Frank Leister 12th July 1981

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The maJori+y of these plgoons are unflown owlng fo tho fac+ ihat Frank moved house at the end of 1974 raclng seasonr Ho!/ever, h6 lias sil ll very huch lnvolved ln r€clng and breedlng. He bred plgeons for Ron Mghr of Bacchus i,larsh who ra@s l!l+h greai succoss, 6nd hls t$o recent 500 ml le tvlnners were afirlbufablo to Frankrs plgeons, He bred for me $lhlle I !,/as flylng wlth the Heldelberg Comblne and my plgeons wore regularly placed ln the 500 and 600 ml lo races, also llnlshlng 2nd and 3rd ln-l-he Conbl ne Aggregafe, Lasf year ln 8 UHA races I managed a l1ih and thlrd lh the Club,

Frank loaned Lot I +o Trevor Lllburn l.]ho won a 600 ml le Comblne wlth a daugh+er off +hat plgeon. Sho ln +urn producod p lacegeitors from 600m. He also loaned the slro to Lols 2, 19, 100, 101 to Trevor liho lron a 400 mlle Comb lns v,/lth hls son. Thls par+lcular plgeon ln T.evorrs vlevi was Fronkrs best producer at that f1fl6. Unlorfunate ly, a hawk a++acked Frankrs avlary and ihls plgeon ln hls haste +o Cei away hlt +he b6ck of

the loft and was kl lled.

The basis of Fronkrs lofl }/as foundod on birds he purchased fron the Late Len Broad back ln 1939. Th6y were a most consls+ent fanl ly wlnnlng Frank many races fron f0 +o 600 ml l€s.

ln 1950 Frank purchasod a blue bar hen VHA 5O-4JBI from ihe Lalo and greaf John l4lfsud. She was by an lmported cock from UHA 45-1- fhe dam of rrExpeciedrr, ristrynesdale Queent and many oihers. She proved a real boon for Frank belng the grd. Dam of Loi I and 108, Followlng her great success at stock Frank undoubted ly found hls way back fo l4llsudrs where he purchased a nesf ma+e to "l'4ornlng Star". Theso plgeons crossed well


+he broads.

ln 1976 Frank purchased sonE Clay+on Gl++s plgeons George Scoff' of pooraka an Adelalde suburb. Goorge has a reputatlon that would bo hard pressed to bo bea+6n al +ho dlst6nce. Readlng some of the blrds ln the sale wlll conflrm this, Frank had a Glt+s faml ly long before he purchasod frorn Scotf. ln faci my 600 mJ le wlnner (beaten by .B mpm by T. Lllburn ln the Comblno) tras a cross befwesn a Scott cock and hen of Frankrs old fanl ly.

I truly bollevo thls salo otf€rs both the ostabllshed and novlce flyer the chance +o make a namg for hims€lf. Yours, Kev



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