 $2,995,000 $3,200,000 2418 Canyon Oak Dr Hollywood Hills East 2,740 $2,900,000 $3,225,000 651 N Kilkea Dr West Hollywood 3,572 $2,875,000 $3,035,000 8935 Rangely Ave West Hollywood 2,865 $2,750,000 $2,796,500 6376 Quebec Dr Hollywood Hills 3,894 $2,739,000 $2,887,500 9819 Curwood Pl Beverly Hills 4,274 $2,699,000 $2,900,000 713 N Doheny Dr Beverly Hills 2,055 $2,650,000 $3,200,000 2244 Maravilla Dr Los Angeles 2,353 $2,595,000 $3,300,000 212 S Willaman Dr Beverly Hills 1,614 $2,549,000 $2,505,000 9711 Oak Pass Rd Beverly Hills 1,947 $2,495,000 $2,510,000 8540 Franklin Ave West Hollywood 2,186 $2,495,000 $2,650,000 3418 La Sombra Dr Hollywood Hills 2,801 $2,395,000 $2,556,500 2500 Hollyridge Dr Hollywood Hills 2,776 $2,395,000 $2,569,113 6009 Rodgerton Dr Hollywood Hills 2,083 $2,295,000 $2,500,000 7191 Pacific View Dr Hollywood Hills 2,481 $2,195,000 $2,425,000 3130 Nichols Canyon Rd West Hollywood 2,373 $1,990,000 $2,750,000

Growing up, Roberta was surrounded by female role models admired in her family, and because of this she is already active in mastering her craft and fully committed to her unique hobbies. “I love dancing and performing,” says
The sisters grew up in an innovative and colorful family, surrounded by their mother’s incredible interior design and unique artwork gracing every wall in the home. The girls feel an everyday freedom to be independent and discover their passions, especially through artistic outlets. Natalia is currently a student at Santa Monica Community College studying Art History, where she pursues her love of art, travel, history and culture.
“I’ve always loved painting,” says Natalia. “Both of my grandparents on my mom's side are really artistic and have always encouraged me to explore my creativity in any way I possibly can.”
Family and community are at the core of what makes Beverly Hills remarkable. Natalia and Roberta Quintanilla could not be more exemplary of the city’s values. Originally from Mexico City, Natalia, 21, and Roberta, 11, are sisters who moved to Beverly Hills five years ago when their parents decided to take up a second residence in the US. Despite the initial discomfort adapting to a new environment, the Quintanilla sisters come from a strong, close-knit family consisting of their parents, Mauricio and Pamela, middle sister Valentina, 19, their seven dogs, three bunnies, and two turtles. Growing up in an affectionate family with a passion for all things creative, the two sisters found comfort in their new life here, eager to discover ways to express themselves through art, music, education, animal activism and philanthropy.

