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g n i Feel Don’t let planning your wedding stop you from having a healthy lifestyle – here’s how to stay well in the run-up to the day


t can be tricky enough to stay in a healthy routine at the best of times – and if you add planning a wedding to the mix, it can start to feel almost impossible. After all, it’s not easy to keep your stress levels down when you’re dealing with guest-list dramas, or to carry on with WKDW Ă€WQHVV FODVV WKDW PDNHV \RX IHHO JUHDW when every evening is taken up with venue research. And that’s before we take into account the extra alcohol you may be consuming – it’s a super-social time – or any pressure creeping in around losing weight for the big day. But nobody wants to turn up to their wedding feeling tired, hungry and PLVHUDEOH 7KDW¡V ZK\ ZH¡YH LGHQWLĂ€HG WKH main areas of planning that can sabotage your healthy regime, and asked leading experts how you can overcome them. Sadly, we can’t do the table plan for you, or get rid of that annoying guest who keeps demanding a plus-one – but we can help you feel your KHDOWK\ FRQĂ€GHQW EULGDO EHVW ZKDWHYHU the run-up to your wedding throws at you!


Whether you’re planning a large-scale celebration or an intimate party, planning a wedding can be stressful. And stress can have a serious effect on your wellbeing. “It’s your hormones playing havoc – too PXFK DGUHQDOLQ ZKLFK LV DERXW Ă€JKW RU Ă LJKW Îź H[SODLQV GRFWRU DQG SHUVRQDO WUDLQHU Dr Hazel Wallace, author of The Food Medic for Life: Easy recipes to help you live well every day (Yellow Kite, ÂŁ20). “Chronic stress can lead to high levels of cortisol. You might overeat

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