15th Annual Bermuda International Film Festival

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MODERN MASTERS Damsels in Distress

The Day He Arrives

d. Whit Stillman USA / 2011 / 99 minutes / Colour / NR " DPNFEZ BCPVU B USJP PG CFBVUJGVM HJSMT BT they set out to revolutionize life at a grungy "NFSJDBO VOJWFSTJUZ EZOBNJD MFBEFS 7JPMFU 8JTUFS (SFUB (FSXJH QSJODJQMFE 3PTF .FHBMZO &DIJLVOXPLF BOE TFYZ )FBUIFS $BSSJF .BD-FNPSF 5IFZ XFMDPNF USBOTGFS TUVEFOU -JMZ "OBMFJHI 5JQUPO JOUP their group, which seeks to help severely depressed students with a program of good hygiene and musical dance numbers. The girls become romantically entangled with a series of men, including smooth Charlie "ESBN #SPEZ ESFBNCPBU 9BWJFS BOE the mad frat pack of Frank and Thor, who UISFBUFO UIF HJSMT GSJFOETIJQ BOE TBOJUZ The ďŹ lm closed the 2011 Venice Film Festival and has been busy on the festival circuit since, screening at Toronto and Rotterdam to name two.

d. Sang-soo Hong South Korea / 2011 / 79 minutes / Black & White / NR Korean with English subtitles

In his fascinating examination of a triple homicide case in Conroe, Texas, Werner Herzog probes the human psyche to explore why people, and a state, kills. In intimate conversations with those involved, JODMVEJOH ZFBS PME EFBUI SPX JONBUF Michael Perry, the ďŹ lmmaker achieves what he describes as “a gaze into the abyss of UIF IVNBO TPVM w )FS[PH T JORVJSJFT BMTP extend to the other convicted killer, Jason Burkett; his father, also incarcerated; a woman who lost both her mother and brother in the crime; as well as a chaplain BOE GPSNFS FYFDVUJPOFS XIP WF CFFO XJUI EFBUI SPX QSJTPOFST BT UIFZ WF UBLFO UIFJS mOBM CSFBUIT %FCVUJOH BU UIF VQ BOE coming Telluride Film Festival, Herzog captured the British Film Institute to win JUT (SJFSTPO "XBSE GPS #FTU %PDVNFOUBSZ of 2011.

d. Lynee Ramsay UK, USA / 2011 / 112 minutes / Colour / R " TVTQFOTFGVM BOE HSJQQJOH QTZDIPMPHJDBM thriller that explores the fractious relationship between a mother and her evil son. Tilda Swinton, in a bracing, UPVS EF GPSDF QFSGPSNBODF QMBZT UIF NPUIFS &WB BT TIF DPOUFOET GPS years with the increasing malevolence of IFS mSTU CPSO DIJME ,FWJO &[SB .JMMFS #BTFE PO UIF CFTU TFMMJOH OPWFM PG UIF TBNF OBNF 8F /FFE 5P 5BML "CPVU Kevin explores nature vs. nurture on a whole new level. The ďŹ lm has attracted a sleuth of award nominations, including B #FTU "DUSFTT (PMEFO (MPCF BOE #"'5" nods for Swinton, it took Best Film at the -POEPO 'JMN 'FTUJWBM #SJUJTI 'JMN "XBSET BOE &VSPQFBO 'JMN "XBSET 3BNTBZ BMTP scored a Best Director gong at the British *OEFQFOEFOU 'JMN "XBSET

BIFF 2012

d. Werner Herzog USA / 2011 / 107 minutes / Colour / PG-13

We Need To Talk About Kevin


Into the Abyss

4VOH +PPO SFUVSOT UP 4FPVM UP SFDPOOFDU with an old friend. When the friend EPFTO U BOTXFS IJT DBMMT 4VOH +PPO TUBZT JO a northern village in Seoul for three days. There he proceeds to interact with a variety of characters, in this charming, witty new ďŹ lm from the celebrated Korean auteur. /PCPEZ XIP T TFFO B )POH 4BOHTPP mMN before will be surprised to hear that The %BZ )F "SSJWFT DFOUSFT PO ESJOLJOH TPDJBM FNCBSSBTTNFOUT TFEVDUJPOT BOE SFKFDUJPOT 5IF TVSQSJTF JT UIBU PODF BHBJO JU BMM GFFMT so fresh and unfamiliar. The ďŹ lm screened JO DPNQFUJUJPO BU $BOOFT JO UIF 6O Certain Regard category, celebrating young talent with innovative and daring works.

Modern Masters

Also making its debut at BIFF 2012, the Modern Masters section comprises exciting new works crafted by some of the most acclaimed contemporary directors.

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