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How One Man Gained the Wealth of a Kingdom 21

The warning and the plan were both given while Egypt was still blessed and prosperous. The timing was right to gather: it was a time of abundance.

(3) Pharaoh's Action Another king, such as the Pharaoh of Moses, might have ignored the dream. He could have turned his nose up at a warning given by a prisoner claiming to speak for a God of whom he had never heard. However, this Pharaoh had the sense to listen and obey, even though he did not know the God of Joseph and his father Jacob. Recognizing the wisdom of God, Pharaoh even made Joseph the head of the stockpiling project. He appointed him as second-in-command and gave him the responsibility of implementing God's plan throughout the nation. Then Pharaoh commanded his commission to build reserves around the towns they would support. He gathered food while the people went about their normal lives, planting and harvesting their crop. In this time, he stored up more grain than could be measured! Perhaps, in this way, Pharaoh was much like Noah. This ark-builder indubitably appeared foolish, building a massive boat in a landlocked region of a world that had never seen rain. However, both Noah and Pharaoh prepared for a cataclysmic event that was both hard to believe and unforeseen by men. It must have taken much dedication and determination on the part of Pharaoh in order to build storage facilities and collect grain during

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