the muse volume 1

Page 49

Absolutely. My parents were the ones who

How do you nurture your own creativity now?

told me I could be anything I wanted to

Our house is surrounded by woods, as is

be, and could believe anything I wanted

my in-laws', who live next door. I try to

to believe. I drew, painted, collected,

walk around our properties as much as I

pondered, wrote, read, built with just

can ( we each have almost 3 acres and

about anything I could get my hands on.

most of it is woods), and be out in nature.

My Mom and Dad were also creatives,

Everything in nature is a miracle to me! I

though they were working too hard to let

am lucky enough to be with a man who

it fully come forward...but they made it

makes me feel loved and secure; that

possible for me and my two sisters to

goes a long way toward allowing your

express, create, and share. They never

mind to venture OUT THERE – you aren't

shied away from philosophical or difficult

worried/insecure/anxious. And I always

religious discussions with us either. Our

feel better when there is music – almost

house had many books, and trips to the

any kind makes my mind start flowing

library were many!


Was your creativity nurtured as a child?

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