Bethlehem star newsletter january february 2014

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January—February 2014

Commentary on 1‐12‐14 Business Mee ng By Vernie E. Fountain Our first quarterly business mee ng for 2014 was conducted on 1‐12‐14 at 6:00 pm. A endance has improved at our last two mee ngs compared to prior mee ngs. 17 men and 26 women a ended the January mee ng, includ‐ ing two of our youth. It makes me proud to see our youth taking part and being involved in the business ses‐ sions. The Reverend Chris Singleton officiated the mee ng.

Bethlehem Star

the safety of our children crossing the road. Also, purchasing this property is another devia on from the plan devel‐ oped by the planning commi ee. An‐ other considera on is the amount of work that would be required to retrofit the building to facilitate our needs.

Disappointment was expressed by some that no decision was made to move forward to address the needed expansion so that we can provide addi‐ onal space for mul ‐purpose ac vi‐ es not only for our youth but other areas of ministry. As I observed the heart felt expressions from both sides of the issue, I felt that the discussion Reports were received from the was healthy and has raised the aware‐ Finance Commi ee, Deacon Board, ness for the need to proceed with ac‐ Ladies Auxiliary, Senior Ministry, Sun‐ on, either by further research and day School Department, Youth Depart‐ considera on of the available property ment, Trustees and the Pulpit Com‐ or by making the decision to move for‐ mi ee. ward with another phase of the plan During the mee ng a report was given proposed by the planning commi ee regarding the poten al availability of years ago. I truly believe that as each the property across the road from the of us brings this issue before God, ear‐ church which generated considerable nestly seeking His will and discernment in the ma er, we will be given clear discussion. The ideas and opinions offered either pro or con were made in direc on as to what is the right ac on a spirit of genuine concern for what is to take. best for our ministry. A couple of mo‐ We have been truly blessed as we ons were offered and seconded to have expanded the facili es in the past make offers on the property but these several years and are debt free. God failed to carry a majority vote by the has supplied and I truly believe that members present. Mul ple issues God will con nue to supply everything were addressed in the discussion. we need and more as long as we are opera ng under His plans for Bethle‐ There is no ques on that addi onal space is needed for effec ve ministry, hem. Will you join me in prayer for God’s clear guidance and direc on in especially for the youth department. Addi onally, our fellowship hall is too this ma er? Will you commit to be obedient to whatever God directs us small and is cramped when we try to to do? Will you exercise your faith to seat and serve a large crowd. We are believe that God will supply everything in need of storage space for chairs, we need as we con nue to work His tables and other supplies and equip‐ work in this community? Make this a ment. daily pe on before God’s throne. Concern was expressed with the sepa‐ Each of us are dear brothers and sis‐ ra on of the property by NC111 and ters in the Lord and we should value


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and carefully consider thoughts and opinions expressed from the heart. May we be commi ed not to allow differing opinions and convic ons to divide our fellowship, but rather com‐ mit to pray along side each other un l we are united in Spirit on the issue. Also, during the mee ng, the 2014 Nomina ng Commi ee was completed by the nomina on of the one member at large which is appointed at the Jan‐ uary Business Mee ng each year to serve with the other members of the commi ee consis ng of chairpersons from various ministries. They have a formidable task as they review the slate of officers whose term will expire in June of 2014. Several seats will be vacated including, Assistant Clerk, As‐ sistant Treasurer, Youth Ministries Di‐ rector, Assistant Sunday School Super‐ intendent, Assistant Nursery Coordina‐ tor, Finance Board Member at Large, two seats on the Trustee Board, one seat on the Usher Board, one Publicity Commi ee member and one Sign Commi ee member. As you can see, the Nomina ng Com‐ mi ee not only needs our prayers but each member of our church should be praying for God to use them and their specific spiritual gi s in whatever ca‐ pacity that will result in complete and effec ve ministry, not only within the church but more importantly, as we reach out into the surrounding com‐ muni es in obedience to God’s calling for Bethlehem. VEF

Our purpose at Bethlehem is: To Lead people to Jesus To Unite them in the family of God, To Empower them to serve Jesus in the world, And to Bring honor and glory to God. God.

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