Energy Wise 2013

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power, it wouldn’t be so outlandish. If it’s money the moneymakers want, there’s plenty of money to be made in this project — all while satisfying the need to protect the environPhoto via Wikipedia ment. Sounds like a A typical photovoltaic module with individual cells. This crystallinepretty easy choice. silicon module has an aluminium frame and glass on the front. And the best part? A limitless supply of energy from the most massive nuclear any savings. reactor around... with no worries of a There are also different types of meltdown. (Well... that’s not entirely solar-power systems, so it’s important to true. The Sun will last about 5.4 billion ensure that you get the right one for your years, but that seems like ample time to needs. make use of the sunlight we’ll have. If you’re considering solar-power solutions, but sure to consult trained A Smaller Scale professionals, or else your investment Of course, we don’t need major solar might not work for you. Be prepared to arrays to provide all our electricity. Any ask questions and check references. You’ll building can be outfitted with solar need to find professionals who have not panels and reap those benefits. But do-it- only installed such systems but who have yourselfers should be aware that there is a customers who can talk about how suclearning curve to planning and installing cessful their solar solutions have been in solar panels; it isn’t as easy as slapping the long term. them on the roof and having them work effectively. Proper placement, including an orientation that will ensure the panels get the most solar energy possible, is important. Understanding your electricity needs is also important. Many believe that solar panels on a house are a panacea that immediately takes you off the grid and removes any power bill. But with modern conveniences like clothes dryers, refrigerators, big televisions, and other high-draw electrical appliances, the cost of a solar system to handle your entire house load might be too high to realize

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