卫讯 cac news | 12 • 2017

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took ownership of the task. The villagers are hospitable, helpful and friendly. At the GC School, 4 new classrooms were being touched up for opening the following week. They had new wooden benches and long tables for children who previously had to sit on concrete floors in classrooms. These were labelled "GMC Singapore" because GMC funded their purchase. The classrooms had chalk blackboards but there were no fans that would be needed during the hot season. We also visited our mission pastor, Mang Kaih Thang's ministry through our sponsored Grace Church. He shared his plans for the church (including his concerns for children ministry's space on the roof-top open common space) in our unit in a 100 year old building - a contrast from the decently renovated interior of the unit.

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trip to the Christian orphanage

Our final task was to visit a Christian oorphanage accessible by ferry. It is ssituated in D, a predominantly Buddhist vvillage. The 23 orphans in the orphanage ssang us Christian songs. So, much has to bbe done especially in the Christian growth oof this younger generation. For now, the oorphanage is in need of food - rice and bbasic necessities which we bought from tthe nearby provision shop. Team leader, Richard, shared: “The cchurch in P village is the work of God's oobedient people. It has a leadership

team, with succession planned. The Pastor is very old but the Assistant Pastor is very young. And there are different ministries - the secretary, even an assistant secretary, the treasurer, the various leaders for different ministries and programmes and youth leader. There is also a leader for f the women’s ministry! They were excited to receive us, the foreign visitors, e and a were appreciative that we, who are from a developed country would go so far f to t seek out this village. There are many needs and lots of impactful ministries are n p possible here.” Therefore, be encouraged and avail yourselves for a trip like this, once a year. y They are not as difficult as you imagine. T May the Lord bless all our efforts there to touch the hearts of the villagers t and a glorify the Lord.

Comfort Zone 샂 23 orphans singing Christian songs to welcome the team upon arrival. • 12 • 2017


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