Roberta. “I am a freestyle hip hop dancer and singing is something that I’ve always looked forward to doing in the future. In my spare time, I love doing anything that involves being expressive. I also play the drums and something a lot of people tell me is that I’m a fast learner. I’m learning drums independently by ear.”
“Many people of their status ask their friends for referrals and to have the Jenners behind my business was a big help to spread the word about Novel Education Group,” says Sorya. “At this point, we’ve worked with boy bands, singers, athletes, and more. But the demographic has now grown into high-level executives and traveling families, where the traditional life of school kids doesn’t exist within their lifestyle.”
Tiffany Sorya, CEO & Founder Novel Education Group
So, the girls started working with Tiffany Sorya, founder and CEO of Novel Education Group, an elite, all-inclusive agency providing homeschooling, private tutoring, enrichment programs and academic services for grades K-12. This helped them continue their studies while adjusting to their new life in Beverly Hills.
In the midst of their artistic abilities and natural talent, the sisters add schooling into the mix. But Natalia and Roberta had to adjust to a new life and starting over once they left Mexico–and traditional in-person schooling seemed to be less and less of an option.
And homeschooling itself has broadened immensely since the start of the pandemic. The number of homeschooled students skyrocketed by 63% in 2020 and has stayed relatively stable ever since1. “We are seeing a rise in the desire for flexibility and personalized learning. Also in focusing more on extra curricular activities and interests outside of school. Even colleges these days place heavy weight on passion projects. Having a flexible learning schedule allows students to really focus on these passions while also maintaining competitive grades,” continues Sorya.
As for Natalia and Roberta, the flexibility of homeschooling has provided the sisters with the time–and tools–they need to develop all of their passion projects, including a philanthropy-based jewelry brand venture called Naroo Beads–where they make jewelry pieces for friends and family in exchange for charitable donations.
“Once someone places an order, they give me a topic, color, vibe and charm that they want. Then, I match a charity I believe relates
“At 16, I moved to Beverly Hills with my family and was homeschooled for the rest of high school. Learning became fun, easy and less distracting. The move was extremely hard on everyone. My sisters and I didn’t know anyone and all of our family and friends were back in Mexico. Tiffany was able to help me and my sisters continue our education while we settled in our new lives,” says Natalia.
▼ Roberta, 11, loves dancing, performing and learning the drums.
The world of education and technology continues to evolve, and finding the right school for every student can be crucial to their success and relationship with learning. Sorya discovered a need for top-tier educational tutoring services for those homeschooling and taking a specific online curriculum. She attributes much of her initial success to having worked with Kendall and Kylie Jenner as their home school teacher.

RESIDENT FEATURE to the jewelry piece. I ask them to donate a minimum of $40 to an organization of their choosing and send me confirmation of their donation. I then ship it to them and that’s it. Each necklace feels like a story of its own and so much love and creativity goes into each one,” says Natalia. Through their engagement in both the arts and homeschooling, the girls have found a strength in their independence and self discovery. Both Natalia and Roberta say that their ability to spend time discovering their passions with the support of their family has really carved out who they are as individuals and given them the confidence to be who they are today.
“Working with families like the Quintanillas and students like Natalia and Roberta is the most rewarding part…we've had the opportunity to watch them learn and grow and find their new identities in Beverly Hills. Even with students who are intelligent and self-aware, moving to a new city can be very difficult as a child and teenager. Our personalized approach accelerated their learning with this new language and school system while they were able to still develop their passions outside of school” says Sorya.
The opportunity has brought a sense of balance to the girls’ lives during a difficult transition. “The teaching style and curriculum was not overwhelming but still very progressive. I definitely improved not only my language but every school subject. They made it fun to actually learn – I felt comfortable, smart and confident.” And with this set of tools, Roberta and Natalia are looking forward to a bright future and all the creative opportunities that await them. But for now, Natalia says,“I’m trying to focus on being in the present!”
“I am really proud of myself. I have come so far, and continue to learn, and grow every day. I am learning to be and love myself for who I am, and it has been so rewarding,” says Natalia.
PBS.org – As U.S. schools reopen, many families continue to opt for homeschooling 21, the founder of Naroo Beads
Because Natalia and Roberta continue to juggle their busy lives, they, like many other students, can rely on the flexibility of school from home. Developing their artistic passion projects and hobbies is important to the sister pair, and our services cater to their lifestyle, passions, and aspirations – creating a valuable online homeschooling experience that spans far beyond a textbook or screen.

