Bangla sanglap(Issue15/11)

Page 1

weªwUkiv Ab¨ ‡h KviI Zyjbvq AbjvB‡b ‡ewk ‡KbvKvUv K‡i

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t we«‡Ub A‡bK ‰ewk¦K

ZvwjKvi kx‡l© ‡bB, wKš‘ hLb

B›Uvi‡bU ‡KbvKvUvi K_v Av‡m, ZLb

‡KD Avgv‡`i Qvwo‡q hvq bv|

GKwU we‡kl‡Y ‡`Lv ‡M‡Q ‡h we«wUkiv

Zv‡`i Av‡qi 8.8 kZvsk Ab¨

‡h‡Kv‡bv RvZxqZvi Zyjbvq AbjvB‡b e¨q K‡i|

hy³iv‡R¨i wb‡ew`Zc«vY kwcs‡c«gxiv

Zv‡`i evwl©K Av‡qi 8.8 kZvsk

B-Kgv‡m© e¨q K‡i, hv Avgv‡`i

Av‡gwiKvb‡`i Zyjbvq ¯^v”Q‡›`¨ ‡ewk, hviv gvÎ 4.3 kZvsk cwiPvjbv K‡i|

Z‡e gvwK©b hy³iv‡ó« ‡eZb we«‡U‡bi

Zyjbvq ¯^v”Q‡›`¨ ‡ewk nIqvq, GKB cwigvY cY¨ wKb‡Z Av‡gwiKvb‡`i

Zv‡`i ‡eZ‡bi ‡ewk e¨q Ki‡Z nq bv|

divwmiv Zv‡`i Av‡qi 4.3 kZvsk e¨q K‡i| WvPiv 4 kZvsk e¨q K‡i wØZxq e…nËg e¨qKvix|

AbjvBb d¨vkb LyPiv we‡µZv cvewjK wWRvqvi Øviv cwiPvwjZ

we‡kl‡Y ‡`Lv ‡M‡Q ‡h AbjvBb e¨‡qi ‡¶‡Î ‡Kej `w¶Y ‡Kvwiqvbiv we«wUk‡`i KvQvKvwQ, Zv‡`i Av‡qi 8.5 kZvsk e¨q K‡i| Z…Zxq ¯’v‡b i‡q‡Q ZvBIqvwbRiv hviv 6.1 kZvsk e¨q K‡i|

Awdm di b¨vkbvj ÷¨vwUw÷· (ONS) Abymv‡i, M‡o GKRb we«wUk Kg©x c«wZ mßv‡n 37,856 cvDÛ Avq

K‡i, GB mgx¶v ‡_‡K Rvbv hvq ‡h Avgiv c«‡Z¨‡KB AbjvB‡b c«wZ mßv‡n 64 cvDÛ LiP KiwQ| we«‡U‡bi B›Uvi‡bU ‡µZviv ‡KbvKvUv Kivi ‡¶‡ÎI h‡_ó `¶ e‡j g‡b

n‡”Q A_ev Ab¨fv‡e ej‡Z ‡M‡j, Avgiv c«vq mK‡ji Zyjbvq ÒwKbybÓ ‡evZvgwU ‡ewk Pvwc| M‡elYvq ‡`Lv ‡M‡Q ‡h AbjvB‡b ‡ewk bM` A_© e¨q Kiv m‡Ë¡I, we«wUkiv Ab¨vb¨ A‡bK RvwZi Zyjbvq

hy³ivR¨ Ges BD‡iv‡ci

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t GBPGmwewm BD‡ivc I Av‡gwiKvq BKyBwU g~jab msM«n Ges civgk© c«`vb c«Z¨vnvi Ki‡Q, hvi d‡j jÛb I wbD Bq‡K© PvKwi nviv‡bvi m¤¢vebv ‡e‡o hv‡”Q Ges hy³ivR¨wfwËK wKQy K‡c©v‡iU K¬v‡q›U‡`i bZyb ‡e«vKv‡ii c«‡qvRb n‡”Q|

jÛb-wfwËK, Gwkqv-‡Kw›`«K e¨vsKwU wbwðZ K‡i‡Q ‡h Zviv Gwkqv I ga¨c«v‡P¨i ‡K›`«¯’‡ji evB‡i

BKyBwU g~jab evRvi (BwmGg) Ges GKxf~ZKiY Ges AwaM«nY (GgGÛG) civg‡ki« Dci Pvc w`‡”Q, Z‡e f~wgKv n«v‡mi wel‡q ‡KvbI gš—e¨ Ki‡Z A¯^xK…wZ Rvwb‡q‡Q|

cwiKwíZ eÜ wQj ÒGBPGmwewm‡K mijxKiY Ges Avgv‡`i kw³i

‡¶Î¸wj‡Z ‡bZ…Z¡ e…w×i Rb¨ Avgv‡`i

Pjgvb c«‡Póvi AskÓ, e¨vsKwU e‡j‡Q: Ò¯’vbxq AvBwb c«‡qvRbxqZv mv‡c‡¶ Avgiv hy³ivR¨, BD‡ivc Ges gvwK©b hy³iv‡ó« Avgv‡`i GgGÛG Ges

BwmGg Kvh©µg eÜ Ki‡Z ïiæ Kie|Ó

GB c`‡¶c‡K jÛ‡bi GKwU c«avb

BKyBwU cyuwRevRvi ‡K›`« wn‡m‡e mybv‡gi Dci GKwU bZyb AvNvZ wn‡m‡e ‡`Lv n‡q‡Q, hw`I `xN©w`b a‡i Pyw³i NvUwZi gy‡LvgywL n‡q jovB Kiv wKQy K‡c©v‡iU ‡e«vKvi GwU‡K Djvm K‡i‡Q| ÒevRvi ‡_‡K ¶gZv ‡ewi‡q

B›Uvi‡b‡U ‡KbvKvUvq Kg mgq e¨q K‡i| Pxbviv kwcs I‡qemvBU e«vDR Kivi ‡¶‡Î me‡P‡q ‡ewk mgq e¨q K‡i| hy³iv‡R¨ M‡o GKRb e¨w³ mßv‡n `yB N›Uv Pvi wgwbU B›Uvi‡b‡U ‡KbvKvUv Ki‡Z e¨q K‡ib| Px‡b Zviv AvU N›Uv cvuP wgwbU e¨q K‡i

Ges `w¶Y ‡Kvwiqvq Pvi N›Uv 39 wgwbU AbjvB‡b LyPiv we‡µZv‡`i e«vDR Kivi mgq e¨q nq|

Gi A_© nj we«wUkiv Zv‡`i Av‡qi 1 kZvsk e¨q Ki‡Z gvÎ 22 N›Uv AbjvB‡b mgq e¨q K‡i ‡hLv‡b Pxbv‡`i mgcwigvY e¨q Ki‡Z 110 N›Uv c«‡qvRb| ïaygvÎ WvP Ges divwm‡`i mgq e¨‡qi AbycvZ Kg| we‡klY ‡_‡K Rvbv hvq ‡h we«wUkiv c«wZ mv‡o wZb wgwb‡U B›Uvi‡b‡U ‡KbvKvUvq £1 LiP K‡i| hw`I AbjvB‡b LiP GLbI e¨vcK Rbwcq, ZeyI miKvix cwimsL¨vb

Avmv evwK‡`i Rb¨ `y`©vš— Lei,Ó GKRb e‡j‡Qb| we‡klKiv e‡j‡Qb, eQ‡ii ci eQi a‡i, GBPGmwe hy³iv‡R¨ BwmIGgGi Dci Zxe« Ges Zxe« c«wZwµqv ‡`wL‡q‡Q| ÒGwU eQ‡ii ci eQi a‡i

wKQyUv A¯^w¯—Ki wQj, KLbI KLbI c«mvwiZ nq wKš‘ Avevi wcwQ‡q Av‡m,Ó ‡kvi K¨vwcUv‡ji e¨vsK we‡klK M¨vwi wM«bDW e‡j‡Qb|

GB c«Z¨vnv‡ii d‡j GBPGmwewm

2023 mv‡j wmwjKb f¨vwj e¨vsK

BD‡K-‡K µq Kivi ‡h ‡KvbI Avkv

‡f‡O hvq, hv‡Z `ªyZ ea©bkxj c«hyw³

‡Kv¤úvwb¸wj‡K wewb‡qvM e¨vswKs

K¬v‡q‡›U cwiYZ Kiv hvq|

Kg©x‡`i D‡Ï‡k¨ GKwU Af¨šÍixY

¯§vi‡K GBPGmwewm e¨vs‡Ki c«avb wbe©vnx gvB‡Kj ievU©m e‡j‡Qb ‡h wZwb eyS‡Z ‡c‡i‡Qb ‡h GB ‡NvlYv

ÒAw¯’iÓ n‡e Z‡e wZwb AviI ‡hvM

K‡i‡Qb: ÒAvgv‡`i D‡Ïk¨ nj AviI

c«wZ‡hvwMZvg~jK, ‡¯‹‡jej, A_©vqb-

‡bZ…Z¡vaxb g‡W‡j ¯’vbvš—i Kiv| ÒAvgiv AvMvgx w`b¸wj‡Z wewb‡qvM e¨vswKs K¬v‡q›U‡`i mv‡_ ch©v‡jvPbv

m¤ú‡K© Avc‡WU Kivi Rb¨ Ges

GgGÛG Ges BwmGg mn ‡h‡Kv‡bv

jvBf Pyw³ Ges g¨v‡Û‡Ui Dci

Avgv‡`i Ae¨vnZ mg_©b wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Kivi Rb¨ ‡hvMv‡hvM Kie,Ó wZwb AviI ‡hvM K‡ib|

GBPGmwewm ¶wZM¯Í GjvKvq KZRb ‡jvK KvR K‡i‡Q ‡m m¤ú‡K© gš—

‡`Lvq ‡h Avgiv gnvgvixi mgqKvi Zyjbvq A‡bK Kg KiwQ, hLb ‡ewkifvM nvB w÷«U ‡÷vi eÜ wQj|

ONS ej‡Q ‡h wW‡m¤^‡i LyPiv wewµi 29.3 kZvsk AbjvB‡b Kiv n‡qwQj, ‡hLv‡b 2021 mv‡ji Rvbyqvwi‡Z m‡e©v”P 37.8 kZvsk wQj| ZeyI, Avgiv GLbI ‡KvwfW AvNvZ nvbvi Av‡Mi Zyjbvq A‡bK ‡ewk AbjvB‡b e¨q KiwQ|

we‡klÁiv ej‡Qb ‡h mvs¯‹…wZK ‡_‡K A_©‰bwZK ch©š— wewfbœ Kvi‡Yi mswgk«‡Yi Kvi‡Y we«‡U‡b B›Uvi‡bU ‡KbvKvUv e…w× ‡c‡q‡Q| Gi GKwU c«avb KviY nj M«vnKiv Ab¨vb¨ ‡`‡ki ‡µZv‡`i Zyjbvq ‡ewk c«hyw³m‡PZb, m¤¢eZ hy³ivR¨ B›Uvi‡bU ‡KbvKvUv M«nYKvix c«_g ‡`k¸wji g‡a¨ GKwU wQj| `xN© Kg©NÈv Ges e¨¯— RxebhvÎvi A_© nj we«wUkivI AbjvB‡b cY¨ ‡Kbvi myweav Dc‡fvM K‡i| Ges hw`I hy³iv‡R¨i cv‡m©j ‡Wwjfvwi ‡bUIqvK©‡K A‡bK Dcnvm Kiv nq, GwU Zyjbvg~jKfv‡e `ªyZ Ges mvk«qx g~‡j¨i cwi‡lev c«`vb K‡i, GgbwK c«Z¨š— A‡jI, ‡hLv‡b c‡ii w`b ‡Wwjfvwi mvaviY|

e¨ Ki‡Z A¯^xK…wZ Rvwb‡q‡Q| GwU wek¦e¨vcx 220,000 Rb‡K wb‡qvM K‡i| GB KvUe¨vK¸wj Mªyc c«avb R‡R©m Gj‡nWvwii LiP Kgv‡bvi, e¨emv mnR Kivi Ges Gwkqvi Dci AviI g‡bv‡hvM ‡`Iqvi cwiKíbvi Ask|

aviYv Kiv nq ‡h GBPGmwewm 1992 mv‡j wgWj¨vÛ e¨vsK ‡Kbvi ci ‡_‡K jÛ‡b GKwU K‡c©v‡iU civgk©g~jK Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv K‡iwQj, hv cyiv‡bv m¨vgy‡qj g›Uv¸ Ges WweD wM«bI‡qj gv‡P©›U e¨vswKs Kvh©µ‡gi mv‡_ G‡mwQj|

2023 mv‡j GBPGmwewm Ry‡o BwmGg ‡_‡K Avq 45 kZvsk K‡g 552 wgwjqb Wjv‡i `vuwo‡q‡Q Ges MZ eQiI ‡jb‡`b KwVb wQj| kxN«B eÜ n‡Z hvIqv GB wefv‡Mi me‡P‡q eo K‡c©v‡iU K¬v‡q›U‡`i g‡a¨ GKwU nj GBPGmwewm, hw`I mv¤cÖwZK eQi¸wj‡Z GwU µgea©gvbfv‡e ‡Mvìg¨vb k¨v· Ges iwe IqvikÕi Dci wbfi«kxj n‡q D‡V‡Q|

GBPGmwewm BD‡ivc Ges Av‡gwiKvi FY g~jab evRv‡i KvR Pvwj‡q hv‡e, ‡hLv‡b HwZn¨MZfv‡e Gi evRvi Ae¯’vb kw³kvjx wQj|

KvwW©d wek¦we`¨vjq 400 PvKwi Ges wKQy wWwMª ‡Kvm© QvuUvB Ki‡e

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t Znwe‡ji NvUwZi Kvi‡Y KvwW©d wek¦we`¨vjq 400 Rb Kg©x QvuUvB Ki‡e Ges bvwm©s Ges m½xZ mn ‡ek K‡qKwU wWwM« ‡c«vM«vg eÜ K‡i ‡`‡e|

wek¦we`¨vj‡qi DcvPvh© Aa¨vcK I‡qwÛ jvibvi e‡j‡Qb, ÒAvgv‡`i Rb¨ GLb Avi Gfv‡e Pvwj‡q hvIqvi ‡KvbI weKí ‡bBÓ| wZwb e‡jb, ÒAvš—R©vwZK wk¶v_©x‡`i Av‡e`b K‡g hvIqv Ges µgea©gvb e¨‡qi Pvc Ges wU‡K _vKvi Rb¨ gvwb‡q ‡bIqvi c«‡qvRbxqZvi Kvi‡YÓ wek¦we`¨vjq‡K KwVb wm×všÍ wb‡Z n‡e|

c«¯—vweZ cwieZ©b¸wji g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q

400 Rb c~Y©-mg‡qi GKv‡WwgK Kg©x QvuUvB, hv Kg©xevwnbxi 7 kZvsk| c«vPxb BwZnvm, AvaywbK fvlv Ges Abyev`, ag© I ag©ZË¡, m½xZ Ges bvwm©s welq Ges ‡c«vM«vg eÜ Kiv n‡Z cv‡i|

wek¦we`¨vjq Rvwb‡q‡Q ‡h c«‡qvRb n‡jB Zviv eva¨Zvg~jK QvuUvB e¨envi Ki‡e|

wek¦we`¨vjq I K‡jR BDwbqb (BDwmBD) Rvwb‡q‡Q ‡h Zviv Òb… ksm Ges Ac«‡qvRbxqÓ QvuUvB‡qi weiæ‡× ag©N‡Ui Rb¨ m`m¨‡`i

‡fvU ‡`‡e|

BDwmBDi c«wZwbwa A¨vwÛ DBwjqvgm e‡j‡Qb: ÒGB QvuUvB‡qi gvÎv ‡`‡L mevB nZevK| GB QvuUvB wek¦we`¨vjq, kni Ges I‡qjm Ges Avgv‡`i m`m¨‡`i ¶wZ Ki‡e|Ó

wZwb mZK© K‡i w`‡qwQ‡jb ‡h

BDwmBD KvwW©d wek¦we`¨vj‡q c«¯—vweZ QvuUvB Ges ‡h‡Kv‡bv eva¨Zvg~jK QvuUvB‡qi weiæ‡× P¨v‡jÄ Rvbv‡e| ÒAvgiv ‡h‡Kv‡bv eva¨Zvg~jK QvuUvB‡qi weiæ‡×

K‡Vvi jovB Kie| Zviv e‡j‡Q

‡h Zviv 400 Rb GKv‡WwgK Kg©x

QvuUvB Kivi K_v fve‡Q, Z‡e c‡i A-wk¶vMZ Kg©x‡`i Rb¨I cwiKíbv Kiv n‡e, Avgiv g‡b Kwi|Ó

BDwmBD I‡qjk miKvi‡K n¯Í¶c Kivi AvnŸvb Rvwb‡q‡Q| BDwmBD I‡qj‡mi GKRb Kg©KZ©v M¨v‡i_ j‡qW e‡j‡Qb: ÒBDwmBD m`m¨iv wbwl&µqZvi LiP enb Ki‡Z m¶g ev B”QyK bq| I‡qjk miKvi hw` Kg©x QvuUvB Ges ¶wZKi ag©N‡Ui Pµ Gov‡Z Pvq, Zvn‡j GB LvZ‡K

w¯’wZkxj Kivi Rb¨ 2025-26 ev‡RU e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡eÓ|

we‡`kx wk¶v_©xi msL¨v n«vm Ges ‡`kxq wk¶v_©x‡`i Øviv c«`Ë wUDkb wd Rgv nIqvi d‡j Avw_©K D‡Ø‡Mi welq wek¦we`¨vjq ‡bZviv mZK© K‡i‡Qb| KvwW©d wek¦we`¨vjq 31.2 wgwjqb cvD‡Ûi Kg©¶g NvUwZ wi‡cvU© K‡i‡Q| A_© mvk«‡qi c«¯—ve¸wji g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q wek¦we`¨vjq Ry‡o QvÎKg©x AbycvZ e…w× Ges m¤¢ve¨ ¯‹yj GKxf~ZKiY|

iv‡mj Mªyc wek¦we`¨vjq c«¯— vweZ cwieZ©b¸wji Dci GKwU AvbyôvwbK civgk© ïiæ Ki‡Q, hv wZb gvm a‡i Pj‡e| Ryb gv‡m wek¦we`¨vjq KvDwÝj KZ©…K P~ovšÍ cwiKíbv we‡ePbv Kiv n‡e e‡j Avkv Kiv n‡”Q| g½jevi Kg©x‡`i we«wds AbywôZ n‡qwQj Ges mßvn Ry‡o Pj‡e|

