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quite difficult to get their attention, one of the BCIS teachers, Mr. Mark, was still able to quiet the excited little children down. Soon, the activities began and the MC’s on the stage introduced many different types of fruits in English to the students before giving out instructions on the games to be played. The game the students most enjoyed, judging by their rowdiness, was the one where they had to run to the person holding the picture of the fruit that was called by the MC’s. At the end of the short lessons/activities, all students were rewarded with candies and snacks as they left the room for their participation. Next, as students from fourth to sixth grades filed into the room, an introduction of new vocabulary of action verbs was given. Students were to read, understand, and remember the words for they would be using them to play the activities. Among the most popular activities for this particular age group, was the “Charades” in which representatives from each small group were to come up on stage and act out the word that was revealed to them from a card without saying anything to give it off. Their members then had to try to decipher what was being acted out on stage. Whichever member of a group had their hand raised before anyone else got to answer by calling out

what action was being done on the stage. If a student guessed correctly, their team was given a point and if they guessed wrong, they simply received none. The group with the most points at the end of the activity received a prize. However, as an encouragement for the students to continue their passion to learn English, everyone was still given snacks at the end of the activities. Lastly, the final group, consisted of students from grades seven to nine, came in for new sets of challenges. The activities for this group of students were based solely on the purpose of having lots of fun. The first game played was called “Capture the Captain”. Each small team was to set a representative in the center of their circle then on their turn, members of the group could run to other teams to drag their members, creating a bigger empire of their own. Whichever team caught another’s team captain first, wins the game. Though rowdy, this activity brought with it laughter and high energy from the students. The annual BCIS Birthday Celebration or what most students go by as the “annual Community Service Day” has allowed students of different age groups to return their gratitude to the community. It was truly a wonderful day for BCIS.

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