Her work, she said, evolved over the years, allowing her to get a read on someone moments before she meets them, and then being able to ascertain the trauma that may be driving various aspects of their lives.
Ask your question to Audrey Hope at audrey@audreyhope.com or learn more at —audreyhope.combyKavitaDaswani
Photography by CircumpunctStudio.com
here is something surprisingly soothing about stepping into Audrey Hope’s home: calming music is piped through the speakers, a scented candle flickers in the corner, and when Hope speaks, it is with gentleness and kindness. Hope describes herself as a “spiritual therapist,” which encompasses working with trauma, addiction and deep relationship issues. For the past couple of decades, she has counseled celebrities, executives and those from all walks of life who struggle with grief, loss, compulsive behaviors, and who are in dysfunctional and abusive relationships. Some days she can be found at the rehab center where she works, helping patients get to the root causes of their behavior.
And then she took me on a visualization meditation to start dissolving some of the grief, to allow in for love, hope and optimism. Hope said that while she is a spiritual counselor, she is at heart a New Yorker, and grounds her techniques in efficiency. “I don’t like to waste time,” she said. “I’m like, ‘let’s go, let’s see results.’”
“I like to think that I help solve problems from a different perspective, beyond the rational mind,” she said. “I want to help patients think, ‘why did we create this?’” She works in tandem with mental health experts, but says she brings a different element to the process. If the person is willing, she helps them explore past lives, or conveys messages from departed loved ones. “Sometimes we have to go to the other side, to look at energies or our soul contracts. It’s really fascinating to find out what we suffer from beyond what regular psychology can offer. It’s like a missing piece.” Originally from New York, Hope moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting. While working in a clothing boutique in Santa Monica, she began chatting with the shoppers, who would confide in her with their problems, and then keep coming back to catch up. She started a women’s group to support them. “I didn’t like the way women felt about themselves,”she said. “Nobody felt pretty or skinny enough. I had to do something about that.”
During my sit-down with Hope, certain things were revealed that indicated she did indeed have access to that elusive, mystic “other side.” I shared with her that my husband had passed away some 18 months earlier. She told me that those that have departed make themselves known through symbols and visuals. She saw some of the circumstances of his passing, particularly around his reluctance to listen to the doctors’ advice, and conveyed to me that he was seeking my forgiveness for not listening to me. “He avoided looking at the reasons that caused his death,” she said. She asked me the significance of a boat on a body of water, and I told her my husband had grown up near a lake. “He wants to prove to you that he’s here,” she said. There were other far more random snippets of information. Earlier that day, a friend had called me to bemoan a major dental issue she was having. Hope said to me “someone you know is having problems with their teeth, your husband is listening in on those conversations.” Or that my husband laughed at showing her the “red sauce” I pour onto all my food (I can’t eat anything without Sriracha in it).

There’s no such thing as a bad question — and when it comes to college admissions, many parents share the same doubts and anxieties. Here are some answers to five questions you may also have about the college admissions process. Is a B in an honors class better than an A in a regular class? You’ll find all kinds of different answers to this question. Some college consultants may tell you that yes, a B in honors is better than an A in non-honors because it shows that the student is looking for a challenge, or they’ll respond that what’s best is simply an A in an honors class. The truth is that it depends. A better way to approach this problem would be to ask a student why he or she wants to take the honors class to begin with. Simply focusing on what will “look better” to admissions committees sets students on the wrong track and will be apparent to admissions officers anyways. Has my child chosen the right topic for the college essay? The college essay is maybe the most stressful part of applying to college — sometimes as much for parents as for students. Parents often worry that their kids aren’t portraying themselves in their best light, but the number one thing to remember, however, is that the college essay is a personal piece of writing. It allows admissions officers to hear a student’s voice and perspective, so the choice of topic has very little importance. Don’t be worried too much about taboo or clichéd topics. Instead, it’s all about how the student writes about it. Does my child have enough extracurricular activities? Again, it depends. The key is quality rather than quantity. Admissions officers are looking for a student’s level of commitment and leadership roles in their activities.
— by Pierre Huguet
If a student is continually switching activities, it’s also difficult for him or her to rise to a position of leadership. And the fact is that top colleges want trailblazers and self-starters, not followers.
If a school is test-optional, should a student submit their scores or even take standardized tests? While test-optional schools provide students more flexibility and control over their application, it’s still strongly recommended that students take these tests and submit their scores if they are within the top 25% of scores in the school’s applicant pool. Leaving these scores off does not necessarily hurt a student, but if the scores are high enough, they can certainly help.
For an extracurricular activity to help a student’s chances of getting into a top school, it should represent a meaningful time commitment. Colleges want to see focus and achievement, and it’s hard to get much done when you’re spread thin and can’t devote sustained attention to a project. Basically, you don’t need to be a “jack of all trades.” Rather, try to specialize in 1-2 activities that you can do often for several years. That is not to say you can’t do any activities with a lower time commitment, but the most important activities will carry more weight on an application.
Top schools want to see that students are doing more than simply participating. Following your passion, even if it’s not overly academic, will not.
When do we need to begin worrying about applying to college? You do not need to worry about college if your child is in kindergarten, and you do not need to worry about college if your child is in fifth grade, either. College should not be an added stress as much as possible, particularly for students. Rather, it should be seen as an important and highly enjoyable step along the way to whatever it is that a kid wants to do in life, and the college admissions process helps a student discover the school that is the best place for them to take the next Impactfulstep. extracurricular projects and academic success aren’t just the key to a elite education — they’re part of a student’s personal development. They are important long before the application process begins and for a long time after a student graduates from college.
H&C Education is a college admissions consulting firm founded by Ivy League Ph.D. graduates. They provide each of their clients with a unique roadmap for success in high school and beyond. These individualized programs are designed to help students harness their entrepreneurial spirit, develop coherent academic and extracurricular profiles in line with their passions, and stand out in the college admissions process. hceducationconsulting.com | 617-766-0357
Pierre Huguet, Ph.D., CEO & Founder of H&C Education