Aa¨vcK jvb©vi AviI e‡jb: ÒAvwg Rvwb ‡h GB c«¯—ve¸wj wKQy Kg©x‡K Ab¨‡`i Zyjbvq ‡ewk c«fvweZ K‡i Ges m¤¢ve¨fv‡e c«fvweZ e¨w³‡`i Rb¨ G¸wj c«Pyi AwbðqZv Ges D‡ØM m…wó Ki‡e|

ÒGB Ae¯’v‡b ‡cŠuQv‡bv Gov‡Z Avgiv h_vmva¨ ‡Póv K‡iwQ, wKš‘ ‡kl ch©šÍAvgiv Rvwb ‡h evwl©K QvuUvB Avgv‡`i Kg©x‡`i g‡bvej ‡f‡O ‡`q,

‡Kv_vI Avgv‡`i m¤cÖ`v‡qi mv‡_ bZyb Askx`vwiZ¡ eRvq ivLvi Ges e…w× Kivi ¶gZv mxwgZ K‡i|

ÒAvgv‡`i bZyb ‡KŠk‡ji AvKvO&¶v c~iY Ki‡Z Ges fwel¨‡Zi Rb¨ GKwU Kvh©Ki wek¦we`¨vjq wbwðZ Ki‡Z GLbB c`‡¶c wb‡Z n‡e|Ó

A¨vgvRb Wvwj©sU‡b ‡Wwjfvwi ‡W«vb Pvjy Kivi cª¯ÍywZ wb‡”Q

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t A¨vgvRb ‡NvlYv K‡i‡Q ‡h Wvwj©sUb n‡e hy³iv‡R¨i c«_g kni ‡hLv‡b ‡W«v‡bi gva¨‡g cY¨ mieivn Kiv n‡e|

gvwK©b LyPiv Rvqv›U Rvwb‡q‡Q ‡h Zviv KvDw݇ji Kv‡Q cwiKíbv Av‡e`b Rgv w`‡”Q Ges c«vBg Gqvi bv‡g cwiwPZ ‡Wwjfvwi cwi‡levi Rb¨ wmwfj Gwf‡qkb A_wiwU (CAA) Gi KvQ ‡_‡K QvocÎ PvB‡Q|

c«vBg Gqvi gvwK©b hy³iv‡ó« `ywU ¯’v‡b Pvjy n‡q‡Q Ges A¨vgvRbcwiKwíZ, wbwg©Z Ges cwiPvwjZ ‡W«v‡bi GKwU eni e¨envi K‡i 60 wgwbU ev Zvi Kg mg‡q c¨v‡KR mieivn K‡i|

GK wee…wZ‡Z, ms¯’vwU Rvwb‡q‡Q

‡h Zviv KvDw›U Wvinvg kn‡ii evwm›`v‡`i mv‡_ Zv‡`i c«‡kœi

DËi w`‡Z Ges cwi‡lev m¤ú‡K© c«wZwµqv msM«n Ki‡Z RwoZ n‡e|

ÒAvgiv Avgv‡`i hy³iv‡R¨i

M«vnK‡`i Rb¨ ‡W«vb mieivn‡K

ev¯—‡e iƒc w`‡Z c«¯—yZ Ges

Avbw›`Z| Avgiv wbqš¿K Ges

Avgiv ‡h m¤cÖ`vq¸wj‡K cwi‡lev w`B Zv‡`i mv‡_ Nwbô Askx`vwi‡Z¡

we‡k¦i Ab¨Î wbivc` Ges wbfi«‡hvM¨

‡W«vb mieivn cwi‡lev ‰Zwi K‡iwQ

Ges Avgiv hy³iv‡R¨I GKB KvR

Kivi Rb¨ KvR KiwQ,Ó A¨vgvR‡bi

GKRb gyLcvÎ e‡j‡Qb|

‡Kv¤úvwbwU KLb cwi‡levwU Pvjy

n‡e Zvi ‡Kvb ZvwiL Rvbvqwb Z‡e GB eQi GwU nIqvi m¤¢vebv Kg| A¨vgvRb‡K Acv‡ikb mvBU ‰Zwii Rb¨ Wvwj©sUb e‡iv KvDw݇ji

cwiKíbvi AbygwZ Ges cwi‡levwU

cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ ‡emvgwiK wegvb

PjvPj KZ©…c‡¶i Aby‡gv`‡bi


gyLcvÎ e¨vL¨v K‡i‡Qb ‡h GKevi

GB Pyw³¸wj Kvh©Ki n‡q ‡M‡j, ‡Kv¤úvwb Ò‡W«vb ‡Wwjfvwi Pvjy Kivi Rb¨ `‡ji m`m¨‡`i wb‡qvM ïiæ


wZwb AviI ‡hvM K‡i‡Qb: Òhw`I GLbI A‡bK KvR evwK Av‡Q, GwU GKwU D‡ËRbvc~Y© c`‡¶c|Ó

A¨vgvRb Rvwb‡q‡Q ‡h cwi‡levwU Hw”QK n‡e Ges ‡hvM¨ M«vnK‡`i Zv‡`i we`¨gvb A¨vgvRb A¨vKvD‡›Ui gva¨‡g mvBb Avc Kivi my‡hvM ‡`Iqv n‡e|

‡Kv¤úvwbwU ‡ek K‡qK eQi a‡i ‡W«vb ‡Wwjfvwi wm‡÷g ‰Zwi K‡i Avm‡Q Ges Gi Av‡M hy³iv‡R¨ GB ai‡bi ‡Wwjfvwi cix¶v K‡i‡Q, 2016 mv‡j GKwU cix¶vg~jK mgqKv‡j K¨vgwe«Rkvqv‡i c«_g ¯^vqËkvwmZ c«vBg Gqvi ‡Wwjfvwi ‰Zwi K‡i‡Q| wUm f¨vwji ‡gqi ‡eb nvD‡Pb GB ‡NvlYv‡K ¯^vMZ Rvwbh‡q e‡jb: ÒAvgiv c«hyw³ wec‡ei my‡hvM Ges Avkvev`‡K Kv‡R jvMvw”Q — ZvB G‡Z AevK nIqvi wKQy ‡bB ‡h A¨vgvRb hy³iv‡R¨ c«vBg Gqvi Pvjy Kivi Rb¨ Wvwj©sUb‡K ‡e‡Q wb‡q‡Q|

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t c«avbgš¿x we«‡U‡bi

msM«vgiZ A_©bxwZ‡K D×v‡ii Rb¨

jovB Kivi mgq c«e…w×i ¶wZ K‡i Ggb bxwZgvjv ‡f‡Uv ‡`Iqvi c«¯—ywZ wb‡”Qb|

m¨vi Kvqvi ÷vigvi Ògwš¿mfvi mKj wm×v‡š—i g‡a¨ c«e…wׇK K‡Vvifv‡e

AvU‡K w`‡”QbÓ, hv wb‡qvMKZ©v‡`i

AwaKvi Ges ‡bU k~‡b¨i g‡Zv bxwZ wb‡q gš¿x‡`i mv‡_ msN‡li« SyuwK ‰Zwi Ki‡e| j‡qWm, ‡Um‡Kv Ges BDwbwjfv‡ii KZ©ve¨w³‡`i mn kn‡i GK c«vZtiv‡k e¨emvqx ‡bZv‡`i D‡Ï‡k¨ e³e¨ ‡i‡L

m¨vi Kvqvi c«Kvk K‡ib ‡h mg¯— miKvwi e¨‡qi wm×všÍ GKwU bZyb c«e… w× cix¶vi gy‡LvgywL n‡e|

cwieZ©‡bi A_© nj gwš¿mfv c«wZwU bxwZ c«¯—v‡ei c«e…w×i c«gvYcÎvw` wba©viY Ki‡e e‡j Avkv Kiv n‡”Q, A_©bxwZi Dci c«fve AM«vwaKvi cv‡e|

mw¤§wjZ Pyw³‡Z ‡cŠuQv‡bvi Av‡M c«wZwU bZyb c`‡¶‡ci c«e…w×i c«fv‡ei Dci

ÒK‡Vvi g~j¨vqbÓ Kiv n‡e, hvi d‡j c«avbgš¿x PvB‡j A_©bxwZi ¶wZ K‡i

Ggb ‡h‡Kv‡bv c`‡¶c ‡f‡Uv Kiv hv‡e|

‡KŠkj cwieZ©‡bi d‡j AM«vwaKvi cwieZ©‡bi wel‡q `‡ji e¨vK‡e ‡_‡K Zvr¶wYKfv‡e mgv‡jvPbvi So I‡V‡Q|

GKRb ‡jevi e¨vK‡eÂvi mZK© K‡i w`‡qwQ‡jb ‡h Kg©ms¯’vb AwaKvi e… w×i cwiKíbv‡K bm¨vr Kivi Rb¨

m¨vi ‡Kqv‡ii ‡h‡Kv‡bv c«‡Póv Òe¨vcK

weZK©Ó m…wó Ki‡e| c«avbgš¿xi gš—e¨ m¤ú‡K© Ges Ab¨ mewKQyi ‡P‡q c«e…wׇK AM«vwaKvi ‡`Iqvi SyuwK Av‡Q wKbv Rvb‡Z PvB‡j Zviv e‡jb: ÒwZwb Kxfv‡e kw³kvjx k«wgK‡`i AwaKvi‡K b¨vh¨Zv ‡`‡eb? wKš‘ wZwb hw` GwU‡K bm¨vr K‡ib Z‡e GKwU wekvj weZK© n‡e|Ó BqK© ‡m›U«v‡ji ‡jevi Ggwc i¨v‡Pj

gvm‡Kj mZK© K‡i w`‡qwQ‡jb ‡h c«e… w×i Ask wn‡m‡e Kg©ms¯’vb AwaKvi‡K ÒZ¨vMÓ Kiv DwPZ bq| wZwb `¨ ‡UwjM«vd‡K e‡jb: Òc«_gZ, fv‡jv Kg©ms¯’vb AwaKvi Ges cwiw¯’wZ Drcv`bkxjZv DbœZ K‡i, Amy¯’Zv Kgvq Ges e¨emvi Rb¨ fv‡jv, ZvB Kg©ms¯’vb AwaKvi‡K wemR©b ‡`Iqv DwPZ bq KviY G¸wj e…wׇK mg_©b K‡i|Ó wØZxqZ, ‡bU k~b¨ AR©b c«e…

w×i GKwU ‡gŠwjK Ask nIqv DwPZ, hw` Zv bv nq, Zvn‡j Avgiv ‡`‡k Ges wek¦e¨vcx AviI ‡ewk SyuwKi m¤§yLxb ne|Ó c«avbgš¿xi miKvwi gyLcvÎ ¯^xKvi K‡i‡Qb ‡h c«e…w×i ¶wZ K‡i Ggb c«wZwU c«¯—ve ‡f‡Uv ‡`Iqv n‡e bv| Zviv e‡j‡Qb: ÒmiKvi ¯úóZB me©`v c«wZ‡hvwMZvg~jK j‡¶¨i gy‡LvgywL n‡”Q| wKš‘ mvgwM«Kfv‡e, miKvi Ggb

GKwU c×wZ M«nY Ki‡Q hv c«e…wׇK mg_©b K‡i Ges A_©bxwZ‡K mg_©b K‡i|Ó we‡kl K‡i gyLcv·K c«kœ Kiv n‡qwQj ‡h DËi mvM‡i bZyb ‡Zj I M¨vm Lbb wbwl× Kivi, Rv¼ dy‡Wi weÁvcb Kgv‡bvi, k«wgK‡`i AwaKvi ‡Rvi`vi Kivi ev ‡bU Awfevmb Kgv‡bvi miKv‡ii cwiKíbv wK c«e… w×i ‡K›`«we›`y‡Z ‡i‡L ev` ‡`Iqv n‡e wKbv| GB bxwZ¸wj cwiZ¨vM Kivi ‡KvbI Bw½Z wQj bv| GKvwaK A_©‰bwZK Rwic Ges Z‡_¨i wfwˇZ ejv n‡q‡Q ‡h miKv‡ii ‡iKW© 40 wewjqb cvD‡Ûi Ki Awfhvb e¨vcK Kg©ms¯’vb QvuUvB Ges AvZ¥wek¦vm ¶wZM«¯— Kivi ci we«‡Ub g›`vi SyuwK‡Z i‡q‡Q| m¨vi ‡Kqvi e‡jb: ÒGB miKv‡ii GK b¤^i j¶¨ n‡jv c«e…w×| c«e…w× ej‡Z Avgiv m¤ú` m…wó Ges wewb‡qvM‡KB eywS| KviY Avgiv hv Ki‡Z PvB, Zv n‡jv GbGBPGm, Rb‡mev,

Aby‡gv`‡bi A‡c¶vq jÛb kn‡ii wekvj bZyb AvKvkPy¤^x feb

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t wjfvicyj w÷«U

‡÷k‡bi Kv‡Q 54 Zjv wewkó GKwU

bZyb UvIqvi wbg©v‡Yi wm×všÍ GB

mßv‡ni ‡k‡li w`‡K wmwU Ad jÛb

K‡c©v‡ik‡bi m`m¨‡`i Øviv ‡bIqv n‡e| Aby‡gvw`Z n‡j, 99 wekcm‡MU ¯‹qvi gvB‡ji me‡P‡q DuPy feb¸wji g‡a¨ GKwU n‡q DV‡e|

Z‡e, miKv‡ii HwZn¨evnx ms¯’v mn wewfbœ ‡Mvôx GB cwiKíbvi we‡ivwaZv

K‡i‡Q, hviv ‡M«W-1 ZvwjKvfy³ ‡m›U cjm K¨v‡_W«v‡ji g‡Zv HwZnvwmK m¤ú‡`i Dci c«fve m¤ú‡K© mZK©

K‡i‡Q| 99 wekcm‡M‡Ui GKRb

gyLcvÎ e‡j‡Qb ‡h c«KíwU kn‡i

GKwU bZyb Ôj¨vÛgvK©Õ feb ‰Zwi

Ki‡e Ges `jwU ‡÷K‡nvìvi Ges civgk©`vZv‡`i Øviv DÌvwcZ

D‡ØM¸wj mgvavb Kivi Rb¨ KvR


e«yKwdì c«cvwU©‡Ri c¶ ‡_‡K MZ

M«x‡®§ K‡c©v‡ik‡b 99 wekcm‡M‡Ui

Rb¨ Av‡e`b Kiv n‡qwQj| G‡Z

we`¨gvb 26 Zjv wewkó eKwU

AvswkKfv‡e ‡f‡O ‡djvi Ges

GwU‡K GKwU bZyb 54 Zjv KvVv‡gv

w`‡q c«wZ¯’vcb Kivi cwiKíbvi

we¯—vwiZ weeiY ‡`Iqv n‡qwQj|

c«v_wgKfv‡e Awdm ¯’vb c«`v‡bi

cvkvcvwk, cybwbi«&gv‡Y Rbmvavi‡Yi

Rb¨ wewfbœ DbœwZ, bZyb c_Pvix iæU,

GKwU M«vDÛ-‡d¬vi gv‡K©U nj Ges

GKwU ¯^Zš¿ Qq Zjv mvs¯‹…wZK feb

Aš—f©y³ _vK‡e| GwU GKwU eûgyLx

B‡f›U nj, m…Rbkxj ÷ywWI Ges

GKwU M«vDÛ-‡d¬vi M¨vjvwi mn myweav

c«`vb Ki‡e|

ïµevi (31 Rvbyqvix) cwiKíbv

Av‡e`b Dc-KwgwUi mfvi Av‡M

K‡c©v‡ikb Kg©KZ©v‡`i Øviv

msKwjZ GKwU c«wZ‡e`‡b Av‡e`bwU

Aby‡gvw`Z nIqvi mycvwik Kiv

n‡q‡Q| HwZn¨ Ges ¯’vbxq ‡KŠkjMZ

`…wófw½ m¤úwK©Z bxwZgvjv ‡g‡b

P‡j bv Zv ¯^xKvi K‡iI, Kg©KZ©viv

wj‡L‡Qb ‡h Gi myweav¸wj ÔDbœqb

cwiKíbvi mv‡_ wPwýZ Øb&Ø Ges

cwiKíbvi AbygwZ c«`v‡bi weiæ‡×

Ab¨vb¨ Dcv`vb we‡ePbvi ‡P‡qI ‡ewkÕ|

‡gvU 37wU AvcwË cÎ cvIqv ‡M‡Q, `ywU Wywc‡KU, cvkvcvwk `ywU mg_©‡b Ges wZbwU wbi‡c¶| Rgv ‡`Iqvi weiæ‡× hviv wj‡L‡Qb Zv‡`i g‡a¨ wQ‡jb K¨v›Uvi‡ewii c«v³b AvP©wekc, jW© ‡ivqvb DBwjqvgm, wbKUeZ©x ‡M«W-1 ZvwjKvfy³ wMR©v ‡m›U G‡_

jevM©vi Dci c«fve wb‡q D‡Ø‡Mi Kvi‡Y| jW© DBwjqvgm, whwb ‡m›U G‡_ jevM©vi ‡m›Uv‡ii c…ô‡cvlK, c«vK… wZK Av‡jv Ges feb wbg©v‡Yi ¶wZ ÔGwU m¤ú~Y© AevwÃZ c`‡¶‡c cwiYZ K‡iÕ wj‡L‡Qb| c«¯—vweZ UvIqv‡ii wel‡q civgk©c«vß AvBbx ms¯’v¸wji g‡a¨ GKwU, HwZnvwmK Bsj¨vÛ, ga¨hyMxqwMR©vi Dci m¤¢ve¨ c«fve m¤ú‡K©I Avk¼v c«Kvk K‡i‡Q, cvkvcvwk Ab¨vb¨ m¤ú‡`i DciI Gi c«fve c‡e e‡j Avk¼v c«Kvk K‡i‡Q, hvi g‡a¨ ‡m›U cjm K¨v‡_W«vjI i‡q‡Q| GwU wj‡L‡Q ‡h c«¯—vweZ febwU ‡nib UvIqv‡ii Dc‡i K¨v‡_W«v‡ji Kv‡Q cwi®‹vi AvKv‡ki cUf~wg‡K ÔaŸsmÕ Ki‡e, hvi d‡j Gi Zvrch© c«fvweZ n‡e| Òc«¯—vweZ Dbœq‡bi ‡¯‹j Ges f‡ii d‡j, GwU ‡m›U cjm K¨v‡_W«v‡ji mv‡_ c«wZ‡hvwMZv Ki‡e Ges Gi `… k¨gvb ¸iæZ¡ AviI n«vm cv‡e, hvi d‡j Zvrch© Ges GwU Dcjwä Kivi ¶gZv ¯úófv‡e ¶wZM«¯— n‡e| mvgwM«Kfv‡e K¬v÷v‡ii e…nr, wekvj AvKvi K¨v‡_W«v‡ji KvQvKvwQ Avbv n‡e, Gi AvwacZ¨ Ges µgea©gvb c«fve e…w× cv‡e|Ó

