Star Wars Battlefront II

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GEONOSIS The droids need to capture Command Post #5 right at the start to secure the eastern flank and create a path into the enemy’s territory. The droids have the advantage of four times as many vehicles as the clones. However, their hailfire and spider droids are more vulnerable to enemy fire. The main threat to these vehicles is the Republic AT-TE. Therefore, the four droid vehicles must gang up on the clone walker and take it out. Luckily it moves quite slowly, so even when it later respawns at the southern end of the battlefront, it takes some time to get back in action. The droids really have the advantage when it comes to initial locations. All of there command posts are easy to defend, allowing them to concentrate on the offensive. The first targets are #4 and #5. Once these are under the control of the CIS, the Republic is driven back to the two southern command posts. Both are pretty tough spots from which to begin an advance, because they are surrounded by open ground, and the droids take out any clones that try to cross this deadly terrain. Command Post #7 is not too difficult for a group of droids to take. Once they do this, it is just a matter of time until the clone reinforcement points run out and the battle is a CIS win. Don’t forget to use the Geonosian turrets. All are wellpositioned to engage the advancing clones.

Other Types of Battle

Hunt The Republic can also face off against the native Geonosians during a Hunt game. During the set time, each team must try to kill more of the other.


CIS Strategy

The Republic is limited to clone sharpshooters. The key is to move south from the spawn point and take cover behind the low rocks. Engage the Geonosians at long range and move if you start taking fire. The Geonosian sonic blasters don’t have the range of the sharpshooters’ sniper rifles. However, the Geonosians can fly and should use this to their advantage, making it more difficult for the enemy to hit them as they move in closer for the kill.

Tactics Anti-Armor Vehicles play a major role in this battle. Because the battlefront is mainly open terrain, their long-range weaponry can dominate the scene. Therefore it’s important to know how best to destroy your enemy’s vehicles. The key is getting critical hits. Most vehicles have a vulnerable spot. The spider walker’s spot is the area where the legs connect to the central sphere. A couple of hits here with the ATTE’s particle cannon will drop the spider walker to the ground. The hailfire droid’s weak spot is the area under the cockpit.

Capture the Flag You can play a two-flag Capture the Flag game on Geonosis. The two flag zones are at Command Posts #2 and #6. That means there is a lot of open ground to cover to get from one flag zone to the other. While the AT-TE can take a lot of punishment, it too has a vulnerability. Aim for the cylindrical area along the bottom of the body. An assault droid can take one out if it can get in close enough to avoid the walker’s guns.

T E S T E R’ S TI P During this game, you can use vehicles to help get to the flag and then to carry the flag back to your zone. The Republic IFT-X hover tank is especially good in this role.

Tester: Julian James Remember weapon-overheat thresholds. Use short bursts of shots in order to avoid overheating.

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