18 AUGUST 2022 / BEVERLY HILLS LIVING W.W.publisher,theofpermissionwithUsed reserved.rightsAllInc.Company,&NortonPublishingHouseRandomPenguinbyprovidedPhoto VALUE OF SHARED KNOWLEDGE T h e c o r e b e l i e f s o f M i c h a e l T o d d , O n P o i n t F i n a n c i a l M a n a g e m e n t O w n e r & C E O , a r e s i m p l e a n d i m p a c t f u l : W e w a n t t o e m p o w e r o u r c l i e n t s w i t h t h e t o o l s t h e y n e e d t o u n d e r s t a n d h o w t o m a k e t h e i r m o n e y w o r k f o r t h e m W e b e l i e v e f i n a n c i a l f r e e d o m s h o u l d b e a c c e s s i b l e t o e v e r y o n e Michael Todd F o u n d e r & C E O • m i k e @ o n p o i n t f i n a n c i a l m a n a g e m e n t c o m • 8 0 4 8 3 6 3 1 6 7 R e t i r e m e n t • T a x e s • E d u c a t i o n • E s t a t e P l a n n i n g • C a s h F l o w LITERARY LOCALS Titles worthy of your time while you’re enjoying the last month of our summer season. If you're a fellow local author, please make us aware by reaching out to jvarone@bestversionmedia.com. — by Arielle Harris DANIELDW/LA WEEDON Principal, DW/LA Landscape Architects Transform your outdoor space into something truly unique Award-Winning Residential and Commercial Landscapes since 1986 Garden design, hardscaping, custom fire and water features, xeriscapes, lighting (LED), planting, 310.228.7587310.827.2084irrigation cell Registered Landscape Architect State of California #1849 END-OF-SUMMER READS

For Dr, Hojjat, it's all in the little things. “Often, a combination of small changes can make the patient happy,” says Dr. Hojjat. But the philanthropic surgeon also performs a select number of surgeries pro bono, restoring facial function and breathing ease. And he shares these valuable lessons in community service with his team of residents. Giving back in the smallest ways makes the biggest difference in Dr.Hojjat’s life and those around him. Even though he’s busy in the surgery room, Dr. Hojjat makes time for health and wellness. Some of his favorite activities include hiking in the hills behind Los Angeles and relaxing with family and friends. Feeling honored to be a surgeon in the LA area, Dr. Hojjat hopes to expand his clinic and assist the city’s residents in achieving their outward appearance goals. Ready to raise your confidence? You can easily reach Dr. Hojjat’s office by phone or direct message. by George
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FOR DR.HOJJAT, TAKING OFF 10 YEARS IN 2 WEEKS IS EFFORTLESS Let’s face it – when we look our best, we feel our best. Thanks to neighborhood plastic surgeon Dr. Homer Hojjat of SoCal Aesthetics, receiving state-of-the-art care has never been easier – or closer! Famed for his miraculous facelift, many are seeking Dr. Hojjat’s help to melt away years in less than a month. Labeled “The SoCal Facelift,” it’s no wonder that Los Angeles knows and loves the charismatic doctor. The procedure could not be more tempting – by releasing and lifting the deeper structures within the lower third of the face, scars are minimal, and the results are practically natural.Drawn to anatomy from an early age, Dr. Hojjat devoted his work to the various nuances and complexities of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. “Blending those qualities with artistry and the desire to improve a patient’s outward appearance to better reflect their personality influenced me greatly,” he explains. Listening to each patient thoroughly, Dr. Hojjat helps achieve their desired look as well as boost their self-esteem.