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t RvZxq cwimsL¨vb Awdm KZ©…K c«KvwkZ Z_¨ Abymv‡i, GK `k‡Ki g‡a¨ we«‡U‡bi RbmsL¨v 72.5 wgwjq‡b ‡cŠuQv‡e e‡j c~e©vfvm ‡`Iqv n‡q‡Q|

2032 mv‡ji g‡a¨ RbmsL¨v c«vqcvuP wgwjqb e…w× cv‡e e‡j c~e©vfvm ‡`Iqv n‡q‡Q, hv c«vq m¤ú~Yi«~‡c wbU

Awfevm‡bi Kvi‡Y e…w× ‡c‡q‡Q| c«vK… wZK cwieZ©b Rb¥ Ges g…Z¨yi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ k~‡b¨i KvQvKvwQ n‡e e‡j c~e©vfvm ‡`Iqv n‡q‡Q|

g½jevi IGbGm KZ©…K c«KvwkZ cwimsL¨v‡b 2022 ‡_‡K 2032 mv‡ji g‡a¨ RbmsL¨v e…w× 7.3 kZvsk nIqvi c~e©vfvm ‡`Iqv n‡q‡Q, hv Av‡Mi `k eQ‡ii Zyjbvq 6.1 kZvsk e…w× ‡c‡q‡Q| 2022 mv‡j RbmsL¨v `vuwo‡q‡Q 67.6 wgwjqb|

Avkv Kiv n‡”Q ‡h c«vq cvuP wgwjqb gvbyl we«‡Ub ‡Q‡o hv‡e Ges c«q 10 wgwjqb Avm‡e, hvi d‡j wbU Awfevmb 4.9 wgwjq‡b ‡cŠuQv‡e|

2024 mv‡ji gvSvgvwS mg‡q evwl©K wbU Awfevmb 728,000 ‡_‡K K‡g 2028 mv‡ji gvSvgvwS mg‡q c«wZ eQi M‡o 340,000 n‡e e‡j aviYv Kiv n‡”Q|

Qvqv ¯^ivó« mwPe wµm wdjc Awfevmb msµvš— c~e©vfvwmZ cwimsL¨vb‡K

ÒPgKc«` Ges AM«nY‡hvM¨Ó e‡j eY©bv K‡i‡Qb Ges e‡j‡Qb ‡h GwU Òev¯—e iƒ‡c iƒc ‡bIqv eÜ Kiv

‡h‡Z cv‡i Ges Aek¨B Kiv DwPZÓ|

Ò`k eQ‡i `k wgwjqb AvMgb A‡bK

‡ewk,Ó wZwb e‡j‡Qb| Òc«wZ eQi Bm¨y Kiv wfmvi Dci GKwU eva¨Zvg~jK

AvBwb mxgv c«‡qvRb hv msL¨vwU Kwg‡q Avbv Ges wbqš¿‡Y Avbvi Rb¨ Gi

‡P‡q A‡bK, A‡bK Kg|

ÒAvgv‡`i hy³iv‡R¨i beŸB wgwjqb

A_©‰bwZKfv‡e wbwl&µq c«vßeq¯‹‡`i

g‡a¨ AviI ‡ewk Kg©x wb‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e Ges c«hyw³ I hvwš¿KxKi‡Y AviI

wewb‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e, hv‡Z MY¯^í-`¶ Awfevm‡bi Dci Aw¯’wZkxj wbfi«Zv ‡kl Kiv hvq|Ó

IGbGm Rvwb‡q‡Q ‡h AvbygvwbK 6.8 wgwjqb g…Z¨y Ges 6.8 wgwjqb Rb¥ n‡e, ‡hLv‡b c«wZ eQi g…Z¨y 17,000 Gi e¨eav‡b R‡b¥i ‡P‡q mvgvb¨ ‡ewk n‡e| MZ eQi c«vq Aa© kZvãxi g‡a¨ c«_g wQj hLb g…Z¨y Rb¥‡K Qvwo‡q wM‡qwQj, KviY wØZxq wek¦hy‡×i c‡i Rb¥nvi n«vm Ges eq¯‹ ‡ewe eygvi c«R‡b¥i Rb¥ n‡qwQj| IGbGm wek¦vm K‡i ‡h AvMvgx eQi¸wj‡Z GB c«eYZv D‡jL‡hvM¨fv‡e e…w× cv‡e, 2022 mv‡ji gvSvgvwS ‡_‡K 2047 mv‡ji gvSvgvwS 25 eQ‡ii g‡a¨ R‡b¥i

Zyjbvq 1.1 wgwjqb ‡ewk g…Z¨yi c~e©vfvm ‡`Iqv n‡q‡Q| GKB mv‡_, Avqy e…w×i A_© nj RbmsL¨v e…× n‡”Q| 2022 mv‡ji gvSvgvwS mg‡q 85 eQi ev Zvi ‡ewk eqmx 1.7 wgwjqb gvbyl wQj, hv RbmsL¨vi c«vq 2.5 kZvsk| 2047 mv‡ji g‡a¨ GB msL¨v c«vq wظY n‡q 3.3 wgwjqb RbmsL¨vi 4.3 kZvsk nIqvi m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q| ivó«xq ‡cbkb `vweKvix gvby‡li msL¨v 2032 mv‡ji g‡a¨ 1.37 wgwjq‡b DbœxZ nIqvi m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q, hv 2022 mv‡j 1.2 wgwjqb ‡_‡K ‡e‡o,

Dfqwj‡½i Rb¨ ivó«xq ‡cbk‡bi eqm 67 eQi Kivi cwiKíbv we‡ePbvq ‡bIqv n‡q‡Q| miKv‡ii eZ©gvb myweav we‡ji c«vq A‡a©KB ivó«xq ‡cbk‡bi Rb¨ e¨q Kiv nq, hvi e¨q 2022 ‡_‡K 2023 mv‡ji g‡a¨ 110.5 wewjqb cvDÛ| ev‡RU `vwqZ¡ Awdm 2023 ‡_‡K 2024 mv‡ji g‡a¨ GB cwigvY e…w× ‡c‡q 124 wewjqb cvD‡Û

bv| hw` Rb¥, g… Z¨y Ges Awfevm‡bi c«eYZv cwiewZ©Z nq, Zvn‡j fwel¨‡Zi Abygv‡b e¨env‡ii Rb¨ Avgv‡`i Abygvb¸wjI cwiewZ©Z n‡e| ÒD`vniY¯^iƒc, Avgv‡`i ‡kl Abygvb [12 gvm Av‡M c«KvwkZ] hv 2021-wfwËK RvZxq RbmsL¨vi Abygvb wQj, Zvi Zyjbvq Avgiv fwel¨‡Zi


Abygvb n«vm K‡iwQ,

Awfevm‡bi Rb¨

Abygvb e…w× K‡iwQ Ges Avqy®‹vj DbœwZi c«Z¨vkv n«vm K‡iwQ|Ó

‡Ljvi mgq ‡g‡q‡K fyjekZ QywiKvNv‡Z Lyb Kivi `v‡q ‡`vlx mve¨¯Í evev

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t GKRb evev `vwe K‡i‡Qb ‡h wZwb ivbœvN‡i ‡Ljvi mgq Zvi 14 eQi eqmx ‡g‡qi ü`wc‡Û fyjekZ QywiKvNvZ K‡iwQ‡jb, Zv‡K Zvi nZ¨vi Rb¨ ‡`vlx mve¨¯— Kiv n‡q‡Q| 50 eQi eqmx mvBgb wfKvm© ‡Rvi w`‡q e‡j‡Qb ‡h Zvi ‡g‡q ¯‹vi‡jU

GKwU ÒA™¢yZ `yN©UbvqÓ gviv ‡M‡Q Ges wZwb e‡j‡Qb ‡h wZwb MZ RyjvB‡q Wvwj©sU‡b Zv‡`i evwo‡Z GKwU Kv‡Ri c…‡ôi Dci w`‡q Zvi w`‡K QywiwU

AvNvZ K‡iwQ‡jb|

Z‡e, GKRb ‡nvg Awdm c¨v_jwR÷

Rywi‡K e‡j‡Qb ‡h QywiwU ‡hfv‡e wK‡kvixi ey‡K 11 ‡mwg c«‡ek K‡iwQj

Zv ‡_‡K ‡evSv hv‡”Q ‡h GwU Aek¨B ‡Rvi K‡i nv‡Z a‡i ivLv n‡qwQj| wbDUb AvBwK¬‡di 3wgwjqb Drcv`b KviLvbvq Kgi«Z wfKvm© NUbvi wewfbœ weeiY w`‡q‡Qb Ges ¯^xKvi K‡i‡Qb ‡h

Zvi ‡g‡qi g…Z¨yi w`b wZwb MvuRv ‡meb

K‡iwQ‡jb Ges GK ‡evZj ‡iW IqvBb cvb K‡iwQ‡jb|

wZwb GKRb c¨viv‡gwWK‡K AviI e‡jwQ‡jb ‡h Zvi ‡g‡q ‡Ljvi jovB‡qi mgq Zvi w`‡K Svuwc‡q

c‡owQj Ges QywiwU ÒïaygvÎ ‡fZ‡i

Xy‡K wM‡qwQjÓ| ¯‹vi‡j‡Ui gv, mviv nj, ‡mB mgq

ivbœvN‡i GKgvÎ e¨w³ wQ‡jb Ges Kx

N‡UwQj Zv wZwb ‡`L‡Z cvbwb eis Zvi 27 eQi eqmx m½xi cv‡k `vuwo‡q wUmvBW µvDb ‡KvU©‡K e‡jwQ‡jb ‡h wfKvm© Zv‡`i GKgvÎ mš—vb‡K fv‡jvev‡mb Ges KLbI Zvi ¶wZ Ki‡eb bv| nj Riæwi cwi‡lev¸wj‡Z AvZw¼Z

n‡q ‡dvb K‡iwQ‡jb Ges wfKvm©‡K

cUf~wg‡Z wPrKvi Ki‡Z ‡kvbv hvw”Qj: Ò¯‹vi‡jU, ¯‹vi‡jU, Avgvi mv‡_ K_v

e‡jv, ¯‹vi‡jU| In gvB MW, ‡m bxj n‡q ‡M‡Q|Ó mgvcbx e³‡e¨ ivó«c‡¶i c‡¶ gvK© g¨vK‡Kvb ‡Kwm e‡jb: ÒAvcwb hw` ‡g‡b ‡bb ‡h wgt wfKvm© ¯‹vi‡jU‡K Kxfv‡e nZ¨v Kiv n‡qwQj ‡m m¤ú‡K© wg_¨v e‡j‡Qb, Zvn‡j Gi KviY Aek¨B Zvi Kv‡Q ‡Mvcb Kivi g‡Zv ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wKQy Av‡Q| ÒAb¨ K_vq, wgt wfKvm© hLb wgt

wfKv‡mi« nv‡Z Qywi a‡i ¯‹vi‡jU‡K AvnZ K‡iwQ‡jb Zvi ‡KvbI wb‡`©vl e¨vL¨v wZwb cvbwb|Ó ivó«c¶ ‡KvbI KviY D‡jL K‡iwb Z‡e g¨vK‡Kvb e‡j‡Qb ‡h wfKvm© ivbœvN‡i AvO&¸i QyuW‡় gvivi ci ¯‹vi‡j‡Ui Dci Òwei³Ó nh‡় _vK‡Z cv‡ib wfKvm©| c«wZi¶v c‡¶i c‡¶ wb‡Kvjvm jygwj ‡Kwm Rywi‡K e‡jb ‡h wfKv‡mi« Zvi

‡g‡qi ¶wZ Kivi ‡KvbI B”Qv wQj bv| wZwb e‡jb ‡h wfKvm© ÒZvi evwK Rxeb Zvi ‡g‡qi g…Z¨yi Rb¨ ‰bwZKfv‡e `vqx _vK‡ebÓ| jygwj AviI e‡jb: ÒZ‡e, wZwb m¤ú~Yi«~‡c A¯^xKvi K‡ib ‡h wZwb GB gg©vwš—K g…Z¨yi Rb¨ ‡eAvBwb ev B”QvK… Zfv‡e wKQy K‡iwQ‡jb|Ó GKwU Rywi Zv‡K nZ¨vi `v‡q ‡`vlx mve¨¯— Ki‡Z gvÎ 13 N›Uv mgqwb‡q‡Q, 10-2 ‡fv‡Ui msL¨vMwiôZvi gva¨‡g, nZ¨vi ‡P‡q Kg ¸iæZi weKí, A_ev Zv‡K Lvjvm w`‡Z| wfKvm© KvVMMvq `vuwo‡q `…k¨gvbfv‡e ‡KvbI c«wZwµqv ‡`Lvbwb| ‡`vlx mve¨¯— nIqvi ci, cywjk wfKvm©‡K ‡ndvR‡Z ‡bIqvi wfwWI c«Kvk K‡i‡Q ‡hLv‡b wZwb Awdmvi‡`i e‡j‡Qb: ÒAvwg ‡Kej Rvb‡Z PvB Avgvi ‡g‡q ‡Kgb Ki‡Q| Avgiv ivbœvN‡i ‡Ljv KiwQjvg, ‡Ljv KiwQjvg, Ges ‡KvbI Kvi‡Y GwU mwZ¨B A™¢yZ n‡q D‡V‡Q| ÒAvgiv eKeK KiwQjvg| Avwg GUv wek¦vm Ki‡Z cviwQ bv| Ò`qv K‡i ‡KD Avgv‡K ejyb| Kx n‡”Q? Avgiv Qq mßv‡ni g‡a¨ M«vb K¨vbvwiqvq ‡hŠbwgj‡bi Rb¨ QywU KvUv‡Z hvw”Q| ***

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t UvIqvi n¨vg‡jUm

KvDw݇ji VvÛv—AvenvIqv msµvš— Riæwi cwiKíbvi Ask wn‡m‡e PjwZ gv‡mi ïiæ w`‡K c~e© jÛ‡bi iv¯Ívq KbK‡b VvÛvq ï‡q _vKv Pwjk Rb M… nnxb gvbyl‡K Avk«q ‡`Iqv nq| hLb iv‡Zi ZvcgvÎv c«vq c«wZw`bB wngv‡¼i wb‡P ‡b‡g hvw”Qj ZLb

KvDw݇ji c¶ ‡_‡K 2 ‡_‡K 13 Rvbyqvwi mgqKv‡ji Rb¨ ¸iæZi

AvenvIqv Riæwi ‡c«v‡UvKj (wmwfqvi I‡q`vi Bgv‡R©wÝ c«‡UvKj ev GmWweDBwc) Pvjy Kiv n‡qwQ‡jv| hLb AvenvIqvi c~e©vfvm Abyhvqx wZb iv‡Zi Rb¨ ZvcgvÎv k~b¨ wWwM« ‡mjwmqvm ev Gi wb‡P _vKvi m¤¢vebv _v‡K ZLb GmWweDBwc Kvh©Ki Kiv nq| Zxe« VvÛv AvenvIqvi mgq, 54 Rb M…nnx‡bi g‡a¨ 40 Rb KvDw݇ji c«¯—vweZ Riæwi Avk«q M«nY K‡ib Ges 14 Rvbqvwii ci ‡_‡K Avk«q ‡bIqv GB mKj gvbyl‡`i Avevm‡bi wel‡q KvDwÝj c«‡qvRbxq mvnvh¨ I civgk© w`‡q Avm‡Q| ‡Kwe‡bU ‡g¤^vi di wi‡Rbv‡ikb, BbK¬ywmf ‡W‡fjc‡g›U GÛ nvDRwewìs, KvDwÝji Kwei Avn‡g` e‡jb, Òk~b¨ wWwM«i wb‡P ZvcgvÎv iv¯—vq ï‡q _vKv M…nnxb‡`i Rb¨ c«vYNvZx n‡Z cv‡i| ZvcgvÎv wec¾bKfv‡e K‡g ‡M‡j Riæwi

Avk«q ‡`Iqvi Rb¨ Ges hZUv m¤¢e mnvqZv Kivi Rb¨ c`‡¶c ‡bIqv ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| GUv Drmvne¨ÄK ‡h GZ ‡ewk msL¨K gvbyl Riæwi

Avk«‡qi c«¯—ve M«nY K‡i‡Qb Ges Zv‡`i g‡a¨ ‡ewkifvMB GLb AviI w¯’wZkxj Ges ¯’vqx e¨e¯’v, ‡hgb mn‡hvwMZvg~jK ‡nv‡÷j, c«vßeq¯‹ mvgvwRK ‡mevi gva¨‡g e¨e¯’v Kiv Avevmb, ev we‡klvwqZ nvDwRs‡q P‡j ‡M‡Qb| wZwb e‡jb, Òfwel¨‡Z AviI Pig AvenvIqv n‡Z cv‡i, Ges ‡Zgb cwiw¯’wZ‡Z Avgiv ‡hb iv¯Ívq ivZ KvUv‡bv M…nnxb‡`i mnvqZv w`‡Z cvwi ‡mRb¨ Avwg RbMY‡K w÷«Uwj¼ ‡mevi gva¨‡g Avgv‡`i‡K ‡Kv‡bv M… nnxb e¨w³i e¨vcv‡i Rvbv‡bvi Rb¨ Aby‡iva KiwQ|Ó

