Beit T'Shuvah Magazine Vol.3 Num.2

Page 49

and the photos amazing. Loved how you gave credit to all that contributed. We are sure you are getting rave reviews and they are most certainly deserved. All of you are so talented and have found your passion—what a blessing. May we suggest that in the next issue you have a page for letters to the editor as we would all like to share in your great success. Vanity Fair has nothing on you. Fondly, Sandy and Marvin Smalley

Dear Beit T’Shuvah Residents, I can’t tell you in words how grateful we, the 8th grade of Bnai Shalom Day School of North Carolina are to have been part of your community when we visited. We learned a great deal about addiction and how badly you can mess up your life by having one. I felt like I knew what you were going through because my father had an addiction with alcohol which killed him last year. Hope all of you are doing well. Be strong. Thanks again. Sincerely,

choices. But we want you to know, deeply, we appreciate your soul and strength and your beautiful program at Beit T’Shuvah. All that goodness is eternal, not lost, no matter what. G-d bless you both. Megan and Gregory

Dear Rabbi Mark and Harriet, As you may remember from the letter I sent you a few months ago, I wanted to include Beit T’Shuvah as one of my “special birthday contributions.” I am delighted to report that I received nearly 150 cards with lovely birthday wishes enabling me to make this contribution of $3,430 to Beit T’Shuvah. Being able to help young adults with addiction issues find themselves and return to productive lives with their families and community gives me great joy. I am honored to be a part of this unique, exceptional program. My best, Anonymous

Sean To Development Department: Dear BTS, The effect of the place, community spirit, the ethos where religion is strong but in an entirely free and unforced way, where everyone is welcome, where part of the deal is acceptance of who you are as a first step to change, where everyone is asked to acknowledge the underlying Judaic ethos, but no one has to accept it, and where you can stay on after you become “sober,” and are not expected to go back into the real world until you are ready in every sense, and where almost all of those who work there have been through the reality of addiction and come out of it with an understanding and a nonjudgmental love for each other. This was a very powerful and fundamentally life-affirming human experience. The human reality matters, and there above money and personal religious identity. A true spirit of brotherhood. The contribution such a place makes to the world is truly remarkable. It is transformative in every way, every stereotype, and every prejudice dissolves, the human being is sovereign. I am so grateful to have witnessed this. Andrew

Enclosed you will find a donation made by a small group of 7th grade students at Tehiyah Jewish Day School in Northern California. This year the students learned the importance of Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam through a year of study and action. The students formed “mini-Foundations” with names and mission statements based on issues they were passionate about… The students learned to research non-profit organizations locally and internationally. They raised money through…their own bake sales, lemonade stands, and fundraising letters to friends, teachers, rabbis and neighbors. Many students donated from their own Bar and Bar Mitzvah gifts… In addition, each Mini-Foundation [created] a presentation which included facts, photos, videos…to present at our Final Presentation and Donation Ceremony. Their purpose was to educate and spark awareness about their topic for the Tehiya student body, administrators, teachers, and parents…The students proudly highlighted your organization, mission and why they chose you!

Dearest Harriet and Rabbi Mark,

The Hugs Not Drugs Mini-Foundation comprised of Gabe, Kieran, and Aaron selected your organization and is contributing $412.00 to the wonderful work you do to foster justice and repair the world. Congratulations!

Naturally, we are sorrowful over our daughter Rabyn’s terrible

Sincerely, Elana Isaacs (Tzedakah and Youth Leadership Consultant at Tehiya Jewish Day School)

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