A: To do that I have to go into detail about who Virginia Robinson was. The gardens can be described as a mirror of her and the significance she and her husband held in society at that time. She is often referred to as the “First Lady of Beverly Hills” given that she not only housed the first estate in the city, but she was a symbol of utmost class, elegance, philanthropy, and societal significance. She had an elite status and hosted the most exclusive, high-end parties at the mansion and garden. She and her husband owned six Duesenberg vehicles (the utmost luxurious and rare vehicles at the time) during their lifetime which was the most anyone ever owned. Her status was one that put her in a world in which Dorothy Chandler came over for cocktails, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor had tea in one room, the Disney family wedded in the gardens; the property became a hub where one can witness the crossroads between the gilded age and the golden age of Hollywood, where early 20th century movers and shakers were eager to attended her exclusive and prestigious events. Virginia, however, always had elements of “fun.” She was above all a host, and made sure her events were one to remember and her guests had a remarkable time. Given her influence on culture and the significance her parties held in society, I wanted to
A: After my education, I started teaching landscaping and design in Florida. Eventually I moved to Southern California. Southern California can grow more species of plants than anywhere else in the United States, so naturally this felt like a good move. I accepted a job at the Arboretum. I loved that it fused my affinity for both history and landscape. I got to work with
A: Landscape and history was an early passion for me. I worked with my grandfather in his garden after he retired. His garden had function — a space for edible vegetation and a space for aesthetic floral growth. Learning about his plans, the culture, the background of the plants, where it grows, why certain species grow with sun while others with shade, helped my early knowledge of strategic landscaping. This passion stayed with me through my formal education where I studied the liberal arts (sociology, culture, arts) and landscape design.
Beverly Hills’ first ever estate was purchased in 1911, before the city had even become established in 1927. This famous 6.3 acre piece of land, now known as the famous Virginia Robinson Gardens, is home to rich city history and beautifully landscaped vegetation that embodies the spirit of socialite Virgina Robinson. Recently retired Former Superintendent Timothy Lindsay shares his experience working for the gardens over the past 20+ years and developing its well known beauty the city sees today.
Q: How did you fall into landscape architecture?
Q: What are some of your largest projects or resume builders?
historians and restoration architects which really solidified my ability to revive history through growing more vegetation and species here. I worked there for 7.5 years and then the Virginia Robinson Garden opportunity became available. I then spent the remainder of my career there.
Q: Can you go into detail about the historical significance of the Virginia Gardens?

make sure the gardens continuously brought forward that feeling of beauty, prestige, and legacy. When I started working at the Virginia Gardens, it had been many years since there was tending to — it had been somewhat neglected for the many years after Virginia’s death. In order to properly revive the gardens, I had to tour the property, and understand Virginia’s role and legacy, to properly express the history, and particularly her peak in the 1950s, through the landscape. It took my first 10 years at the Gardens to really start to see it come to life. The Garden is now considered a historical landmark.
Q: How large is the property and can you describe the layout?
— by Arielle Harris "It took my first 10 years at the Gardens to really start to see it come to life. The Garden is now considered a historical landmark." — Timothy Lindsay
Q: What’s next for you?
A: Historians never really retire; they just change desks. I’m currently looking to get involved in garden projects in the Pasadena area, close to where I live now.
A: Across the 6.3-acre estate, there are six main distinct areas: The Front Meadow, the Great Lawn and Dry Border, the Italian Terrace Garden (approx. 2 acres), the King Palm Forest, the Rose Garden, and the Kitchen Garden. Many of these areas initially grew with plants and statues that Virginia brought with her across the country moving to Southern California and with vegetation she brought home after travel.