Avcwb Kxfv‡e mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cv‡ib hw` Avcwb KvD‡K iv¯Ívq ï‡q _ vK‡Z ‡`‡Lb, Zvn‡j Avcwb w÷«Uwj¼ — Gi gva¨‡g wi‡cvU© Ki‡Z cv‡ib| M…nnxb e¨w³iv wb‡RivI mivmwi w÷«Uwj¼—G ‡hvMv‡hvM (‡Uwj‡dvb bv¤^vi — 0300 500 0914) Ki‡Z cv‡ib|w÷«Uwj¼ KvDw݇ji Aaxb ‡m›U gy½m AvDUwiP wUg‡K welqwU Rvbv‡e, hviv c«wZwU e¨w³i cwiw¯’wZ g~j¨vqb K‡i Zv‡`i Rb¨ me‡P‡q Dchy³ Avk«‡qi e¨e¯’v Ki‡e| ‡hme ‡¶‡Î mvaviY e¨e¯’v h_vh_ bq, ‡mLv‡b weKí Riæwi Avk«‡qi my‡hvM ‡`Iqv nq|hw` Pig AvenvIqvi mgq ‡Kv‡bv M…nnx‡bi e¨vcv‡i

weªwUk e¨emv¸wj ÒD‡jL‡hvM¨ cZ‡biÓ Rb¨ wb‡R‡`i cª¯ÍyZ Ki‡Q

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t we«wUk e¨emv c«wZôvb¸‡jv AvMvgx K‡qK gv‡m e¨emv‡q ÒD‡jL‡hvM¨ cZ‡biÓ Rb¨ wb‡R‡`i c«¯—yZ Ki‡Q, hv AviI ‡ewk Kg©ms¯’vb SyuwKi gy‡L ‡dj‡Z cv‡i Ges miKv‡ii c«e…w× cwiKíbvq Av‡iKwU av°v w`‡Z cv‡i| wmweAvB Rvwb‡q‡Q ‡h ‡emiKvwi Lv‡Z Òe¨vcKÓ nZvkv i‡q‡Q KviY Zv‡`i me©‡kl c«e…w× m~PK Rwi‡c ‡`Lv ‡M‡Q ‡h ‡emiKvwi Lv‡Zi 22 kZvsk ‡Kv¤úvwb GLb ‡_‡K Gwc«‡ji g‡a¨ Zv‡`i Drcv`b n«vm cv‡e e‡j Avkv Ki‡Q| wW‡m¤^i ‡_‡K GB cVb e¨vcKfv‡e AcwiewZ©Z wQj, hv `yB eQ‡iiI ‡ewk mg‡qi g‡a¨ me‡P‡q `ye©j gvm wQj Ges A_©‰bwZK c«e…w× Z¡ivwš^Z Kivi Rb¨ ‡jevi cvwUi« c«‡Póvi Dci me©‡kl AvNvZ| Òeow`‡bi Av‡M fqven cwiw¯’wZi c‡iI, bZyb eQi cybb©exKi‡Yi ‡KvbI Abyf~wZ e‡q Av‡bwb, e¨emv c«wZôvb¸wj GLbI Kvh©Kjv‡c D‡jL‡hvM¨ cZ‡bi Avkv Ki‡Q,Ó wmweAvB‡qi Aš—ei«&ZxKvjxb Dc-c«avb A_©bxwZwe` A‡ík cv‡jRv e‡j‡Qb| ÒDcvL¨vb¸wj Bw½Z ‡`q ‡h ‡Kv¤úvwb¸wj ev‡R‡U ‡NvwlZ e¨e¯’v¸wji mv‡_ mvgÄm¨ eRvq ‡i‡L M«vnK‡`i g‡a¨ ¶xY Pvwn`v Ges

mZK©Zvi Øviv ¶wZM«¯— n‡”Q|Ó

A‡±ve‡i i¨v‡Pj wif‡mi c«_g ev‡R‡U wb‡qvMKZ©v‡`i Rb¨ D”PZi RvZxq exgv

Ae`vb AšÍf©y³ Kivi d‡j miKvi Ges wk‡íi g‡a¨ m¤úK© ¶wZM«¯Í n‡qwQj| MZ mßv‡n miKvix cwimsL¨v‡b ‡`Lv

‡M‡Q ‡h ev‡R‡Ui c‡i wb‡qvMKZ©viv Kg©x msL¨v n«vm K‡i‡Qb Ges 2009

mv‡ji Avw_©K msK‡Ui ci ‡_‡K

`ªyZZg nv‡i PvKwi QvuUvB Ki‡Qb| GB wbgœgv‡bi c~e©vfvm G‡m‡Q KviY

Rvbyqvix ‡_‡K wZb gv‡m ‡emiKvwi

Lv‡Zi Kvh©Kjvc AveviI n«vm ‡c‡q‡Q

Ges MZ eQ‡ii ‡k‡li w`‡K hv ‡`Lv

wM‡qwQj Zvi ‡P‡q wKQyUv `ªyZ MwZ‡Z|

wmweAvB‡qi g‡Z, 2022 mv‡ji M«x®§

‡_‡K Kvh©Kjvc mgZj ev cZbkxj|

evwY‡R¨ g›`v Ges GwU Ae¨vnZ _vK‡e

Ggb c«Z¨vkvi c«wZwµqvq, wmweAvB

KZ©…K Rwic Kiv 900wU ‡Kv¤úvwbi

‡ewkifvMB Avkv Ki‡Qb ‡h GB eQi

`vg e…w× cv‡e Ges wb‡qv‡Mi D‡Ïk¨

`ye©j _vK‡e| hw` wKQy nq, Z‡e c«avb

msL¨v n«vm cvIqvi m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q, we‡kl K‡i e¨emvwqK Ges ‡ckv`vi cwi‡lev ms¯’v¸wj‡Z Ges ‡fv³v‡Kw›`«K ms¯’v¸wji g‡a¨| cv‡jRv e‡jb ‡h bxwZwba©viKiv Òµgea©gvb wee«ZKi ‡jb‡`‡biÓ gy‡LvgywL n‡”Qb| ‡jevi evievi A_©‰bwZK c«e…w× e…w×i c«wZk«ywZ w`‡q‡Q Ges mßvnv‡š— cwiKíbv e¨e¯’vq AviI cwieZ©b Avbvi ‡NvlYv w`‡q i¨v‡Pj wifm e‡j‡Qb ‡h wZwb ÒA_©bxwZ‡K

Pv½v Kivi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i j‡¶¨ c«wZw`b

jMvB Ki‡Qb Ges Kg©¶g gvbyl‡K

AviI DbœZ Kivi Rb¨Ó| wmweAvB‡qi RwicwU ‡jev‡ii c«e…w×i

j¶¨gvÎv AR©‡bi ‡¶‡Î ‡h P¨v‡jĸwji

gy‡LvgywL n‡”Q Zv Zy‡j a‡i| c…_K M‡elYvI wbwðZ K‡i‡Q ‡h ‡fv³v‡`i Av¯’v GK eQ‡ii g‡a¨ me©wbgœ Ges e¨emv¸wji g‡a¨ Avkvev` `yB eQ‡ii me©wbgœ ch©v‡q i‡q‡Q| Avmbœ RvZxq exgv cwieZ©‡bi d‡j me‡P‡q ‡ewk ¶wZM«¯Í LyPiv we‡µZviv mZK© K‡i‡Qb ‡h Ò`ye©j Pvwn`v Ges A_©‰bwZK AwbðqZvÓ wµmgv‡mi Av‡M Ges Zvi c‡ii mßvn¸wj‡Z M«vnK‡`i e¨q eÜ K‡i w`‡q‡Q| BIqvB Abymv‡i, g…`y ‡fv³v Pvwn`v Ges µgea©gvb e¨‡qi c«wZdjb NwU‡q, jÛ‡bi ‡kqvi evRv‡i ZvwjKvfy³

mg¯— ‡Kv¤úvwbi GK cÂgvsk MZ eQi jv‡fi mZK©Zv Rvwi K‡i‡Q| weM ‡dvi A¨vKvDw›Us dvg© mZK© K‡i‡Q ‡h PvKwii K‡ii e…w× AvMvgx eQ‡i Ò‡Kv¤úvwbi Av‡qi Rb¨ GKwU D‡jL‡hvM¨ bZyb P¨v‡jÄÓ n‡e| AvR `¨ UvBg‡m ‡jLvi mgq, Qvqv ‡U«Rvwi gš¿x e¨vi‡bm ‡bwfj-‡ivî e‡j‡Qb ‡h wifm‡K e¨emvi mv‡_ ÒZvi nviv‡bv F‡Yi wKQy cybi“×viÓ Ki‡Z n‡e| wZwb Gwc«‡j Kvh©Ki n‡Z hvIqv RvZxq exgv e…w×i av°v Kgv‡Z Qv‡oi AvnŸvb Rvwb‡q‡Qb Ges e‡j‡Qb ‡h ÒP¨v‡Ýji bxwZ wb‡q Sv‡gjv ‡cvnv‡”QbÓ| wmweAvB‡qi me©‡kl c«e…w× m~PK Rwi‡c, 2022 mv‡ji ‡m‡Þ¤^i ‡_‡K, Òwgwb ev‡RUÓ Gi mgq, ‡fv³v cwi‡levi e¨emv¸wj wK Zv‡`i `…wófw½ m¤ú‡K© GLbKvi ‡P‡q ‡ewk nZvkvev`x wQj? wmweAvB e‡j‡Q ‡h Ò‡emiKvwi Lv‡Z nZvkv e¨vcKfv‡e Qwo‡q c‡owQjÓ| wbg©vZv, cwi‡ekK Ges e¨emvwqK I ‡ckv`vi cwi‡lev ms¯’v¸wj mK‡jB Avkv Ki‡Qb ‡h AvMvgx gvm¸wj‡Z e¨emvwqK cwigvY n«vm cv‡e| ÒA_©bxwZ‡Z MwZ wd‡i cvIqvi Riæwi c«‡qvRb,Ó cv‡jRv e‡jb| ÒGB eQi `ye©j c«e…w×i c~e©vfvm Ges e¨emvwqK wewb‡qv‡Mi Rb¨ Kg RvqMv _vKvq, miKvi Ges ms¯’v¸wji GKmv‡_ KvR Kivi Dci wbfi« K‡i Zv‡`i Av¯’v cybiæ×vi Ges A_©bxwZ‡K me wmwjÛv‡i D¾xweZ Kivi Rb¨ Zv‡`i c«e…w× cwiKíbv ev¯Íevq‡bi Rb¨|Ó

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t gwš¿Z¡ ‡_‡K c`Z¨vM K‡iI ‡invB wgj‡Q bv wUDwjc wmwχKi| gwš¿Z¡ ‡_‡K c`Z¨vM Ki‡jI Zvi Ggwc c` envj Av‡Q| ZvB e…‡U‡bi we‡ivax `j KbRvi‡fwUf cvwU© mßvnv‡šÍ n¨v¤ú‡÷W A¨vÛ nvB‡MU Avm‡bi Ggwc c` ‡_‡K Zvi c`Z¨vM `vwe‡Z c«PviYv ïiæ K‡i‡Q| G wel‡q Zviv gv‡V ‡b‡g c‡o‡Qb| K¨vg‡W‡b `jwUi wmwbqi ‡bZv ‡WwfW WMjvm e‡jb, mevB ‡f‡ewQ‡jb wUDwjc GKwU PgrKvi ‡QvÆ ‡g‡q| wKš‘ wZwb Avi ‡mB PgrKvi ‡g‡q ‡bB| G‡Z ejv nq, evsjv‡`‡k ¶gZvP¨yZ mv‡eK c«avbgš¿x ‡kL nvwmbvi gva¨‡g evsjv‡`k ‡_‡K 390 ‡KvwU cvDÛ mwi‡q Avbvi Rb¨ Awf‡hvM D‡V‡Q wUDwjc I Zvi cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i wei“‡×| wZwb ‡kL nvwmbvi ‡QvU ‡evb ‡kL ‡invbvi ‡g‡q| GiB NUbv cwiµgvq

G gv‡m ‡U«Rvwi wgwb÷vi c` Z¨vM K‡ib wUDwjc| Z‡e wZwb Awf‡hvM c«Z¨vL¨vb K‡i‡Qb| wgwb÷vwi‡qj ÷¨vÛvW©m welqK wbi‡c¶ Dc‡`óv m¨vi jwi g¨vMbv‡mi Kv‡Q AvZ¥c¶ mg_©b K‡i‡Qb wUDwjc| ch©v‡jvPbv ‡k‡l g¨vMbvm e‡j‡Qb, Dcnvi wn‡m‡e jÛ‡bi wKsm µ‡m d¬¨vU cvIqvi welqwU

A¯^xKvi K‡i‡Qb wUDwjc| Gi ga¨w`‡q wZwb RbMY‡K fyj Z_¨ w`‡q‡Qb| D‡jL¨, ‡WBwj ‡gBj evsjv‡`‡k eo iK‡gi `yb©xwZi Z`‡š—i gy‡LvgywL wUDwjcGgb wi‡cvU© c«Kvk K‡i| Gi 26 w`b c‡i 14B Rvbyqvwi ‡U«Rvwi wgwb÷v‡ii c` Z¨vM K‡ib wUDwjc wmwÏK| ‡U«Rvwi gš¿x wn‡m‡e wZwb wmwU wgwb÷vi wn‡m‡e

KbRvi‡fwUf cvwUi cªPviYv ïiæ

`vwqZ¡ cvjb KiwQ‡jb| Zvi `vwqZ¡ wQj `yb©xwZwe‡ivax Kg©KvÊ ‡`Lv‡kvbv Kiv| wKš‘ wUDwjc wmwÏK wb‡RB GB Awf‡hv‡Mi gy‡L c‡ob| Awf‡hvM

Kiv nq, wUDwj‡ci ¶gZvi LyuwU n‡jb

÷vigvi| Zvi NwbôZv Zv‡K i¶v

Ki‡Z cv‡iwb| evsjv‡`‡k wUDwj‡ci

Lvjv ‡kL nvwmbvi kvmbZ‡š¿i m‡½

Zvi RwoZ _vKvi Kvi‡Y ‡jevi `‡ji

GB ‡bZv‡K Kvh©Z civgk© ‡`qv nq wUDwjc‡K eiLv¯— Ki‡Z| Ggb GK

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t hy³iv‡R¨ KvR Kivi Rb¨ wcQ‡bi `iRv wn‡m‡e ÷y‡W›U wfmv e¨envi Kiv n‡”Q, hvi d‡j Kg©x‡`i Rb¨ cov‡kvbvi cwie‡Z© Kg©x cvVv‡bvi msL¨v cvuP¸Y e…w× ‡c‡q‡Q, miKvwi cwimsL¨vb ej‡Q| RvZxq cwimsL¨vb Awdm (ONS) Abymv‡i, 2024 mv‡j BD‡ivcxq BDwbqb ewnf©~Z wk¶v_©x‡`i A‡a©K Ges Zv‡`i Dci wW‡c‡Û›Uiv wZb eQi hy³iv‡R¨ _vKvi ci KvR ev Ab¨vb¨ wfmvq cwieZ©b K‡i‡Qb, ‡hLv‡b wZb eQ‡iiI Kg mg‡q GB msL¨v wQj gvÎ 10 kZvsk| 2023 mv‡j hviv G‡m‡Qb, Zv‡`i g‡a¨ c«vq 194,300 (A_ev 47 kZvsk) cov‡kvbv-m¤úwK©Z wfmv ‡_‡K cwieZ©b K‡i‡Qb Ges ‡ewkifvMB KvR‡K ‡e‡Q wb‡q‡Qb, hv hy³iv‡R¨ ¯’vqxfv‡e emev‡mi m¤¢ve¨ c_| hviv KvR Ki‡Z Pvb Zv‡`i A‡a©‡KiI ‡ewk mvgvwRK ‡mevq PvKwi ‡bb, ‡hLv‡b AvbygvwbK 150,000 k~b¨c` i‡q‡Q, hv m¤¢ve¨ Kg©x‡`i 10 kZvsk| GB c«KvkwU wKQyUv e¨vL¨v K‡i ‡h ‡Kb 2023 mv‡ji Ry‡b ‡kl nIqv eQ‡i ‡bU gvB‡M«kb 906,000-Gi ‡iKW© m‡e©v‡”P ‡cŠu‡QwQj, hv we«‡Ub BD‡ivcxq BDwbqb

hy³iv‡R¨ Kv‡Ri Rb¨ ÔwcQ‡bi `iRv wn‡m‡e

µgea©gvbfv‡e e¨eüZ n‡”QÕ QvÎ wfmv

Z¨vM Kivi Av‡M ÒZvi mxgv‡š—i wbqš¿Y wdwi‡q AvbviÓ Av‡MKvi nv‡ii ‡P‡q Pvi¸Y ‡ewk wQj| Fwl mybv‡Ki Aax‡b GKwU K‡Vvi e¨e¯’v Pvjy nIqvi ci 2023 mv‡ji Ryb ‡_‡K ‡bU gvB‡M«kb n«vm ‡c‡q‡Q, hvi g‡a¨ wQj wk¶v_©x‡`i Zv‡`i wW‡c‡Û›U‡`i Kv‡Q wb‡q Avmvi Dci wewawb‡la, ‡mBmv‡_ `¶ Kg©x‡`i ‡eZ‡bi mxgv 26,200 cvDÛ ‡_‡K 38,700 cvD‡Û e…w×|mvgwM«K ‡bU gvB‡M«kb hy³iv‡R¨ Avmv msL¨v, hv ‡Q‡o hvIqv‡`i ev` w`‡q 20 kZvs‡kiI Kg K‡g 728,000-G `vuwo‡q‡Q 2024 mv‡ji ‡m‡Þ¤^‡i wk¶v_©xi msL¨vI 19 kZvsk

e‡jb ‡h wZwb Zvi bMi gš¿xi c`Z¨vMcÎ Ô`yt‡Li mv‡_Õ M«nY K‡i‡Qb

Gw`‡K weZwK©Z mvsm` wUDwjc jÛ‡bi nvg÷viW-wKjevb© Gg wc c` ‡_‡K c`Z¨vM Ki‡j Zvi Avmb ‡_‡K KbRvi‡fwUf `j ‡_‡K c«v_©x n‡Z Pvb we«wUk evsjv‡`wk GW‡fv‡KU kvLvIqvZ ‡nv‡mb wU‡Uv| evsjv‡`‡k d¨vwmev` ivR‰bwZK cwiev‡ii mv‡_ hy³ _vKvi Kvi‡bB ‰bwZKfv‡e wUDwj‡ci we«wUk Gg wc c` ‡_‡K c`Z¨vM Kiv DwPr `vex K‡i wZwb e‡jb Gme gqjv AveR©bv‡`i we«wUk ivRbxwZ‡Z ¯’vb n‡Z cv‡i bv |

