AgrariAgora: Recreating Community Identity

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the downtown Midwestern rural communities usually grew from an archetypal downtown. Typically these downtowns were the center of all business within the community. Brick storefront facades lined what were most likely the only paved roads in the town. Although most Midwestern downtowns follow a very similar architectural style, each building is uniquely designed and can be recognized by the community members. Locally owned shops and businesses did not compete with larger national corporations and, not only contributed to the local economy but also strengthened the community identity. Rural downtowns


also played host to important community events social gatherings; furthermore, this is where information, community pride, and awareness. They established a unique forum for community assembly and communication which was identifiable and more importantly a source of dignity within the community. Most of these downtowns became historic icons as the communities grew. Identified as substantial parts of the community, they have earned enough attention to garner preservation and in most cases still exist today. These rural downtowns played a significant role in the formation of each community’s identity. 15


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