ach year, more than 60,000 people in the U.S. find out they have Parkinson’s disease, a chronic, progressive brain disorder that causes uncontrollable body movements, muscle stiffness and balance problems. Speech may be slow and expressionless, and personality changes are also common. Parkinson’s is diagnosed based on the person’s health history and a physical examination. Blood tests and other laboratory tests are only useful to rule out other conditions. The National Institutes of Health reports that diagnosis is often confirmed when a patient experiences improvement after taking medications prescribed for Parkinson’s. Beyond medication, other treatments for Parkinson’s disease include surgically implanted deep brain stimulators to improve symptoms; physical, occupational and speech therapy; and changes in diet and exercise.
Supervision for exercise. Physical activity helps people with Parkinson’s maintain muscle tone and flexibility. It might even slow the progression of the disease. Having a caregiver close by creates confidence and motivation to follow the doctor’s “prescription” for exercise.
Medication reminders. The caregiver can pick up prescriptions and provide medication reminders. Meal preparation and assistance. Good nutrition is important for people with Parkinson’s. The caregiver can go grocery shopping and prepare meals as recommended by the doctor. A trained caregiver also can provide assistance in feeding.
The Westside office of Right at Home is a locally owned and operated franchise office of Right at Home, LLC, serving the communities of Brentwood, Beverly Hills, Century City, Westwood, Bel Air, Cheviot Hills and the San Fernando Valley.
Fall prevention and safety precautions in the home and out. Tremor, stiffness, and balance problems raise the risk of falls for people with Parkinson’s. A trained caregiver can provide hands-on assistance to help one walk, sit down and stand up safely, get in and out of the bed or a chair, and get into and out of the car.
— by Larry Anthony
Support for family caregivers. When family caregivers try to provide all their loved one’s care on their own, they are at risk of caregiver burnout and a decline in their own health. Bringing in professional care lowers their stress and allows them to spend their time with their loved one doing things they all enjoy.
When Parkinson’s disease is diagnosed in a loved one, early planning is important. While some people with Parkinson’s will experience only minor motor disruptions, others will eventually need full-time care support. As the disease progresses, moving to an assisted living or other supported living facility sometimes is the best choice; however, many people with Parkinson’s prefer to stay in their own home, or that of a loved one, for as long as Beforepossible.making that decision, the family should assess the suitability of the home. Is single-story living possible? Could modifications make the home more accessible? Modifications range from simple and inexpensive — for example, a raised toilet seat and handrails — to more extensive remodeling, such as enlarged doorways, a walk-in shower and safer flooring. Next, consider the care assistance your loved one could need as the disease progresses. The person’s spouse, adult children or other loved ones could provide care. But as needs change, this could become a more difficult challenge. Many families hire professional in-home care to allow their loved one to stay safe at home longer. Here are ways in-home care can help: Care coordination and transportation.
Medical management of Parkinson’s disease can be complicated, with frequent appointments with their doctor and specialists, such as physical, occupational or speech therapists. The caregiver can accompany and provide transportation.
Assistance with personal care. The changes of Parkinson’s can make bathing, dressing, grooming and using the toilet more difficult. A professional caregiver can provide assistance while preserving your loved one’s dignity. Caregivers also keep the home clean and do laundry.
Companionship and communication. People with Parkinson’s can become socially isolated. The caregiver will have the understanding, patience and awareness to encourage pleasant social interaction, even when speech, voice problems, and reduced facial muscle movement make conversation more difficult.

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"Breathe the sweetness that hovers in August." — Denise Levertov