‡c«¶vc‡U `vuwo‡q wUDwjc c`Z¨vM K‡ib| wZwb c`Z¨vM Kivi ci ‡UwjM«v‡di wi‡cv‡Ui« c«_g jvBbwU‡ZB ejv n‡q‡Q, wUDwjc c`Z¨vM Ki‡Z eva¨ n‡q‡Qb| jÛ‡bi wKsm µ‡m 700,000 cvDÛ g~‡j¨i GKwU A¨vcvU©‡g›U wb‡q c«v³b gš¿x c«‡kœi gy‡LvgywL nb, hv Zvi Lvjv nvwmbvi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z GKRb ‡W‡fjcvi Zv‡K Dcnvi w`‡qwQ‡jb| c«avbgš¿xi bxwZkv¯¿ Dc‡`óv m¨vi jwi g¨vMbvm e‡jb, GUv Ô`ytLRbKÕ ‡h wg‡mm wmwÏK evsjv‡`‡ki ¶gZvP¨yZ c«v³b c«avbgš¿xi mv‡_ Zvi cvwievwiK m¤ú‡Ki« mybvg SyuwKi wel‡q ZZUv mZK© wQ‡jb bv|‡kL nvwmbvi mv‡_ m¤úwK©Z Zvi e¨eüZ evwo¸wji Ki Ges Znwej e¨e¯’v ÔmyôyÕ wQj wKbv Zvi P~ovšÍ c«gvY Dc¯’vcb Ki‡Z Zvi A¶gZv‡K wZwb `ytLRbK e‡jI eY©bv K‡i‡Qb|wg‡mm wmwÏK‡K ‡K Zv‡K d¬¨vU Dcnvi w`‡q‡Q ‡m m¤ú‡K© `¨ ‡gBj Ab mvb‡W‡Z wg_¨v ejvi Awf‡hvM Avbvi ci, m¨vi jwi e‡jb ‡h GwU Ô`yf©vM¨RbKÕ ‡h Zv‡K ‡iKW© ms‡kvab Ki‡Z eva¨ Kiv n‡q‡Q|wZwb Dcmsnv‡i ‡cŠu‡Q‡Qb ‡h hw`I wZwb gš¿xi ‡KvW f½ K‡ibwb Ges wZwb ÔAb¨vh¨Zvi c«gvY mbv³ K‡ibwbÕ ZeyI `yb©xwZ `gb gš¿x wn‡m‡e m¨vi ‡Kqv‡ii ÔZvi Pjgvb `vwqZ¡ we‡ePbv Kiv DwPZÕ|m¨vi jwii RNb¨ civgk© m‡Ë¡I, c«avbgš¿x wg‡mm wmwχKi Nwbô e¨w³MZ eÜy Ges ivR‰bwZK wgÎ Zvi Dˇi

K‡g 392,000-G `vuwo‡q‡Q| Z‡e, A·‡dvW© wek¦we`¨vj‡qi gvB‡M«kb AeRvi‡fUwii M‡elK ‡eb we«‡Ûj e‡j‡Qb ‡h Ab¨vb¨ wfmvq m¨yBP Kiv wk¶v_©x‡`i msL¨v ÒZyjbvg~jKfv‡e ‡ewkÓ| ‡KD ‡KD `yB eQ‡ii mœvZK wfmv ‡e‡Q wbw”Q‡jb, Avevi ‡KD ‡KD hy³iv‡R¨ KvR LyuRwQ‡jb, m¤¢eZ ¯’vqxfv‡e emev‡mi w`‡K GKwU c`‡¶c wn‡m‡e| c«v³b ¯^v¯’¨gš¿x bxj IÕe«vqvb, whwb GB cwimsL¨vb¸wj ‡c‡q‡Qb, wZwb e‡j‡Qb: ÒG¸wj AZ¨š— AvKl©Yxq cwimsL¨vb hv Awfevm‡bi ai‡Y GKwU eo cwieZ©b ‡`Lvq| Òhw`I we«wUk wek¦we`¨vj‡q cov‡kvbv Kivi Rb¨ GLv‡b Avmv ‡jvK‡`i wb‡q KviI ‡KvbI mgm¨v ‡bB, Avgv‡`i wbwðZ Ki‡Z n‡e ‡h GwU‡K Kg ‡eZ‡bi Kv‡R wcQ‡bi `iRv wn‡m‡e e¨envi Kiv DwPZ bq|ÓQvqv ¯^ivó« mwPe wµm wdjc e‡j‡Qb ‡h cwimsL¨vb¸wj ÒA‡bK ‡ewkÓ| ÒQvÎ wfmv GKwU mgvš—ivj Awfevmb e¨e¯’v n‡Z cv‡i bv| miKv‡ii Riæwifv‡e GB wfmv c«`vbKvix ‡Kvm© Ges c«wZôvb¸wji gvb ch©v‡jvPbv Kiv DwPZ|

‡W¯‹ wi‡cvU©t ¯^ivó« `߇ii GK ch©v‡jvPbvq ‡`Lv ‡M‡Q, mš¿vm `gb Kg©KZ©viv wek¦vm Ki‡Zb ‡h A¨v‡·j iæ`vKyevbvi wek¦ msev` Ges eZ©gvb welqe¯—y‡Z AvM«n wQj wKš‘ ‡KvbI KviY ev ivR‰bwZK wek¦vm wQj bv Ges wZwb Ò‡gŠjev`x nIqvi SyuwK‡Z wQ‡jb bvÓ|

mvD_‡cvU© nZ¨vKvixi gvgjvq Bsj¨v‡Ûi DËi-cwðgv‡ji wc«‡f›U wU‡gi M…nxZ wm×v‡š—i c«wZ‡e`‡bi GKwU ms‡kvwaZ ms¯‹iY c«Kvk Kiv n‡e| GwU mwnsm Pigcš’xi c«wZ Kg©KZ©v‡`i `…wófw½i ¸iæZi e¨_©Zv c«Kvk K‡i| e…n¯úwZevi 18 eQi eqmx iæ`vKyevbv‡K Qywii Avµg‡Y wZb ‡g‡q‡K nZ¨vi Rb¨ Kgc‡¶ 52 eQ‡ii Kviv`Û ‡`Iqv n‡q‡Q, hv Av`vj‡Z Ògg©vwšÍKÓ Ges Òweï× g›`Ó e‡j eY©bv Kiv n‡q‡Q| mvb‡W UvBgm eyS‡Z cv‡i ‡h iæ`vKyevbv‡K ‡`vl ¯^xKvi Kivi Rb¨ Zvi mvRv ‡_‡K wZb eQ‡ii Qvo ‡`Iqv n‡qwQj| nZ¨vi mgq 17 eQi eqmx nIqvi Kvi‡Y wZwb c~Y©-Rxeb Kviv`Û ‡_‡K ewÂZ wQ‡jb e‡j cwievi Ges ivRbxwZwe`iv ‡¶vf c«Kvk K‡i‡Qb| Gjwm WU ÷¨vbK¤^, mvZ, ‡e‡e wKs, Qq Ges A¨vwjm `v wmjfv Av¸qvi, bq gviv ‡M‡Qb| AviI AvURb wkï Ges `yBRb c«vßeq¯‹ b…Z¨ K¬v‡mi wk¶K wj‡qb jyKvm Ges e¨emvqx ‡Rvbv_b ‡nBm ¸iæZi AvnZ n‡q‡Qb| wc«‡f›U jvwb©s ch©v‡jvPbv, ‡hLv‡b Ab¨vb¨ ‡¶‡ÎI wek` Aš—f©y³ _vK‡Z cv‡i ‡hLv‡b miKvwi c«K‡íi mv‡_ RwoZ e¨w³iv AvµgY Pvwj‡q‡Q, mš¿vmwe‡ivax Kg©KZ©v‡`i Pig mwnsmZvi c«wZ Zvi Av‡eM‡K mwVKfv‡e we‡ePbvq wb‡Z e¨_© nIqvi Rb¨ mgv‡jvPbv Ki‡e| mvb‡W UvBgm-G ‡jLvi mgq, ¯^ivó«mwPe B‡fU Kycvi e‡j‡Qb ‡h wc«‡f‡›Ui ‡idv‡ij ‡_«k‡nv‡ìi GKwU ch©v‡jvPbv Pj‡Q| GwU we‡kl K‡i Ò¯‹yj MYnZ¨vq Av”QbœÓ Ges ÒBmjvgev`x Pigcš’vÓ

e¨w³‡`i w`‡K bRi ‡`‡e, wZwb e‡jb| MZ eQi 162 Rb‡K ¯‹yj MYnZ¨vq Zv‡`i AvM«n wb‡q D‡Ø‡Mi Rb¨ wc«‡f‡›U

‡idvi Kiv n‡qwQj, ¯^ivó« `߇ii g‡Z|

Kycvi e‡jwQ‡jb ‡h ‡hLv‡b gvbyl

wbD‡ivWvBfviwmwU m‡›`n Kiv nq

‡mLv‡b n¯—‡¶c eÜ Kiv DwPZ bq| ¯’vbxq ¯^v¯’¨ KZ©…c¶ i¯ÍvKyevbv‡K

AwURg ‡¯úKU«vg wWmAW©v‡i Avµvš—

e‡j wbY©q K‡iwQj|

Ò‡hLv‡b e¨w³‡`i wbD‡ivWvBfviwmwU

m‡›`n Kiv nq, ‡mLv‡b n¯—‡¶c eÜ

Kiv DwPZ bq KviY Zviv g~j¨vq‡bi

A‡c¶vq i‡q‡Q, Zv‡`i ‡h ‡KvbI SyuwK

D‡c¶v K‡i,Ó wZwb e‡jb| ÒGKwU

GÛ-Uy-GÛ ch©v‡jvPbv GLb ‡`L‡Q ‡h

wc«‡f›U Kxfv‡e wbD‡ivWvBfviwmwUi

mv‡_ Kvh©Kifv‡e ‡gvKvwejv K‡i|Ó

wZwb AviI e‡jb, hLb gvgjv¸wj

wc«‡f›U ‡_«k‡nvì AwZµg K‡i bv,

ZLb GKwU Ò¸i“Zi mgm¨vÓ wQj wKš‘ mvgvwRK cwi‡lev Ges gvbwmK ¯^v‡¯’¨i g‡Zv Ab¨vb¨ ms¯’v¸wj n¯Í‡¶c Ki‡Z e¨_© nq| wZwb GB ai‡bi gvgjvi Rb¨

bZyb e¨e¯’v wb‡q AvMvgx gv‡m Pvjy Kiv GKwU cvBjU c«Kí ‡NvlYv K‡iwQ‡jb| iæ`vKyevbv‡K wZbevi GB Kg©m~wP‡Z cvVv‡bv n‡qwQj| mš¿vm `gb Kg©KZ©viv ¯‹y‡j ¸wj Pvjv‡bv, jÛb we«R AvµgY, AvBAviG, GgAvB5 Ges ga¨c«v‡P¨ Zvi AvM«n m¤ú‡K© Z_¨ ‡c‡qwQ‡jb| Z‡e, Zviv evievi GB wm×v‡š— ‡cŠu‡QwQ‡jb ‡h 2019 ‡_‡K 2021 mv‡ji g‡a¨ 13 Ges Zvici 14 eQi eqmx GKwU wkïi Rb¨ msev` Ges wek¦ wel‡q Zvi A¯^vfvweK AvM«n wQj| ÒwZwb µgvMZ wek¦ NUbv m¤ú‡K© Zvi wk¶K‡`i mv‡_ K_v ejvi ‡Póv KiwQ‡jb,Ó wc«‡f›U ch©v‡jvPbv m¤ú‡K© Ávbx GKwU m~Î Rvwb‡q‡Q| ÒwZwb AvBwU K¬vm PjvKvjxb MYnZ¨v m¤ú‡K© msev` wbeܸwj ‡`LwQ‡jb Ges Zvi wk¶‡Ki mv‡_ GwU m¤ú‡K© K_v ejvi ‡Póv KiwQ‡jb| GZ ‡QvU GKwU wkïi Rb¨ GwU A™¢yZ AvPiY wQj| mš¿vm `gb Kg©KZ©viv wm×vš— wb‡qwQ‡jb ‡h Zvi msev` Ges eZ©gvb welq¸wj‡Z AvM«n i‡q‡Q, Z‡e wZwb DM«cš’x nIqvi

g~javivi wk¶v ‡Q‡o ‡`Iqvi ci Zvi AvPiY AviI Lvivc n‡Z ïiæ K‡i Ges wZwb µgk DwØMœ, wew”Qbœ Ges fxZ n‡q c‡ob| Zvici 5 wW‡m¤^i, 2019 Zvwi‡L, wc«‡f›U wUg A¨vKb©‡mi GKRb wk¶‡Ki KvQ ‡_‡K Z_¨ cvq, whwb AbjvB‡b Dcjä GKwU ‡idv‡ij dg© c~iY K‡iwQ‡jb| ‡nvg Awd‡mi ch©v‡jvPbvq ejv n‡q‡Q: Ò¯‹y‡j GKvwaKevi wel‡qi AvPiY wb‡q D‡ØM|Ó ‡mB mgq wZwb AvBwU cv‡V gvwK©b hy³iv‡ó«i ¯‹y‡j ¸wjel©‡Yi NUbv m¤ú‡K© GKwU msev` wbeÜ ‡`LwQ‡jb Ges GKRb wk¶K‡K ‡mB wel‡q K‡_ vcK_‡b RwoZ Kivi ‡Póv KiwQ‡jb|Ó Zvi bZyb ¯‹y‡ji wk¶K‡`i KvQ ‡_‡K c«_g wc«‡f›U ‡idv‡i‡ji gvÎ Qq w`b ci, iæ`vKyevbv `¨ ‡i‡Ä wd‡i Av‡mb Ges Ab¨ GKRb Qv·K nwK w÷K

SyuwK‡Z wQ‡jb bv|Ó iæ`vKyevbvi ¯‹y‡j Qywi wb‡q hvIqv, nwK w÷K w`‡q GKRb Qv·K AvµgY Kiv Ges c~e©eZ©x mš¿vmx nvgjvq AvM«n ‡`Lv‡bvi ci, Zv‡`i wm×vš— M«n‡Yi aiY GB mßv‡n AviI Z`‡š—i AvIZvq Avm‡e, ‡hgbwU wc«‡f‡›Ui RvZxq c«avb wfwK BfvÝ `¨ mvb‡W UvBgm‡K ¯^xKvi K‡i‡Qb| BfvÝ ¯^xKvi K‡i‡Qb: ÒAvgv‡`i we‡ePbv Kiv DwPZ ‡h mš¿vmev` `gb e¨e¯’vi cwieZ©‡bi c«‡qvRb Av‡Q wKbv|Ó wZwb AviI e‡jb ‡h Gg15 ‡KvbI ch©v‡qB iæWvKyevbvi gvgjvq RwoZ wQj bv| GwU c«Kvk Kiv ‡h‡Z cv‡i ‡h iæWvKyevbvi evev-gv 2019 mv‡j mš¿vmev` `gb Kg©KZ©v‡`i Zv‡`i ‡Q‡j‡K ‡¯^”Qv‡mex wc«‡f›U w¯‹‡g RwoZ Kivi AbygwZ w`‡qwQ‡jb| RvZxq c«KíwUi j¶¨ gvbyl‡K mš¿vmev‡` AvK…ó Kiv eÜ Kiv, Z‡e ¯’vbxqch©v‡q cywjk Ges ¯’vbxq KZ©…c¶ Øviv cwiPvwjZ nq

Ges ¯’vbxq Pvwn`v Abymv‡i ‰Zwi Kiv nq|

Bsj¨v‡Ûi DËi-cwð‡g, wc«‡f›U kn‡ii

‡K›`«¯’‡ji wVK evB‡i ‡M«Uvi g¨vb‡P÷vi cywj‡ki m`i `߇ii mš¿vmev` `gb Kg©KZ©v‡`i Øviv cwiPvwjZ nq| Kb‡÷ej Ges mv‡R©›U c`gh©v`vi c«vq 20 Rb cywjk Kg©KZ©v, hv wmwUwmI bv‡g cwiwPZ, ev mš¿vmev` `gb gvgjvi Kg©KZ©v, GB A‡ji cwi‡levi Òd«›UjvBbÓ ‰Zwi K‡i| ÒZviv mvaviYZ ‡ek Rywbqi c`gh©v`vi nb,Ó wc«‡f›U m~Î Rvwb‡q‡Q| ÒZviv c«wZwU ‡idv‡i‡ji Rb¨ c«‡qvRbxq M‡elYv Ges g~j¨vqb cwiPvjbv Ki‡e| Zvici wm×vš— M«nY ‡mB BDwb‡Ui g‡a¨ D”PZi c`gh©v`vi mš¿vmev` `gb Kg©KZ©v‡`i Øviv Kiv nq|Ó 2019 mv‡ji A‡±ve‡i, i“`vKyevbv PvBìjvB‡b ‡dvb K‡i ¯‹y‡j wbh©vZ‡bi wkKvi nIqvi K_v Rvbvb Ges e‡jb ‡h wZwb Ò‡ek K‡qKeviÓ Zvi ivbœvNi ‡_‡K GKwU Qywi wb‡q G‡m‡Qb| wZwb AviI e‡jb ‡h wZwb KvD‡K nZ¨v Kivi wPš—vfvebv Ki‡Qb| j¨v¼vkvqvi cywjk Awdmviiv e¨vsKm M«v‡g Zvi evwo‡Z Zvi mv‡_ K_v e‡jb Ges Zv‡K GKwU gvwëG‡RwÝ myi¶v ‡K‡›`« (g¨vk) cvVv‡bv nq| GB ms¯’v¸wji cywjk, mgvRKg©x Ges gvbwmK ¯^v¯’¨ Kg©x‡`i GKwÎZ K‡i GKRb `ye©j e¨w³i Rb¨ GKwU mnvqZv ‡bUIqvK© ‰Zwi Kivi K_v| Zv‡`i mnvqZv e¨_© n‡q‡Q e‡j g‡b n‡”Q| ‡mB gv‡mi ‡k‡li w`‡K Zv‡K dg©wei `¨ ‡iÄ nvB ¯‹y‡j Qywi Avbvi Rb¨ ewn®‹vi Kiv n‡qwQj| Gici Zv‡K Ag©w¯‹i‡Ki GKwU we‡kl Pvwn`v m¤úbœ ¯‹yj A¨vKb©‡m fwZ© Kiv nq| Z‡e,

GKwU Qywi cvIqv hvq| Zv‡K c«K…Z kvixwiK ¶wZ, AvµgYvZ¥K A¯¿ ivLv Ges GKwU ‡eWhy³ wRwbm ivLvi Rb¨ ‡`vlx mve¨¯Í Kiv nq| wc«‡f›U m~Î Rvwb‡q‡Q ‡h mš¿vmev` `gb Kg©KZ©v‡`i cywjk ‡iKW© Ges cywj‡ki RvZxq Kw¤úDUv‡i Z_¨ A¨v‡·m _vK‡Z cv‡i| ÒZviv wc«‡f›U wm×vš— M«n‡Yi Ask wnmv‡e cywjk ‡iKW© we‡ePbv Ki‡Z m¶g,Ó m~ÎwU Rvwb‡q‡Q| iæ`vKyevbv, Zvi evev, Avj‡dvbm Ges Zvi ¯‹y‡ji wk¶K‡`i mv¶vrKvi ‡bIqvi ci, ‡nvg Awdm ch©v‡jvPbv wc«‡f›U Awdmvi‡`i wm×všÍ M«n‡Yi wek` weeiY ‡`q| ÒgvgjvwU eÜ Kiv n‡q‡Q| wc«‡f›U m¤úwK©Z D‡ØM¸wj AbymÜvb Kiv n‡qwQj| ‡KvbI Av`k© ev ‡gŠjev‡`i SyuwKi mv‡_ hy³ e‡j g‡b nqwb| `ye©jZv Ges Pvwn`v wPwýZ Kiv n‡qwQj Z‡e G¸wj Ab¨vb¨ myi¶v Ges Ab¨vb¨ ms¯’v¸wj c~iY KiwQj| wc«‡f‡›Ui gvgjv eÜ Kiv n‡q‡Q Z‡e Ab¨vb¨ cwi‡lev¸wj‡Z U«vB Kiv n‡q‡Q|Ó GB cwi‡lev¸wji g‡a¨ _vK‡e wkï‡`i mvgvwRK hZœ, wk¶v cwi‡lev Ges wkï I wK‡kvi gvbwmK ¯^v¯’¨ cwi‡lev (wmGGgGBPGm)| Awdmviiv g‡b K‡iwQ‡jb ‡h i“`vKyevbv `ye©j n‡jI, wmGGgGBPGm Zvi mv‡_ ‡gvKvwejv Kivi Rb¨ AviI Dchy³, hw`I ‡m Ab¨ wkï‡K AvµgY K‡iwQj, Qywi enb K‡iwQj Ges Pig mwnsmZvi c«wZ µgea©gvb AvM«n ‡`wL‡qwQj| Awdmviiv Zv‡K P¨v‡bj bv‡g cwiwPZ wc«‡f‡›Ui cieZ©x ch©v‡q ‡idvi Ki‡Z cvi‡Zb, hvi A_© wQj Pigcš’vi ‡¶‡Îi we‡klÁ‡`i GKwÎZ Kiv, hviv i“`vKyevbvi Rxe‡b n¯—‡¶c Ki‡Z cviZ, Zv‡K Ggb GKRb civgk©`vZvi mv‡_ hy³ Kiv hv Zvi Av¯’v I m¤§vb AR©‡bi Rb¨ wWRvBb Kiv n‡qwQj| ÒBmjvwgK Pigcš’x‡`i GKRb Bgv‡gi mv‡_ hy³ Kiv ‡h‡Z cv‡i, D`vniY¯^iƒc, whwb Zv‡`i wPš— vfvebv‡K P¨v‡jÄ Ki‡Z cv‡ib; A_ev AwZ Wvbcš’x‡`i mv‡_, ‡ek K‡qKRb ms¯‹vic«vß c«v³b AwZ-Wvbcš’x Kg©x Av‡Qb hv‡`i Avgiv Pigcš’v ‡_‡K `~‡i m‡i ‡h‡Z mvnvh¨ Kivi Rb¨ e¨envi Kwi,Ó m~ÎwU Rvwb‡q‡Q| cieZ©x wc«‡f›U ‡idv‡ijwU wQj 1 ‡de«yqvwi, 2021 Zvwi‡L| `¨ ‡i‡Äi c«v³b QvÎiv i“`vKyevbv‡K Bb÷vM«v‡g K‡b©j MvÏvwdi Qwe ‡cv÷ Ki‡Z ‡`‡LwQj| Zviv GKRb wk¶K‡K mZK© K‡iwQj Ges ¯‹yj wc«‡f›U ‡idv‡ij K‡iwQj|

mv‡eK A_©gš¿x wKewiqv nZ¨vKv‡Û Avw_©K mnvqZv ‡`b mvjgvb Gd

mv‡eK A_©gš¿x I AvIqvgx

jxM ‡bZv kvn G Gg Gm wKewiqv nZ¨vKv‡Ûi 20 eQi

n‡q‡Q AvR 27 Rvbyqvwi| G Dcj‡¶ Zvui ‡Q‡j A_©bxwZwe` I MY AwaKvi cwil‡`i mv‡eK

mfvcwZ ‡iRv wKewiqv GK wfwWI evZ©vq evevi nZ¨v gvgjvi wePvi wb‡q Am‡š—vl c«Kvk K‡i‡Qb| AvR ‡mvgevi ‡iRv wKewiqv c«_g Av‡jv‡K GB wfwWI evZ©v cvVvb| wZwb e‡jb, ÔGKwU myôy wePv‡ii Rb¨ 20 eQi a‡i A‡c¶v KiwQ| wKš‘ myôy Z`šÍnqwb AvIqvgx jx‡Mi mgq| Gi wePvi nqwb| G NUbvq AvIqvgx jx‡Mi wZb I weGbwci GK ‡bZv RwoZ wQ‡jb|Õ

2005 mv‡ji 27 Rvbyqvwi nweM‡Ä `jxq GK Rbmfvq ‡M«‡bW nvgjvq ¸iæZi AvnZ nb kvn G Gg Gm wKewiqv| wPwKrmvi Rb¨ XvKvq ‡bIqvi c‡_ gviv hvb wZwb| IB nvgjvq Zvui fvwZRv kvn gÄyiyj û`v, AvIqvgx jx‡Mi ¯’vbxq ‡bZv Ave`yi iwng, Aveyj ‡nv‡mb I wmwÏK Avjx wbnZ nb|

AvnZ nb 70 Rb| Av‡jvwPZ

G gvgjvq eZ©gv‡b wm‡jU `ªyZ wePvi U«vBe¨ybv‡j mv¶¨ M«nY Pj‡Q|


‡M«‡bW nvgjvi ciw`b nweMÄ ‡Rjv AvIqvgx jx‡Mi ‡mB mgqKvi mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K

I mv‡eK msm` m`m¨ Ave`yj gwR` Lvb ev`x n‡q nZ¨v gvgjv I cywjk ev`x n‡q we‡ùviK

`«e¨ wbqš¿Y AvB‡b AviI GKwU gvgjv K‡i| c‡i gvgjv `ywU wmAvBwW‡Z n¯ÍvšÍi Kiv nq|

Z`š— ‡k‡l 2005 mv‡j 18 gvP© knx` wRqv ¯§…wZ I M‡elYv cwil‡`i ‡K›`«xq mfvcwZ

Ave`yj KvBDgmn 10 Rb‡K

Awfhy³ K‡i Av`vj‡Z c«_g

Awf‡hvMcÎ ‡`q wmAvBwW| GB Awf‡hvMc‡Îi wei“‡× Av`vj‡Z bvivwR Av‡e`b K‡i ev`xc¶| c‡i 2007 mv‡j gvgjvwU cybt Z`‡š—i Rb¨ Avevi wmAvBwW‡K `vwqZ¡ ‡`Iqv nq| wØZxq `dvq 2011 mv‡ji 20 Ryb Avmvwgi msL¨v AviI 16 Rb evwo‡q 26 R‡bi wei“‡× Awf‡hvMcÎ ‡`Iqv nq| G wb‡qI AvcwË I‡V wbnZ ‡bZvi cwievi ‡_‡K| me©‡kl 2014 mv‡ji 13 b‡f¤^i gvgjvi cÂg Z`š—

Kvix Kg©KZ©v wm‡jU A‡ji ZrKvjxb mnKvix cywjk mycvi (GGmwc) ‡g‡ni“‡bœmv cvi“j nweMÄ ‡Rjv I `vqiv RR Av`vj‡Z m¤ú~iK Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwLj K‡ib| G‡Z bZyb K‡i mv‡eK ¯^ivó« c«wZgš¿x jyrdy¾vgvb evei, weGbwci ‡bZv I mv‡eK c«avbgš¿x Lv‡j`v wRqvi ZrKvjxb ivR‰bwZK mwPe c«qvZ nvwiQ ‡PŠayix, wm‡j‡Ui mv‡eK ‡gqi Avwidyj nK ‡PŠayix, nweMÄ ‡cŠimfvi mv‡eK ‡gqi I ‡Rjv weGbwci

Af¨yÌv‡b nvwmbvi cªZ¨¶ wb‡`©‡k

‡`kZ¨vMx ‰¯^ikvmK ‡kL nvwmbvi c«Z¨¶ wb‡`©‡k RyjvB Af¨yÌv‡b evsjv‡`k ‡Rvic~e©K ¸g I Ly‡bi NUbv N‡U‡Q e‡j Rvwb‡q‡Q wnDg¨vb ivBUm IqvP (GBPAviWweD)| g½jevi ivó«xq AwZw_ feb hgybvq c«avb Dc‡`óv c«‡dmi W. gynv¤§` BDb~m‡K n¯—vš—i Kiv RyjvB

Af¨yÌvb wb‡q ms¯’vwUi GK wi‡cv‡U© GgbUvB ejv nq| c«avb Dc‡`óvi

mv‡eK mvaviY m¤úv`K ‡Mvjvg wKewiqv Ii‡d wR ‡K MDQ, gIjvbv ZvRDwχbi fwMœcwZ nv‡dR ‡gv. Bqvwnqv Avey eKi, ‡`‡jvqvi ‡nv‡mb, ‡kL dwi`, Ave`yj Rwjj, gvIjvbv ‡kL Ave`ym mvjvgmn

35 Rb‡K Avmvwg Kiv nq| Zvu‡`i wei“‡× ‡evgv nvgjv I nZ¨vi Awf‡hvM Avbv nq| GB

35 R‡bi g‡a¨ `yRb gvgjv PjvKv‡j c«vY nvwi‡q‡Qb| wfwWI evZ©vq ‡iRv wKewiqv e‡jb, ÔG gvgjvq RwoZiv n‡jb, nweM‡Äi mv‡eK msm` m`m¨ ‡gv. Avey Rvwni, Ave`yj gwR` Lvb I ‡Rjv AvIqvgx jx‡Mi mv‡eK mfvcwZ gykwdK ‡nv‡mb ‡PŠayix| AviI RwoZ wQ‡jb nweM‡Äi weGbwc ‡bZv wR ‡K MDQ| Zvu‡`i G Kg©Kv‡Ê mn‡hvwMZv K‡ib AvIqvgx jxM ‡bZv mvjgvb Gd ingvb| G nZ¨vKv‡Êi ‡cQ‡b wZwb

¸g I Lyb n‡q‡Q, wnDg¨vb ivBUm

e¨vcK Aciva D‡b¥vP‡b mnvqK

n‡q‡Q| wZwb AviI e‡jb, i¨ve Zv‡`i

Aciv‡ai Rb¨ c«Kv‡k¨ ¶gv ‡P‡q‡Q, Z‡e wePviewnf©~Z nZ¨vKvÛ Ges

¸‡gi Rb¨ `vqx e¨w³‡`i ÔwePv‡ii

16 eQi Avcbv‡`i c«wZ‡e`b¸‡jv‡Z

16 eQ‡ii GKbvqK kvmbvg‡ji

‡c«m DBs G wel‡q GKwU evZ©v w`‡q‡Q| G‡Z ejv nq, ms¯’vwUi Gwkqv A‡ji cwiPvjK B‡jBb wcqvim‡bi ‡bZ…‡Z¡ GKwU c«wZwbwa `j c«avb Dc‡`óvi m‡½ mv¶vr K‡i Zv‡`i wi‡cvU© n¯ÍvšÍi K‡ib| Gmgq Zviv AšÍeZx miKv‡ii ms¯‹vi D‡`¨vM Ges gvbevwaKvi cwiw¯’wZi Dbœq‡bi c«‡Póvi c«ksmv K‡ib| c«avb Dc‡`óv‡K B‡jBb wcqvimb e‡jb, GL‡bv ch©š— Avcwb ‡h AM«MwZ K‡i‡Qb Avgiv Zvi c«ksmv Kwi| RyjvB-AvM÷ MYAf¨yÌvb mg‡qi gvbevwaKvi cwiw¯’wZ Zy‡j a‡i wZwb e‡jb, evsjv‡`‡ki mvaviY gvbyl GLb Rxe‡bi c«wZwU ‡¶‡Î gvbevwaKv‡ii ¸iæZ¡ Dcjwä Ki‡Q| ms¯’vwU i¨vwcW A¨vKkb e¨vUvwjqb (i¨ve) wejyß Kivi mycvwik Zy‡j a‡i e‡j‡Q, ¸g I nZ¨vi Rb¨ `vqx Kg©KZ©v‡`i Aciv‡ai Rb¨ Revew`wnZvi AvIZvq Avbv DwPZ| wZwb e‡jb, GLv‡b Revew`wnZv _vKv Riæwi| c«avb Dc‡`óv e‡jb, ‰¯^ivPvi ‡kL nvwmbvi kvmbvg‡ji KwVb cwiw¯’wZi g‡a¨ gvbevwaKvi ms¯’v wnDg¨vb ivBUm Iqv‡Pi ‡h c«‡Póv wQj| MZ

gy‡LvgyLx n‡Z n‡e Ges kvw¯— ‡c‡Z n‡e|

wcqvimb e‡jb, 2009-2024 mvj ch©š— ‡kL nvwmbvi kvmbvg‡j wbivcËv evwnbx ivR‰bwZKfv‡e c«fvweZ wQj Ges Zviv kvmK `‡ji K¨vWv‡ii g‡Zv AvPiY KiZ| G Rb¨ c«vwZôvwbK ms¯‹vi c«‡qvRb| c«avb Dc‡`óv e‡jb, Avgiv Db¥y³Zv Ges ¯^”QZvq c«wZk«ywZe×| Avgiv mg¯— ms¯‹vi mycvwik c«Kvk KiwQ Ges RbMY‡K KvwO&¶Z ms¯‹vi wba©vi‡Yi my‡hvM w`w”Q| 16 eQ‡ii `gb-cxob Ges Aciv‡ai ¶wZ c~iY Kiv GKwU P¨v‡jwÄs KvR n‡e| GBPAviWweD c«wZ‡e`‡b D‡jL Kiv n‡q‡Q, ¸‡gi m‡½ RwoZ Kg©KZ©viv wnDg¨vb ivBUm IqvP‡K Rvwb‡q‡Qb ‡h ‡kL nvwmbv ev miKv‡ii kxl© Kg©KZ©viv wb‡LvuR nIqvi wel‡q Rvb‡Zb Ges wKQy ‡¶‡Î nvwmbv mivmwi ¸g I nZ¨vi wb‡`©k w`‡qwQ‡jb| GBPAviWweDÕi Gwkqv c«avb XvKv mdiKv‡j ms¯‹vi Kwgk‡bi c«avb Ges ‡ivwn½v wel‡q c«avb Dc‡`óvi nvB wi‡c«‡Rb‡UwUf Lwjjyi ingvbmn GKvwaK e¨w³i mv‡_ mv¶vr K‡ib| GBPAviWweD e‡j‡Q, ms¯‹vi¸‡jv‡K `…p Ki‡Z n‡e Ges wbivcËv evwnbx‡K h_vh_ bRi`vwii AvIZvq Avb‡Z n‡e| c«avb Dc‡`óv Rvbvb, wZwb ivLvB‡b ev¯—yP¨yZ nvRvi nvRvi ‡ivwn½vi Rb¨ GKwU wbivc` AÂj ‰Zwii AvnŸvb Rvwb‡q‡Qb| wZwb Avkv c«Kvk K‡ib ‡h RvwZmsN, Avš—R©vwZK m¤cÖ`vq Ges wgqvbgv‡ii c«avb we‡`«vnx ‡Mvôx AvivKvb Avwg© Ôwbivc` AÂjÕ-Gi wbivcËv wbwðZ Ki‡e|

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Kg©x? GKRb ivR‰bwZK Kg©x

wn‡m‡e Avcbvi mv_©KZv Kx?

`kUv gvbyl Avcbv‡K mvjvg ‡`q ‡Kb? Zvu‡`i Rb¨ Avcwb

n‡e: Zv‡iK ingvb

KvR K‡ib, wec‡`-Avc‡`

cv‡k _v‡Kb| wKš‘ Avcwb hw`

Ggb wKQy K‡ib, ‡hUv Zvui g‡b

Kó ‡`q, ZLb wZwb Avcbvi

‡cQ‡b _vK‡eb bv| GLb gvbyl

A‡bK m‡PZb| gvbyl Avgv‡`i

Ic‡i Av¯’v ivL‡Z PvB‡Qb,

A_©vr weGbwci Ic‡i| GB

Av¯’v bó Kivi Rb¨ hw` ‡KD

Ggb ‡Kv‡bv KvR K‡ib, hv‡Z

Av¯’v bó n‡e, Zvn‡j Avgvi

c‡¶ Avgv‡`i c‡¶ Zvu‡K

Uvbv m¤¢e bq| Uvbe bv Avwg

Zvu‡K| Zvu‡K ‡këvi ‡`e bv|

GLv‡b `j‡K ¯^v_©ci n‡Z n‡e|

‡Kv‡bv ‡bZv-Kg©x gvby‡li Av¯’v

bó Ki‡j Zvu‡K Avgiv wb‡Ri fve‡Z cvie bv| eû SoSÅv, AZ¨vPvi–wbh©vZ‡bi ga¨ w`‡q

Avgiv GLv‡b `vuwo‡qwQ| Kv‡RB Avgv‡`i wb‡Ri ¯^v‡_i« ‡P‡q `‡ji ¯^v_© ‡ewk ‡`L‡Z n‡e| Avgiv hLb Lvivc wKQy RvbwQ, Avgiv e¨e¯’v wbw”Q|

mgv‡R ‡h Lvivc, ‡h Ab¨vq K‡i, Zvi m‡½ Avgiv m¤úK© ivL‡Z PvB bv|Õ gvbyl weGbwci fwel¨r cwiKíbvi wel‡q Rvb‡Z Pvq, weGbwci Kv‡Q gvby‡li A‡bK c«kœ Av‡Q—Ggb gšÍe¨ K‡i

Zv‡iK ingvb e‡jb, Ômvg‡b wbe©vPb n‡j weGbwci me‡P‡q ‡ewk m¤¢vebv miKvi MVb Kivi| miKvi MVb Ki‡j weGbwc gvby‡li Rb¨, ‡`‡ki Rb¨ wKQy Ki‡Z cvi‡e e‡j gvby‡li Av¯’v ev wek¦vm Av‡Q|

A‡b‡K A‡bK K_v ej‡eb, A‡b‡Ki A‡bK iKg w_Iwi Av‡Q, A‡bK iKg e³e¨ Av‡Q, _vKvUvB ¯^vfvweK| Avgiv ‡mUv AvkvI Kwi| c«‡Z¨‡K c«‡Z¨‡Ki g‡bvfve Zy‡j ai‡eb| c«‡Z¨‡K c«‡Z¨‡Ki K_v ej‡eb| GUvB MYZ‡š¿i weDwU| wKš‘ w`b ‡k‡l GKRb ‡eKvi Rvb‡Z PvB‡eb, Zvui ‡eKvi‡Z¡i

Awfkvc ‡NvPv‡bvi Rb¨ Avcwb Kx c`‡¶c M«nY Ki‡Qb ev Ki‡Z Pvb| GKRb gv–evev w`b ‡k‡l Rvb‡Z Pvb, Zvui mš— v‡bi ‡jLvcovi wel‡q Avcwb, weGbwc `j wn‡m‡e Kx c`‡¶c ‡b‡e| cwiev‡ii m`m¨iv Rvb‡Z PvB‡eb, weGbwc hw` ‡`k cwiPvjbvi my‡hvM cvq, Zviv wPwKrmv‡mevi Rb¨ Kx c`‡¶c ‡b‡e|ÕZv‡iK ingvb e‡jb, ÔAvgiv ivR‰bwZKfv‡e Kvi m‡½ hve, Kv‡K M«nY Kie, Kv‡K M«nY Kie bv, Kvi m‡½ m¤úK© Kie, Kvi m‡½ m¤úK© ivLe bv, Gme gvbyl ‡`L‡eb; Z‡e gvbyl Zvui ‰`bw›`b mgm¨vi mgvavb m¤ú‡K© Rvb‡Z PvB‡eb| GB gyn~‡Z© wbZ¨c«‡qvRbxq Pvj, Wvj, ‡Zj, byb Gme wRwb‡mi `vg evo‡Q| gvby‡li Avq evov‡bv ev `vg mnbkxj Kivi Rb¨ Kx c`‡¶c ‡bIqv n‡e, G¸‡jv gvbyl Rvb‡Z Pvb, ‡`L‡Z

Pvb|Õ31 `dv Kg©m~wP‡K gvby‡li Kv‡Q wb‡Z n‡e gš—e¨ K‡i Zv‡iK ingvb ‡bZv-Kg©x‡`i D‡Ï‡k e‡jb, ÔAvgv‡`i `vwqZ¡ n‡”Q gvby‡li Rb¨, ‡`‡ki Rb¨ fv‡jv Kx K‡iwQ, fv‡jv Kx Ki‡Z PvB, ‡m K_v¸‡jv gvby‡li Kv‡Q wb‡q hvIqv| 31 `dv ïay Avgv‡`i `‡ji ‡bZvKg©x‡`i Rb¨ bq, GUv ‡`k I RbM‡Yi Rb¨| mvg‡b GKUv wbe©vPb| wbe©vP‡bi AvM ch©šÍ31 `dv Kg©m~wP gvby‡li Kv‡b Kv‡b, N‡i N‡i wb‡q ‡h‡Z n‡e| RbM‡Yi Kv‡Q ‡h‡Z n‡e| G ‡`‡ki gvwjK RbMY| w`b ‡k‡l RbMY wm×vš— ‡b‡eb, Avgiv Rbwc«q wK Rbwc«q bv| Kv‡RB RbM‡Yi m‡½ _vKyb, RbMY‡K m‡½ ivLyb|ÕLyjbvq c«wk¶Y Kg©kvjvq mfvcwZZ¡ K‡ib Lyjbv bMi weGbwci AvnŸvqK kwdKyj Avjg gbv| Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb weGbwci

cyZy‡ji m~Pbv dvD‡Ûk‡bi Aw¯ÍZ¡B Lyu‡R cvqwb `y`K

Awfhvb Pvjv‡Z wM‡q mv‡eK c«avbgš¿x ‡kL nvwmbvi ‡g‡q mvqgv Iqv‡R` cyZy‡ji m~Pbv dvD‡Ûk‡bi ‡Kv‡bv Aw¯— Z¡B Lyu‡R cvqwb `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb (`y`K)| eyaevi RvZxq ivR¯^ ‡evW© (GbweAvi) I mgvR ‡mev Awa`ßi ‡_‡K cvIqv wVKvbv Abyhvqx wM‡q GB bv‡g ‡Kv‡bv c«wZôvb cvqwb ms¯’vwUi AvwfhvwbK `j| `y`‡Ki Rbms‡hvM Kg©KZ©v ‡gv. AvKZvi“j Bmjvg e‡jb, mvqgv Iqv‡R` cyZy‡ji bv‡g _vKv m~Pbv dvD‡Ûk‡bi ‡Kv‡bv Aw¯ÍZ¡ cvIqv hvqwb|

Gi Av‡M ‡ejv mv‡o 12Uvi w`‡K

`y`‡Ki mnKvix cwiPvjK ‡gv. bIkv‡`i ‡bZ…‡Z¡ Gb‡dvm©‡g›U BDwb‡Ui GKwU

`j Awfhvb cwiPvjbvi D‡Ï‡k¨

avbgwÛ-27 G ‡`qv wVKvbvq hvq| wKš‘

c‡i ‡mLv‡b GB bv‡g ‡Kv‡bv c«wZôv‡bi nw`m cvqwb `jwU| ‡¯^”Qv‡mex I AjvfRbK c«wZôvb wn‡m‡e 2014 mv‡j M‡o IVv m~Pbv dvD‡Ûkb gvbwmK c«wZewÜZv, mœvqyweK c«wZewÜZv, AwURg Ges gvbwmK ¯^v¯’¨

mgm¨v hy³ e¨w³‡`i wb‡q KvR K‡i| mvqgv Iqv‡R` GwUi c«wZôvZv I U«vw÷ ‡ev‡Wi« ‡Pqvicvimb| c«wZôv‡b wewfbœ Awbqg I `yb©xwZi Awf‡hvM i‡q‡Q| Gi Av‡M MZ 25‡k b‡f¤^i m~Pbv dvD‡Ûk‡b e¨vsK wnmve Aeiæ×

‡K›`«xq c«Pvi m¤úv`K myjZvb mvjvDwÏb UyKy, weGbwci wgwWqv ‡m‡ji AvnŸvqK gI`y` ‡nv‡mb AvjgMxi cv‡fj, wgwWqv ‡m‡ji m`m¨ Aa¨vcK ‡gv‡k©` nvmvb Lvb, weGbwci wbe©vnx KwgwUi QvÎwelqK m¤úv`K iwKeyj Bmjvg, weGbwci Z_¨welqK m¤úv`K AvwRRyj evix ‡njvj c«gyL|mvZ¶xivq ‡Rjv weGbwci AvnŸvqK ‰mq` Bd‡ZLvi Avjxi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ Kg©kvjvq Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb ‡K›`«xq weGbwci c«KvkbvwelqK m¤úv`K I mv‡eK msm` m`m¨ nvweeyj Bmjvg, ‡K›`«xq weGbwci c«wk¶YwelqK m¤úv`K G we Gg ‡gvkvid ‡nv‡mb, ‡K›`«xq weGbwci m`m¨ kwn`yj Avjg I KvRx AvjvDwÏb, ‡K›`«xq c«wk¶Y KwgwUi m`m¨ AvwZKyi ingvb, ‡K›`«xq c«wk¶Y KwgwUi m`m¨ I mv‡eK msm` m`m¨ ‡i‡nbv Av³vi, ‡K›`«xq c«wk¶Y KwgwUi m`m¨ gvngy`v nvweev, ‡Rjv weGbwci hyM¥ AvnŸvqK ‡kL ZvwiKyj nvmvb, m`m¨mwPe ‡Pqvig¨vb Ave`yj Avwjg, ‡K›`«xq QvÎ`‡ji mv‡eK mfvcwZ dRjyi ingvb, mv‡eK mvaviY m¤úv`K BKevj ‡nv‡mb c«gyL|ev‡MinvU ‡Rjv weGbwci AvnŸvqK G wU Gg AvKivg ‡nv‡m‡bi mfvcwZ‡Z¡ Kg©kvjvq e³e¨ ‡`b fvic«vß ‡Pqvig¨v‡bi Dc‡`óv gvnvw` Avwgb, ‡K›`«xq KwgwUi mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K Awb›`¨ Bmjvg, M‡elYvwelqK m¤úv`K kvgxgyi ingvb, ‡Rjv weGbwci mv‡eK mfvcwZ Gg G mvjvg, ‡K›`«xq KwgwUi m`m¨ ‡kL gywReyi ingvb, Iqvwn`y¾vgvb w`cy c«gyL|

K‡i Avw_©K ‡Mv‡q›`v ms¯’v evsjv‡`k dvBb¨vwÝqvj B‡›Uwj‡RÝ BDwbU (weGdAvBBD)| gvwb jÛvwis c«wZ‡iva AvBb 2012 Abyhvqx m~Pbv dvD‡Ûk‡bi cwiPvwjZ me wnmv‡ei ‡jb‡`b ¯’wMZ ivLv nq| mvqgv Iqv‡R` cyZyj wek¦ ¯^v¯’¨ ms¯’vi (WweDGBPI) `w¶Y-c~e© Gwkqvi AvÂwjK cwiPvjK| MZ ‡iveevi `y`‡Ki c¶ ‡_‡K ejv nq, mvqgv‡K WweDGBPIi `w¶Y-c~e© Gwkqvi AvÂwjK cwiPvjK c‡` g‡bvbq‡bi mgq wZwb KvbvWvi bvMwiK wQ‡jb| c«v_©xi ‡hvM¨Zvi ‡¶‡Î Zvi ‡`qv Z_¨vw` h_vh_ wQj bv| Zvi weiæ‡× `yb©xwZi wek¦vm‡hvM¨ Awf‡hvM i‡q‡Q| `y`‡Ki c¶ ‡_‡K AviI ejv nq, m~Pbv dvD‡Ûkb bv‡gi c«wZôvb Ly‡j mvqgv wewfbœ mvgvwRK I e¨emvwqK c«wZôvb ‡_‡K Dc‡XŠKb I A_© AvZ¥mvr K‡i‡Qb|

Knife crime hits record high across multiple regions

Desk report:

Knife crime has hit a record high in multiple police force areas across England and Wales, official data show.

Knife offences have reached their highest level since records began in 2011 in seven areas, accounting for 27 per cent of the population or 16 million out of 65 million people, according to the data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

These include the Metropolitan Police, Britain’s biggest force, where knife crime offences increased by 18 per cent to 16,521 incidents in the year to September, more than 2,000 more than the previous record of 14,025 in 2019.

The Met, which came out of special measures last week, accounts for some 29 per cent of all knife crime, with the other six forces representing a further 11 per cent. Combined, they account for 40 per cent of all knife crime.

Nationally, knife crime has passed 55,000 offences for only the second time on record. It hit 55,008 for the year to September last year, with the only previous time it was above 55,000 in the year ending March 2020, when the figure stood at 55,170. It is not just concentrated in urban areas, with figures suggesting knife crime is rising faster in rural areas. Five of the seven police forces with record levels of

knife offences cover areas of rural England and Wales.

These are Devon and Cornwall, Gwent, Lancashire, Sussex and Avon and Somerset. The seventh force is the British Transport Police, covering major transport hubs across England and Wales. The surge is blamed on the rise of county lines gangs, which have exported drugs such as heroin and cocaine from cities into more rural areas.

It has sparked turf wars with local criminals to control the drug market as the county lines gangs recruit children as young

as seven to act as drug “mules”. The data come ahead of Yvette Cooper, the Home Secretary, announcing new measures to crack down on sales of knives to children, including two-stage age verification for online purchases and a ban on doorstep sales without full ID checks.

The figures included offences in the year up to September last year, just two months after the Southport stabbings, in which Axel Rudakubana killed three girls at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class. The proposals have been

recommended by Stephen Clayman, the National Police Chiefs’ Council’s lead for knife crime, who warned on Thursday that it could take a generation to bring knife crime under control.

He said: “There is not a quick fix. The factors behind this are extremely complex, and it is not something that a single agency will ever fix. Policing is always dealing with symptoms. It’s a cross-agency piece of work that will take a number of years, could take a generation.”

Mr Clayman said local councils, social services, youth services

and schools needed to understand and tackle the root causes of why predominantly young men carried knives, and then address them.

He warned that it was still “far too easy” to get hold of “large status knives that don’t serve any other purpose”, which his report, commissioned by Ms Cooper, aimed to address.

Mr Clayman gave some backing to the actor Idris Elba’s call for the sharp points to be removed from kitchen knives, saying research showed there were less likely to be fatal injuries where knives had rounded ends.

Asked whether he would support Mr Elba’s proposal, he said: “People say it’s impossible because there are millions of knives –but if you don’t start somewhere, where do you start? But there is evidence behind it.”

The data on Thursday also showed that shoplifting offences hit a record high of 492,914 in the year to September, up 23 per cent from 402,220 in the previous 12 months.

Assaulting emergency workers was up 14 per cent to a record high of 4,476. Stalking also hit a record high of 133,059, and sexual offences including rape rose to 199,445, their highest on record.

NHS to cut thousands of managers and free up millions for front line

Desk report: The NHS will cut 2,000 central manager jobs under plans to divert funds to the front line.

Wes Streeting said it was time for the health service “to live within its means” and warned that the “culture of routine overspending without consequences is over”.

In a clamp down on bureaucracy, the health service will cut 15 per cent of the office-based jobs at NHS England, which oversees the running of the health service, as part of measures to give more power to local leaders and streamline priorities. It is understood the move will, alongside other savings, raise an extra £325 million for front-line

staff, with employees told about the plans on Thursday morning.

Local NHS services have

also been told to consider axing non-front-line staff in order to balance the books. The redundancies come as

a new plan has seen key NHS targets slashed from 32 to 18 with the health service told to “get back to basics”.

Dementia, women’s health, and learning disability targets are among those to have been axed and Amanda Pritchard, the NHS England chief executive, warned that “difficult decisions will be needed”.

“To balance operational priorities with the funding available, while continuing to lay foundations for future reforms, the NHS will need to reduce or stop spending on some services and functions and achieve unprecedented productivity growth in others,” she said in a foreword to the guidance. Backlash to changed targets The cuts to these targets have faced a backlash from charities, patients and MPs alike.

Desk report:

Water bills to rise by £10 a month in April

Households in England and Wales will pay £10 more on average on their monthly water bills from April, final figures show.

The rise will see the average annual bill hit £603, but there are significant variations between regions.

Water companies have committed extra money for investment in infrastructure, such as reservoirs and more help for struggling customers.

However, consumer groups are warning the rise means more households will fall into debt.

Regulator Ofwat outlined expected bill rises in December for the next five years but, as is standard practice, did not include inflation.

The bill increases for the year from April, external, announced by industry body Water UK, do take into account the rising prices that suppliers face so were always going to be higher.

'Difficult' increase

The increase means the average annual bill will rise by £123 - around £10 a month - but millions of households face even steeper rises.

Southern Water customers will see a 47% increase to

£703 a year while Hafren Dyfrdwy and South West Water bills are rising by 32%.

Thames Water customers have been warned they face a 31% hike and Yorkshire Water is raising bills by 29%.

Bills for Bournemouth Water customers will grow by 32%.

Other factors, such as whether a customer is metered and how much water they use, means the bill changes will vary considerably for customers depending on

their circumstances. Earlier this week, it was announced that water bills in Scotland will increase by almost 10% from April.

Bill rises for the next five years in England and Wales are being front-loaded, with a big increase this April so that spending on new infrastructure, such as new reservoirs, can get going.

Water UK chief executive David Henderson said: "We understand increasing bills is never welcome and, while

we urgently need investment in our water and sewage infrastructure, we know that for many this increase will be difficult."

He added: "We accept we have not been investing enough [in infrastructure], but we don't determine how much we invest – that is set by the regulator every five years." Water companies say they will also set aside more than £4bn to fund social tariffs - discounted bills for vulnerable people - over the next five years.

But the Consumer Council for Water (CCW), which represents bill payers, said support did not go far enough, as about 2.5 million households were already in debt to their water company.

"These rises will heap considerable pressure on millions of customers who are already having to make difficult choices," said CCW chief executive Mike Keil.

"Customers want to see investment in improving services and cleaning up our rivers but that can't come at an unbearable cost to struggling households."

The CCW said this was the largest rise in water bills since the privatisation of the water industry 36 years ago.

David Black, chief executive of Ofwat, said: "We have pushed companies to double the amount of support over the next five-year period and strongly encourage customers who are struggling to pay their water bills to contact their water company to access this.

"While bills are rising, the £104bn investment we have approved over the next five years will accelerate the delivery of cleaner rivers and seas and help to secure longterm drinking water supplies for customers."

Second-class post on Saturdays set to be scrapped

Desk report:

Royal Mail should only deliver second-class letters every other weekday and not on Saturdays to protect the future of the UK's postal industry, the industry regulator has proposed.

Ofcom said the Universal Service Obligation (USO) must be reformed as people send fewer letters every year but stamp prices keep rising. The one-price-goesanywhere USO means Royal Mail has to deliver post six days a week, from Monday to Saturday, and parcels on five from Monday to Friday.

Ofcom said Royal Mail should continue to deliver first-class letters six days a week but second class will be limited to alternate weekdays. There would be no changes to parcel deliveries under the new proposals. "The world has changed, we're sending a third of the letters

we were 20 years ago," said Natalie Black, Ofcom's group director for networks and communications. "We need to reform the postal service to protect its

future and ensure it delivers for the whole of the UK."

The regulator said Royal Mail's delivery performance was "not good enough", noting that it has fined the

company more than £16m over the past 18 months. But, among the reforms it is proposing, Ofcom has suggested reducing Royal Mail's next-day delivery

target for first-class post from 93% to 90%.

It has also proposed dropping the target for second-class mail arriving within three days from 98.5% to 95%.

The number of letters Royal Mail delivers has fallen from a peak of 20 billion in 200405 to 6.6 billion last year. However, the price of stamps have continued to rise. Since 2022, Royal Mail has hiked the cost of a first class stamp five times from 85p to £1.65.

It has also increased the cost of a second class stamp over the same period from 66p to 85p.

Ofcom said making changes to second-class deliveries could save the loss-making Royal Mail between £250m and £425m.

"This could enable it to improve reliability and redeploy existing resources to growth areas such as parcels," it said.


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Desk report:

Endangering lives at sea is to be a new criminal offence carrying a jail term of up to five years as part of plans to tackle people smuggling, the Home Office says.

Border officials will also get powers to seize migrants' phones in the search for intelligence about who helped them cross the Channel.

Those convicted of acts in preparation of smuggling, such as buying boat parts, face up to 14 years in jail, in an attempt to tackle gangs at a far earlier stage in their preparations.

The package retains some powers introduced by the Conservatives, including longer forms of detention for some migrants and restricting when someone who says they have been trafficked into slavery can stay in the UK.

Conservative shadow home secretary Chris Philp said it was "a weak bill from a weak government", which re-announces steps taken by his party when it was in power.

He described the changes as "minor tinkering" and said a real deterrent was needed, after Labour scrapped a scheme which would have seen some migrants sent to Rwanda.

The new offence of endangering lives at sea could lead to the prosecution of anyone arriving in the UK on a small and unsafe boat who has been involved in intimidating or coercing others passengers to take part in the journey, or who has refused to be rescued outside of British waters.

Boat launches from French beaches are often terrifying and dangerous, investigators say, with some of the passengers doing the work of gangs by forcing reluctant travellers to climb on board.

Officials say they have come across migrants who had managed to get into a small boat then held out babies to

New crime of endangering lives to target small boat crossings

stop others climbing in.

A senior law enforcement official said investigators often found themselves dealing with "traumatised victims in a floating crime scene".

The five-year term for endangering lives is in addition to existing laws, such as grievous bodily harm or attempted murder, that may result from people smuggling.

The planned new tools, inspired by successes in counter-terrorism cases, also include court orders to ban suspects from travelling, or promoting smuggling on social media.

Lessons from terrorism

Asylum and refugee campaigners say the government's focus on policing powers is at the expense of devising more safe routes for people genuinely in need.

Enver Solomon, chief executive of the Refugee Council, said the government was right to tackle smuggling gangs.

"But we are very concerned that by creating new offences, many refugees themselves could also be prosecuted," he added.

Other measures in the Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill, external aim to make it easier for law enforcement agencies to pursue gangs as they prepare to smuggle people into the UK, rather than have to wait to charge them with crimes after a movement has occurred.

Ministers hope these powers will mean the police will be able to arrest and charge more gang members, or seek their extradition from abroad, before boats have left France.

The proposed powers are based on legal principles that have been used for 20 years to apprehend suspected terrorists at much early stages of their planning.

One of these "preparatory" powers will be a crime of being involved the handling or selling boat parts, where there is a suspicion the trade is for people smuggling.

People who promote crossings, take bookings and arrange for potential passengers to meet boats in northern France could also face prosecution.

Serious Crime Prevention Orders, a power to restrict the liberties of offenders,

will be reformed so that the National Crime Agency can temporarily impose conditions on the lives of suspected smugglers, while they build a case.

Those conditions could include bans on travel, internet and mobile phone use and how they can move money. Cooper said: "Over the last six years, criminal smuggling gangs have been allowed to take hold all along our borders, making millions out of small boat crossings.

"This bill will equip our law enforcement agencies with the powers they need to stop these vile criminals, disrupting their supply chains and bringing more of those who profit from human misery to justice.

"These new counter terror-style powers... will turbocharge efforts to smash the gangs. "

Ministers say the new legislation is part of a broader strategy including giving the recently-created Border Security Commander powers to co-ordinate operations and lead talks with foreign law enforcement agencies.

A recent deal with Germany has seen the country agree to introduce a new crime

of illegal immigration to the UK, so investigators can target gangs operating in the country. Bulgarian authorities have begun using health and safety laws to seize shipments of inflatables from Turkey.

But law enforcement chiefs say they have wanted new powers at home too.

Police believe people smuggling involves hundreds rather than thousands of perpetrators, and was "not like the drugs trade".

"With concerted effort and legislation you can make a difference" they told reporters, in a background briefing on the basis that those speaking would not be named.

In one recent example, Amanj Hasan Zada was jailed for 17 years for organising small boat crossings from Preston.

The National Crime Agency only won the case last November with evidence linking his activities to specific crossings.

Under the proposed new powers, investigators would simply have to show suspects such as Zada had made preparations, such as funding boats or promoting crossings.

Desk report:

The inheritance tax sevenyear rule is “under threat” in Rachel Reeves’s Spring Statement, wealth advisers have warned.

Tax experts said they had seen an increase in clients giving chunks of their wealth to family members amid fears the rule would be extended to 10 years or scrapped altogether in a renewed drive from the Chancellor to raise revenue. Inheritance tax is usually paid at a rate of 40pc on an estate above the nil-rate band, which is currently set at £325,000.

But the “seven-year rule” allows a person to pass down money or assets taxfree or at a reduced rate up to seven years before death.

There is concern that the gift allowance will be an “easy target” for Ms Reeves after she dragged unused pension pots into the inheritance tax net from April 2027 in the October Budget. Nimesh Shah, chief

Inheritance tax seven-year rule ‘under threat’ from Labour

executive of accountancy firm Blick Rothenberg, said: “Inheritance tax and gifting has been brought to the forefront of conversations [with clients]. People have already taken preventative action on the seven-year front.

“Reeves could go back

to inheritance tax to raise money. One way is to extend it to 10 years or abolish it completely and introduce a lifetime gift allowance.” Ian Cook, financial adviser at Quilter Cheviot, said the gift rule was “under threat” in the Spring Statement.

He added: “The seven-

year rule could be the next easy target. Switching from seven to 10 years is a very easy change to make. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Government announces a review of the process.”

The Government collects less than 1pc of total revenue from death duties,

but receipts are climbing. HM Revenue & Customs, the tax authority, collected £6.3bn between April and December 2024, putting it on track for a record tax haul this financial year. Jason Hollands, managing director at Evelyn Partners, said changes to giving away money “couldn’t be ruled out”.

He added: “The number of conversations has certainly increased significantly in recent months, driven by more against pension assets. It would be potentially a very negative move if they pushed [the number of years] up further. “You can see why a government talking about growth could dress up a change as less of a tax raid, and more a way of encouraging people to do more gifting now, so money is spent in the real economy, rather than being sat in mature assets.”

An HM Treasury spokesman said: “Gifting assets is a normal part of the inheritance tax system.”

‘Rachel Rubbish’ won’t deliver growth with Heathrow third runway, says Ryanair

Desk report:

A third runway at Heathrow will not be ready until 2050, the boss of Ryanair has said, throwing Rachel Reeves’s flagship plan to revive the economy into doubt.

Michael O’Leary warned that the project would face decades of delays linked to the planning process, legal filings, climate protests and the engineering challenge of building it across the M25 motorway. In interviews later, Ms Reeves admitted it will take years for the Heathrow project to materialise - and that it would only be at a planning stage this Parliament.

Ms Reeves made the announcement that the airport will be expanded in a major speech on how she will revive growth. But leading economists cast doubts over a major element of her plans, warning that the Chancellor risks being forced into emergency tax rises in the spring.

The Chancellor backed a third runway at Heathrow Airport as part of a slew

of measures that also included transforming Oxford and Cambridge into “Britain’s Silicon Valley” and overhauling migration to attract more highly skilled workers

Vowing to go “further and faster” on economic growth, she said: “We want to do things now, to turn around the performance, and we want to give businesses and investors confidence

that this is a country to start doing things, to start making things in.” However, Mr O’Leary suggested that Heathrow would not get a new runway “in my lifetime and certainly not in [Reeves’s] political lifetime”, and called on Ms Reeves to cut air travel taxes instead.

‘Rachel Rubbish’

Branding the Chancellor

“Rachel Rubbish”, he said: “There she is, trying to

distract everybody with a press conference and wittering on about starting a consultation on the mythical dead cat known as the third runway at Heathrow.

“Please understand that this won’t come until 2040 or 2050 at the earliest. This won’t deliver growth, not this year, not in the life of the current government and not even in the life of the next government.” Asked

by ITV, the Chancellor would not commit to a date for the third runway coming into operation.

“This summer we’ve asked for proposals to come forward and we want to sign a development consent order in this Parliament,” she said. “The plans will come forward this summer…it will be up to Heathrow to set out their plans. This is a private investment.” Ms Reeves told the BBC she wanted to get a planning application for Heathrow “signed off” before the next election.

The Chancellor is already facing a backlash from her own party over Heathrow, with Sir Sadiq Khan, London’s Labour mayor, warning that he will “use whatever means we can” to block the project, including the courts.

Ed Miliband, the Energy Secretary and a vocal third runway critic, was not among Cabinet members in the audience for her speech but has ruled out resigning over the issue.

Students will form political party: Yunus tells FT

Desk report:

The university students, who led last year’s anti-fascist mass uprising, will form a political party to protect their gains from the uprising, Prof Muhammad Yunus has said in an interview with UKbased Financial Times.

One of the possibilities in the emerging election-related politics is the students themselves will form a party, Yunus told Gideon Rachman, chief foreign affairs commentator of the Financial Times during a podcast. The interview was taken during Yunus’ recent visit to Davos, Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum.

The transcription of the interview was published online Thursday.

The young uprising leaders are campaigning and organising across the country to form their own party and prepare for the next general elections.

The students are not eager for political careers, but feel compelled to join politics, fearing that a repetition of abusive power structure will dash their hopes of building a “discrimination free Bangladesh,” Yunus told Gideon Rachman.

“Young people are joining or creating political party [only] under the circumstances. This is needed because they have to protect the things they have earned by their blood. Otherwise, they will be taken away by all the people who are looking for opportunity to repeat the previous kind of administration and so on. That’s our political kind of environment with Bangladesh,” Yunus said.

He also uttered words of caution for those looking up to the students.

“Maybe in the process of forming party, they will fall apart. That’s also a danger because politics is getting in, all the politicians will penetrate into them. So we don’t know whether they can remove themselves from the politics that we have in the

country. This is the kind of chance we have to take.”

“But the students are ready,” he said confidently.

Trump blames DEI for American Airlines crash that killed 67

Desk report:

President Donald Trump has claimed diversity and inclusion policies are behind one of the deadliest plane crashes in U.S. history.

The commander-in-chief said the collision between a passenger plane and a military helicopter in Washington D.C that took 67 lives was a 'tragedy of terrible proportions.'

He added that those flying the Black Hawk helicopter should have 'seen where they were going'.

Speaking at the White House, Trump said the tragedy was entirely preventable as he slammed Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) recruiting practices in federal agencies.

He added that he had some 'pretty good ideas' of how the disaster occurred and vowed to make sure it would never happen again.

Trump then said he put 'safety' first while Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden prioritized politics and called former Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg a 'disaster' in an extraordinary attack on previous administrations.

'He was a disaster as a Mayor. He ran his city into the ground and he's a disaster now. He's just got a good line of bulls***', Trump said of Buttigieg.

Trump added: 'The initiative is part of the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) diversity and inclusion hiring plan. Think of that.'

He insisted federal agencies need to be hiring based on intelligence rather than on diversity. He added that Air Traffic Controllers need to be 'geniuses'.

As a reference, he pointed to a report from within the FAA that the workforce was 'too white.' On Wednesday night, American Eagle flight 5342 collided with an Army Black Hawk helicopter on a training flight as it approached the

After the last page

runway at Ronald Reagan National Airport. There were 60 passengers and four crew aboard the PSA flight out of Wichita, and three members of the military aboard the Black Hawk.

All are believe to have perished after the search and rescue transitioned to a recovery phase.

Divers have been in the frigid waters of the Potomac River overnight tyring to find bodies as investigators tried to piece together what led to the deadliest U.S. air crash since 2019.

Only under questioning by reporters did Trump get back to some of the other areas being identified as potential contributors to the tragedy.

He was asked about Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth's statement that the Army Black Hawk was doing 'annual retraining, night flights on a standard corridor for a continuity of government mission.' Trump did not appear to immediately know about continuity of government – which refers to how the government functions during a disaster – when asked about it.

'I don't know what that refers to, but they were practicing. They were – they do that. They call it practicing, and that's something that should be done. It's only continuity in the sense that we want to have very good people, and that has to be in continuity, and that's what they referred to,' Trump said.

Nor did he address the heavy volume of flights into DC, something both of Virginia's Democratic senators have raised. DCA's main runway is the busiest in the nation.

Instead, Trump, who has his own plane that was parked at DCA Thursday, spoke of his own experience and the plane and altitude being at the same altitude.

'You had a pilot problem. Because it was visual. It was a very clear night ... It was cold, but clear and clear as you could be.'

'The American Airlines plane had lights blazing. They had all their landing lights on,' he said. You can stop a helicopter

very quickly. It had the ability to go up or down, had the ability to turn, and the turn it made was not the correct turn, obviously. And it did somewhat the opposite of what it was told.

They shouldn't have been at the same height, because if it wasn't the same height, you could have gone under it or over it. And nobody realized,' Trump said. In another demonstration of how Trump and his new cabinet members are marching in the same direction, both Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy and Hegseth also blamed DEI during their own brief remarks.

'We can only accept the best and the brightest in positions of safety,' Duffy said, echoing Trump's language.

'When you don't have the best standards one who you're hiring … it puts stresses on the people who are already there,' said Vice President J.D. Vance.

Trump read from what he says was the FAA website listing diversity categories.

'The FAA website states they include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism all qualified for the position of a controller of air planes pouring into our country, pouring into a little spot. A little dot on the map. A runway.' Trump blasted Barack Obama and Joe Biden for including diversity standards. 'I changed the Obama standards from very mediocre at best to extraordinary,' Trump said.

Buttigieg, the first openly gay Secretary of Transportation and the Biden administration's former chief defender on Fox News, hit back online.

'Despicable,' he wrote on X after Trump's presser.

'As families grieve, Trump should be leading, not lying. We put safety first, drove down close calls, grew Air Traffic Control, and had zero commercial airline crash fatalities out of millions of flights on our watch. President Trump

now oversees the military and the FAA. One of his first acts was to fire and suspend some of the key personnel who helped keep our skies safe. Time for the President to show actual leadership and explain what he will do to prevent this from happening again.'

Trump came to the briefing room for his first exchange with the press there in his second term. He began by holding a moment of silence for the victims and their families.

It was the scene of numerous tense updates during the coronavirus pandemic during his first.

All 49 seats were occupied in the James Brady Briefing Room well before the start time, and correspondents stood two deep in the narrow aisles.

'It's sardine time,' said one late arrival.

The lights and the bodies made for a warm, intense environment.

Trump's new Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy said the crash was 'preventable,' and his new Pentagon boss Pete Hegseth said the military crew were engaged in an annual training exercise and had night-vision gear.

Trump's appearance came after Trump issued a pair of online posts about the tragedy.

But he chose to seize control of communications operation.

His new Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth issued a video statement but nixed a planned briefing with the Pentagon press corps.

'I have been fully briefed on the terrible accident which just took place at Reagan National Airport. May God Bless their souls,' Trump wrote on his Truth Social site. 'Thank you for the incredible work being done by our first responders. I am monitoring the situation and will provide more details as they arise.'

That followed an angrier post overnight, when Trump blamed the Blackhawk helicopter involved in the crash as well as air traffic controllers.

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